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First Live, UK Political Debate.

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:30 AM
The Second debate is this Thursday on SKY.

Also, now the other partys are kicking up a fuss due to being left out of the main debate -

The BBC is a easy target here due to the nature of its funding and policys.

Personally, Id rather see both partys included as well as some of the lesser known political partys.
But it would be good to watch because the SNP Leader (Alex Salmond) is a laugh to watch, and would certainly add to the banter side of the debate.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:29 AM
The debate is on at 8pm UK time.
It will feature the same set up as before, yet shown on SKY NEWS, SKY3 and BBC news simultainiously.
I expect the Conservatives to try and pick apart the Liberal Democrats policys tonight, Not forgetting Labour adding an extre 10pence to the argument.
Wounder how Nick Clegg will cope and will there be an oppinion shift when some of his policys are piked apart such as:
Immigrations amnysty, Joining the Euro... etc.

Ill try and commentate again on the debate later on tonight if I can.

[edit on 22/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Right... Everyones ready.
Despite some heckling from Fathers For Justice protesters everyones arrived at Bristol.

Anyone want a quick guess who will win this second debate with the oppinion poll ratings?

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 03:38 PM
There WAS a lot said.
Full commentry follows -

Opening speech.
Brown- This is not a popularity contest. We need to be serious. This is our future.
We have huge challenges ahead. We need a terror free Europe, need to tackle climate change.
If we get decisions wrong, like me or not, I can deliver.

Cam- Country wants change. Who can do that change? Real change from old values. We need to help familys, less burocracy. Keep defences strong. Were all in this together.

Clegg- Im proud of our values. Democracy, Law, Human rights, we shouldnt have invaded Iraq.
We need to be Nuclear free and we need to target climate change.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

i thought Nick C won that debate with David C coming close second and Brown in 3rd.

Nick won it for me in his first speech. the one :

Iraq should not of happened.
and No Nukes.

Brown did look smart tonight but thats all he did.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Question: Whats the Advantages of being in Europe?

Cam- We should be in europe. We have let to much power go to Brussles. I dont want to be in the Euro. I want to cut burocracy.
Clegg- I worked for the man who helped Thatcher.
Theres a lot of things we cant do on our own like international crime for instance.
Its not perfect, but it must be reformed.
Brown- 3 million reasons why we're in Europe. Jobs. Half our trade and bussiness comes from Europe. I persuaded them to work together to deal with climate change.
Cam- were angry because polititions gave away power. Nobody helped us do a referendum.
Clegg- we need a referendum and vote to stay in or out of europe.
Brown- Imagine a Europe meeting with Cameron in charge. We need a recovery. We must all work together. We have problems like international terrorism to deal with.
Cam- So dont let people vote and tell them to trust your MPs theres no choice.
Brown- What people want is to solve the employment problem. I want to work with Europe to create jobs.
Cam- Its hypocrisy. We must do what we say.
Clegg- How does it help to be in Europe when they dont agree with our country, Their Nutters!
Brown- You both sound like my children. We need jobs and growth. You must work together. Nick, your Anti-American. David, your Anti-Europe. Were not giving up our seat in the EU.
Clegg- Dont create scare storys.

Edit to Add nutter remark. Enjoy.

[edit on 22/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Question: Given our involvment in Afghanistan, if something similar happend again in the future, will we take part?

Clegg- I supported Afghan to keep us safe. It was a haven for terrorism.
Although we havent done the right stratedgy we should have done it properly.
Brown- Lets be honest. We have Al-quida (s.p?) in Somalia and yemin. There is a reason due to the chain of terror. I get daily reports about situations in Afghanistan, Pakistan areas. Afghanistan is a mission that can work. We're building there security forces.
Cam- Think, whats in national intrest?
If you look at future opperations we need to plan properly. A proper political strategy. Better equipment. Were not doing enougth.
Clegg- Its essential we do a defense reviwe, who ever wins the election, we should stop wasting money.
Brown- My first thoughts are of our troops and the fantastic job they do. We do everything to support them. The Detroit (plane) bomber came from Somalia. We must deal with terrorists. We relie on our services.
Cam- I agree with Gordon. One thing thats wrong with Afghan is the political issue. The whole Afghan region needs to be involved.
Clegg- Can not allow to deploy with out proper equipment.

