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What's The Deal With This Riley Martin Dude?

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:07 PM
I've been curious what the ATS ufo community thinks of this guy and his story.

Riley Martin says it all started when he was seven... they took little Riley aboard an alien spacecraft to a huge mothership near the planet Saturn. Born 1946 into a family of sharecroppers where adults can not read or write. In 1953 two aliens took little Riley on his first trip to their mothership near Saturn. Riley's second trip was when he was 18. It was on this trip that they placed a strange looking headset on him... then in a matter of seconds download into his brain ...beautiful symbols by the thousands...then while Riley slept they downloaded the history of humanity, alien insights,and a whole lot more.Riley made friends with this little alien he calls..Tan.O-Qua Tangin Wann.

I hear this dude on Howard Stern's channels. I don't know what to make of him. Sometimes I think he's full of it and other times he makes sense. Maybe he just read ATS and get's his theories from here but he does make sense a lot of times when he talks about technology.

Some of his aliens:

The Biaviians, the aliens who have had the most interaction with Martin
The Targzissians, who are malevolent reptilians
The Stagyians, who have a bony, leathery appearance
The Dorians, who resemble blonde-haired, blue-eyed humans
The Insectillians (aka the Skreed), who are "smart bugs" five feet tall
The Nyptonians, who are "water people" with "underwater bases" on Earth
A seventh race of aliens whose name Martin can't pronounce

The other day he said he knows of 39 alien species who have visited earth at one time or another.

Here's part of a radio show done a few years ago. I didn't look too hard for anything newer but this should be good enough to give you all a chance to hear the guy and see what you think. I give the guy a little bit of credit as being on Howard Stern's channel isn't easy. He's taken loads of abuse from Howard and his fans and still keeps on doing his thing.

O-Qua Tangin Wann!

EDIT: I forgot to finish a sentence. Oops.

[edit on 3/14/2010 by TheLoony]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by TheLoony
Hiya Loony, it's kinda hard not to conclude he's a 'bit of a character.' In English terms...he sounds like he's 'off his head.' Possibly the best all-time quote of a contactee belongs to him..

You're not gods 'cause for one thing... God ain't got no big head like Elmer Fudd.

He reminds me of Rick James and I'd link the Dave Chappelle spoof if the T&Cs didn't threaten a ban for linking to profanity.

Cheers for posting, I hadn't heard of the guy until now.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

U2U me the Chappelle link, would ya?

He has been known to be a "bit of a character", as he was "off his head", I believe on whiskey, and had some kind of domestic disturbance a few years back, IIRC. I guess he took some time off and is now "better". Whatever, I don't really know as my I had no car and no access to Sirius radio at the time.

I didn't see any links to his regular radio shows. There are some interesting callers with theories that come right out of ATS it would seem and he has some takes that are not so far fetched about things. Like I said, the tech he talks about make a lot of sense.

Again, he's either off his rocker or he's not. He probably just reads a bunch of tech manuals and sites like ATS then makes up a bunch of crap to fill it in and make money selling his "symbols".

Hell of a yarn, though. I have a hoot sometimes listening to his show. I do wonder what the hardcore UFO guys think of his story, the ones writing books and on television.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by TheLoony

Maybe he just read ATS and get's his theories from here but he does make sense a lot of times when he talks about technology.

Don't think so, he has been around for some time, first heard him when Art Bell did an interview with him on Coast in the nineties, Barbara Simpson also did one with him at a later time.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:40 AM
S&F Looney ...

I'd never heard of Riley or his story until you started telling me about him in the chat room.

His story does sound pretty cool though.

Alien abduction stories are always hard to believe because the only proof is what the adbuctee says happened.

Glad you posted it though. Interested in what other ATS'ers have to say about it.

Aquarius .. You said that you first heard of Riley in the 90's. What do you think about his story?

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by TheLoony

I'd give him chance if he demonstrates irrefutable psi abilities

of course, his ET buddy would be even better

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Detailed Perfection

Don't know what to think, very strange and of course you either believe him or not, not sure that I do, don't remember many details any longer as I haven't listened to the interview for a long time, I do have it and when I find it will upload and post the link here if anyone wants to download and listen to it with Art Bell..

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:34 AM
Riley does great radio, you can catch him every tuesday nite at midnight on howard 101 for siriusxm users

its really a great show

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:43 AM
The guy is a fool, I have no other way of putting it. There mere act of seriously discussing idiots like this brings down our collective IQ's.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:09 AM
This guy is a total fraud. He's been looking to cash in on his "stories" for a very long time. He was on Jerry Springer and put his book out. He sells these "Drawings" for 30-40 bucks and apparently these drawings are like a ticket to the mothership when doom comes.

Howard has him on his radio channel. The guy is interesting to listen to but is a total rip off.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
The guy is a fool, I have no other way of putting it. There mere act of seriously discussing idiots like this brings down our collective IQ's.

I disagree. I believe it is our duty to discuss everything we can. Ask questions and all that jazz, right?

Can you prove he is lying? Can you prove he is a fool and a idiot? How do you know exactly what is the truth and what is not?

