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HAARP Is Out Of Control, You be the judge!!!

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Actually, you're lumping me in with many of the other things that people have argued. Yes, I believe that it can induce earthquakes. Yes, I believe that it can fuel Hurricanes and create weather systems. This was part of the original purpose for creating HAARP. My father used to be an Industrial Engineer at NWSC, otherwise known as Crane Indiana. He was one of the many engineers responsible for the S.D.I initiative in which HAARP was born. I am privy to some interesting information.

So, regardless of certain beliefs of what the military applications are, there are probably more than most people are aware. Now, if you agree that HAARP has military applications, what do you think they are? Is it as simple as communications??? I highly doubt it. At least, not from what I know about frequencies in general. I myself am a telecommunications/political science major at Indiana University and a sound engineer by trade (I am sure that we can both agree that sound frequencies are quite a bit different from what we are discussing). I am an older student (36 years old to be exact.) I have studied much of this stuff for a good duration of my life which is one of the reasons why I perform so well as a student. And, my education does not stop from personal research, or the stuff that I do at Indiana University. It continues the moment that I access this site and engage with other like-minded people. As I said before, I appreciate the information that you have contributed. However, it doesn't always mean that I will agree.

Again, I would love to personally thank you for your contributions to this thread.

Much love to all...

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
My father used to be an Industrial Engineer at NWSC, otherwise known as Crane Indiana. He was one of the many engineers responsible for the S.D.I initiative in which HAARP was born. I am privy to some interesting information.

Well, I was born on Pluto, where my parents were a reptilan shapeshifting king and queen, and I was brought here in an invisible spaceship specifically to join ATS and deny that the Illuminati chemtrails excist, which they of course do.

Do you believe me? Do you think I am telling the truth?

Anyone can claim anything on the net. If you can't post this "interesting information" you say you are privy to, if you can't back it up with solid facts or evidence, it means nothing. Then it is simply yet another baseless claim on top of all the other baseless claims made in this thread.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

Now, if you agree that HAARP has military applications, what do you think they are? Is it as simple as communications??? I highly doubt it. At least, not from what I know about frequencies in general.

Well, I know what some of them are. For sure. What I'm not sure of is what all is out. I know some functions are.

For one, there is a lot of interest in sweeping particles out of the inner magnetosphere. That one got outed by accident in 2005 by a general who had a boo boo on a talk show, but we were in a bid for a design on that in 2004 when it was still closely held. The biggie there is that CMEs and HANDs fill the inner magnetosphere with high energy charged particles, which have the nasty propensity of emitting x-rays when they whack into your spy satellites. A really good CME or HAND can load up the inner magnetosphere with energetic particles that will last for weeks. Not any more, though. With a clever use of the IRI, you can tweak them into dropping into the ionosphere where they are pretty but harmless. That one started with Dr Helliwell down at Siple Station.

Then, of course, are various plasma mirrors. You can do a lot with that. One is to listen over the horizon without a spy sat present - you can have all the goodies on the ground where you can upgrade them, and just paint a mirror for the frequencies and locales you'd like to snoop on. Another version will let you block your enemy's sat links, which can be handy. You can also paint a sort of half-arsed mirror and tap into a sat-ground link you might not otherwise have access to without disrupting the link (that one's not well known).

They're real interested in ionospheric ducting, too, although most CTers don't understand that part and make up a lot of lurid TEOTAWAKI crap about it. It's long been a desire to be able to create or destroy ducts on command, because then you'd be able to route communications from one point to another in VHF or UHF. It could be really productive to be able to have really high bandwidth communication basically between two points over the horizon to each other, which you can't do with VHF unless you relay it with a satellite.

There are some interesting imaging aspects to things too, that don't involve ELF, which I don't think are talked about, so I'll leave them to your imagination. But most of the crap going on there is stuff like this. Yes, it's military, and man is it attractive to C3I and SIGINT folk. But for the average joe, it's "meh".

Not nearly as attractive as a hurricane machine, which it has no chance of being.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by ziggystar60

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
My father used to be an Industrial Engineer at NWSC, otherwise known as Crane Indiana. He was one of the many engineers responsible for the S.D.I initiative in which HAARP was born. I am privy to some interesting information.

