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Is there a law that says I have to pay taxes?

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:33 PM
i guess its kinda like the mob you just gotta give it up and you wont get hurt but at the same time your on good terms with the bully

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Come on people. You admit that the government is bullying americans in a mob-like fashion yet you all decide to pay up and do what they ask? Our founding
fathers must be rolling in ther graves.

To the weak and blind government followers: try going a week without ingesting flouride and see if you are still just as complacent.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Most of you are just not knowledgeable as to what the law says about income taxes or you would know the answer to this question.

If you had irrefutable proof that the IRS is a scam and operates on 99% bluff and that you could indeed gets ALL taxes back from the government you paid for the last 3 years (maybe more), would you act on it?

Anyone that says that they would rather pay so they will have "paved roads and firefighting services" doesn't understand how the taxes work.

What would it take for you to feel you have proof? How about checks written to folks that have refiled their taxes correctly and have gotten a check back for all taxes paid, written by none other than the Dept. of The Treasury? Is that proof enough? How about having the money back in YOUR account? Is that proof enough?

Here is the link that will set you on your way to freedom.....

I will not answer any question for you. YOUR tax situation is your's and your's alone. Learn the truth and get your power back. Is the IRS going to hassle you for doing this? Well, sure..What government agency doesn't when you try and go about getting what is rightfully yours? Go apply for SS and they will turn you down 3 times as SOP. The IRS operates on 99%. bluff and fear........Don't believe me.....just read the previous posts and see what I mean.

No one can do this for you or hold your hand and walk you through it. You must study and understand the laws and how they apply to you. Why don't all cpa's tell you this? Cause it would take away their lively hood.......think about it....

Folks, it's just can control it or let it control you.

be fearless and stand up and see how far you can's great...


posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Semus

This topic has been discussed in detail. Watch "America: From Freedom to Fascism". I'm sure you'll find many threads on the subject.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Semus

The website tells you the truth, the 16th Amendment was not ratified by enough States, thus making the Income Tax illegal. But! They will force you to pay this illegal tax, they will refuse to show you the supposed "law" that forces payment. Ask Elaine and Ed Brown if you doubt this.

Ed and Elaine Brown A Profile in Government Tyranny

The 16th Amendment was not ratified! The Income Tax is therefore illegal

The Law That Never Was

The 16th Amendment is not the Source of the Federal Income Tax

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by theonlyrusty

What would it take for you to feel you have proof? How about checks written to folks that have refiled their taxes correctly and have gotten a check back for all taxes paid, written by none other than the Dept. of The Treasury? Is that proof enough? How about having the money back in YOUR account? Is that proof enough?

Proof of what exactly?

If you mean proof of where my taxes go, then I would feel a little better if I got a receipt showing me where my taxes went (51% to the war/49% on the interest debt the government owes the federal reserve.) Only a little better though.

What would be a lot better is if when I filled out my taxes, there was a list of all the different things my taxes could go towards and by selecting how much goes to the ones I approve of then the power would be back in our hands. We would still have pay the same amount but I could chose for all my taxes to actually go to school teachers, firemen, roads, NASA, and NOT the war or to the Federal Reserve.

The way it is right now, I don't feel I should pay taxes because that money is being used to continue murdering middle-easterners and to bail out companies who should have declared bankruptcy. If I could chose where my taxes go, then not only would I appreciate the income tax, but I would encourage it.

I guess taxation with representation is too much to ask for from a country whose founders started a revolution because they were taxed without representation...

[edit on 15-3-2010 by AliBruh]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 02:55 PM
I personally don't have a problem with paying my taxes. Mind you I live in Canada and I am a college student so I usually end up with a nice tax return to look forward to. I don't always believe in what those tax dollars are being spent on but hey "give unto Caesar what is owed to Caesar".

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:58 PM

This ought to make you sleep well...
Not 1 red cent of your income tax dollars goes to anything you mentioned...

Every penny...literally.....collected from "income tax" goes to pay the interest on the national debt.

The Pentagon has a budget that is allocated from different dollars.
Your "roads" are not paved because you pay taxes on your income.
You don't get "fire services" because you pay your income taxes.

Have you ever even pondered the amount of taxes you pay in your everyday life? Forget income taxes for a moment and just think this through.

I get up in the morning and I turn off my alarm clock.....I pay a tax to have electricity.

