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Realising the next step towards a global government or something else. ? Something worse.

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 10:43 AM

This is what I was just 10 minutes ago confronted by.

@ Mods I am not sure if this is the right forum. Please movie if it is not.

There is a lot of speculation about the E.U. and 'The Lisbon Treaty' with it's possible scenarios that can be a result from it. ( All depends on the righteousness of the people who will implement it.)
My conclusion is that the Powers implementing control (PIC) are usually not working in the best interest of the masses but the best interests of the powers that be (TPTB) where the money flows, are on top of the list. (IMO)

A piece of the article.

By Martyn Brown EUROPE’S chief bureaucrat last night provoked fury after threatening to use the “full force” of the Lisbon Treaty to impose economic control over every EU nation.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso claimed that financial stability was so critical that sweeping new powers were needed for Eurocrats in Brussels to meddle in the economies of all EU members.

“Now we have the Lisbon Treaty, which provides for (economic) policy...warnings. The Commission intends to use these powers to the full.”

Visit the link for full article. EU CHIEF VOWS TO RUN OUR ECONOMY FROM BRUSSELS

I think this is a sign, plans are well on their way and heading in the right direction.
I also think Barroso and TBTB have not implemented their plans to the fullest. Just like this threat Barroso made is not.
I believe this is a test, their pushing some buttons to find out how far they can go.
With the intention of taking control when it is save and has the least protest possible. Carefully getting us familiar with the idea they eventually will be in power anyway.

I say

This poking around tells us that we still have a change to prevent a worst case scenario. ( The enslavement of the European people )

So. Lets start from the Lisbon treaty.

In my country the Netherlands a referandum was held. We along with a few other countries voted 'No'. Back then it was still called a constitution by the way.
I understand from others and from checking it myself, the constitution and the Lisbon treaty are pretty much the same.

enough, our Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, signed the Lisbon treaty without any problem on his mind what so ever, a year later.
Did we agree ? No.
How did he do it ? He simply didn't offer us the possibility to say no, and just signed.
You can imagine why I do not understand not even an idiot popped a bullet between his eyes.Yet a few years before a politician got wasted !

Get a copy of the Lisbon treaty . Here.
The download is free and the paper version will cost about 58 Euro

5 points of the Lisbon treaty.

1. New EP: better equipped for today's challenges
The Lisbon Treaty improves the ability of the EU and its Parliament to act and deliver. At a time when both Europe and the rest of the world are faced with new challenges like globalisation, demographic shifts, climate change, energy security and terrorism, no single state can effectively deal with them alone. Only by working together, in a more efficient, accountable, transparent and coherent way and speaking with one voice, can Europe respond to its citizens' concerns. The reform treaty makes your Parliament better equipped for today's and tomorrow's challenges - in a growing EU. Further, with Lisbon, your Parliament will also enjoy a new right to propose future treaty changes.

your Parliament will also enjoy a new right to propose future treaty changes.
Point I like you all to think about.
In my opinion this says:
The European parlement ( which is not chosen by the people ! ) is granted the power, to alter a treaty ( never against ) in their best interests. I will repeat again, this is all about something my country said No to.

2. New EP: more powers in shaping Europe
With the Lisbon Treaty, the European Parliament will have more power in shaping Europe than ever before. With its full legislative power extending to over 40 new fields, Parliament becomes a truly equal lawmaker with the Council of Ministers, representing member states governments. Agriculture, energy security, legal immigration, justice and home affairs, public health and structural funds are just a few of the areas where Parliament acquires full authority. Its decisions will have an ever stronger impact on your everyday life.

I will only ask you this.
How many people do you know, living by the same moral and ethical standards as you ?
Imagine the differences you experienced yourself to increase exponentially, the further you go from your own neighborhood.

