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Why Didn't Jesus Write The Bible?

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:18 PM
How the Jesus Myth was created

This Awareness wishes to remind you that the story of Jesus, the first written word, was that which was put down some 80 years after his existence on this plane; that It wishes also to inform you that the composite known as the entity Jesus was that which was put together from a variety of information.

This Awareness suggest, there is a book by Loyd Graham titled Deceptions and Myths in the Bible; that this book goes into the origin of the stories that have been related in the Old Testament, especially in the Old Testament, which were literally taken, in many cases word for word, or concept for concept from earlier writings. For example, the story of Noah and his four sons having been taken from writings which long predated the stories in the Old Testament and which used terms and names for the sons which were identical to those reported in the Old testament.

This Awareness indicates that the story of Moses as having been stolen from a Syrian myth that had come down in relation to an entity names Misis. This Awareness indicates that a great number of the stories within the Old Testament were simply the result of the Hebrew priests attempting to create a set of myths and stories by which they could organize their own religion, their own philosophy, in order to form a more cohesive society in those days. This Awareness indicates that the works of Loyd Graham go deeply into finding these earlier stories from Babylon, which was the source of the story of the garden of Eden, through Syrian and other cultures and Indian records and stories of India.

This Awareness indicates that even the New Testament is assembled from patterns related to stories taken from earlier sources, such as Zoroastrian, Mithrain, Krishna, Buddhism, and Egyptian, and others, in which many verses are literally paraphrasing earlier writings, and many of the stories attributed to the story of Jesus, were lifted directly out of these other writings. The story of Jesus at the well, as one which was taken from earlier writings. This Awareness indicates that it is of importance that entities realize the origins of the Bible did not come from the pen of God, but came from the earlier writings in different cultures and nations at the time these Hebrew priests put this work together. This Awareness indicates that these countries who were plagiarized then became labeled as heathen, - nations whose philosophies were heathenistic, but this was only after their stories had been stolen.

First of all, you have to realize that Jesus was a composite of different entities and the name was chosen several hundred years later at the Council of Nicea, wherein the entity Constantine ordered the various religious sects to come together and create a single religion for Rome, a Universal religion that incorporated all of the aspects of the various religions, so that all could accept and subscribe to it.

The Influence of Apollonius of Tyana
(Read also about Apollonius of Tyana, the Real Christ? The invented story of Jesus)

Click the link above if interested in reading more.And here is the link again.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 03:40 AM
Christ the anointed is a complicated issue (New Testament) - His body isn't found. He is said to have lifted up on the right hand side of God, or known as the Kingdom of Christ. Mocking a holy book with millions of followers wont solve an answer either as it could eventually be discovered through history!

A Spirit of God dwells in them. A supernatural decision maker, that is the point of that, OP. You have to think about the faith of not one idea of the Bible, but many leading to debate after debate with little evidence that this Master Teacher has existed. We are still awaiting Old Testament breakthrough.

More of a construction awaiting completion to fullness. Especially the New Testament because little is provided.

If the body of the Son of God were to be discovered, how will you feel? Will you feel angry and blame yourself because he was a Man? Would you accept that? Will you deny that he ever died and it is a lie because he was not real?

This thread is more of a "Hot" kind of response because it's just negative toward someone who reads the book/books.

Just like Health care from the President Obama administration, some agree while others refuse. Some are undecided if it should happen. It is what is!

[edit on 28-3-2010 by FungShuiMyLife]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
If the bible is the word of god, and we are all born of sin and unworthy, then why did he put everyone’s soul in jeopardy by letting normal men write the bible?

does it matter?

if the bible is consistant across all its books despite having been written over a period of 1600 years AND being written by men of all walks of life (from kings to farmers) wouldnt that be MORE evidence that the bible was inspired by one god?

AND let crooked men decide what books were NOT allowed into the bible?

the church had NOTHING to do with which books were included in the bible. in fact the books that were widely accepted as "canon" where considered such before the corrupt church was forming.

another note: the books that are disputed over were (a) written long after the first century and (b) usually disagree with the bible wildly, pushing doctrine that the church was beginning to push (like imortallity of the soul, hellfire, even gnostic teachings)

The reason is because ITS ALL A SCAM. The bible is a copy of the older myths and legends that were COMPLETE works of FICTION.

zeitgeist has been debunked many many times.

