posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 08:31 AM
There was a cartoon in Private Eye that sums the whole thing up: a black magic guy is standing in a ring looking embarrassed in front of the Devil who
is carrying a small toll box and looking angry. Man to Devil: "I'm sorry, but I didn't know that there would be a call out charge"
Calling up spirits simply opens a portal through which all sorts of things can come. You cannot tell what the result will be. My experience with
holding a seance twenty -seven years is typical of what can happen. I lived in a notoriously house with an "atmosphere". Other people could "feel
something" but I could not. A group of us tried repeatedly one evening, but with no apparant success. Within a week, out of the blue, a
technicality caused my student grant to collapse, another caused the UNiversity to suspend my studies, my bike was stolen, I came home and found that
I was evicted out of the blue, I was attacked by yobs in the street and I slipped on the quayside in a freak incident and fell in the sea in the
middle of the night as well as breaking my nose. Life was garbage for a long time after that. Would you like that? Furthermore, calling up demons
is different from calling up the devil or spirits. Demons are simply worker creatures that are there to "do a job". If you call them up, they will
arrive on scene to do their job. So one calls them up like a mafia hitman to take someone back to hell.
If you are stupid enough to do this, then it is a simple procedure with a demon. There is no "mumbo-jumbo" ceremony and anyone who tries to sell
you a black magic book is just a rip-off clown who's made up something to get at your wallet.. It is done by a procedure as developed the Medieval
Church. A piece of paper is simply issued, but for you, the problem is obtaining the correct words to do this. Finding out what to write if you are
crass stupid enough to do this will be a toughie. To yank out demons is done by issuance of a piece of paper or notice to the target person with
words on it that are an edited version of the command to eject the target back to Hell and/or said backwards. But to type this on line would be cause
you, the recipient of the command to have you yanked from hell in itself.
The eviction command is written in Medieval Latin, ie the faulted Latin of the Medieval era which simply says along the lines of go (in plural "Abite
a me" even though it is in singular) to the fires and then says that the devil and his angels and then says that he has prepared for you.
In the reverse of a sound legal notice, the piece of paper has to slipped onto the personage of the target person without them knowing. Once this is
done, the piece of paper is "live" like ammunition. Whoever your target is has a fixed lifespan before the demons will attack your victim. I often
suspect that the curse of the Ring in Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings was plaguiarised from this procedure as the piece of paper is said to do everything
possible to become irretrievable and lost as the only way to stop the demons will then be the conscious removal of the piece of paper from the
target's personage and his reissuance to a third party or its return to the issuer in likewise surrupticious manner...and no paper, no transfer.
Likewise, if the original issuer is caught slipping the paper onto the target then the transfer is no good, just as the original issuance is void if
the target catches the person slipping it onto his personage. But finding it after issuance, does not void the issue. If the original issuance is
caught, the notice is void, but if the reissuance is caught then the notice is stilll live. Hence if you were working for Obama's tailors and you
sewed the notice into the lining of his pants, then you can expect a grassy Knoll situation within a a couple of days, but is you come home to find
the secret service have been round and entered your home and left it on your scarf with a message saying what the heck is this? Please call us at
once, start writing your will, your unlikely to make it over the road without being rundown by a cattle truck.
Hence, if you actually go ahead and issue the "hit" on the person and don't notice him slipping the paper back into your own raincoat pocket, then
you are f**ked.