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Originally posted by OrionHunterX
Originally posted by free_spirit
reply to post by OrionHunterX
Then Mr. OrionHunterX if Jose Escamilla is a hoaxer and the Moon Rising
film is a hoax THEN it inevitably means tha LunaCognita IS ALSO a hoaxer
because he was a colaborator, do you agree or not. Tell me OrionHunterX
is LunaCognita also a hoaxer or not, I would like to hear you.
LunaCognita who? Do I need to know him? Is he supposed to be famous?
Is he the future prez of the US of A or a self styled Einstein? If he's some
guy who's mixed up with Escamilla, then yes, he's in the same boat as
Escamilla is in. And that boat is rocking so hard, it's about to capsize, if it
has not already!
[edit on 10-3-2010 by OrionHunterX]
Originally posted by free_spirit
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
reply to post by free_spirit
I have no knowledge of what role Luna Cognita may or may not have had in the making of that movie.
LunaCognita is a member of ATS and known by many here but anyway just check this thread about the association Jose Escamilla - LunaCognita
and give me your comment, are they both hoaxers in your opinion or not.
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Here's a professional film scanner and it talks about how to deal with EXACTLY what Luna Cognita calls an obfuscation gradient:
Minolta Dimage Scan Multi Film Scanner
Normally, the scanner's autofocus system looks at the center of the frame to perform its focus adjustments. Alternatively, you can specify what part of the film you want it to adjust for, or what part of the film you want to manually adjust the focus based on. These are useful features, in that we've sometimes seen scanner autofocus systems outfoxed by low-contrast, or poorly-focused originals. Also, in the case of severely curled film, you may opt for sharp focus in one part of the frame, at the cost of poorer focus elsewhere. The Dimage Scan multi accommodates such situations with the aforementioned option of specifying the point of focus.
It even points out that it focuses on the center by default!!!!! You have the option of changing this default setting with a manual override if you think the most important part of the image you want in focus is near the edge.
Now I've proven this is a real effect, if you want anyone to believe the conspiracy theory I think the burden is on you to show it's not a result of this prosaic explanation which I've demonstrated.
Originally posted by free_spirit
Arbitrageur said: Jose Escamilla is not only NOT a UFO researcher, he is
the ENEMY of UFO researchers (end of quote)
That's quite a statement and it is wrong and I will tell you why. You are
involving all and I mean ALL the UFO researchers in the world, right?
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Jose Escamilla is not only NOT a UFO researcher, he is the ENEMY of UFO researchers, because his calling camera artifacts "rods" and his calling craters "flying saucers" brings shame and ridicule to what should otherwise be taken as a topic for serious scientific research that has inspired the interest of real scientists like Dr Linus Pauling who would only do his research in secret, probably because of all the nutjobs in the field.
Originally posted by internos
i'm just some guy who loves the subject matter: and if one really loves, for example, his house, then he should NEVER allow the garbage to invade it. Since i love this subject matter, here's why i i try to find out the more i can about every case worthy to be studied: And NOT, i'm NOT happy whenever i find out that something is a hoax, CGI, misinterpretation etc.: actually, i'm not happy at all after finding a mundane explanation to (or "debunkig") something: it's sad, but all in all it's the only way we have to realize WHAT are actual UFOs, to get closer to the truth, to deny ignorance, to have a realistic idea about the actual dimension of the phenomenon: and to those who believe me to be some blind sceptic, listen here: i do believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent forms of life, i have NO doubts about it, despite the lack of any conclusive proof. But to believe is VERY different from to know, and to base our thoughts just on our beliefs is way less intelligent than to base them on knowledge.
I must accept that his proposed explanation is one possibility that seems we can't rule out until we have a full explanation for why the NASA report is so bizarre.
He noticed that some old scanned films were in focus in the center, and not at the edges,
t's just a lack of knowledge about how film scanners work and an active imagination.
Originally posted by easynow
and if you never get an explanation from NASA and despite the overwhelming evidence
... i already know your answer
LunaCognita can speak for himself but i am pretty sure he doesn't believe Jose's flying crater theory
Originally posted by free_spirit
One last thing, Ufology has become an industry generating money and
filmmakers as well as researchers, tv networks etc. do their operations
and earn money, that's the way it is like it or not, it's the reality.
Originally posted by easynow
reply to post by Exuberant1
it's very possible that the footage was transferred to digital form not long after it was brought back from the mission and didn't even need to be rescanned or reprocessed ?
Originally posted by easynow
it's very possible that the footage was transferred to digital form not long after it was brought back from the mission and didn't even need to be rescanned or reprocessed ?
Originally posted by jdmmade
I honestly don't believe in all the photos that he has picked out and adjusted, but some of the photos, are honestly compelling. Except for the craters =P
Originally posted by CHRLZ
....some of the lunar imaging is extraordinarily beautiful and compelling. And it's all available for free from NASA and other sites.
Originally posted by CHRLZ
Originally posted by easynow
and if you never get an explanation from NASA and despite the overwhelming evidence
Overwhelming evidence? Forgive my mirth. When 99% of these idiotic images are usually quite quickly shown to be Moon craters (not UFO's), jpeg artefacts (not city sized aliens), lens flares, people with their heads turned (not empty helmets), known stars or planets (not alien ships).. ad infinitum, it just goes on and on. And the naive and gullible keep repeating them (deliberately?) in the hope that the accumulated hysteria from all the scattergunned garbage will help them sell another DVD or book, or perhaps just give them their 15 minutes of youtube fame.
LOOK AT THIS THREAD for example, The whole premise was a complete debacle a stupid misinterpretation made by someone who REFUSES to acknowledge they got it wrong. When I asked people like secretnasaman, free-spirit and others to post some better examples they run like the wind, change the topic, talk about something else. ANYTHING to not let their beloved stupidities be threatened by actual KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING and EXPLANATION.
1. You simply know NOTHING about the topic. The effect of focus problems (usually caused by non-flat film, but can be due to lens quality or sensor misalignment) is so well known in imaging circles, it's not even funny. Get some experience in this area before making further silly proclamations.
By not even considering this as an issue, you prove you have NO IDEA how the scientific method works, or about the concept of 'burden of proof', or even just plain LOGIC.
And there's your problem You think you can read people's minds and motives
ON WHAT BASIS do you think that?
Originally posted by Exuberant1
Anyhow, not all of the images and video data are readily accessible to the public. And plenty of it has been lost.
Edit: And if you go to LPI for your images - sometimes over half of the data is gone - totally blacked out (for our own good though):
Originally posted by easynow
i am well aware of the process despite your assumptions and ignorant proclamations. i gotta ask, are you a mind reader ? if you are then your not a very good one because you don't have a clue about what i know.
i haven't ruled it out and if you had read my thread where we were discussing this you might know that but i guess it's easier for you to just make up little fantasies in your mind and use that to launch an attack ?
i think it's safe for me here to call you a hypocrite
ON WHAT BASIS do you think that?
nunya business , what makes you think i owe you any explanation ?