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Iceland's Voters About to Tell Global Banksters to Shove It

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posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:52 PM
Let me get this straight:

Big banks are squeezing billions from the masses...

Is this news to anyone here?

These isolated incidents like Iceland and Greece are no match for the IMF, World Bank and the rest of the financial cartel scum. They will just turn these countries into 3rd world nations.

Until we all, or at least a critical mass, join together to fight the fight against private property of resources and means of production all we can do is moan. All we basically have to do is warrant the property documents null and void, and in one sweep erase the word debt from the dictionary.

Imo, there's no legitimate reason for the existence of banks or insurance companies, and I long for the day we can re-purpose their skyscrapers and do something useful with them.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:59 PM
every investment has risk attached to it its investment 101. every investor should have know that they might end up loosing their investments in ICESAVE accounts. No body ever guaranteed their investments. and now they are crying foul.

no to greedy investors and bankers. Iceland should vote no.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:06 PM
The government started last summer to deal with itself
on the behalf of the British and the Dutch governments
which made no sense.

When the bank collapse happened in 2008
the government here agreed everything would be paid in full.

Questions remained on how it would be paid back
in what amounts and when.

This is what has been debated for the past 2 years.

Most of the money has already been paid back
to the respective savings holders
by the governments in said countries.

Everything will be paid in full!

As I already stated in my thread here ;

This is more about British and Dutch governments
trampling on Icelanders rights ,British government
even used "Terrorist laws" against Icelanders
you can look it up for yourself!

The government here is blindly focused on joining the EU
and therefore side with the Dutch and British governments.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:08 PM
It is just another of many examples of how and why de-regulation (elimination of laws that prevent fraud ) simple doesn't work.

Find out where the money went, confiscate it from the people who took the money along with huge fines, and pay back the investors.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by lordvader
every investment has risk attached to it its investment 101. every investor should have know that they might end up loosing their investments in ICESAVE accounts. No body ever guaranteed their investments. and now they are crying foul.

no to greedy investors and bankers. Iceland should vote no.

The problem is that the banksters played puppeteer with the UK & Netherlands, forcing them into making good on the accounts within their countries. Now the problem is that, since the UK and Netherlands made that decisions FOR them, they want Iceland to pay it back.

Personally, I say Liquidate the jerks that caused the problems in Iceland (The bank and politicians etc), and deliver THAT money over to them in an amount NOT to exceed the amounts lost by the common person who was actually injured. Let the UK and Netherlands get the rest back from the Greedy banksters that caused all this in the first place.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by pyrael]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:42 PM

"Ordinary islanders were determined to vent their fury at the way that the political class had allowed the country to slip towards bankruptcy. The building was splattered with paint and yoghurt, the crowd yelled and banged pans, fired rockets at the windows and lit a bonfire in front of the main door. Riot police moved in"

now this was in jan 2009, i wonder how mad they are now?????

"World Agenda: riots in Iceland, Latvia and Bulgaria are a sign of things to come"

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Yes ,the banks are responsible and so are the individuals who
invested in everything they saw fit to.

One after another ,these highest paid individuals of mega corporations
have had their debts swept away clean by the banks
while the average persons sit up with all the debts.

Some people were gullible enough to trust the banks
and take loans which then they couldn't pay back
after the collapse of the banks.

Not all of us did though. Generalizing the population is irrational.

Oh and by the way ,I voted "No" today.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Breaking News;

Iceland Say NO: Confirmed

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Vincent84

I think the Icelandic people do a great job when the vote against the bankers of the UK and the Netherlands. It would be completly b.s. to make those people pay for the mistakes of a handfull of people at the top of the banking cabbal.

I wish the Icelandic people all the strenght they need to make those votes count.

(visit the link for the full news article)

But.... the icelanders enjoyed the proceeds of the amount of money flowing through the country for several years. Now you can bitch and complain about bankers etc and I would entirely agree with you however, you can't have your cake and eat it.

The icelanders profited from their bankers behaviour and NEVER complained at the time so tough, cough up the money your bankers screwed from others.

Likewise the US and UK bankers did the same and the US and UK taxpayers are paying for it. We should be screwing the bankers NOT investors in OUR banks.

