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Moon Matrix by David Icke

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:22 AM
It's not a very effective means of broadcasting a fake reality as a large proportion of the earth's surface would always be out of range. Surely a ring of geostationary sats would be a more cost effective and comprehensive solution for our Reptilian chums.

Anyway, I hope they upgrade to Windows 7 soon because the current reality they broadcast is pretty s*** most of the time.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:55 AM
I do not know about this, yes their have been some anomalous events on the moon but I do not know if I agree with this. Where is the proof? Hell where is the PROOF for all of his other stuff? I agree with the stuff with with the elites and corporations controlling a lot of the world and even that their are probably SOME reptilian like aliens/inter-dimensionals out there, but this is going a bit too far.

I am kind of getting discouraged here and fear here has gone TRULY off the deep end now. Hell simple physics itself says this should not be true.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by aik4on
It's not a very effective means of broadcasting a fake reality as a large proportion of the earth's surface would always be out of range. Surely a ring of geostationary sats would be a more cost effective and comprehensive solution for our Reptilian chums.

schumann cavity...

Tesla knew a particular frequency would resonate within the atmosphere effecting the minds of everyone if so desired.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:06 AM

He's an arresting speaker.....

But he's a waste of time.

Much like a Kenyan in Chief, well dressed, articulate, an arresting speaker, and, much like his mentor Lucifer, evil? I have read some other blogs about facinating properties of the moon. The hollow 'ringing', and some other facts seem to suggest it is hollow. Not sure where I saw that...

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Gregarious

He's an arresting speaker.....
But he's a waste of time.

Much like a Kenyan in Chief, well dressed, articulate, an arresting speaker, and, much like his mentor Lucifer, evil? I have read some other blogs about facinating properties of the moon. The hollow 'ringing', and some other facts seem to suggest it is hollow. Not sure where I saw that...

G'day Gregarious

The Earth also exhibits a "hollow ringing" or a "ringing like a bell" after things like earthquakes, etc...

That's not a characteristic confined to hollow objects.

If you do some reading about that, you'll find it very interesting.

I also note some other members have mentioned that earlier in this thread.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 8-3-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:45 AM
I think it is definately possible and i am open minded, but i would need more proof to believe such thing.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
I have seen Icke live speak for 7 hours...

The crowd at this sold out event looked articulate, smart, intelligent (and thin
). I don't think a charlatan would have made it out alive if he was hoaxing his content with such a group...

It was bloody marvelous - and farking EYE OPENING!

Have you heard of mass hypnotism? Chris Angel does it. David Blaine does it. And probably Icke does it too!

In other words you've been had!
And so too those so called 'smart, intelligent' mugs!

I was also at this seminar sitting right near WZN and I can assure you no mass hypnosis took place, it was a seminar of ' a little about alot' in the conspiracy arena you could say. Im happy to send the dvd to you of the day. its 3 dvds and 7 hours. To understand David you really have to catch a whole show. I have posted the dvd already to many ATS members.
Informative enough to send people down many research paths. Granted they arent the most common research paths and many lead to just 'speculation' rather than solid science but thats the catch 22 with the conspiracy arena, but if people are 'waking up' through him it can only be a good thing. Once you switch it on you cant switch it off.

Lets remember David does research and gets his info from various sources and its up to you to go do research on the topic yourself. Hes not a cosmologist. You can say hes crazy as much as you want, but people respond to him and anything that wakes anyone up has to be a good thing.

Anyway InfaRedMan already reiterated a logical post made by another here if you dont believe in this moon matrix theory then refer to that and move on.

Have the best day

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by themuse

I am one of the people themuse kindly sent the Icke DVD to. I watched it with an open mind. I enjoyed some of it.. especially the parts on symbology and the ruling classes. I think Icke isn't too far from the mark there.

However, me and Icke part ways when it comes the Reptilian Agenda issues. IMHO his new Moon conspiracy stuff isn't for me and to be honest, it takes something away from his personal empowerment messages.


[edit on 8/3/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow

Well that's how it works right? Lear influences zorgon who influences someone like you or I who influences hopefully someone else - like Icky or *cough* MSM.

Bottom line is we are doing this to find out hidden truths

I think you left out the part where the charlatan like Icke comes along, claims the ideas to be his own and profits off of them.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow

Well that's how it works right? Lear influences zorgon who influences someone like you or I who influences hopefully someone else - like Icky or *cough* MSM.