Cont... ->

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Continued from above...

Brown- We change our tactics to meet the tactics of our enemy. They use I.E.D's.
We need engineers to deal with this with metal detectors. We have to train the Afghan Army. We need to make sure the Afghan people are safe.
Cam- I think we shouldnt scrap Trident. We cant prepare for what we may face in the future. We need our own deterent.
Clegg- There are better solutions. Tridents no good against Terrorists.
Brown- GET REAL! What happens if Iran or North Korea become a bigger threat?
Clegg- We wont use it.
Cam- I agree with Gordon. We need to make this decision now. You NEED to understand this Nick.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

Answer america will always be there with all its weapons, lol. The anglo american empire has the big toys doesn't it?

They should campaign on getting americans out of europe, why are american troops still in europe, after 60 years, why is this, lol.

Campaign on this.

Campaign on getting americans to go home, from everywhere in the world, thats what we need.

[edit on 4/22/2010 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Question: What have you done inregards to Climate change in the last 6 months?

Brown- Trains. Catching trains. And I also think the proposed High speed network will be a good addition due to it being more efficient.
I recomend solar power and wind. We have the First Climate Change act in the world.
Cam- Get real about the enviroment. We've had proper insullation. We've come out against the 3rd runway at Heathrow airport.
Clegg- I try to change my behaviour. But, I dont do enougth. Part of the problem is C02 from planes. The system taxes planes carrying passengers and not freight planes carrying goods.
Brown- We must change the energy balance. Stop using Oil. 15% by 2020 should be reusible fuel.
Why Nick, are you against Nuclear power? Why David are you against Wind power?
Cam- We need a full range of energy balance. We propose £6000 Green deal to help renivate your homes to save money.
Brown- We're already doing that Dave.
Clegg- Nuclear power is to expensive. It takes to long to build power plants. For a fraction of the cost we could impliment an efficient policy.


posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Continued from above.

Brown- You cant have balance without Nuclear power. We'll do more. We need carbon free homes, electric cars, your not thinking about the future.
Cam- Were heading for power cuts by 2017 at this rate. We need more renewable energy.
Clegg- We need to act globally. If we're going to lead the way in efficiency, we need to create strength in numbers.
Brown- You need to face up to the fact that we got 100 countrys to sign up to making C02 cuts.
Cam- The Lisbon treaty barely mentions climate change. Severel words only.
Clegg- We must work with Europe. We have a special relationship with America, but we cant let them lead us.
Brown- Re-think your policys Nick.
Cam- We need Britain to stand up in Europe.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Question: The Pope is visiting the UK soon. With their viwes and current discrepancys is it worth it? (I didnt get the question properly. My bad!)

Cam- Its welcome. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But the Catholic Church needs to assess its standings.
Clegg- My wife's Catholic. We raise our children to her belifes. I have an insight to the belifes. But realisticly, the nations torn appart. The church needs to be open, but needs to move with the times.
Brown- Ive met the people who were abused. The church must deal with their problems. I welcome the visit for two reasons. One, the church is great for its citizens and two, its to promote equality.
Cam- We need to advance in Science. We need a tollerant country.
Clegg- We do. I dont agree with the church's doctrine on Homosexuality. Id like to see the pope. But that dosnt mean we need to subscribe to their belifes.
Brown- We introduced Civil Partnerships, embryotic procedures and issues. Contraception is also a key part and its important for the church to realise this.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:54 PM
Question: What with the scandles of the year, nobody belives or even has faith in politicions. How can this be restored?

