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Is there a law that says I have to pay taxes?

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:27 PM
If this has been discussed before I certainly apologize, but I ran my own search and could not find anything.

Here is a source that says a lot about the subject...

Tax Myths

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Semus

If you don't pay taxes the IRS can legally take money out of your bank account.

I'd rather give then their share and live peacefully. After all, I like roads repaired, firemen and policemen who get paid, and a place for kids to go all day so they don't get into trouble in my back yard.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by NotThat
reply to post by Semus

If you don't pay taxes the IRS can legally take money out of your bank account.

I'd rather give then their share and live peacefully. After all, I like roads repaired, firemen and policemen who get paid, and a place for kids to go all day so they don't get into trouble in my back yard.


And what exactly is "their share"?

It's not that I don't agree with you, but you made a statement without giving a source and I'd just like to see that source. No offense to you intended.

By the way, did you know that states all over the country are losing their police, fireman, roads, schools, and we still have increased taxes? Just a little something to keep in mind. I gave them "their share" and it doesn't seem to be working, and it's funny that they keep asking for more. Seems a bit odd to me.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Semus]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Semus

My ex-husband had his bank account seized by the IRS. Is that a source?

I don't know what is fair. They tell me what to pay and I pay. I'd rather pay a flat 50% of what I earn and then not have local,school,state,county,grocery,sales,occupation, ect. tax.

Everyone should pay the same percent.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:51 PM
The constitution gives them the right to tax and indeed give direct taxes. Unfortunately the 16th amendment goes against the constitution, which is illegal.

So they have an illegal amendment to directly tax you. And btw our direct taxes go to paying off the interest on our debts, not paying for the firemen and pigs.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:04 PM
I can't take either of you seriously without sources.

I found one source to kick off the discussion, but so far I'm only getting opinions for replies.

Does anyone have a source that says yes you do, or no you don't?

I'll gladly hear either side to this once I see a source from either side of the argument.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by NotThat
reply to post by Semus

If you don't pay taxes the IRS can legally take money out of your bank account.

I'd rather give then their share and live peacefully. After all, I like roads repaired, firemen and policemen who get paid, and a place for kids to go all day so they don't get into trouble in my back yard.

So Civilization as we know it will collapse if we do not pay taxes?

i wonder how people survived before income taxes...

You may like those things but I don't, so I will not pay for them.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:30 PM
Seriously dude I have been thinking about this for a while now... In the end of the day just because you are born in a country does that mean that it owns your person? After all, when I was born no paperwork was signed that I belonged to the state.. I never singed any agreement to keep any laws.. Nor did I pay homage to or pledged allegiance to any governmental system... Unlike the US kids of course who are indoctrinated to pledge allegiance to an invisible power everyday at school... Makes you think no?

What about common law? I agree if you use amenities anywhere then you should pay for it.. But if you dont then why the hell should you??

You therefore are not free... You dont own yourself... You are slaves to the state.. Dont ever think otherwise.. And the sad fact is if the people woke up to that, rebelled and replaced that system.. It would in no doubt be replaced by the same kind of thing... You only have to look at how America itself as turned out to see that...

So who really IS in control huh?? We are slaves to our countries and we get to pay for the pleasure of that

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
Seriously dude I have been thinking about this for a while now... In the end of the day just because you are born in a country does that mean that it owns your person? After all, when I was born no paperwork was signed that I belonged to the state.. I never singed any agreement to keep any laws.. Nor did I pay homage to or pledged allegiance to any governmental system... Unlike the US kids of course who are indoctrinated to pledge allegiance to an invisible power everyday at school... Makes you think no?

What about common law? I agree if you use amenities anywhere then you should pay for it.. But if you dont then why the hell should you??

You therefore are not free... You dont own yourself... You are slaves to the state.. Dont ever think otherwise.. And the sad fact is if the people woke up to that, rebelled and replaced that system.. It would in no doubt be replaced by the same kind of thing... You only have to look at how America itself as turned out to see that...

So who really IS in control huh?? We are slaves to our countries and we get to pay for the pleasure of that

Well, I agree with your emotions, I really do. But, my original question still stands...

Is there a law?

My guess would be yes because of the way congress has twisted this nation. But what about common law? Does common law still exist? Did it ever exist?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Semus

Common law exists.... You have to become a "Freeman of the Land" for it to affect you.. It does mean however that you will not be able to get stuff like welfare or insurance, and am only subject to common law... Its the same in the UK too..

There is a thread about this on ATS somewhere for US people.. I will look for it..

Edit to add; HERE is the link to that thread...

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Yissachar1]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by Semus

Common law exists.... You have to become a "Freeman of the Land" for it to affect you.. It does mean however that you will not be able to get stuff like welfare or insurance, and am only subject to common law... Its the same in the UK too..

There is a thread about this on ATS somewhere for US people.. I will look for it..

