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Why Didn't Jesus Write The Bible?

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:48 PM
The bible you have read isn't the bible that was read 1000 years ago. Powerful men revised the bible many times to fit their own warped view on life and humanity. The true words of the bible have been changed beyond comprehension. The bible you hold is a fake.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
If the bible is the word of god, and we are all born of sin and unworthy, then why did he put everyone’s soul in jeopardy by letting normal men write the bible? AND let crooked men decide what books were NOT allowed into the bible?

Since the character Jesus was so perfect, why did god not assign the bible writing and final editing to him? He certainty wasn’t making any headlines from ages 12-30, so what the heck was he doing? It should have been absolutely mandatory that only the MAN-GOD be responsible for the works of a book to which all our souls depend upon for all of ETERNITY. The rest of man, as god claims, are unworthy and failures of sin, and not to be trusted, CORRECT?

The reason is because ITS ALL A SCAM. The bible is a copy of the older myths and legends that were COMPLETE works of FICTION. Religion was put in place to keep the commoners obedient, while the authorities at the time kept the true study of astrology to themselves. The root of the organized religions and the bible is ASTROLOGY. Text, PERIOD.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by pplrnuts]

obviously you havnt done your research. your just spitting out what you've heard from others.

zeitgeist isnt a point of reference!

you worship lucifer!!!!

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by keeko83

Lucifer is pretty awesome. He is the Lightbringer. He is Prometheus, who gave Fire to the humans. Lucifer made humanity better than the other beasts.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:59 AM
No your wrong God is a Spirit, and he used man to write his good book. Even if a writer made errors on some of the writing a fractions of Gods word is enough to change life. Humans have their own free will, God will not violate your will to choose to believe in him. He will not force you (even though he could I suppose), which is why we have people like you trying to destroy faith, in the God that took responsility for His actions and sacrificed Himself once and for all. So that humanity would not have to live according to the 10,000 do's and donts in the Bible. He redeemed us from the curse of the law.

Paving the way to what we call a modern civilaztion, had Jesus not died on the cross, we would still be living in the dark ages, farming and traveling the way they did then.

Most people are so shallow minded that they can not see the obvious.

Christ paid the price for ALL whether you believe in Him or NOT, you are alive and you have fingers to press the keyboard on your computer because of His mercy.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:27 AM
I think nearly all of these posters need to lose the attitude and stop arguing like children.

The bible is a bunch of non-sense. I don't care who wrote it, but it is still a work of art in a way.

One thing that I realized is that it seems to have one thing clever about it. The revelations chapter is cleverly written because when you really think about it, the natural disasters it described would be what would destroy nearly all of humanity. How else would it happen? A great freeze maybe? I don't the events that would precede a great freeze, so I can't say that the bible isn't accurate. In other words, both could be true: balls of fire rain down on Earth before great freezes.

Anyway, it really gets absurd. For that, Hey, throw it out of the window as far as I'm concerned. But apparently people love to run in circles, just like the planets...all the way around just to get of life, death to give life. What's it all mean eh? We never figure it out.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Jesus never existed. Who really believes in him? He was a character in an ancient science fiction story (like Homer's Odyssey)!

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 12:32 PM
Clearskies --

I believe the expression you were trying to use is 'you would do WELL', it is adverbial.

So if you plan on addressing any points in particular that I have made on this threadlet so far, please think about what you are typing, and please back up your pre-suppositions.

Spirituality is one thing - but if you PIN your BELIEF SYTEMS on a written doument and claim to be able to believe EVERY WORD OF IT, you should at least be able to read the TEXT and the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE you purport to believe in--which is VASTLY different from the kind of language used today. People no longer speak PaleoHebrew, or late 1st Century Koine Greek or early first century Galilean Aramaic. These are dead languages in the form in which they appear in the 'bible'.

You should at least be aware of these baisc facts.

If you can't read the actual ancient texts you purport to believe, then you are not conversant in the material contained within the belief system and have no 'ground to stand upon' in any meaningful discusison on ATS.

This is why thinking scholars stress the need for believers to engage in a thorough study of the original languages of the texts they claim to believe and also a working knowledge of the Sitz im Leben ('setting in life') of e.g. the earliest Christianities in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.