Well, I was born on Pluto, where my parents were a reptilan shapeshifting king and queen, and I was brought here in an invisible spaceship specifically to join ATS and deny that the Illuminati chemtrails excist, which they of course do.

Do you believe me? Do you think I am telling the truth?

Anyone can claim anything on the net. If you can't post this "interesting information" you say you are privy to, if you can't back it up with solid facts or evidence, it means nothing. Then it is simply yet another baseless claim on top of all the other baseless claims made in this thread.

Hmmm, I love the 8th grade sarcasm thrown in for the effect. However, we are all adults and its far more becoming to behave as such.

Now, do I need to give you my name, number, and address so that I can also provide you my father's name, number and address, so that he can PROVE to you that he worked at Crane? Do I need to send you a photo ID with my social security number and verify it for you at BPD (Bloomington Police Department) so that you can rest assured that I am not making it up?

Because my friend, this is the ONLY way that I can prove that I am privy to information that you obviously believe that you are somehow intellectually above. If I provided such information otherwise, you would claim hoax, falsehood, and simply reaffirm your preexisting belief structure. And if you're the type of person I think you are judging by your previous post, I could provide all of this information for you, and you would still choose to turn a blind eye to the information.

You can lay out baiting tactics all you like...It only exposes your own personality flaws and insecurities. You are well aware that you are asking for proof that you never intend to receive, therefore its absolutely ridiculous for you to ask in the first place. Moreover, the information that I have is absolutely worthless in the hands of someone who will deny its content no matter how it is presented. And, since I have not even shared the information that I claim that I am privy to, there is no need at all for me to provide you ANY PROOF for something that you aren't even aware that exists. Would you like me to provide proof before or after the information is actually shared on this ATS thread?

Until you are ready to have a civilized and intelligent conversation I would ask you to take your belligerence to another thread down the hall where someone of a far less intellect will engage you in the flame war that you are seeking.

Thank you for your post.

Much love to all...

[edit on 22-3-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Thank you for your information and response. I wasn't aware of some of the imaging tech that you were speaking of. Very interesting stuff. I will have to check into that.

Much love to all...

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Hot Damn EM you have taught me more about HAARP and the myriad of other ELF transmitters all over the globe. I can't thank you enough.
Projecting ELF all over the place is really freekin dangerous. I know children are most susceptible to un natural occurrences than adults.
I have three children and I am totally concerned.
I know that swatting flies is a never ending human condition but frying the brains of kids needs to be addressed.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:06 AM
A good (13-page) explanation concerning HAARP's capabilities and uses is given in an article written by Nick Begich, Ph.D. and Jeane Manning entitled "The Military's Pandora's Box HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere" was uploaded as a PDF file on Dec. 28, 2009 to the website. It is available to read free of charge and one can download it for free also. Registration is first required before you can download the document.

A lot of the information in the article mentioned above is taken from a book by the same authors that has been referred to before on this thread called "Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology". This book is available for purchase through or one can read it free on the website at the following address:

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:20 AM
I also wanted to pass along some additional information concerning the initial use of HAARP technology by our government as well as what our government said about the HAARP technology and funded it in the years 1994 through 2005.

It is clear from the Congressional Record that Senators knew of HAARP's proven utility for conducting earth penetrating tomography because in the information below they want the military to use it to search for underground bunkers, tunnels, and other structures. It makes sense that they would know of this aplication because similar but much lower wattage instruments have been used to map the locations of oil and natural gas deposits below ground by the U.S. oil & gas industry for several decades.

