a reply to:
You associate yourself with "Army" and "Beast".. but because you make a good point, I will make an exception to my usual routine of ignoring
anyone with certain words, images or 'codes' implanted in their identity or posts, signatures, etc.
This is a very old post, but it's more relevant now than ever. So I am replying to it.
The destiny of anyone who tries to bring common sense to the table is to be ridiculed and deliberately misunderstood. Your destiny, when pointing out
the mental laziness of people, who won't bother to take four seconds to check how the word "their" or "they're" is spelled, is to be accused of
not allowing english learners to make mistakes.
Mistakes are ok. They are innocent, everyone probably makes them (unless they are way above the usual norm, or just extremely careful when they type
and triple-check everything before posting). Heck, I have seen lots of mistakes in commercially available, high profile books and magazines!
Mistakes I have no problem with, and I don't think any rational human being would.
But it's the "american typos" that I can't stand. Because that tells of a problem in attitude and mental laziness, rather than honest and genuine
'not quite yet knowing how to spell it correctly'. These are adults, these are usually native-speakers (or non-native speakers who are mimicing the
native speakers, because they think that's the correct way to spell it - so if you REALLY care about english learners, you will condemn the
'american typos' and despise anyone who makes them), and these are people, who could very easily check how the words are spelled, but CHOOSE NOT
I have no mercy for such people, or such mistakes.
Here is a list of 'american typos' - BE READY TO BE SHOCKED! There are a LOT of them, that a LOT of people make every day!
That list comes from actual, real-life posts and writing, they are not just some thought-of examples. They were actually typed by actual (human?)
beings! I know, it's hard to believe.
The words on the left shouldn't exist (in the context they have existed, anyway).
I could understand such typos in the seventies or eighties, when it was tough and time-consuming to check them by using actual books, and when it was
difficult to erase something you had typed with a mechanical typewriter, and so on. You have a deadline tomorrow, and you have to buy groceries, and
the stores close soon - you just type whatever you think is correct and send it to press. Sure, that can be sort of understood, I guess.
But you lazily sit in front of a COMPUTER, a modern miracle of amazing, vast power that couldn't even be imagined a couple of decades ago, there's
THE INTERNET (which is _NOT_ the same as "World Wide Web", by the way - a fact that you could have checked, ahem..) at your very fingertips, almost
literally - and you have all the time in the world (figuratively speaking).
You lazily sit in your bathrobe, the sun is setting, there is no rush anywhere. It's weekend, no obligations for the next day, all chores have been
done. Withour rush, you lean in to reach your keyboard, gaze at the monitors that are filled with useful programs, web browsers and file tools, video
players and what not. You listen to soothing music, and let your energy flow to your fingers. You have something to say or you want to reply to
someone, so you reach for the mouse and make the exciting click. Now you are posting.. your fingers start working their magic, there's an almost
magical atmosphere in the air - fresh spring smells that the soft breeze brings through the open window evoke images in your mind, as you start
pressing the keys.
And then.. you friggin' can't be arsed to simply check how the word is spelled, before butchering the english language, and making a total fool of
I just can't understand that.