Bottom line is we are doing this to find out hidden truths

I think you left out the part where the charlatan like Icke comes along, claims the ideas to be his own and profits off of them.

He stole John Carpenters IP.
Line 2. lol!

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by fumanchu
...unless you happen to be either blind, stupid or both, and the reptilian thing holds some merit in both physiology and physiology (look up r-complex).

So yeah, thanks for offering nothing of any substance to the topic champ.

So, you mention physiology twice, I'm guessing that you fit into one of the above categories.
So, how familiar are you with the R-complex?
And I'm asking you to not cite from wikipedia.
If you're going on what Icke alone says about the R-complex, then you have a lot to learn about human biology.
So, before you go about displaying your lack of social graces, you might want to educate yourself a bit further on a topic or two. And by 'educate' I mean go beyond what Icke says to a legitimate scientific source...champ.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by fumanchu

In fact here we go...I refer you to one of my previous posts regarding the topic:

Originally posted by Matthew Dark

Originally posted by Quickfix
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

There is a portion of our brain that contains reptilian DNA. It is called the R-complex.

The R-complex gives human-beings an obsession with rituals, greed, anger, fear, and most of the negative emotions.

Unfortunately, you are another poor, misguided victim of Ickeism, and quite misinformed as to the nature of the R Complex.
It does not, repeat DOES NOT 'contain reptilian DNA', if it did, then we wouldn't be mammals.
The R Complex is actually an area of the brain which, theoretically, developed before the cerebral cortex and is, for the most part, wholly concerned with self preservation. Yes, it is associated with ritualistic behavior, but only in the evolutionary capacity regarding engaging in behaviors that prevent a painful death and create a series of safe behaviors that allow us to continue living to consume and pass on our genes to the next generation.
It is NOT some mystical contraption that 'gives human-beings an obsession with rituals, greed, anger, fear, and most of the negative emotions'...that's just more misinformed Ickeism, wholly unscientific, and becoming rapidly tiresome.
There is an interesting part about the R Complex is thoroughly preoccupied with violence and sex, and has an extremely difficult time discerning the pleasure gained from one or the other...essentially rendering them indistinguishable, leaving the true discernment of the two to the higher functioning cerebral cortex.
Here is a tiny bit about it that was not, as so many of you are fond of doing because it prevents you from doing any actual research, taken from wikipedia:

You wanna talk biology?
Okay...let's talk biology.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 08:00 AM
I have the utmost respect for David and some of what he says may be true but the trouble with 99.999% of all conspiracies connecting the dots isn't enough to show a true picture...

Conspiracy theories are like giant jigsaw puzzles where all the pieces fit together nicely, but even though the pieces fit the picture is all messed up.

Now we have this latest book on the moon, taking all the present and past theories on the moon and melding them into the Matrix theory (I now hate the movies for their ever present influence over culture!!)

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the book, I have not read it after all, but I can tell you that Icke has more than certainly got the picture wrong.

The trouble is that Icke is well meant, but will only ever reach an open minded audience... a bit like this website.

If there is truly a conspiracy in any subject then surely the most effective speakers of truth should be those that could reach an audience that would previously not have been open to the idea?

All the best,


[edit on 8-3-2010 by Korg Trinity]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:28 PM
To echo an earlier poster, I completely buy into Icke's main themes of the scandal domination by a small group of powerful individuals; the inherent corruptness of the current socio-economic-political system; and the need for personal empowerment.

These are important messages that should be mainstream.

However, his entire philosophy is trashed by his semi-lunatic ravings about shapeshifting Reptilians and moon matrixes. In fact, connecting the two helps to ensure that his respectable and sensible arguments are associated with the most wacko, woowoo end of the conspiracy spectrum, ensuring their marginalisation from the mainstream.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Icke Fans Take Note!

Originally posted by OnceReturned

My response is this: these claims are self contradictory. If the moon exists as a tool of deception which projects an artificial reality into the mind body system, does it also project the fact that it is a tool of deception as part of its illusory world? Because, if it does, that would be self defeating.

This exercise in logic will be completely ignored in this thread. Quite often the people who proclaim outrageous stories on this forum suffer temporary blindness when their magical world is taken out with one logical paragraph.

Kudos to you OnceReturned! Brilliant Post!


Haha, thank you. It seems you are right. No one is addressing these points, and they are in fact ignoring them.

This way of thinking baffles me. Are we speaking in metaphores and I'm just not in on it? Does everyone secretly know that all this is untrue, but they talk about it as a useful analogy? Or is this entire thread just an indulgance in fantasy? How else can you explain the way that the facts and resonable objections are just completely ignored?