How could they ever they idea, it is best to implement the same rules for everybody ?
It means anybody who feels different or disagrees, is robbed of his or her freedom. A prisoner of society. You could say 'O... don't worry it doesn't matter. It's just a minority who will be having problems.' I'd like to point out that a minority of European citizens could still be about millions of people. Also, point nr.1 makes it no problem at all to make You part of that last group.

3. New EP: tighter hold on EU's purse strings
From now on, the Parliament will decide on the entire EU budget together with the Council of Ministers. Until now, it did not have the final word on "compulsory expenditure" (around 45% of the EU budget) such as spending relating to agriculture or international agreements. This changes as the Parliament becomes responsible for the entire EU budget, together with EU governments. Your Parliament will not only have a decisive say on overall spending priorities, but will also have a tighter hold on the EU's purse strings.

Does this not say our sovereign Parliaments actually have nothing to say ?
Barroso proves in the article on top, they could seize control. Just saying.

More will follow please NO comments yet.

Edit for spelling.

[edit on 06/03/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Follow up from the OP.

4. New EP: greater say on who runs the EU
In the Lisbon era, the Parliament will not only decide what is done and how money is spent, it will also have a greater say on which men and women run the EU. The Parliament will elect the President of the European Commission, on the basis of the EU heads of state and government's pre-selection, which must take into account the results of European elections - and your choice. Also, Parliament's consent is needed in the appointment of the EU's new voice in the world and foreign policy chief, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who will also be a Commission Vice-President.

Money, power, justice and now this.
They actually are presented with the opportunity to never ever again put someone in power who disagrees with them.

Power corrupts ! Infinite power corrupts infinitely !

Even if their intentions were wise, good and righteous. This would still be IMO the biggest mistake they make.

5. New EP: stronger voice for Europe's citizens
New power means more responsibility. As the only directly-elected EU institution, the Parliament will have new tools to give a stronger voice to the 500 million citizens it represents and to hold the EU accountable to them. The Parliament will be the guardian of EU citizens' new catalogue of civil, political, economic and social rights - the Charter of Fundamental Rights - embedded in the Lisbon Treaty, as well as their new right of citizens' initiative, which will allow people to call for new policy proposals if supported by 1 million signatures. Also, it will safeguard national parliaments' right to object to European level legislative proposals should they consider them to concern matters better dealt with at national level.

Well... My opinion is clear. ( I think )
1.000.000 people are a lot of people. How many counties have just a few million citizens ? Try to get this quot um together. Not easy IMO

I think this rule is unfair ! Smaller countries will be left with an impossible goal.

Link to source.

Related ATS threads. Just a few of many.

Then there is the WEU.

The 'WEU has existed for a long time and it will probably be used as the foundation to a European military force. They would be stupid not to.

First of all I do not like it. It opens up the way to rule if nescesarry by force.

The WEU is a government within the government if it will stay in use. After a militairy force is reality they will rule Europe their way. Any other member then the original members have nothing to say. Not even the right to call out a veto.

This very much looks like predictions made in the bible. Weird huh...

Wiki link to the Western European Union.

The W.E.U.

Google pagto to many more W.E.U. sites.

ATS search page to The W.E.U.

I'm sure there is a lot more to find and read on this topic.
I'll leave that up to you.

Finally I'd like to ask for your findings, conclusions, opinions and thougts on the matter. I hope this will be usefull information.

My wish is some one will debunk every doubt around but he... I could just as well ask for world peace in a prayor. IMO

Sincerely yours.


(Spelling check didn't work. )

[edit on 06/03/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I didn't read the entire post and correct me if I am wrong.
Isn't there suppose to be some super computer that will be
running everything from Brussels?I heard that it was given
the nick name,the beast?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:11 AM
It's time for us to say 'No'. It's time for us to mean it. It's time for us to just quit our jobs and let everything stop for a while. Just do it. Just show them who's boss. We are. We are only slaves and sheep because we accept their control. We don't have to. Stop it all now. Now.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I didn't read the entire post and correct me if I am wrong.
Isn't there suppose to be some super computer that will be
running everything from Brussels?I heard that it was given
the nick name,the beast?