Religion was put in place to keep the commoners obedient, while the authorities at the time kept the true study of astrology to themselves.

yes, this is why christians were burned alive as colleseum lamps, because it was all a tool by the romans.

please.... stop generalizing and simplifying things.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by miriam0566

Originally posted by pplrnuts
If the bible is the word of god, and we are all born of sin and unworthy, then why did he put everyone’s soul in jeopardy by letting normal men write the bible?

does it matter?

if the bible is consistent across all its books despite having been written over a period of 1600 years AND being written by men of all walks of life (from kings to farmers) wouldn't that be MORE evidence that the bible was inspired by one god?

AND let crooked men decide what books were NOT allowed into the bible?

the church had NOTHING to do with which books were included in the bible. in fact the books that were widely accepted as "canon" where considered such before the corrupt church was forming.

another note: the books that are disputed over were (a) written long after the first century and (b) usually disagree with the bible wildly, pushing doctrine that the church was beginning to push (like immortality of the soul, hellfire, even gnostic teachings)

The reason is because ITS ALL A SCAM. The bible is a copy of the older myths and legends that were COMPLETE works of FICTION.

zeitgeist has been debunked many many times.

Religion was put in place to keep the commoners obedient, while the authorities at the time kept the true study of astrology to themselves.

yes, this is why Christians were burned alive as coliseum lamps, because it was all a tool by the romans.

please.... stop generalizing and simplifying things.

It is sick and vicious god who would allow his own believers to suffer so much when he could with nothing more than a thought prevent such things.

Seriously why would an intelligent, all powerful, loving god create such a sick. twisted and vicious world of humanity as ours? Why would such a creator need to create a hell or anything painful at all? Is your god limited in his power?

What is the motive behind this sick plot? I have more compassion and love in a strand of my hair than the god prescribed in Islam AND Christianity have.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:38 PM
OP when you asked "Why didn't Jesus write the Bible" I honestly thought you were referring to the New Testament, because the New Testament is actually about Jesus's life and his teachings. The Old Testament is about hundreds and thousands of years of Bible history that has almost nothing to do with Jesus other than a few prophesies. The Old Testament had already been written when Jesus was born. Jesus was fulfilling the prophesies of the Old Testament that were already written so why would he have to write it again?

Here is what I think about God's relationship with this world. We are living in God's dream, and God comes and goes from his dream. God sometimes has control of his dream, and sometimes he doesn't. When God is in control he is having a lucid dream, he can perform miracles, he can manifest as a human, he can be a formless being watching over his creation.

Jesus is just a manifestation of God in his human form during a lucid dream, a long lucid dream. Jesus's life may have been many years for us humans, for God it was only one night... because one thing I have noticed in my lucid dreams is time seems to go by a lot slower during dreams.

During dreams, you can't read or write. I have never tried writing in a dream, but when you try to read during a dream, the words and sentences change while you read them, so this is why I think Jesus didn't bother to try to write the Bible.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

silly boy, he did. Yahushua is God, who wrote the Bible...gee

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by pplrnuts

maybe its because 90% of what happened in the bible was either before Jesus was born or After he died

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 07:25 AM
Jesus did not write the bible because of the simple fact that he was not yet born until the book of Luke was written.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by miriam0566

yes, this is why christians were burned alive as colleseum lamps, because it was all a tool by the romans.

Whose tools were the people that chrsistians burned alive then?

Oh I know, don't tell me, they weren't "True chrsitians " doing the burning.

Seems like you're generalizing perhaps it wasn't "True Romans" that were burning xtians.

As I understand it the deluded xtians practically lined up to be martyred for jesus yahwhe so wher's the wrong doing ? They got what they wanted.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Wang Tang

Here is what I think about God's relationship with this world. We are living in God's dream, and God comes and goes from his dream. God sometimes has control of his dream, and sometimes he doesn't. When God is in control he is having a lucid dream, he can perform miracles, he can manifest as a human, he can be a formless being watching over his creation.

