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First Live, UK Political Debate.

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by thecrow001

Yeah. There are a lot of sources with Clegg on top. But then theres plenty showin Labour and Conservative victorys.
I suppose more results will emerge this time around.

(The debate also took me longer to add this time because I put it all down on paper first. Then whacked it on here. Since last time my phone timed out and I lost an intire entry.)

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by andy1033

What would America do with all its soldiers then?
Once they get back home, they'll be unemployed... (but alive)

But the issue about weapons is a double sided arguement for reasons known to all.


Its a tougth one and the UK cant reliy on other nations all the time.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 07:52 AM
All 3 main partys (Labour, Conservative and the Liberal Democrats) are claiming victory in last nights debate.
Most polls have a similar story. Althouth ill quote the one im looking at as things currently stand-

Liberal Democrate- 29%
Conservative- 33%
Labour- 27%.

ALSO, I edited the Conversation yesterday to incude the ''nutter'' comment, I know I said I left it out, but when I put it in, I put it in the wrong place!!!
- !Cameron actually said it! -

[edit on 23/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:01 AM
Also topic related is the mention that the BNP (British National Party) released their manifesto today.

It includes-
> Bringing home UK forces from Afghanistan.
> Closing the border to immigration.
> Stopping immigration from Muslim nations.
> Cash pay outs to returning immigrants who go back to their own countrys of ethnic origin.

Quite random is well is the news that in MY area, their way of election is a little jaded. They apparntly have a sort of scam that makes you think your voting to send soldiers home, yet in fact your really voting for BNP.
Which is a little hard to understand.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:01 AM
Edit for Triple post...

[edit on 23/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:01 AM
Edit for triple post!

[edit on 23/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Ok. The last UK Political debate before the Election is this Thursday (29th April 2010)..

The partys are starting to pull their fingures out now.
The local constituents have been out in force, posting their flyers through the letter box.
The thing that cracks me up a bit, is how they post their leaflets through the door, Knock, then walk off.... Whats up with that?

The current situation is also the same as any general election. The usual political sniping etc...
The Labour/Conservative too and forth in my area is compleatly daft. Its been in the news a while now but is worth mentioning.
Both partys state how the others telling lies about their opposing partys.... Bored.
Also, I belive the SNP have raised the necessary £50000 to legally challenge the BBC for political discrimination due to
them not having a platform in the main debates.
Maybe if a Court case is brought forth, the implacations of this in the next election (2014?) could result in either the Live debate being scrapped or more political partys being involved in the Televised debates, which would naturally be quite intresting.
Also randomly, im sure I read that Nick Cleggs wife (liberal democrat) has broken her arm/elbow?

- Edit because I still cant spell...

[edit on 27/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Edit because of double post.

But, Ill take this oppertunity to mention that I was write about the way the BNP's name will appear on ballot papers in Swansea.
The BNP will be listed as ''bring our boys home."
This worrys me a bit, because some people may not realise who their voting for.

[edit on 27/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:20 PM
So the Third and last electorial debate shall commence soon.
What with recent events, I wonder how things will turn out..?
Due to yesterdays embarrassment with Gordon Brown and how after having a conversation with an old aged lady, he, whilst still miked up was over heard saying "that was a disaster" and then called the woman a "bigot" he then later found out about his mistake then went to the womans house to appologise.
And today, Nick Clegg got into a debate with a university student who asked him a question about Jobs, and how even if people are skilled to do work, there is no work for them.
Clegg tried to dodge the question, yet was rebuked by the student and had a round of applause for silencing Clegg.

I wont do a commentary on this debate. (To Tedious now since its just a repeat, repeat, repeat debate.)
But ill comment on it sometime later...
Also, and just a guess, but I think the Conservatives will win this debate.
Which will leave us waiting for the actual election a week Thursday (6th May 2010).

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:27 AM
For all those that care or can be botherd following the UK election, Gordon Brown will be on TV (BBC 1, 8.30) again today answering questions with the same reporter who grilled David Cameron last week.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:02 AM
So, Today is crunch time.

After following from the announcement of the 3 Main party debates, and doing a running commentry on 'two' of the first ever UK Televised political debates,
the polls are open.

I may just walk down the road and place my vote.

This time tommorow, we'll know who is the new British Prime minister.

Or maybe, as a lot of the speculation has been scrutinizing over, the possibility of a Hung Parliament, in which no single party has an overall majority.

So time will tell.
But I think it may be a hung parliament, looking at recent on-line polls, the voting figures are tight.

Yet the Conservatives will probably have the majority of the seats in parliament... Maybe Labour could still win? Or at the very least, Labour- Lib Dem sharing power?

Its tougth to call.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 11:13 AM
So, as I said in my previous post, a Hung Parliament.

Ive been thinking about the possible outcomes.

Currently, as I write this, its been announced that the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats will have a meeting tonight to see if they can come to an agreement on forming a majority party together.
Jhon Major (previous Tory PM 1990 - 1997) has come out of the woodwork and said that the Tory's sacraficing some power to the Liberal Democrates is neccessary so that they can gain more power and control parliament.

Now, with Hung Parliaments, they dont tend to last long and looking at previous examples, they've lasted a matter of months. The last one was in the 1970s.
There was another General election after a year, resulting in Labour losing power.

Despite me being a Labour supporter, what ill say now may sound compleatly DAFT..

If David Cameron wants the majority ruling as a single party, I think he should just let Labour work with the Liberal Democrats.
Those two, despite being similar wont be able to stay together in my oppinion, and then another Election may be called for next year.
Since the two wouldnt work well together, the Conservatives would then be the natural choice for people to vote for.
There may be a risk of a greater gain by the Lib Dems if there was another election, but a majority of those votes would be stolen from Labour.

Anyway, thats just my oppinion. If the Torys want power, Let a Lib-Labour coalition screw up, then he'll come out on top.

Thats if he dosnt try to oppose the rules and claim Victory by having the most seats in the event of a Labour, Lib no contest.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 09:33 AM
So to bring this thread to a Close-

At around 7.30pm on 11/05/10 Gordon Brown resigned as Prime Minister.
He visited the Queen of Britain, who then later accepted David Cameron (leader of the Conservatives) request to Form a new Goverment for Britain.
We enterd a Coalition Parliament made up with the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.
David Cameron is now the prime-minister and the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg is now the Deputy prime-minister.

Theres mixed oppinions about this new goverment, yet, its to early to really make up an oppinion about them.
I guess time will tell, whether this new coalition goverment was good, or, if there'd be an election in the near future due to the two partys disagreeing on policy.
The suspected time that there in parliament is five years.


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