Yes I've heard of it. Disturbing.

I'll try and find some info on it.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Any time an empire wants to control other nations, it'll motivate the political imperialism by saying it serves to "protect their freedom." Remember the DNA data banks planned in Britain? "It's for your own security." Or the surveillance cameras placed at Swedish schools? "If they attack you, we can film it, isn't that reassuring?" I don't doubt that listing the DNA of criminals in a data bank is useful. I don't doubt that many surveillance cameras are able to catch perpetrators in action. What I don't like is where the development is heading.

We're closing in on a 1984-ish nightmare, and few people seem to worry about it. I don't want to live under complete State control, managed by some elite oligarchs in Brussel. We have to say no to EU and globalization, or every European nation will completely lose its political-economic independence and freedom to decide its own destiny.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Yes you're right.

But how do you think we can just stop what we're doing ?

We would very soon after realise without continuing society, there is no food, no water and no supplies what so ever.

We live in a world where our food is grown halfway around the globe, our clothes come from the other side and our nations energy is sold and we transport it from others to use our selves..

The governments around the world only have to control a few key sites and we are helpless.

I'm afraid it's not that simple anymore.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

I'm afraid we're already half way there.

If I may ask. Where do you live ?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:51 AM
sadly, i think you're wasting your breath. the horse has bolted.

ireland voted no to lisbon, there was a chance to stop it but the rest of europe did nothing. all that would have been required was a show of support for the irish stance, a few popular protests against it, but nothing happened and the irish were bullied into changing their vote.

the governments of europe want this and they don't care what we think. we don't seem to care enough to do anything about it. welcome to the 4th reich.

[edit on 7/3/10 by pieman]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by pieman

Sadly I think you're right.

We can only be (relatively) save if everybody wakes up or/and starts acting. This is I believe is the last moment before we're not only bolted but also receive our chains.

What if !
It's enough for me to keep bringing it up.

Because I know the answer of, what if I do nothing. I don't like it.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I was born In Sweden to an American father/Swedish mother. So, officially I'm an American citizen. I was an "embassy brat" I currently live in the states but have family in Sweden.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

It's simpler than you think. We stop our consumerism, we stop our production, we produce our own goods at home (learn to cook, sew, garden, repair, plumb, etc.) and share our services rather than exchanging them for *taxable* money and all of our lives are suddenly our own. We will have to sacrifice somewhat for the short-term, but how long will our governments exist without our tax money? How long will it take for them to remember where the real power base is? When will we remember it ourselves? They can't force us to do anything we don't want to. It only takes a few to start. I'm working toward it myself *actively* now.

I live in Finland, by the way. One of the highest taxed countries in the Union. They'll get nothing from me once I get my idea going and I'm going to create a place for others to work the same way. Use your imagination. Figure out how to do it in your own country. I will probably be the first here to do this. You must find your own way according to your own preferences. But the point is to create a situation where you can help the maximum number of people in the process. Think only in terms of eeking out a living. No excess at all.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

It is called project L.u.c.i.d.

Project L.U.C.I.D.

Google search page for project lucid

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Some great advice you gave here. But my problem is that you need people to do the same.

Then you will have to make them do the right thing or else you get overall chaos.

On a personal basis it won't work. What's the use of offering everthing for an goal you can't reach without everybodies help.

@ concernedcitizan

I'd go for Sweden any time !

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

And in light of that information, you can see now why it's more imperative to become invisible, fly under the radar. Forget about the old way of life we bought hook, line, and sinker. Forget about materialism. Get used to living humbly, even ascetically, or they will own you. Start now. It's not too late yet. It's either that or you will wear the mark of the beast.

I didn't even know about that other than the desire for them to chip us. That is seriously frightening stuff. How sinister can reality get?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

You have to be willing to work in ways that you're not accustomed to. You have to learn to look at people differently than before. This won't work if you think in the same familiar ways. Rebuild your soul, your heart, your mind. Alter your awareness.