??????? Dude that has to be one of the most maddest reasonings I've come across.

So we're all part of a dream an invisible man in the sky is having eh ?

Well there you go then, the invisible mans' nightmares obviously account for much just as well all kill ourselves now if that is true.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by benk84
Jesus did not write the bible because of the simple fact that he was not yet born until the book of Luke was written.

More likely he was never born and is the imaginary character in a fictitious tale written by men.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:38 PM
err maybe because jesus did not exist? maybe because jesus wasnt real? maybe because jesus was imaginary? i dunno thats just my opinion. they like a holes everyone has one u kno?

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:51 PM
God spoke directly to the people (old testament) and tried to lay down some guidelines, but the people who were really into sacrifice (as in burnt offerings rather than of themselves) and sadistic punishment etc got it all twisted, as the convoluted nature of the old testament shows.
The people were idiots, like this..


So God tried a new approach, maybe they might the word might resonate more with them if it came from one of their own in simpler terms, so he produced Jesus, who taught by example, spoke simply, and with parables the people could relate to.
The ideas were meant to be spread by example, A book was never intented, this was mans idea alone.

You can misinterprate the written word, but if your shivering and I give you my coat, or if your hungry and I give you get the idea.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by wayaboveitall

So God tried a new approach, ----

The implication being that yahweh is not in fact omniscient and has a tendency to fail to communicate with that which it is alleged to have created.

Seems like this god just cannot get it's creation to cooperate, wipe it out with a flood or try a different human form, nothing seems to work.

Perhaps the the best explanation is that yahwhe is simply imaginary.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by piedsniper

??????? Dude that has to be one of the most maddest reasonings I've come across.

So we're all part of a dream an invisible man in the sky is having eh ?

Well there you go then, the invisible mans' nightmares obviously account for much just as well all kill ourselves now if that is true.

God isn't exactly an invisible man in the sky, we are creations of his mind, in his mind, so we are all a part of God because we were all made from God by God. Notice how in the Bible God tends to side with one group of people, and tends to only be at one place at a time... because in a dream you can't be in more than one place at a time. And note that we also have the power to dream, but not in the capacity that God has to dream because we are all only imperfect imitations of God.

Now this is only my theory and my belief, if this is cause enough for you to kill yourself, then go ahead, but I can live with my beliefs.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by FungShuiMyLife

Christ the anointed is a complicated issue (New Testament) - His body isn't found. He is said to have lifted up on the right hand side of God

Your right, complicated because yahwhe clearly says "No one " sits at his side

Isaiah 43:11

I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

Complicated ?? Perhaps fabricated is more apt a description

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Seriously why would an intelligent, all powerful, loving god create such a sick. twisted and vicious world of humanity as ours? Why would such a creator need to create a hell or anything painful at all? Is your god limited in his power?

What is the motive behind this sick plot? I have more compassion and love in a strand of my hair than the god prescribed in Islam AND Christianity have.

He didn't create a sick twisted world. We as humans did that. He gave us life, loves all of us as his creation. If we choose to kill and rape, etc, then we will be judged. He gave us free will, the freedom to choose and live our lives. When will man stop complaining and blaming God for all of our problems. Men do things unto other men. We have complete control over what we do to ourselves and others. This life is little more than a trial run for us. If we are worthy and have something positive to contribute in the next life...please exit stage right. If you have spent your life spreading negativism and serving yourself...then you may be escorted stage left. What is so hard to understand. People want to believe that they are at the top of the food chain, too much pride to relinquish percieved power. Accept that their is a higher being that created you and if you want to move on to the next round then you better play by his rules....after's his game.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:57 PM
...sorry editing mistake...the above was a reply to Xeven...the top two paragraphs were his/hers.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:17 PM
I'm not going to read through all the posts before posting this obvious clue: Jesus was most likely illiterate.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by lambs to lions

Seriously why would an intelligent, all powerful, loving god create such a sick. twisted and vicious world of humanity as ours? Why would such a creator need to create a hell or anything painful at all?

According to the bibles (the source of the judeo xtian god) god did indeed create evil and readily admits so, throwing free will out the window.

Is your god limited in his power?

Again, according to the bibles themselves god is very limited in power.

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