That'd be great! I really appreciate that. I tried searching for this tax question but could not find anything here, but maybe I didn't do enough searching.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Semus

I put the link in my edited post above but HERE is the link again

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:48 PM
link aren't Willie Nelson by any chance are you?

no wait, I'm sure Willie knows how that whole thing works by now

edit to add that Al Capone was taken down for tax evasion. I'd just pay. you can get out of paying federal taxes but I hear its a hassle

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Totalstranger]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Willie Nelson? haha, never heard that one before. No I'm not Willie Nelson.

I'm just an average guy that searches for the truth. It seems like searching for the truth these days is like the proverbial needle in the haystack.

Nevertheless, finding the truth should be human kind's ultimate goal.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:08 PM

My guess would be yes because of the way congress has twisted this nation. But what about common law? Does common law still exist? Did it ever exist?

Common law eolved in England from the eighth to eleventh centuries. It arose while England was changing from a large group of tribal chiefdoms to a proto centralized government. There was a need to resolve disputes. Where the collective responsibility of kin-groups had once served as the basis of dispute settlement, it now became the responsibility and the prerogative or feudal lords to see that justice was done. The judges made the law. There were no legislatures to write laws until the 17th century.
Common Law still exists to some extent in the U. S. Which is why you should be careful of registering as "Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the Super 8 in Detroit on an overnight with your girlfriend.
There is a wonderful book by Pollack and Matland, History of the Common Law.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:13 PM
I don't mind paying taxes. I'm able to drive to work on the road that my taxes help pay to build and maintain. I'm able to work because I was able to go to school that was funded by our taxes. Whats the deal with everyone hating the taxes now? If you hate them so bad then please do go away and fall off the grid but don't even for one second use a facility that is available due to people paying their taxes. The cigarette tax goes to children's hospitals even,
Firing up cigarette Tax Taxes aren't a bad thing. The problem is when they're spent frivolously which can be interpreted differently to different people.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:45 PM
The 16 amendment was supposed to be direct tax authorization for the feds. Several problems -
1. Benson proved it was never actually ratified. Not ever close.
2. Treasury secretaries have stated the 16th did not actually grant any new taxing authority.
3. Even if there where a valid ratification of the 16th (which there isn't) it is just the license to apply some tax not the "Law" itself. The "Law" would have to be properly defined. The Statutes and Regulation in the IRS bible do not state the authority for the S/R. That means they are not laws.
4. What are the definitions of terms like "Income" for example? It doesn't include what you are paid for working.
5. Who can be taxed? The S/R are highly evasive and have been honed over the years to be more evasive but the bottom line it the S/R are directed at "Foreign Employees and Corporations".

The IRS is only a collection agency. The agents get a commission for collection. People get "obliged" by contracting with the fed. They contract (really it's not valid it's fraud) by submitting a signed tax return.

Why do the brochures say it's voluntary to file? Because that allows them to keep the money. It's another way of saying it's a donation and they can keep it. It's a way of saying, if you make a mistake and file, we can keep the money.

You can look up - Theft by Deception
and Tom Cryer -

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:56 PM
the idea of taxing is not really what it is. i mean that usually at some point or another a government will manipulate the system. a good source is america freedom to fascism. they talk a lot about this.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:47 PM
Sorry to not source this but it's in the constitution, which is only a google search away.

The constitution grants the governent the right to tax many things, but the one thing it does not grant, and actually specifically denounces is the taxing of a citizen's LABOR, and I'm almost positive they aren't talking about taxing women during childbirth.

The 16th amendment, which was voted down, was then sent in for another vote on Christmas Eve when most officials went home to their families. By doing this, it was much easier to get the majority vote. I honestly believe that the income tax should only apply to the states whose officials voted for it (same with healthcare.) And just to clarify, the 16th amendment gives the government the right to tax labor. It does not however make it against the law for a citizen to not pay this tax, only grants the government the right to ASK for it.

Some of the responses here really worry me. Are you so scared of your goverment that you will do whatever they tell you?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by AliBruh
Sorry to not source this but it's in the constitution, which is only a google search away.

The constitution grants the governent the right to tax many things, but the one thing it does not grant, and actually specifically denounces is the taxing of a citizen's LABOR, and I'm almost positive they aren't talking about taxing women during childbirth.

The 16th amendment, which was voted down, was then sent in for another vote on Christmas Eve when most officials went home to their families. By doing this, it was much easier to get the majority vote. I honestly believe that the income tax should only apply to the states whose officials voted for it (same with healthcare.) And just to clarify, the 16th amendment gives the government the right to tax labor. It does not however make it against the law for a citizen to not pay this tax, only grants the government the right to ASK for it.

Some of the responses here really worry me. Are you so scared of your goverment that you will do whatever they tell you?

This is a great point. I, for one, will never do whatever they tell me. If they told me that I have to jump off a bridge or go to jail, I'm not jumpin off that bridge.

That google video was great. Thanks for that link.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Semus]

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