Maybe, just maybe, this guy really is onto something(of course, the $35 a pop for his symbols are a little sketchy but the guy does have to make money, just like the rest of us).

They guy has been doing this for years. His story, as far as I know, hasn't changed. He could have easily stopped, especially when he started doing radio on Howard Stern's channel and he got lambasted by Stern fans in his early shows. Prank calls up the wazoo. Yet he kept going and never wavered.

Now, he could be a raving lunatic. But, since no one can come up with absolute proof that he is wrong or right, I would rather we had a serious discussion of the guy and his theories than just outright denial and name calling.

I don't think it brings down our "collective I.Q.'s" just to ask questions. As some wise dude once said, there are no stupid questions.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Isn't interesting all those alien races have latinized names? Funny too how some of them have names that sound like a word-play on their physical attributes.

Not only is he making this stuff up, he's not very creative either.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:14 AM
It's sad that this is still in the Aliens & UFOs forum: someone making some business basing it on claims corroborated by nothing but his creativity.

how desperate one has to be, in order to even just give to this man the benefit of doubt.
THIS is the GARBAGE of ufology we need to get rid of.

"Personal Phone call from Riley Martin
Price: $50.00 "

All this leans me to believe that all I've tried to do here was useless:
buy his phone call for 50 bucks, I won't stop you.
So you won't even need to discuss about UFOs since he knows all the truth.
Leonardo, Galileo, Einstein, Tesla were a bunch od idiots: THIS is the man. Go, go go!!!

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Can you prove he is lying? Can you prove he is a fool and a idiot? How do you know exactly what is the truth and what is not?

No, but he's the one making the outrageous claims, so the onus is upon him to offer some kind of evidence that he's telling the truth.

Has he said anything that can be shown to be beyond our current knowledge or suppositions? If not, then it's easy to conclude he did NOT receive such knowledge "uploaded" into his brain...although I'm sure I won't be the first to conclude that there is SOMETHING unusual about his brain (such as the effect of massive quantities of alcohol perhaps?)

Like most abductees, kind of hard to believe they've had all of these interactions and can't even sneak a cell phone pic....

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by internos

Got attitude?

So, by asking questions about this guy I am bringing garbage to this forum? It is sad this is in the aliens & UFO forum, WHY? Where the heck else should it go?

Don't say HOAX because you cannot prove ANYTHING!

I am no fan of money nor the bankers that meddle with it, making all of our lives hell, but everyone needs to make money to survive, so why is it so awful for this guy to do just that? Don't you go to work, probably for some ass that underpays you and treats you like crap, so you can make money? I didn't make the damned rules to this life, so this is a moot line of reasoning and makes no sense. Do not people get paid to go speak at a conference? Do they not get paid for writing books? What is the difference? EVERYONE needs to make money, how do you get around that?

By no means am I saying Riley Martin is the truth. By no means am I saying he's not. I'm just asking bloody questions about a guy that has some wild theories and a radio show heard by thousands, if not millions.

I never said Galileo, Leonardo, Einstein, Tesla were idiots, never. So where do you get that from? Why is it so wrong to ask questions? How the hell am I supposed to learn anything if I get responses to valid questions like what you gave?

Do you do the same thing with children who ask questions? Treat them like crap and try to make them feel less than significant for ASKING QUESTIONS?????

Thanks for your reply but I don't need to be belittled by anyone, especially some random guy on the net, just because I am seeking information and opinions. You gave yours, which is what I asked for, all the while demeaning me for asking simple questions.

How the hell are we supposed to separate the wheat from the chaff if WE DON'T KNOW?????? The whole point of this thread was to see what people thought of this guy. Most are on the side that he's full of it, which I tend to agree with but am unsure, as I am with most things, because there is no one sided truth to anything.

With all the things governments, religious groups and the money/power brokers have hidden from us over the years for all I know this dude might have some truth. Can you prove to me, unequivocally and without a shadow of a doubt, that Riley is totally and completely full of it? NO, you can't.

You are entitled to your opinion but there was no need to insult me. So this is what ATS has come to, ask questions and get a boot to the head.

Thanks. I needed my daily beat down as I am just a ignorant fool and serve no useful purpose. I'll go back to my slave quarters and be quiet like a good little automaton. That's what TPTB want, right? People who don't ask question, who just blindly go along with what they want? Just be stupid, don't ask questions and slave my life away so someone else can get rich all the while I make beans for a wage?

I won't use that condescending "Thanks for you post" type of drivel. I asked for opinions, sure, what I didn't ask for was to be treated like a little child. I signed up for this forum just as you did and I have every right to ask questions about anything on here if I so desire. If you don't like the questions, don't read. Better yet, don't reply. I didn't put this up so you could call me a fool, desperate for answers. I am neither, by the way, and would like it if you treated me like a frakking human being instead of someone you can just walk all over because YOU have the truth and I don't.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

So every person that has UFO claims has to have proof? Who does? Show me anyone who has proof? His supposed abductions came long before cell phones even existed, so he's supposed to carry a camera in case he gets abducted?