Dealing with facts is very uncomfortable, I realise, for believers, but that is the way it is.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:45 PM
Jesus was a myth.

That's why no-one has cited any historical evidence for his existance.

All we have is CLAIMS, and BOOKS, and claims about books.

But NO-ONE ever met Jesus, or anyone who knew him.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:48 PM
wait is this convo figurative or litteral?
is the bible figurative or litteral?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Sigismundus, you speak holy words my friend!

Some christians believe in "holy hell-fire & damnation", but nowhere in the bible is this purported. "Hell" means "grave" = "sheol".

Christianity (and all other religions, except Buddhism) is a schizophrenia which must be purged immediately, at all costs, from this world...if we are to have any sort of future for our poor children.

Anti-religious brainwashing does not equate with atheism, btw.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Sigismundus

No, I DID mean to say good.
If I wanted to speak properly and perhaps impress people with my wonderful grammar, I would ALWAYS try to to do so, but you get what I'm saying without me spewing a lot of hot air and flowery speech.
Faith, Hope and Love are the language I'm interested in. "and a Little child shall lead them."
Oh, BTW, how many languages are you fluent in and how does that make you better than everyone else?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Clearskies --

When I did my Master's Degree in Theology in Great Britain, I had to learn a few ancient languages in order to be able to read them and that even meant learning how to write in them too: PaleoHebrew, Koine Greek, Latin & Aramaic - it enabled me to be able to read ancient texts for myself--which most 'bible believing' persons who style themselves "Christians" apparently are not able to do--and that simply means they have not done their homework properly and cannot debate the topic effectively.

Learning how to read the texts for yourself is very useful when you want to be able to analyse the finer textual differences between extant biblical and extra-biblical MSS copies, which by the way, do not match each other (no single MS is without mistakes and there are two alike in the ancient tradition prior to 400 CE).

It also allows you to see what the ancient copyists were up to when they were scribbling away - and the kinds of mistakes they routinely make (as opposed to the ones they deliberately try to alter, delete or sneak different words into a given text).

I have nothing against 'spirituality' at all, per se: what I object to is people who claim to be able to believe every word of a document they cannot read.

It makes no sense to me, that's all. Like people using adjectival forms of speech when adverbial forms are known to be more correct, and on public fora too.

Did I confuse you?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

bible was written by reptilians (so called gods). most of the bible is about dont go to the other reptilian god u r mine, Jesus was a true light being reincarnated in human body to cheer up humans under reptilian slavery, Reptilans did not like his teachings and killled him on the cross and from know on kept displaying jesus on the cross as a way to show see what happens to him it can happend to you if u r against our reptilian commands. church of course said jesus died for sins... what a bolony

xeeatwelve net

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 12:12 PM
The bible appears to me to be another perspective of the same stories that are repeated across the planet. There are variations, additions and deletions but basically tell a similar story. Humans are created beings who owe their existence to the creator. There was more than the species that was created and others existed before humans. They come and go from the heavens and are more advanced than us. They have interacted with humans and provided technology. Some of them don’t like humans and want to have control over humans. There is a positive force that is actively working to prevent it. Something is coming in the future and it’s going to get real bad before it gets better for those that survive. Everyone else will die. That’s it in a nut shell.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:24 PM
Now common belief is within the years of 12 and 30 he went off to learn everything. You can't be a Mesiah if you don't know anything.......

As for surviving crucifixion IDK.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Kapyong
Jesus was a myth.

That's why no-one has cited any historical evidence for his existance.

All we have is CLAIMS, and BOOKS, and claims about books.

But NO-ONE ever met Jesus, or anyone who knew him.


Jesus is real and I am very real. I know Jesus and God. I know both very well personally. You see YOU think we left you all ALONE. Why would you think that? Your world was only given the Lords name and his time frame. Yet scripture speak of some that will come down from heaven. You don't know to much do you? Use some logic now in your thought process. We have always been a part of your world. I was born in this world just like you but I am different then you. We are not the same now are we?

I am the only one presently in YOUR world. I know the truth for the truth is part of me. I can not lie to you but I also do not have to tell anybody anything that includes YOU. You better find that truth because when you die it will be to late for you. The Lord spoke and gave the truth. God gave the truth to be written and man did just that. God had the power to make sure that the truth got through and it has stood since your earth was created I watch that happen do you think that was a myth? It will stand forever.