103rd Congress, 2d Session

SAM NUNN, Georgia, Chairman
J. JAMES EXON, Nebraska
CARL LEVIN, Michigan
EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts
ROBERT C. BYRD, West Virginia
STROM THURMOND, South Carolina
JOHN W. WARNER, Virginia
JOHN McCAIN, Arizona
TRENT LOTT, Mississippi
DAN COATS, Indiana
BOB SMITH, New Hampshire
Arnold L. Punaro, Staff Director
Richard L. Reynard, Staff Director for the Minority (II)

Calendar No. 459
103rd Congress
2d Session 103-282

June 14, (legislative day, June 7), 1994.-Ordered to be printed
Mr. Nunn, from the Committee on Armed Services, submitted the following
together with
[To accompany S. 2182]
High frequency active auroral research program
The committee is aware of the promising results of the high frequency active auroral research program (HAARP). This transmitter in Alaska, besides providing a world class research facility for ionospheric physics, could allow earth-penetrating tomography over most of the northern hemisphere. Such a capability would permit the detection and precise location of tunnels, shelters, and other underground shelters. The absence of such a capability has been noted as a serious weakness in the Department of Defense plans for precision attacks on hardened targets and for counterproliferation. In fact, the May 1994 report from the Deputy Secretary of Defense on nonproliferation and counterproliferation activities and programs recommends increased funding of $75.0 million annually for detection of underground structures.
The committee recommends $5.0 million in PE 62601F to continue the HAARP project, but notes with concern that the capital cost of a full-scale HAARP facility could be as much as $90.0 million. Unless the Department of Defense is committed to include such a project in future budget requests, the recommended authorization for fiscal year 1995 will have little effect. Therefore the committee directs that none of these funds may be obligated or expended until the Secretary of Defense notifies the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives that the Department will, as part of the nonproliferation and counterproliferation program recommended in the May 1994 report, include the cost for a full-scale HAARP facility in its fiscal year 1996 budget request.

Advanced sensor applications
The budget request included $15.1 million for advanced sensor applications. The committee recommends an increase of $2.0 million to continue the high frequency active auroral research program (HAARP).

Global command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (C4ISR) visualization
High frequency active auroral research program

The committee recommends an increase of $9.0 million in PE 62601F to continue experimentation in the high frequency auroral research program.

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), while still under construction, was used to create an ionospheric source of ULF/ELF/VLFsignals akin to those required for underground surveillance and submarine communications; study transmagnetospheric radio propagation to help characterize the near-earth space environment in conjunction with data from NASA's (solar) WIND satellite; and generate irregularities in local regions of the auroral
ionosphere for coordinated studies of scintillation effects on transionospheric paths, such as satellite to ground links.


Under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), research was initiated to assess the viability of using ionospherically generated ULF/ELF/VLF radio waves for the detection of underground tunnels and structures.

Other “Enhancing Space Operations” Programs
Table 20: DARPA Space Programs and Technology ASP-02

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP)
Cost (U.S.$ in millions)
FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05
0.0 10.2 15.0 15.0

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:37 AM
I also wanted to provide the title on the HAARP planning document and some references that do a good job of presenting
and/or discussing aspects of the mechanism by which HAARP's heating of the ionosphere can affect geomagnetic fields, especially at equatorial latitudes, and in such a way that can promote seismic activity.
First, here is the title of the HAARP planning document that was written about the initial HAARP apparatus (I have not yet found a source that lists all of the diagnostic data that goes with this title):

from the
HAARP Workshop
Ionospheric Heating Diagnostics
30 April – 2 May, 1991
Phillips Laboratory (AFSC)
Hanscom AFB MA No. 01731-5000

R. Drew Fisher, Editor
22 October, 1991

The Phillips Laboratory was formerly the Geophysics Laboratory. On April 1, 1997, two Air Force research organizations at Hanscom—the Geophysics Directorate of Phillips Laboratory and the Electromagnetics Directorate of Rome Laboratory—were merged into the new Air Force Research Laboratory.