Does every outrageous claim get treated like this? Again, I never said( I don't believe I did, anyway) that I believe Riley's claims. I know of no one, anywhere in the world, that has total, unequivocal, 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt proof of alien life or UFO's. Yet Riley has to back his up.

Using this logic, there is no one, at all, who tells the truth about aliens/UFO's because they do NOT have proof. There is none, which is why we have this damned forum in the first place.

EDIT: Bad spelling

[edit on 3/17/2010 by TheLoony]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by TheLoony
reply to post by internos

Got attitude?

So, by asking questions about this guy I am bringing garbage to this forum?

By asking questions you are asking questions and my humble reply is that the man is deserving to be part of InfraredMan's signature.
I will never offend any fellow, please show me where I offended you: now, if you want to discuss it then it's ok, but if you want to SPREAD this all over the board then get ready to find me protesting every time this ude faces out because all this has nothing to do with UFOs intended as serious research. Do you want to buy it? you are free to do it. To promote merchandising is even in breach of T & C so next time read before agreeing the T&C you agreee with, but to promote IGNORANCE is against ME and against ATS, in general. YOU decide.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by internos

Originally posted by TheLoony
reply to post by internos

Got attitude?

So, by asking questions about this guy I am bringing garbage to this forum?

By asking questions you are asking questions and my humble reply is that the man is deserving to be part of InfraredMan's signature.
I will never offend any fellow, please show me where I offended you: now, if you want to discuss it then it's ok, but if you want to SPREAD this all over the board then get ready to find me protesting every time this ude faces out because all this has nothing to do with UFOs intended as serious research. Do you want to buy it? you are free to do it. To promote merchandising is even in breach of T & C so next time read before agreeing the T&C you agreee with, but to promote IGNORANCE is against ME and against ATS, in general. YOU decide.

I didn't see him promoting merchandising at all...he never mentioned it anywhere. I think OP was just trying to ask questions about the guy

OP: As a long time loyalist to Howard, I loved when he left syndication and came to Sirius. I have listened to Riley both on his own show and on Howards main show and the aptly named wrap-up show. Now you are right I cannot at any point really prove he is a phoney or a bit addled. I do however think he is about money and that is what leads me to believe that he is a phoney. For almost a year it was commonplace to hear Riley call Howard on air and demand more money then quickly turn on Howard and his staff when his requests were denied. Howard typically messes with him and much like his 'Wack Pack' I think he learns to take Riley with a grain of salt. I happen to agree after listening to Riley. Regardless I think it's good to question never know right?


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by internos

I probably went off a little more than I needed to, sorry. I just got a little bent that, I felt, it is wrong to ask questions about this guy and what he says. I didn't try in any way to promote the guy, either. I never said to buy his stuffm just remarked that he does sell stuff.

Is there loads of stuff fishy about him and his story? Yes, hence why I started this thread. I was hoping for a serious discussion about what he has to say, even if he comes off as a total and complete fool as that is him and not me. Say all you want about him, it just seemed you were going off on me for starting this thread.

Personally, I believe every crackpot and serious journalist in this field needs to be discussed, even if it is to lambaste said personality for being a crackpot. Is Riley a crackpot? Most likely, but as there is no definitive proof for ANYTHING in this field I do believe even the crackpots deserve a few minutes. There are many different views as to who is up there and what they want so we should discuss the merits( or lack of) Riley Martin's position and debunk him with all the gusto and aplomb we can, if he so deserves it.

Everything needs to be examined, torn apart to see if it holds water. If it doesn't, and I agree that most of what RM says sounds like hogwash, then we should call him out wherever and whenever we can for spreading crap.

But how can we know? Some believe the Terra Papers are the be all end all. Some believe it's total bunk. We only have thousand of theories to go through and try to make the most sense of it that we can. Until we have proof, until we get the truth(fat chance of that, eh) from our governments around the world that have kept all this hidden from us, then we will never know what is the truth.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by TheLoony
So every person that has UFO claims has to have proof? Who does? Show me anyone who has proof?

Yes. If you expect others to accept a claim or even give it serious thought beyond it being a simple narrative, then there should be evidence. What does and does not constitute evidence is a discussion for another time. But it is not arguable that Mr. Riley has any evidence. Without evidence, what you chose to believe is your prerogative. But in that absence, you cannot expect or demand others believe as well.

You are right, there is no proof that Mr. Riley is lying or insane. Just as there is no proof he is telling the truth. However, there is plenty of evidence within his narrative that he is lying or insane. There is no such evidence attesting to his verasity.

Originally posted by TheLoony
Does every outrageous claim get treated like this?

Every outrageous claim should be looked at critically. That isn't the same as hostility; claims should only be treated with hostility if the claimant has done something to provoke that hostility. And Mr. Riley has.

While it is comendable you want to have a serious discussion, Internos is right. Mr. Riley is not a serious subject. He is damaging to serious UFO research. And it has nothing to do with his lack of evidence. It has to do with his behavior and the evidence that speaks his claims.

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