I make coffee....I paid a tax at the store for it and I pay tax on the water I use and the electricity I use for it.

I take a shower....taxed on the water.

I dry off with a towel...taxed on the purchase of the towel...taxed on the purchase of the washer/dryer to clean that towel. taxed on the soap I used to clean the towel.

I put on my work clothes. ...taxed on the purchase of those clothes and the drycleaning charge added a tax.

I open my electric garage door get into my car I

need I go on....

learn the truth about the taxes.....and it may behoove you to educate yourself instead of letting the government, Fox news, CNBC, your accountant or the IRS tell you what the tax laws are....they are all lying because they make money from YOU............I ask you for not one red cent...


posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by theonlyrusty

You must have misread my post. I was saying that instead of my taxes going to the national interest debt to the fed, I would like a tax form that allowed me to allocate my taxes where I saw fit.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:55 PM

you are right....I thought you were saying that taxes went for other things....

The way it is right now, I don't feel I should pay taxes because that money is being used to continue murdering middle-easterners and to bail out companies who should have declared

my mistake.....

kinda like reading tax code...we all get confused...


posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:06 PM
Do you believe that of all tax money the government makes that not one penny of it goes to the war? I am well aware that our government makes extra money through the world drug and arms trade, but the $900 billion plus we have spent on the war since 2001, none of that was paid for by taxes? Granted, the government
could have had the fed print up the 900 billion and then just use our taxes to pay off the interest. One would think that the fiscal advisors of our country would see the error in that.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by AliBruh]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Semus
If this has been discussed before I certainly apologize, but I ran my own search and could not find anything.

Here is a source that says a lot about the subject...

Tax Myths

Is there a law that says I have to pay taxes?

According to this, yes.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Semus

If you don't pay one gang protection money, another will take it from you. This is the nature of Empire, which our world is ruled by for this time. For most of history, it is better to pay a corrupt government gang than to pay another corrupt organization which assembles for even more dubious actions.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:43 AM
George Noorey on Coast to Coast AM had a great guest who is a lawyer all his life. Really worth listening to the interview on the archives.

coast to coast link

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Semus
I can't take either of you seriously without sources.

I found one source to kick off the discussion, but so far I'm only getting opinions for replies.

Does anyone have a source that says yes you do, or no you don't?

I'll gladly hear either side to this once I see a source from either side of the argument.

Well your not being very specific either my friend. You want specific data but your not being very specific with your question. Taxes just in general or income taxes? Completely different taxes and subject all together...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Semus

Haven't read through any of the comments so I don't know if its been answered, but yes you do. 16th amendment says you HAVE to pay the IRS. Interestingly enough this amendment was ratified soon before the illegalization of maryjane.... Conspiracy? hmmm...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Don't pay your taxes if you want, but then you'd have to quit driving on roads paid for by other tax payers...because it wouldn't be fair if you refused to pay your share of something you use. The roads are just an example, there's other examples. Your kids also shouldn't be allowed to visit a public school, and you should pay more for certain goods and services that benefit from government subsidies to keep prices down.

Why would others have to pay for stuff you use?

So your question is pretty stupid imo...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:54 PM
basically look at it this way:

state tax pays for the maintenance of the infrastructure on the state
fed tax, # i dont know what it pays for since these morons cant do # anyways
medicare, it pays for the old farts living now
social security, it pays the old farts like a pension fund until they die

so if you stop paying taxes, yes you will have more money, but you will have no social services like trash pickup, or roads, or evenn schools

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
basically look at it this way:

state tax pays for the maintenance of the infrastructure on the state

fed tax, # i dont know what it pays for since these morons cant do # anyways

Fed tax goes to paying the federal reserve. they print money, but we have to pay them for that money PLUS INTEREST. It is a scam. State and city taxes however are good for the economy

medicare, it pays for the old farts living now
social security, it pays the old farts like a pension fund until they die

I say yank it. If they didn't save during their lives, poo on them. There's always philanthropists who help the needy anyway. Why should they steal from me?

so if you stop paying taxes, yes you will have more money, but you will have no social services like trash pickup, or roads, or evenn schools

mostly wrong. As private companies would then take over (and probably do a better job IMHO).

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Arcane Demesne

touche my friend LOL, but in the end the only tax that seems like its bull# to me is the fed, i'll probably get a warning for a one line post lol

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