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ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference and Scientific Ufology

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:34 AM
These videos should be watched by everyone interested in our planet. Here is someone that takes a scientific formulated approach to understanding the possibility of ETs and interstellar life. The author has a lot of videos explaining possible solutions to what was thought to be impossible questions. I would like to hear what people have to say about these possibilities.

This is from a physicist/scientist/engineer.

ExtraOrdinary Technologies Conference 2009

The author discussing the Norway Spiral on MIT Student Radio 88.1FM

And here are a few more videos. These are where it gets real interesting. Probably hard for most to follow along since he is speaking in advanced scientific terminology, so it would be great for some of the people more knowledgeable in this field to chime in and offer some opinions please.

AntiGravity Physics Explained

Alien Technology - Invisibility and MetaMaterials

Alien Technology - Quasicrystals & Photonic Circuits

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:30 AM
lol. Maybe he should spend some time working on his website he keeps talking about.

They are doing this to benefit mankind and to help save lives if Y2K electrical supply problems are a reality.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by zaiger
lol. Maybe he should spend some time working on his website he keeps talking about.

They are doing this to benefit mankind and to help save lives if Y2K electrical supply problems are a reality.

I think in an hour of him talking I heard him mention his website once. And for your information the website he mentions in the first video is not even his own. I would bet you got as far as that 2 minutes into the first video, then stopped and posted your one liner because you thought he was someone trying to sell you something. The only one selling you something is your government. I take it you have nothing to offer to this thread and don't understand his concepts so you just bash what you don't understand...

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:53 AM
Great video posts! I think it is amazing how the standard model proton is incorrect, I will most definitely take a deeper look into the Schwarzschild Protons. Thanks for that post Smell The Roses.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Regretably i did listen to the full hour.

video 1

this blew my mind,
Our TR3B uses the same technology as what the nazis used in their nazi bell experiment?
That one was pretty good considering there is so little known about the nazi bell experiment and we have just about as much evidence of UFOs as we do of the TR3B.

Then he goes into a physics rant which I really did not care for, not that i did not understand it, i just don't care.

Video 2

The norway spiral... I listen to coast to coast am and come one ATS between the two there is not much else to be said about it. For the record to make everyone happy the norway spiral was
A failed rocket. Launched at a time travler from the 6th density time travling military aircraft flying behind a UFO.

video 3
Anti-gravity physics explained... moar like anti-gravity unexplained amirite?
He is really not explaining much here, he can no more explain anti-gravity than he can explain what gravity is exactly. Magnetisim is not anti-gravity magnitisim is just a different way of lifting something.

video 4

Invisibility...And the works being done on it, the discovery channel had the same show on he just went a little more into the physics of it.

video 5

Alien implant...
Yeah im in camarillo, if i want i can drive 5min to see it if i really wanted to.

All in all he takes theoritical subjects and tries to back it up with physics lectures.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by jdmmade
Great video posts! I think it is amazing how the standard model proton is incorrect, I will most definitely take a deeper look into the Schwarzschild Protons. Thanks for that post Smell The Roses.

The author of the videos I have posted uses a new more accurate explanation of physics accredited to a recent discoverer. "The nuclei of an atom as a mini black hole"...

The name of the Schwarzschild Proton project was The Resonance Project. The author of the paper, Nassim Haramein, researched for 20 years before coming up with his radical new quantum theory.

And here is the paper in PDF.

"Chosen by a panel of 11 peer reviewers, Haramein's paper won the prestigious "Best Paper Award" in the field of “Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation.” This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum theory, as it describes the nuclei of an atom as a mini black hole, where protons are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than some mysterious undefined “strong force.” This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of the forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon of atoms."

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses

Originally posted by jdmmade
Great video posts! I think it is amazing how the standard model proton is incorrect, I will most definitely take a deeper look into the Schwarzschild Protons. Thanks for that post Smell The Roses.

The author of the videos I have posted uses a new more accurate explanation of physics accredited to a recent discoverer. "The nuclei of an atom as a mini black hole"...

The name of the Schwarzschild Proton project was The Resonance Project. The author of the paper, Nassim Haramein, researched for 20 years before coming up with his radical new quantum theory.