A good webpage reference on HAARP and its capabilities:
HAARP: Detection and Imaging of Underground Structures Using ELF/VLF Radio Waves

A good book reference on HAARP:

“Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (1998)”
By Jerry E. Smith
Adventures Unlimited Press (reprinted 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003)
One Adventure Place
Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA
Google Books Preview afBmQvNxAk#v=onepage&q=earthquake&f=false

A good article reference on HAARP (though from the late 1990s, the references are useful):
By: Patrick Bailey and Nancy Worthington
An updated and revised version of a paper originally submitted in June 1997 to the 1997 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, the 32nd IECEC, held July 27 - August 1, 1997, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
(Sections: Abstract, Official HAARP Project, Backgound, PATENTS, Potential Applications, Possible Hidden Agendas)
Includes 12 HAARP U.S. Patents (including diagrams) filed by Bernard J. Eastlund from Spring, TX between 1985-1991 and approved between 1987-1994.
The article is available to read at
Possible Dangers of HAARP
• ELF and VLF Pollution
• Disastrous Resonance Effects in Living Systems
• Affects on Living Things
• Affects on Insects
• Affects on Human Brain Waves
• Weather Disasters
• Natural Disasters
• Earthquakes
Summary and Conclusions
• We are not being told the truth about the HAARP Program.
• Alaska politics will always be supportive of HAARP.
• The military will always be supportive of HAARP.
• The military advantages could be significant.
• The real dangers are completely unknown.
• The real dangers could be very large in several areas!
• The dangers to life may out weigh the military advantages.


Fig. 1. Charged Particle Motion in Earth's Geomagnetic Field. (Figure drawn by Eastlund to show the effect of his full-sized heater. It shows the charged particle motion in the Earth's Geomagnetic Field.)

Fig. 2. Field Lines in the Atmosphere (Taken from the primary U.S. Patent of Eastlund, U.S. Pat. 4,686,605.)

Fig. 3 Illustration of Power Beaming, Earth-to-Earth. (Taken from U.S. Patent 5,202,689.)

Fig. 4 Bouncing ELF Waves Through the Earth and Atmosphere. (Taken from a presentation made at the HAARP Workshop in 1991.) (ELF waves can disrupt mental functions and impact wildlife migration patterns.)

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Hot Damn EM you have taught me more about HAARP and the myriad of other ELF transmitters all over the globe. I can't thank you enough.
Projecting ELF all over the place is really freekin dangerous. I know children are most susceptible to un natural occurrences than adults.
I have three children and I am totally concerned.
I know that swatting flies is a never ending human condition but frying the brains of kids needs to be addressed.

Thank you very much Donnie. I appreciate that. I'm glad that my information has been constructive and that you've gotten the information that you need. Its also been great having you on my threads.

Much love to all...

[edit on 23-3-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by biochemky

Awesome information biokemcky. I can't thank you enough for all of your links and hard work.

Much love to all...

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by biochemky

Wow...the geophysics information is amazing. Thanks again biochemky!!!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Don't forget that the main purpose of HAARP is to make a decent pot of tea. It's yet to be proven that it is capable of making tea and causing earthquakes/controlling hurricanes/reading minds etc etc at the same time

Until then, it remains a big, expensive teasmade and nothing more.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Before you get a rotator cuff injury clapping "biochemky" on the back....I'd take a longer, harder look at the sources h/she cited, there, you betcha!

READ through the whole thing, especially the Q & A section....

One statement that made me giggle was something the authors said about only being able to get information about HAARP "from the Internet"!

Yes, the fear-mongering Chicken Littles of the Internet community are certainly the place to go for valid information.

No, let's not ask experts in any related field of study, let's rely on anonymous amateurs and laypersons posting without comprehension, opinions on matters of science and technology that they are not qualified to discuss.

[edit on 23 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Before you get a rotator cuff injury clapping "biochemky" on the back....I'd take a longer, harder look at the sources h/she cited, there, you betcha!

READ through the whole thing, especially the Q & A section....

One statement that made me giggle was something the authors said about only being able to get information about HAARP "from the Internet"!

Yes, the fear-mongering Chicken Littles of the Internet community are certainly the place to go for valid information.

No, let's not ask experts in any related field of study, let's rely on anonymous amateurs and laypersons posting without comprehension, opinions on matters of science and technology that they are not qualified to discuss.

[edit on 23 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

Well if you have specific problems with some of Biochemky's sources, why don't you point them out in a logical and rational manner. Making a general statement about what you don't agree with shows me nothing. Go back through it, and make bullet points that demonstrate the information that you have a problem with and then discuss it. I'm not going to disavow Biochemky's work just because one poster has some sort of aversion to what the information says.