What little effort is made to respond to objections seems be trivial, and always takes the form of, "well you are just too small minded to grasp the truth." Have you ever heard the expression that I want to be open minded, but not so open minded that my brain falls out?

[edit on 3/8/10 by OnceReturned]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:57 PM
"David Icke marks his 20th year of uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with the publication of his most amazing book yet"

What on earth has Icke ever uncovered or proven? I must be missing something. As best as I can tell he's taken the work of others and reworded it. He also constantly changes his viewpoints to play on current belief structures. He's at the very least a fraud and possibly worse.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:22 PM
So, now I'm wondering...
The undersea, under-desert and antarctic secret bases weren't enough to satisfy Icke, so now he has to point his finger at the moon?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by themuse

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
I have seen Icke live speak for 7 hours...

The crowd at this sold out event looked articulate, smart, intelligent (and thin
). I don't think a charlatan would have made it out alive if he was hoaxing his content with such a group...

It was bloody marvelous - and farking EYE OPENING!

Have you heard of mass hypnotism? Chris Angel does it. David Blaine does it. And probably Icke does it too!

In other words you've been had!
And so too those so called 'smart, intelligent' mugs!

I was also at this seminar sitting right near WZN and I can assure you no mass hypnosis took place, it was a seminar of ' a little about alot' in the conspiracy arena you could say. Im happy to send the dvd to you of the day. its 3 dvds and 7 hours. To understand David you really have to catch a whole show. I have posted the dvd already to many ATS members.
Informative enough to send people down many research paths. Granted they arent the most common research paths and many lead to just 'speculation' rather than solid science but thats the catch 22 with the conspiracy arena, but if people are 'waking up' through him it can only be a good thing. Once you switch it on you cant switch it off.

Lets remember David does research and gets his info from various sources and its up to you to go do research on the topic yourself. Hes not a cosmologist. You can say hes crazy as much as you want, but people respond to him and anything that wakes anyone up has to be a good thing.

Anyway InfaRedMan already reiterated a logical post made by another here if you dont believe in this moon matrix theory then refer to that and move on.

Have the best day

Huh! Small world! - The atmosphere was very special, and my 2 other friends that saw him thought exactly the same thing. Perhaps we were put under a spell - because I don't know about you, but I came out of that seminar wanting to find out more of the unknown.

His 'schism theory' made a hell of a lot of sense, and every now and then I find myself around people experiencing their own schisms - and not understanding why - which is interesting to watch, but must be uncomfortable for the unaware person.

The Moon matrix theory is right out there - but (once again) ALL the information on ATS alone - some find it hard to understand what is going on, and will fight, fight, fight it - they don't want to know, and turn people that do into 'the bad guy' - which seems reminiscent of burning witches at the stake

Do i think this is real? I don't know! Do I think it is possible? Hell yeah I do. Do I care others want to be able to discuss this possibility without a public execution - ABSOLUTELY. Do I care about the negative hostilities? No, but I am human - and do feel.

Icke most of his life has been ridiculed - and he constantly reminds us all, that the hardest part is to accept the criticism and move on. He also thanks his detractors for they have helped him get better, by bringing more and more TRUTHS to the forefront of our existences.

What will he reveal - and how did he get his information - that's going to be what we want to know - and when we do, if it holds merit, or not - that is the time to pass judgment on the information, rather than blindly passing judgment on information, yet to be delivered

David has not yet revealed how he came to this conclusion...

If anything this thread is an example of many - on the negative, that say this is false - without hearing the whole information presented. Lets hope these ones never get to sit on a jury!

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Its an interesting theory that 3 moons (2 of Mars and our Moon) could be artificial in origin. All the planets in the outer solar system have moons, the largest Jupiter having the most and being the closest to the inner solar system. Then you have 2 planets in the inner solar system without moons and then there's Earth and Mars.

Is it strange that 3 'moons' (unlike all the other moons) managed to escape all the big gas planets including massive Jupiter? Then almost conveniently park themselves around a planet with life (Earth) and around a planet that possibly harboured life in the past (Mars).

I don't claim to know much about how the gravity of big planets attracts moons etc. So I'm sure you have ideas to correct me.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:53 PM
Whoa, did Icke just steal a conspiracy theory, put a twist on it and make it his own? Heck, even I thought about it before Icke, but I sure as hell never had a lick of proof. Where did he get it?

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