And here is the paper in PDF.

"Chosen by a panel of 11 peer reviewers, Haramein's paper won the prestigious "Best Paper Award" in the field of “Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Field Theory, and Gravitation.” This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum theory, as it describes the nuclei of an atom as a mini black hole, where protons are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than some mysterious undefined “strong force.” This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of the forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon of atoms."

It's simply a load of bollocks.

Did they happen to ignore all of the nuclear physics done since 1930? You know, those things called experiments?

As in, actual quantitative numbers and predictions about scattering cross sections and angles?

What about those conservation laws? What about all the detailed knowledge and experimental facts about the isotopes and radioactive decays?
What about isosopin?

What about the neutron? What about all those mesons? You know that energies and interactions can be predicted quantitatively.

The strong force may be as "mysterious" as any other fundamental force of nature, but it sure is NOT undefined.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

I think what you don't understand is that those "experiments" were always known to be inaccurate. The Schwarzschild Proton is perfect in accuracy and by many probably still understood at this point in time.

1930s experiments outdated by modern science experiments? Maybe?

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by jdmmade
Great video posts! I think it is amazing how the standard model proton is incorrect, I will most definitely take a deeper look into the Schwarzschild Protons. Thanks for that post Smell The Roses.

Nassim Haramein was searching for a geometric array that would be the fundamentals to creation. He has been seeking answers for a long time, but doing it with extensive knowledge. We are talking about a genius here.

"As early as 9 years old, Swiss born Nassim Haramein was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the "Holofractographic Universe."

He is the Founder and Director of Research for his non profit organization called The Resonance Project.

He just developed a startling new discovery which is rewriting the understanding of physics and consciousness. This is what is causing a stir and people are realizing who this man is and what he is capable of. He is coming up with new radical solutions to Einstein's Field Equations which is the basic of his theory.

"This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric (a new solution to Einstein's Field Equations that incorporates torque and Coriolis effects) and his most recent paper The Schwarzschild Proton, lays down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our current understandings of physics and consciousness. This groundbreaking theory has now been delivered to the scientific community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences. Further, The Schwarzschild Proton paper has recently received the prestigious "Best Paper Award" in the field of physics, quantum mechanics, relativity, field theory, and gravitation at the University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference CASYS'09."

New Interview with Nassim

[edit on 12-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

WOW, I cannot wait until what he comes up with. I always like to get a new fresh idea on the capabilities of physics, rather than looking at it as some cheap lab experiment or something "basic" that a lot of people are making look like today. People are forgetting the Quantum aspect of it all, the part that necessarily doesn't need to sound true in order to be true. Something ground breaking like this definitely needs be seen more and more. Smell the Roses, how you feel about Ununpentium (Element 115), anti-gravity generators and what not?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by jdmmade
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Smell the Roses, how you feel about Ununpentium (Element 115), anti-gravity generators and what not?

Hi jdmmade, glad you liked the interview. Element 115 is a very interesting topic and I still think that there is a lot to be said about what we are capable of. I remember Bob Lazar speaking a lot about element 115 aka Ununpentium. He said that we would never be able to make it here with our technology at any efficient rate. Something like years maybe to build one craft? I think he explains even ET's take a months or a couple to make a craft with it? I think I also remember him saying that it is only able to be made naturally, when abundance is needed and the conditions we have here on Earth are not capable of creating it at all.

Remember this is the guy that was talking about Element 115, 15-20 years before it was even put on the periodic table...Bob Lazar is a very smart man. You should check out his corvette if you haven't. Anyways here is the specific part of his long interview when he talks about Element 115...

Bob Lazar On Element 115

[edit on 13-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

The real 115 and what bob lazar talked about are two different things, as far as "predicting" it goes, well that is really a trick which come from more of an understanding of the periodic table.
Mendeleev "predicted" way more that bob lazar, not because of any special knowledge but because he understood the elements.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by zaiger

Hello zaiger. Please explain what you mean I am not sure what you are saying? The real 115? Are you saying Bob Lazar was talking about a different element? Are you saying he is describing an element he made up? Is this an element not yet known? I am wondering your thoughts and the source of them because I am always trying to understand Lazar. He seamed to know way more than he should and his story never changed. He doesn't really come off as a crazy person? To me he seams like a misunderstood, very intelligent person...And Mendeleev's predictions , which are you talking about? Are you just talking using equations to justify elements? Lazar was talking about actually using 115 at the time.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 01:28 PM
PESwiki ExtraOrdinary Event Interviews

Here is some other interesting info on extraordinary technology. This site has interviews with many different scientists and are all amazing to see explain some of this technology available at the moment.

