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Culture of Victimhood - Personal Essay (Warning: VERY VERY LONG)

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posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Gwynniver

Originally posted by Gwynniver
reply to post by v01i0

Aren't you victimizing yoursel/us with this question?

I don't know. Am I? I am not sure what you mean.

I do know that I myself am victim of my own aspirations, wishes and desires. I do realize this. We could go as far as to say that it would be my fault should die by the stray bullet on the street. Why? Because I went there in first place.

Of course, above is little exaggerration, but would you get my point? We often blame others for our own mistakes - as we project our bad and suppressed characteristics on other people. We are seldom ready to admit that we are the cause of most - if not all - of our problems.

So I guess yes, one could say that I am victimizing, but at least I know where it comes from.


[edit on 15-3-2010 by v01i0]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by above

Well thank you for the vote of confidence and I think it's great you don't 100% agree. Yet another thing (for another post believe me...) I think is a huge issue is how afraid people are sometimes to admit we are human and are unique. We truly don't have to be part of a mold. You doon't completely agree and that is good. The nice part is your disagreement gives me time and oppurtunity to key into what might well need changing. Iam certainly not infallible (as this post hopefully clearly shows) and I am always subject to criticism just like anyone else. Heck I will be the first to admit what I know is probably an infitessimally small fraction of the total knowledge of this world but in the end I will become a psychologist and thus will do the only thing any type of healthcare worker can best. I chose to take the few gifts I have and use them to help others overcome the same and others problems that I have had. My struggle with anxiety at times has been monumental.

In fact I have been toying with the idea of posting some detailed information on it in hopes of helping people understand it. Kind of like an expose. Sure most people here could probably care less about me and this potential project isn't about ego. I prefer to share some things about my life if it can help others overcome their own issues or if for no other reason then to let people know they aren't alone because in the end I think life is all about connections. That's why a forum is so amazing. Thousands of like minded people sharing...what a damn fine world we live in no matter how bad the ecnomy can still love because last I checked you can't tax love and compassion.

reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

What a superb quote. Amazing what words can do. Delenn has taken (albeit it pre-empted) what I have written and summed it up very well. Love it. Yes that is the main concept I have here. People just refuse sometimes to take responsibility. Why? Are they comfortable in their ruts? Well any good personal trainer will tell you the only way to get stronger is to get out of your comfort zone. That's what I am working on in my personal life.

reply to post by v01i0

Could not agree more. We project so much I feel we out to be in theatres. I used to project alot with my insecurities as a male. When my wife (at the time girlriend) would talk to another guy I instantly assumed I was lesser than he and my insecurities projected onto her and I soon got into a spiral of thinking where I was no good and she was going to leave me. This projection is actually a key reason I left my old job in the military and became a cook. (that is for another thread though and is quite a delicate conversation here on ATS)

reply to post by Gwynniver

Religion, like any institution, is not clear of blame. Don't get me wrong I don't blame of all life's issues on religion by any means; they are merely another part of the world as evil. Like I said with my logical exercise if A and B don't have the capacity for evil, then when A and B start a religion there shouldn't be evil. Our religious leaders are human too and although we want to think that the Pope is infaliible (raised 15 years Catholic) he is a human being and has the same pains, pleasures and desires we do.

Thank you all so much for keeping this going!

As a side note, would anyone be interested if I started a little blog type thing regarding anxiety? (don't feel bad if you say feelings won't be harmed...much...sniff j/k)


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by KyoZero

Originally posted by KyoZero

Thank you all so much for keeping this going!

As a side note, would anyone be interested if I started a little blog type thing regarding anxiety?

You're welcome. And no problem, I like to read well presented ideas, especially when they got point.

Since you seem to be capable of phrase ideas into the words in a prominent manner, I'd encourage you to start a blog.

And as to reply your reply to me, I must say that it is really funny - well not funny, rather frightening - to see how much projection takes place in relationships between people, and also in people's relationships towards known figures.

I kinda feel happy that you changed you profession
Cooking sounds lot better than military.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:37 AM
Yeah the blog idea will cover what happened there...and you'll see why I am pensive to bring it up...not afraid of it...but instantly I'll have like 500 people calling me a liar :-p

oh well

The question is where to put this thing...


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
The government is blindly dedicated to securing the safety of the public, to the point where it doesn't trust the judgement of its citizens anymore and wants to take responsibility that otherwise would be individual by nature.

Maybe in theory the government wants to "secure the safety of the public"

However, in practice the government is used by corporations to subjugate and profit from the public.

Loss of responsibility is a product of taking away freedom.

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
This is the psychology of liberalism, leftism, progressivism -- whatever you call it, the origin is crowdism, or the will of the mob to have it be Not Our Fault. Instead of simply fixing themselves, they're seeking external scapegoats and self-esteem builders. The scapegoats are the powerful (God, Kings, corporations, Nature)

How can you say that corporations are the scapegoat?

When corporations manipulate the system (information and people) for their own profits they ARE the root of the problem.


I agree with the OP that apathy and inaction are the problem.

But the REAL problem is that people are not fighting corruption within are own government.

People have allowed corporations to take over our country.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Jezus

Well you make a darn interesting point here. Why is ATS here? To explore the issues with the world from a new view. Most of us believe that the government is in need of serious help and maybe a full rebuild. The thing is if we can't even get past our own issues, are we ever going to honestly have the power to change things on a national or global scale? If people can't admit their own wrongs then frankly I don't think they have alot of business pointing out the wrongs of others.

Maybe that opinion makes me unpopular but it is mine and original (in that I came up with that thought without assistance...though it took me ages because I used to be a huge finger pointer)

Maybe it also makes me sound high and mighty but here is the thing. Even though I am moving out of victimization myself I STILL refuse to finger point because at no point in my life will I ever be perfect...believe me I am not high and mighty...I am low and meek...but hey at least I can look myself in the mirror now


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by KyoZero
The thing is if we can't even get past our own issues, are we ever going to honestly have the power to change things on a national or global scale? If people can't admit their own wrongs then frankly I don't think they have alot of business pointing out the wrongs of others.

But the "issues" are manipulated and it is important to point out who is profiting from a lack of positive change.

I agree that people’s inaction is the problem, but it is important to recognize that apathy and inaction is facilitated by our government and by our media.

Corporations don't want you to get past your own issues because they don't want you to change things on any level.

Powerful people make profits from the current state of the system; it is in their best interests for things to stay the same so they stay in control.
Divide and conquer is their best strategy because while we fight over issues like healthcare the insurance companies win because no REAL change ever happens.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

But the "issues" are manipulated and it is important to point out who is profiting from a lack of positive change.

I agree that people’s inaction is the problem, but it is important to recognize that apathy and inaction is facilitated by our government and by our media.

Corporations don't want you to get past your own issues because they don't want you to change things on any level.

I could not agree more actually. They are the worst type of enablers around because they do it en masse AND on purpose. Alot of times enablers aren't aware of what they are doing, McDonalds on the other hand IS aware.

So that's the do we get people to step one and beyond?

Love this country I say...but you don't have to accept all of its foibles...just like a marriage. We have to be responsible...I guess that is that hard part is once you realize it's time to make a change you have to figure out HOW to do so. This is of course assuming that your plan is to go after the I said some people prefer just to work on themselves.

Nice post J


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Awesome thread, well written, I don't agree with everything stated, and I feel you left out a few important victims types......however, one of the best things I've read on here in awhile.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Oh please by all means enlighten me. This was definitely a more general post but I would love to hear what you have to add.


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