posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 01:04 PM
I personally don't think that Mossad did it (on instructions from it's controllers in the Israeli government), in the sense that this was an Israeli
planned and executed operation intended to serve the interests of Israel and Israel only, as was the case in the attack on the USS Liberty for
I do think that resources accessible to the Israeli government (either directly or through closely allied private individuals), possibly including
Mossad, were involved in the operation, but more as interested facilitators, brought in because of their sympathies for the intended goals of the
operation and for agreed upon considerations in exchange for services rendered.
In short, I believe that Israel participated as a form of "contracting out", which would allow the American government to accomplish certain tasks
in the black, without it getting abroad, among their own black operational people, that Uncle Sam had decided to mass murder some of it's own
Even the wackiest Delta Force psycho might decide to take personal offence to an assignment like that. That might be a line that even an
MKUltra zombie wasn't willing to cross. Hence the messy "wet" part of the 9/11 operation was probably contracted out.
It would have the added benefit of moving all potential whistle blowers offshore and into a combat zone where they could easily be knocked off if
they started to come down with cases of chattiness.
Qui bono? Who benefits?
Israel does benefit. They have Saddam Hussein off their backs. Are they better off now?
Anybody else benefit? I think so. Those folks are much closer to home.
Edit, to add: The idea of "contracting out" is extremely important in another way. If you take the American "clandestine services" industry as
a whole into account, the fact that very, very few people, and sympathetic ones at that, would know for certain what had taken place on 9/11,
becomes extremely important in the aftermath of the operation.
Many shrewd Americans involved in some way in black operational projects, who might suspect an inside job and who made inquiries on back channels
accessible to them as insiders, would run into dead end after dead end in the quest for information about the 9/11 operation and might very
legitimately come to accept that the attack must have come from outside, from the Islamic terrorist milieu, since nobody on the inside seemed
to know anything about it.
If that idea could be put in place, in that circle, it would have a powerful ripple effect when American legislators or journalists with contacts in
clandestine services sounded out people in that community as to their "off the record" views of 9/11.
People, like certain important journalists and certain heavyweight legislators, could then say with conviction, that they knew for certain that
9/11 was not an inside job and that it is ludicrous to suggest that it was.
And they are right as far as parts of the operation are concerned. It was not an inside job. It was contracted out, by insiders.
[edit on 16-6-2010 by ipsedixit]