Give me specifics.

Much love to all...

[edit on 23-3-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Essan
Don't forget that the main purpose of HAARP is to make a decent pot of tea. It's yet to be proven that it is capable of making tea and causing earthquakes/controlling hurricanes/reading minds etc etc at the same time

Until then, it remains a big, expensive teasmade and nothing more.

Thank you for your wisdom. I think its about nap time for you though.

Much love to all...

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Well, just a simple google search of "Patrick Bailey" and "Nancy Worthington"...first, the 'padrak' website came up. Going a bit deeper, found this on Mr. Bailey:

Note, please the extensive connections to the "livingmoon" website. Also, Dr. Bailey's extensive "investigations" into the fringe 'alternative energy' field of 'study'....

Notmy intent to bring derision on another website, one that many here at ATS take as "gospel" ---

---but, I see a troubling tendency involving Dr. Bailey. His earlier work involved better fuel-cell design technology, for instance, and that's admirable. He is a Nuclear Physicist, and has looked into the potential for cold fusion too, which is a "holy grail" of sorts --- perhpas will bear fruit, someday, but is considered 'fringe' right now (though much less 'fringe' than the so-called "ZPE"....still, who knows?)

Point is, a very learned man, with qualifications (two doctorates from MIT), yet he seems to have departed from real scince int ot he realm of the, I question his mental stablity at this point in time.

Remember, not all scientists (nor all Ph.Ds) are created equal.

And, yes....realizing that historically there have been instances of 'visionary' work that was dismissed initially, there is a big difference between having a 'vision', and delving into 'crackpot' areas....

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

Well if you have specific problems with some of Biochemky's sources, why don't you point them out in a logical and rational manner.

1) Anything featuring Begich and/or Manning should be chucked out of hand, so there goes the first two cites.

2) Next - actually lower power instruments of that sort really HAVEN'T been used for years - the GPR units you're likely referring to generally operate in the 100MHz range, and aren't at all the same. The trick with using ELF, if it had worked at all well, was a magnetotelluric detection method instead of GPR. Not much similarity at all. There are a number of good and bad points to MT detection.

One, you really don't need HAARP. If you have the time, you can do it during any period of ionospheric activity, generally you can always do it at sunrise or sunset, and if there's a thunderstorm on the way you can do it then too, just using the time-varying magnetic fields provided by nature.

Two, it's not like it gives you a GPR image. Telluric waves are big blunt instruments. It might help if you were looking for oil or gas deposits which are also big. Looking for underground bunkers, all it tells you is that there is a discontinuity somewhere under you. With some work you can image big things like shale deposits, it's a tough job trying to pinpoint smaller structures. You can often get better resolution scanning with a magnetometer from a helo looking for the rebar in the structure.

So, for the second post, ok, but it's nothing new, and it's no revelation. Doing magnetotelluric scans is old, old stuff. HAARP would let you do it more on a schedule, but it's just as easy to do with other techniques. The viability they assessed was boilable down to "meh". It should be noted that in order to do an MT scan, you have to have a lot of probes in the ground to get the output. So it's not like you have some sort of tricorder thing giving you a photo. It's a real pain to set up for a scan, and it's not the sort of thing you can do unless you control the ground you're trying to scan.

The Patrick Bailey thing is a self-admitted Begich rehash. You'll notice he said he submitted it, but he didn't say it was presented or published. Because it wasn't.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Well, just a simple google search of "Patrick Bailey" and "Nancy Worthington"...first, the 'padrak' website came up. Going a bit deeper, found this on Mr. Bailey:

Note, please the extensive connections to the "livingmoon" website. Also, Dr. Bailey's extensive "investigations" into the fringe 'alternative energy' field of 'study'....

Notmy intent to bring derision on another website, one that many here at ATS take as "gospel" ---

---but, I see a troubling tendency involving Dr. Bailey. His earlier work involved better fuel-cell design technology, for instance, and that's admirable. He is a Nuclear Physicist, and has looked into the potential for cold fusion too, which is a "holy grail" of sorts --- perhpas will bear fruit, someday, but is considered 'fringe' right now (though much less 'fringe' than the so-called "ZPE"....still, who knows?)