The truth was locked to many all who chose to follow the teaches of man, will have the scriptures locked to them. They will go in circles with the return of Jesus saga.The last thing the Lord did before he left this world and ascend into heaven was to unlock the scriptures first to the disciples then to all that listened and follow only him. How easy is that? But differcult if you follow mans teaches for then that takes you away from the truth and the scriptures will be locked. The unlocking of the scriptures is mentioned at the end of Luke 24:45. Now does that help you to understand why the disciples wrote somethings the way they did? Follow the Lord and the scriptures will open up and man will understand the book of Revelations. Remember man put the Bible together and there is much more out there written that is historical.YOUR world is not given anything new the truth was given and NO ONE can change that.

You see we knew how to get the truth out no matter how many times man wants to write things. One other thing DO NOT judge me and heed that warning for that goes back to your old testament and cannot be forgiven.

Next time you want to write that no one has ever met Jesus just remember what I told you.
As long as you have life in you. You have a chance to learn the truth for when you die it will be to late. Many are called to hear and learn of the Lord but few are chosen. I want to see you in heaven someday. I am not only picking on you in this post there are plenty more here.

A Myth shame on you.... As for whats his name asking why Jesus didn't write the Bible its because certain men had a job to do and they DID IT. He needs to use some logic that seems to be lacking in this world wisdoms not to hard to find. WE do our jobs very well all of us because we Love God.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
smyleegrl, I've done my research for well over a decade, its time for me to ask stimulating questions now. Its LAZY folks that ask others to do their homework. If I told you, you wouldn't believe it until you find it for yourself. Otherwise I am talking to the wall.

EDIT: To address the lazy.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by pplrnuts]

what a chop!
attacking peoples personal believes, being biased ,and providing no evidence of you claims. clearly you dont know how this works! throw comments and insults around, and cannot take it when thrown back at you

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:28 AM
There is no subjective evidence that any God or Son of God exists or ever existed. To believe in any of the world religions requires one to accept the word of other men as soul testimony of the religions truthfulness.

If the god in the bible exists then it is a truely evil being. Jesus could have produced a computer CD of the bible with a snap of his fingers as proof of a god if in fact God and Jesus are what we have been led to believe.

I cannot say if there are other beings in the universe or not much less one that created everything but I can beyond any reasonable doubt state that there is no world religion with enough proof for a sane inteligent individual to accept as reality.

Religion has caused more death and human suffering than anything else in the history of humanity.

The God you believe in is a lie. If there was al loving god he would never condem his own creations to hell. No matter how you spin it God himself would be responcible for the actions of any human being if he is the almighty you and I have been led to believe in.

How could he condemn any of his failed creations to hell? He himself is the creator of all so he is also a failure if indeed mans actions are sin and failure.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Katie
Jesus is real and I am very real. I know Jesus and God. I know both very well personally.

No you don't.
You BELIEVE you do.

But you FAILED to provide ANY evidence that Jesus existed,

Originally posted by Katie
You see YOU think we left you all ALONE. Why would you think that?

I don't think that at all.
Why did you lie about me?
Does your cult allow you to lie?

Originally posted by Katie
Your world was only given the Lords name and his time frame. Yet scripture speak of some that will come down from heaven. You don't know to much do you? Use some logic now in your thought process. We have always been a part of your world. I was born in this world just like you but I am different then you. We are not the same now are we?

Meaningless waffle.
Nothing to do with Jesus existing at all.

Originally posted by Katie
I am the only one presently in YOUR world. I know the truth for the truth is part of me. I can not lie to you but I also do not have to tell anybody anything that includes YOU. You better find that truth because when you die it will be to late for you. The Lord spoke and gave the truth. God gave the truth to be written and man did just that. God had the power to make sure that the truth got through and it has stood since your earth was created I watch that happen do you think that was a myth? It will stand forever.

More faithful preaching.
So, you don't have ANY evidence for Jesus then ?
Like I said.

Jesus was a myth.
All you have is PREACHING,
but no evidence at all.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Kapyong

Hey, you're right... Katie bore false witness!

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