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Realising the next step towards a global government or something else. ? Something worse.

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Do you mind giving 30% or so of your time and money to the government so that they can squander it, turn around, and demand more? How will it be when they control every aspect of your life, your children's lives, their children's lives...? How about we all just grow some balls now and bite the bullet? You can make all the excuses you like. They can't stop us all.

Then plant the seed. It will grow.

No I do mind.
But I also am aware society will only keep running if it gets what is needed for our most basic commodities.
Without roads, people will not come to your little shop. Without sewers people will get sick.

I wrote down a list of examples to show what the problem are I would walk in to.

I think a life of keeping a low profile is just as bad as the life in a totaly controlled world.

I hope that people along withe waking up realise the world is not just black and white. It's a panoramic world full with all the colours of the rainbow.

I would live on the streets immediately if there was a slight change for this colourful reality.

The seed is planted

What did you think lead me here ?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

The best thing that could happen to most people is to trash 85 percent of their lives and only keep the best 15 percent. The rest should give room for socialization, work, love, fights and physical adventure. I don't believe in the ultra-capitalist Republicanism of America or the suicidal welfare culture of the Swedish Left. They are both designed to occupy you with things made so that you feel "safe," when that really doesn't make anyone happy. I believe in a lifestyle where every man and woman will find their destiny, pursue it with passion, and leave the rest to the boundless space of time.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

You know, after WWII, income tax in Finland was 5%. With that money, this country was rebuilt. That's quite a considerable amount more of one's personal income left to the wage-earner than we have nowadays. How much better are things now though? Should we really need all the crap we have? Do we really need to travel to work? Why can't we work from home? Do our bosses really need us to sit there so they can watch us? Aren't we all adults?

I tell my teenagers/young adult 'offspring' that they shouldn't think in terms of getting jobs. They should think in terms of making a living. Forget institutionalized services, education, blah blah blah. What about we make things ourselves again without asking someone's permission? What if we took back the responsibility for our lives and our choices within those lives? What if we looked after each other a little too instead of discovering our neighbor died six years ago and that he's now a mummy? That actually happens here on a regular basis. Why do we have to accept these things just because that's how it's been for some years? Why can't we create a utopia? We've certainly created a dystopia! Surely, the other is just as possible.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I can not say how much I agree with you !
I see it all the time. Since I was born I've seen and experienced prices went up, taxes went up. In the same time services where I used to think we pay for, they are systematically broken down and destroyed.

If you accidentally work a job with a union including pension.
You can not even refuse it. But how many people die before they get it ?
Not mentioning countless other crimes and treason the public is victim of by and through the government.
The weird thing is, why ? They are certainly not the ones who benefit from it.

They however are the ones selling there souls for a better future.

Of course you want nothing to do with it. As do I !
But a solution should include all the people and not just you or me.

I think if we get to the point such a solution can become reality, we don't have the need to implement it any more.

I have to say some will not fit in to it but I'm no saint.
I strongly feel when someone has more freedom this comes with more responsibility. A burned person has to on his own blisters.
Health care should be free of charge and supplies should be a non profit regulating system.

But... one must earn it by doing his part. Not for his country but for his community.
For achieving and sustaining a self sufficient economy.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

And the first step is to imagine that world you want to live in. Create it with every thought, every breath. Send it out into the collective consciousness like butterflies. Bring it into being, one graceful act at a time. Others will follow in their ways.

Be the change you want to see.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

To this I can agree. How many of us are sick of rich elite being in control of influencing the world in their favor?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

3D=our normal plane of existence.
2D=computer rendering

put 3D in submission to 2D and the math says the rest.

I'll bet this is a common demise of civilization. We have all been here before. This has been done before.

Yes, the computer is pretty super. There may still be some legwork, such as force capturing eeg's of this or that person who drew attention, but it's getting fairly self aware.

What a drag it would be, for the people running the machine, if they designed a captor that wound up being pwned. This explains the many times I see the plans totally gone awry. Obviously God has seen it all.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by davidmann]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

The power of the mind...

It's a beautiful , hardly understood and powerful force.
I read you meditate. So I must assume you talk from experience.

It is said to be the force where they control us with.
I don't think so. I do think it has a profound impact on our lives and it can be a major influence on the decisions one makes in every day life.
Some make use of this to control others to be lead and others as a guide.

With as biggest example. The placebo.
And you can even make an ice crystal to form influenced by your own mood.

Just the top of an iceberg IMO.

Except for hiding for society. Did you come up with any other ideas ?
( No insult, really a genuine question. )

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

This is just one of many ideas, all of which will have their time. I hope others will follow their hearts too. There are a few of us out here working toward this goal.

Everything I have learned about this has come from meditation. I practice a free form meditation: I clear my mind and let the energies take me where I need to go. I direct nothing. There have been some 'places' that have made me uncomfortable but not frightened. One must experience things, after all. But now the places are always without any frame of reference. They just are.

One thing I can tell you for certain is that things are not as they seem to be.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

We all are, I should think. But how many of us can find their Achilles'? Can you find your Self, find your heart's desire (genuinely, not as dictated by the msm), and render them powerless all at the same time? That's key to success here. They cannot own us if we don't buy their products.

Don't let them program you anymore. Television, radio, magazines, trends, fashions, hypes, news...forget them all. Look at the people in your life. Look at how they live, genuinely what they do with their lives. Look at yourself the same way. Look with your heart.