The discussions include weather modification techniques, hydrogen fuel use, and the GEET Plasma Reactor for some. Check it out if your interested and let me know what you think.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Hello zaiger. Please explain what you mean I am not sure what you are saying? The real 115? Are you saying Bob Lazar was talking about a different element? Are you saying he is describing an element he made up? Is this an element not yet known? I am wondering your thoughts and the source of them because I am always trying to understand Lazar. He seamed to know way more than he should and his story never changed. He doesn't really come off as a crazy person? To me he seams like a misunderstood, very intelligent person...And Mendeleev's predictions , which are you talking about? Are you just talking using equations to justify elements? Lazar was talking about actually using 115 at the time

First off lets get this straight about the element 115. Bob lazar claimed that element 115 was used to power the anti-gravity device in "sport-model" ufo in los alamos S4. He also said that it was radioactive.

Now this is where the "prediction" does not really work. Any element over 92 would be radio active, so this is not really a prediction anymore. It is the exact same thing as me saying "I worked for HAARP and they are going to make an earthquake in japan". Eventually there will be an earth quake in japan thus my "prediction" and credibility would be good, well not really it is about self fulfilling as you get. To date there is no record of bob lazar going to MIT, working at "s4" or doing anything besides being a self employed film processor that took an electronics class at Pierce Junior College. I was talking about Medeleev's preditions because they are made out of his knowledge of the periodic table. All bob lazar did is make up a story that involved element 115, he could have done this with any number of elements and some day he would have been "right"

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by zaiger
First off lets get this straight about the element 115. Bob lazar claimed that element 115 was used to power the anti-gravity device in "sport-model" ufo in los alamos S4. He also said that it was radioactive.

Uh huh. And?
. You are acting like you are telling us something we don't know? That is the most readily available information out there.

Now this is where the "prediction" does not really work. Any element over 92 would be radio active, so this is not really a prediction anymore. It is the exact same thing as me saying "I worked for HAARP and they are going to make an earthquake in japan". Eventually there will be an earth quake in japan thus my "prediction" and credibility would be good, well not really it is about self fulfilling as you get. To date there is no record of bob lazar going to MIT, working at "s4" or doing anything besides being a self employed film processor that took an electronics class at Pierce Junior College. I was talking about Medeleev's preditions because they are made out of his knowledge of the periodic table. All bob lazar did is make up a story that involved element 115, he could have done this with any number of elements and some day he would have been "right"

So you don't believe Bob Lazar.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

So you don't believe Bob Lazar.

Belief has nothing to do with it, those are facts. So tell me exactly why do you believe in Bob lazar is it because he tells you what you want to hear?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 09:14 PM
Something I need to mention is, I was someone that didn't want to hear about UFOs it scared the hell out of me. It was thanks to Bob Lazar who frightened that little kid. As I grew up the information the was appearing in videos, photos, news and it was inevitable. So I then began to listen to the information that he began providing us with, and it does stay with in range of our physics structure, as wells the laws it must abide with. I simply believe that Bob Lazar is a man who just wanted to tell the truth, simple as is. He doesn't sit there and praise about it, like some crazy religious man.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:26 AM
AlienScientist has mentioned Bob Lazar in one of his videos. He considers Lazar to be a fraud, mostly because 1) there is a large discrepancy between what is already known of Element 115, and what he claims are its characteristics, and 2) his credentials are very suspicious.

For my two cents, I personally put a great deal more consideration into what AlienScientist has to say, rather than Bob Lazar.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:33 AM
Found it. Skip ahead to 3.30, then he goes into a summary.

He's done a much more in-depth study of Bob Lazar which you can find here at his website.

video works now

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Son of Will]

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