This is where the problem lies. Bankers are a law unto themselves. They have this arrogant assumption that they are "needed" by us and despite all that has happened should allow them to earn BILLIONS in bonuses even before the loans from the taxpayers have been payed back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No bonuses until:
1. All taxpayer investment in banks has been recovered.
2. All taxpayer support of collapsed economies has been recovered (ie the US fed, UK Bof England)
3. All lost taxes due to unemployment has been recovered.
4. Employment restored to pre collapse levels.

Number 4 is interesting since it requires banks to financial support businesses.

If the above 4 points were applied in Iceland the bankers would be screwed for centuries!!!!!!! TOUGH.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I agree completely. There is little difference between the core needs of human beings in all countries. It is the desire for wealth and power by few coupled with the conviction they are better and smarter therefore entitled hundreds and thousands times more resources than the average citizen of the planet.

There will always be the rich and the poor. It is when the system becomes so patently corrupt and the rules governing competition for resources favor the very few that the average person has not even a dream of wealth that the system must be destroyed.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Vincent84

Iceland's Voters About to Tell Global Banksters to Shove It

Star and Flag!

Good luck Iceland.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 08:14 PM
The issue is a bit more complex than just giving the thumbs down to the "Banks". Iceland is trying to join the EU. This is being hung over its head. It will definitely be a set-back for them to gain full EU membership. I am not saying what they did was wrong. I would have voted the same way. But the issue is more than just a referendum on a populist sentiment against big banks and improper lending practices. Iceland has bad inflation and growing unemployment. After the dust settles, the question will be what next? Some are predicting the collapse of the EU. I don't believe that. But it will be interesting to see how this plays out for Iceland. It is a fairly complex economic problem they face. All I am saying.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Vincent84

Iceland's Voters About to Tell Global Banksters to Shove It

A vote is set for Saturday in Iceland on a referendum that would require Iceland to pay funds to the U.K. and the Netherlands based on U.K. and Netherlands investors who lost money because of the collapse of an Icelandic bank.

The EU (based on some complicated rules) wants the residents of Iceland to bailout depositors in the United Kingdom who deposited money in an Icelandic bank that opened a subsidiary in the UK and then failed.The tab is £3.5 billion. The population of Iceland is 320,000
(visit the link for the full news article)

Just wondering what would happen if they all said F' Off, I'm not giving them one penny.
Are Investors just going to march into Iceland demand money or start
killing everyone. I suppose they could always say, No Soup for You, 1 year.
But starving or killing it's pretty much the same result.

Besides, didn't rich people put money into Iceland to escape Tax Laws in their
own country. So getting poor people to pay for rich peoples Money Scam just
sounds crazy.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by crichton13

An accident waiting to happen

Billy Bragg, a 52-year-old London-born musician, is not a natural choice to pick up the socialist baton from the founding fathers of communism but his presence at Speakers’ Corner on Sunday perfectly reflected the failure of our political system to display a social sensitivity as well as a financial one. “I am standing here today because there don’t seem to be any politicians willing to take up this cause,” said Bragg who refused to pay his taxes on January 31 in a bid to draw attention to a campaign that has attracted more than 25,000 supporters online.

crichton13 you probably will not be the only one thinking the same, lots of people are probably going the same way, if the mass mind control media can help it. So I would just rephrase the above tittle as "A War waiting to happen". Of course it is always the case that the one with the biggest army would always jump to the opportunity without a second thought.
How about a Pan-European citizens object to taxes day? Or month?
Citizens worldwide organizing and refusing to pay their taxes.
If everything, including whole countries are going to be handed out to the Banks, then why shouldn't people do something to refuse this?
Of course mass media would always have their ways to convince an X citizen of an X country that a short war would be good for the local economy in the short term, but WHO REALLY WINS?
Typing all that while witnessing our civilization that is slowly taking the down turn, sliding towards a bleak future, we imposed on ourselves. You see it is not just the greedy Islanders, its as much about your decisions as much it is about theirs,a s much as it is about mine. You probably haven't made yours yet. Decisions that probably are as much uninformed as it can get on both sides, because TPTB, the Banks and the Media can help it.