They cannot own what we don't give them. Disown the concept of money and you have taken out their power base. Let them have all the money! All of it! We don't need it! We hold the skills. We can learn to care for each other again. They have effectively programmed us with the idea of 'divide and conquer', and we bought the whole sausage. Try being vegetarian now. Unite again. Help people. The people you fear, you fear only because you don't understand them. We have been divided, we have been conquered. Look at the state we're in!

Unite. Love. Help. Give. Receive. Laugh. All the best things in life are free.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Meditation any other way is IMO not right.

You say

One thing I can tell you for certain is that things are not as they seem to be.

I can give you my thoughts in it.

Things are wrong and they seem out of place. Why ? In the last decade or two, we are introduced with a tool that has had and still is a major influence on our perception on the world.
But only the last decade or so. People start en mass, to see there is something wrong. Through this tool. At the same time the tool helps them find answers and illusions and an occasional truth. All together they see their are being deceived in History in the past and will be in the future.

Here comes the illusive force around the corner

Because more people effect this force it changes accordingly.

I think this is what you feel.

Or God is real and the bible should be followed and lived by because everything it says is true.

Right now this explanation sounds plausible to me but it could be different tomorrow.

But What do you think about the topic in the thread ?

[edit on 06/03/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Firstly, the Bible and its depiction of God is right in some ways, but very select ones - not to the extent that our churches would have us think. I will ask though that if the Bible and its God are as they say they are, do you really want to 'worship' such a god? He allegedly gave us free will, but I see little of that either in our actions or our thoughts. That is not the work of Lucifer either. Remember: the Bible's Lucifer tried to enlighten humans and remind us of our freedom of thought and action. God wanted us kept innocent and 'in the Garden'. But what sort of life is that? Eternal daycare? Who can we ever become that way? What would we achieve as Souls?

We can liken the actions of our governments and TPTB to the Bible's God, can we not? They tell us we shouldn't do this and we must do that and they take and give and define and quantify and catalogue. And we aren't free. Until each and every one of us can travel our planet at will, live off the bounty of the planet, follow our joy, and die a better soul than we started out, we're not living beneficial lives. If this is the Garden, I want out. I am Eve all over again.

At various points in the Bible (as in any other religious doctrine as well), several very relevant truths are stated. One that I'm sure we're all familiar with is "Ask and it will be given." Ask with a pure heart, knowing that it is right for your Soul's path and it will most definitely happen, though perhaps not right away and perhaps not as you expected. You need to get to know your Soul again. Another is that "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to that mountain 'Move from here to there' and will do so. Nothing shall be impossible for you." Do you know that? How long have we been told by God's churches that it's a figurative thing, not to be taken seriously as a single soul under God. Not true.

The Creator is not fictitious. I think even our brightest theoretical physicists will agree that there is 'someone/something' out there generating all this. The thing we have to comprehend is that we have power to create as well. That is the same power.

This is my struggle now. I am still struggling with the implementation of this concept of absolute faith and the power that will be available as a result. One cannot be narrow in scope when one wields such an awesome instrument. I still have very human fears that come rushing to the fore whenever I get too close to attaining even a mustard seed's amount of perfect faith. This is why we start out small with these things. Little thoughts and acts have immediate effect and we can usually see them. This is why acting as we do, at the bidding of other forces outside of ourselves, produces situations such as the ones we live now in our Dystopia.

We can create Utopia. We can do anything with enough faith. There is room and resources for all of us. We're told this is not true, and so we believe it is not true. Tell your Self that it is true, that you don't need all the junk you're told you need. Bit by bit when you really consider every thought and action you take, your Truth will be true and so will the Truths of all the other Selves. We are not mutually exclusive. We are One.

I want to thank you for allowing me to write these things. They help me strengthen my resolve, to find my faith, and to make the changes in my corner of the planet. You help me to remember. I hope I spark that in a few of you too. That would make my heart glow.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Your welcome !

I have to say it's to bad we ( ATS members) Don't really know others way of live, believes etc.

I really appreciate your last post and I enjoy to share these thoughts and ideas.
I only think you would have written something else if you knew I do believe in God and I have already concluded religion is bad. Only a tool to control.

The reason I think to be for moving mountains ?
When someone is sincere and pure of heart. The mind will be able to influence the world around it. Why do people when all else fails find God ?

Because they have nothing left only a sincere and pure call for help.
I respect you for your the goals you have set for yourself.

I'd like to remind you however. You will probably not reach them in life.
Is it so bad to be human ? Why do you want to grow higher then life ?

I do understand. I just think if you want to find a piece of mind, you would have to start accepting you're only human. with only human imperfections.
I wish for you to proof me wrong. but this is just my opinion and it's still open for improving.

If like you can always U2U me. I enjoyed this conversation.
For now I wish you a good night I have got to get some sleep.

By the way you completely derailed my thread.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:29 AM
Please ? Any future reply on thread please ?

I don't mind flowing of topic.
But I really put some time in this one.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

"Human" is what we are while we're here so that we can move around within 3D constraints. None of us is actually "human". We are all things, just like everything else. It's a tough job to remember this though. The veil is there for a reason. Some of us have it thicker and heavier than others for very good reasons. Mine will shift soon. It has to - my work requires it. But the effort has to be mine 'alone'.

We will continue in U2U so as not to further derail your thread - though I don't see it as derailed at all! This is our way forward.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

You are right !
But I don't think others will.

It is of course working to a solution. If you put it like that, it is part of the thread.
But nothing to do with a conspiracy and more with another forum.

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