Point is, a very learned man, with qualifications (two doctorates from MIT), yet he seems to have departed from real scince int ot he realm of the, I question his mental stablity at this point in time.

Remember, not all scientists (nor all Ph.Ds) are created equal.

And, yes....realizing that historically there have been instances of 'visionary' work that was dismissed initially, there is a big difference between having a 'vision', and delving into 'crackpot' areas....

When I clicked on your link, this message came up:

This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect
securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.

Normally, when you try to connect securely,
sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.

What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to
this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

Now, with that in consideration, I don't know if I would trust your sources that are disavowing and discrediting this particular scientist, especially when I am getting warnings even before touching the actual site that you wanted me to visit. a side note, I have witnessed the discrediting of very good and credible people before for reasons that I choose not to discuss. However, with that in mind, I do understand that SOME people actually deserve the treatment that they get within the scientific community, either because of dubious and dishonorable behavior or acts of negativity that they've stacked against themselves. Since I am not overly familiar with Worthington or Bailey, I won't even pretend to try to defend them. But, I do notice that when "sensitive material" is discussed and brought to the attention of the general public that "certain people" would not like to see publicized, the campaign of discrediting their names usually ensues. It is what it is.

Nonetheless, if you can come up with some other information other than your last link, I am willing to check it out.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Title: High-voltage space tether for enhanced particle scattering in Van Allen belts
Author(s): Danilov VV, Mirnov VV, Ucer D
Source: FUSION TECHNOLOGY 35 (1T): 312-314 JAN 1999
Document Type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 2 Times Cited: 1
Abstract: New applications of space tethers (High-Voltage Tethered Satellite System project) are discussed in relation with ideal of an active experiment in the Earth's radiation belts. Two conducting strings are supposed to be tethered between the main satellite and two small subsatellites flying through the ERB. A large potential difference similar to 1MV is applied between the tethers by means of a generator carried on the main satellite. The tethers effectively scatter the high energy particles into loss cone of magnetic trap, providing a control of particle life time in ERB. The rigorous theory of the sheath layer formed by relatively cold plasma is developed, yielding the electric field profile,which is then used for the treatment of scattering problem. With the help of Fokker-Planck equation the average rate of particle losses, normalized per 1 km of the tether's length is found to be: (2.5 divided by 14) . 10(16) s(-1) km(-1) for electron belts and 1.8 . 10(14)divided by 2.5 . 10(20) s(-1) km(-1) for proton belts. New active experiments in space become possible under the joint realization of HVTSS and HAARP projects.
Addresses: Danilov VV (reprint author), Krasnoyarsk State Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia
Krasnoyarsk State Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia
Middle E Tech Univ, Dept Phys, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey


Title: Theory of beat wave excitation in an inhomogeneous plasma
Author(s): Ryutov AD, Cowley SC, Valeo EJ
Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 8 (1): 36-47 JAN 2001
Document Type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 24 Times Cited: 1
Abstract: The theory of beat wave excitation in a slightly inhomogeneous plasma is presented. While the theory is general it applies directly to the experiments performed in Alaska by the ionospheric heating facilities HIPAS [High Power Auroral Simulation, Radio Sci. 25, 1269 (1990)] and HAARP [High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 257 (1998)]. A ray tracing (WKB) formalism appropriate for computations is developed. The computational implementation of this formalism and extensive results will be presented in a follow up to this paper. Also the beat wave excitation of upper-hybrid waves is investigated analytically. The complicated trajectories of these waves in the plasma are described. When this beat wave reaches the plasma wave resonance it can, in the HIPAS-HAARP experiments, attain nonlinear amplitude. The electrostatic upper-hybrid waves are trapped around the density maximum of the ionosphere. This trapping is investigated in detail. Beat wave pumping of the trapped modes is possible using HAARP and HIPAS or with split beams from HAARP. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.1329149].

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