If you need some ideas, we can talk. I will need to get a feeling for who you are first in order to shine the light the right direction. I've spent the past year coming up with my idea and it will probably become a reality by the turn of the year. Sooner if I can manage it.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Where I live it is impossible to disappear. Unless you have a lot of money.

My parents unwittingly gave me to the state when I was born.
I became a number.

Money is a problem ! Unless you work tax free what is not really legal.
A paycheck always comes via a bank acount it is a rule forced by law.

There is talk about making money go digital and only digital. This means you can not sell and by without following the system.

The Mark of the Beast is the Status Quo
This thread talks about exactly what I mean.

There is also little room around and what is, is expensive.

I'm very interested in your ideas by the way.

Work is what I do 40 to 60 hours a week. I don't mind working.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Do you mind giving 30% or so of your time and money to the government so that they can squander it, turn around, and demand more? How will it be when they control every aspect of your life, your children's lives, their children's lives...? How about we all just grow some balls now and bite the bullet? You can make all the excuses you like. They can't stop us all.

I make lots of things. If I do that for friends (who can't make things), they then repay me in other services (any number of things...if they choose to remain within the system, they can supply me with things I can't otherwise get). I have lots of unusual skills that I can make little bits of money or collect services in exchange for, so I don't worry about having to report those things. I can spread myself very thinly. A little of this, a little of that.

My only 'taxable' income plan is to open a little shop full of things that I've made, that other artists of whatever genre have made, etc. I intend to enlist others like me who don't want to make a lot of money, just a bit will do. Not even enough to register on the tax scales. The rest will be hidden. I will collect enough off of the others' products only to pay for rent and electricity for the shop. It will be entirely uninteresting to the tax office. Purely done from the good of my own heart.

My prime accomplices are to be heroine junkies (finest sources of creative juice), old folks who are locked in nursing homes just waiting to die (but they can knit and crochet beautifully!), teenagers to sit around the workshop in the back and make jewelry and decorate the knitwear the old folks produce, other known artists who are just fed up with society and are indulging themselves in their own bipolar madness - but might just like to experiment with some new type of whatever just to keep their creative energies from stagnating, etc. You see? I could collect mere cents from each of their works that the shop sells in order to keep the shop open. I intend to have coffee, tea, and some warm food for homeless people who wander in to get warm. I will eventually expand this to offer them a place to sleep at night, a shower, a washing machine so they can at least wear clean clothes, and if they care to start producing something in return they are more than welcome to do so.

I will do this. Every time I meditate the picture is clearer and in more detail. This is my way forward. No stupid small-minded society or government will prevent it from happening. They can't legislate against this sort of action.

What if you thought about your own course of action? As long as you keep telling yourself that it can't happen and you can't do it, that will most definitely remain the case. The first action is to tell yourself you will do it. Then find your way forward. YOUR way. Mine is just presented as an example. Use your own skills and values to find your own crack in the system. Then plant the seed. It will grow.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

If enough people stop paying taxes and participating in the economy, it will cripple them. Sure, they could trump up some charges to stick you all in prison, but then they would not have enough tax money to operate the prison, and if you refuse to work while in prison, what are they going to do? Torture you? They might get away with it for a short time, but word will get out. I say go for it. Millions of people slamming on the brakes at the same time can shut the machine down!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by warpcrafter

Even though I'm no one to quote religious scripture, the bible does clearly state that the meek shall inherit the Earth. I'm willing to be one of those. This is my planet as much as anyone else's. They have no more right to it than I do and I cannot fathom why they should have the right to dictate that I must live this life contrary to my heart's desire.

I love people. I want to help us all. But we're going down the path of doom if we keep selling ourselves cheaper and cheaper all the time. Life nowadays looks like the cheesiest dystopic novels from my youth. It was a horror scenario then. Now, it's just downright pathetic. I won't live this way. There are worse things than death, should it come to that.

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