reply to post by DoomsdayRex
Rex, I'm hearing you. This paragraph sys it for me:
I want evidence from everyone. In the absence of evidence, I will always have doubts about a claim. But that does not mean I will have doubts about
the witness's sincerity. But their story must have both an internal and external consistency. Their claim must be about the truth, not self promotion
and aggrandizement.
I do get it, I was just a bit irritated(and maybe jumped the gun a little as it seemed I was under attack and it's not my story, so why bitch at
me?). I just wanted some debated, pick through waht the guy had said and tear it aprt, which basically didn't happen.
As far as believing the guy, I don't know who or what to believe in this area. I've been around ATS for four years or so and lurked a little before
that so I have become sort of a "armchair expert" on this subject. After reading a few hundred threads here it's hard to not learn something. I
mean, there are certain things I know to be truth, like:
A. My life sucks big donkey gonads
B. The OS of 9/11 is a frakking lie(what the truth is, I don't know).
As far as aliens and ufo's, I do believe there is something big going on up there. One of the most famous incidents, the Phoenix Lights, was seen by
, what, ten thousand people? Quite hard to debunk that(flares, oh yeah, I surely believe that nonsense, NOT!!). Is it aliens? Reverse tech? Is it just
something we humans came up with on our own? I don't know.
But I doubt much of what Riley has to say. I wish I had specific examples but I only listen when I am in the car and his show is on, which is sporadic
and I may only listen for a few minutes. I don't know all of what he has said over the years so I was hoping poeple here would bring it and debunk
it, or not.
Makes me think of David Icke, somewhat. I've heard so many people say he's cool then he starts to talk about Reptilians and they start to think
he's nuts. Everything else he talks about, for the most part, makes sense yet most people will not believe him because of his extraordinary claims of
a reptilian species.
I don't believe anyone on a whim, or just because they talk nice or they have a nice suit, or anything ridiculous like that. I try and see what makes
sense to me, try and make it all fit into all the other stuff going on around the world, you know, that whole big picture thang. Reptilians, while a
wild story, does make a lot of sense. There is no proof, so I'm on the fence, but it does make some sense. Look at our leaders, they defy human
characteristics at times so I would not be surprised to find a bunch of reptilians there.
So no, Iam not trying to get people to believe Rm's story, nor do I buy it, yet. But I won't just blindly dismiss his claims because he says some
wild stuff. It's all pretty wild, when you get right down to it, so who knows who is lying and who is not? Maybe, just maybe, this Riley dude is
onto something whereas everyone else has been barking up the wrong tree? Could be, Idoubt it but it COULD be.
Ever heard of Jose Canseco? Ex baseball player who people thought was completely off his rocker, telling us all how bad steroids were in baseball, how
Mark McGuire had done it(which, until recently he denied) yet when the story finally broke( no thanks to our sports journalists who ignored the
problem for years when they knew it was going on) Canseco turned out to be almost spot on.
Just because someone has a story we don't want to believe, or is so damned wild that it sounds untrue, well, maybe, sometimes, in what are probably
rare instances, they can be right. Is Riley telling the truth? again, I don't know. But I would like to have someone pick his words apart. As I
don't know all of what he has said, I can't really do it. I don't know enough of his story to debunk it. Which is why I started this. To try and
get a little closer to the truth.
If that makes RM look like more of a fool than he already does, then so be it. It's not my ideas you are debunking, it's his and I would feel no
better or worse if it turned out he was a total liar. I have no stake in this, no horse in this race, so to speak, except to find out the truth(fat
chance of that, I know, but one can always try). There are a lot of great researchers on this site, I was hoping some of them would come out and blow
RM'S story to hell(or not, if that's the case) but except for the post about Rm's latin names for the species, there has been nothing except
automatic dismissal of anything RM related. Maybe those are Riley's names for those species, trying to translate them to human speak? Or are those
the names those races gave themselves? I don't know but that's the only piece of "evidence" so far yet brought to this thread.
As the Pythons said in the Argument Sketch, "An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition." That hasn't
happened in this thread. That was all I wanted, a debate, on the "facts" that RM has brought to the table.
I don't know how to get around the money argument. Everyone needs it to survive so why it's bad for one person to ask for money to do a radio show,
or buy a book, or one of his "symbols" - yeah, that gets a little weird there - but everyone else does it. Just maybe not so blatantly. He does come
off as a money grabber but I just cannot take that fully against him.
Does David Icke get paid to do speeches? Then what is the difference between RM getting paid for a radio show? Maybe he really is getting shafted by
Sirius/XM and has a valid point? Not everyone there in the satellite radio world is happy with the contracts they have (see Bubba the Love Sponge or
Scott Ferrall for examples) and while I agree it makes RM look bad with all his whining about it I cannot totally hold it against him as money is
needed to live in this world. Without all the facts, which we do not have, one cannot know.
If you performed a service, whatever it is, and you don't get fairlwhat he has said and show how y compensated, wouldn't you get a bit miffed? Maybe
he's spot on with that and a liar about all the rest? Could be, but without the proper debate of his ideas then we cannot put this to rest. If he is
still out there making outrageous claims and no one comes and debunks him then we will never get to the bottom of this whole story. We need to get rid
of all the crap and find out what's real.
I DON"T KNOW!!! Which is why I asked. How can we make sense of it all with all the junk out there? We need to get rid of the junk and what's left
should give us a better picture. I think we could put out some of that trash out on the sidewalk with RM if we could have the proper debate we need on
Basically, I don't believe him or disbelieve him. I just don't know and that needs to be fixed. I'm in the middle of a bunch of hard labor so I
haven't had the time to do any research to try and find where and what RM is lying about, or wrong about, or right, or whatever. I was hoping the
people at ATS here would help a bit with that, try and get to the bottom of this. It seems to me people's minds were made up a long time ago about
this guy and so there is no reason to even speak about it without the automatic dismissal. That's not a debate.
We're cool, IMO, though. I get what you say, but I can't go as far as you have. Maybe you know more of what RM has said and therefore can say he's
full of it. I can't, yet, but I won't say he's got all the answers, either. Or any, for that matter.