Yet this time, something is different. Citizens can smell what is coming and even discuss this with one another and maybe even plan coordinated action.
People have the internet and they have been learning to trust nobody. No Governments, no shady NGOs, no shady political figures, no shills with agendas. Just us, the citizens of the world.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 09:04 PM
Honestly, how stupid do TPTB think the average citizen is? Like anyone would vote to give 8 years worth of money to any other country? I'm glad they told them where they can put it. Too bad it's still going to cost Iceland dearly.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 09:38 PM
prelim results are that a whopping 93% said NO..... good for iceland.

Iceland’s voters expressed their outrage on Saturday against bankers, the government and what they saw as foreign bullying, overwhelmingly rejecting a plan to pay $5.3 billion to Britain and the Netherlands to reimburse customers of a failed Icelandic bank.

With about 30 percent of the votes counted, roughly 93 percent of voters said no to the plan, in the first public referendum ever held on any subject in Iceland. Less than 2 percent voted yes, and the rest of the votes were invalid.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by olivi
I don`t think that the people of Iceland should pay...But it is clear that there must be a compensation for the investments made...i belive that the matter should be settled in a way either by a loan that will be repayed by iceland as result of it`s growth...or through a way of diminishing the value to be repayd by way of agreement...

This is the trick. This is the whole objective. The purpose of the IMF is to get every country paying interest to the banks and then when they can't pay the interest to have the US of A taxpayers rescue them and add to our national debt .Then, after the US of A taxpayers have paid the banks by piling it on to the national debt for us to pay interest on, the countries get new loans and start over. The only problem comes when the US of A can't pay the interest to the banksters. Maybe they are using Iceland for a smaller scale experiment about what they are going to do to the US. Our national debt is above $12,547,380,000,000 if I am reading the clock right. I couldn't write down all the numbers they were moving by too fast. It went up 20 mil dollars just while I was typing this. There are over 300 million Americans So the ratio is similar. I got 41,825 per person. So we would owe ten times as much as the individuals of iceland. So maybe this is an experiment about how to handle the situation and how they would get us to pay. Since the whole problem is imaginary anyway, the banks cheated 99% or more of the money they claim is theirs, considering fiat money and fractional reserve banking and the manipulation of our government to give them the money in the first place. Maybe the answer is to blame the FED and for the government to "divorce" the FED and refuse to honor the FED's commitments, since the FED is guilty of gross corruption and treason. The only solution really is to end the FED. Of course you would also have to get out of the IMF and the UN as well, but they are the same people. They are cheating, but they have cheated their way into an impossible situation. If they think they can enslave our people or reduce our population and form a Nazi fascist principality as a payment for this debt they can think again. If we ended the WAR and reduced the size of government, we would survive ok.

Didn't Iceland just go through riots protesting that the voting machines were rigged?

Since the American Congress is in bed with the FED, they are equally quilty.
They are the ones who passed the laws that the US taxpayers would back up the deliberately bad loans, The country doesn't run on our taxes but on fiat money, manufactured by the fed and added to the national debt. The income tax only pays the interest on the debt. .The income tax anyway is illegal and/or unconstitutional because the Amendment that legalized it was never ratified. But our government doesn't really follow the Constitution anyway. What would we expect from a government that thinks nothing of murdering it's own citizens to influence political process as in 911.

Why in the world would Iceland want to join the EU? It's just more nazi fascism.

We need a referendum to end the FED before we are in the same boat.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by m khan]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:53 PM

I'm not going to let them pimp my nation into accepting a deal that´ll send us back to the middle-ages.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by Verse]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:53 PM
ahh sorry..double post!

[edit on 6-3-2010 by Verse]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:59 PM
Good for Iceland.

Someone should stand up to these cartels. It's bad enough that we pay them interest for our own money in most western nations. We live in a system where our real assets are stolen from beneath credit bubbles, and where the bankers and their friends and associates receive all the benefits.

I'm as hardcore a capitalist as you will ever find, but that is not making anything or trading anything; it's theft.

Like an earlier poster said, I doubt Iceland will be allowed to simply say no, since that would get too many people thinking. But I'm glad they have to this point.

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