posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:31 AM
in the words of my psychiatrist, i have suicidal tendencies. i don't believe those scammers now (since i was treated for a major depressive
dissorder... it was a side effect of my thyroidal issues btw and not really a psychiatric issue), but yes, i had hard times in my life when the only
escape seemed to be killing myself...
... till one of my best friends commited suicide and I started to question myself it my life were in fact THAT terrible to do something like that...
Now, and taking the appropiate medication for the real issue i have, i haven't had time enough to think about killing myself. I'm enjoying life and
no, I don't want to leave this world till I fullfil my dreams. No sir, no. Life is beauty, even when sometimes seems to be a real sh**. All those bad
times are indeed lessons, to live better and enjoy more this time on earth.
(sorry for my rusty grammar and spelling... 5:31 AM here...)