posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Regarding the video posted in the thread that was closed: Ms.Kafanov made the statement..."we saw the passage of the Patriot Act with virtually no
debate last week",at 4:33 in the clip.I googled lucy kafanov and found another vid: "Big Brother Still Watching:Obama extends Patriot Act...".
"Change"? What a liar this puppet has proven himself to be.It is so blatantly obvious to me that we live in a 'one party state'. Same game,new
name.Do yourselves a huge favor.,get a dictionary and try to ascertain the difference between 'democracy' and 'republic'...still think we have a
'choice'? Still think that this country is being governed by either of these definitions? Curiously,in my Random House,the word that immediately
preceeds democracy is 'demobilize'.,while 'reptile' immediately preceeds republic...hmmm...