Clegg- We need to give the public power. Your the boss. We nee to clear up party funding. We agree on the rhetoric, but we need to act.
Brown- Can a vote really make a diffrence? Yes. We'll do re-votes if the public isnt happy or if we want a referendum in Parliment. Its a big issue. Our future depends on you.
Cam- We need to vote for a cleaned up parliment. We must make sure the money fiasco dosnt happen again. I want to see many changes.
Clegg- Im in the papers for a stupid reason today thats totally irrelivant. Youngsters are getting excited to vote.
Brown- I was ashamed by the M.P's behaviour in the House Of Commons and Parliment. They should go to court and be thrown out of Parliment. Your jobs and public services depend on who you vote for.
Cam- Politics makes a difference. If you want change you must vote, to change the country.
Brown- I always take responsibility for my actions.


posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Continued from previous post.

Clegg- We have a job for life culture in politics. These safe seats for life depend on a 25-30% vote in their area and the polititions start cutting corners.
Brown- We need to clean up. Anyone who steals will be out.
Cam- If we take responsibility we get punished, It seems unfair.
Brown- The biggest unfairness is the rich people having Tax cuts in your party.
Clegg- There are a number of M.P's who flipped houses for personal gain.
Cam- We all had problems. Lets clean it out.
Brown- Nobody should stand if their not clear. They shouldnt have second jobs, we must clean up.
Clegg- We must walk the walk.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Question: Im 85. I brought up 5 children. Worked my whole life and im on £59 a week pension. What can you do about this?

Brown- Pensions should be linked to earnings. We must deal with poverty, winter fuel allowance. We must help.
Cam- We need to uprate pension to be in line with earnings. We'll ask all men by 2015 to retire a year older (66).
Clegg- The earnings link needs to be restored. Theres so many costs. We need to cut costs.
Brown- Every woman should have full state pension. Also were making a change that'll make all employers offer a pension. David dosnt mention free prescriptions and Nicks cutting the budget of winter fuel allowance.
Cam- I must say were keeping winter allowance, TV Licences etc for over 65s.
Clegg- There are 2 and a half million pensioners in poverty. We must spend wisely. We'll bring back pension reform to pay for things quickly.
Cam- We'll keep free eye tests. Infact i'll do that now. Free eye tests.
Brown- But whys it not in your manifesto Dave?
Clegg- We're extending winter fuel arrangements to the elderly and vunrable.
Cam- We plan that you'll put £8000 to make sure your home is available for your children.
Brown- If people go to old age homes they need to have lower costs.


posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:20 PM
Continued from previous post.

Clegg- Related to that is the people who care for their loved ones. We'll use money to help care'rs.
Cam- We need to help carers to have a break.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Question: Given the current financial implications would a co-illition goverment (hung parliment) be the best way forward?

Cam- I helped Tony Blair put an education bill forward. If theres a Hung parliment we must work together. But its not for the best.
We need change.
Clegg- We're facing some big issues. It may be better because we'll have to work together.
Brown- We already have a Business council. That brings all businesses together. But we must have an agreed plan to help us out of the recession and to lower unemployment.
The public must decide.
Cam- We'll do our best to make it work. Theres an agreement that we must make savings, we must stop this excess Tax.
Clegg- Is it a bad thing? The world wont end. You deserve a goverment that puts you first.
Brown- I want us to work together. I asked diffrent partys to help work together when I first came into parliment. David wants 6 billion out of the economy. David is a risk to the econamy and Nick is a risk to security.
Cam- Business want to cut waste now!
Clegg- If we talk together, we must be upfront. Ive been open.
Brown- The priority is recovery. Lower unemployment. Neither of these two have a thought about the econamy.
Clegg- Why arnt you reforming the banking system?
Cam- The Lib Dems are copying our policy in cutting job tax.
Brown- Id be worried. It'll be a return of the old conservatives.
Clegg- You must split banks. You need to complement reform.
Brown- You dont understand Nick.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Why doesn't anyone ask them to get america out of europe?

Why are america in europe?

Ask them that next week, lol.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Question: Im an immigrant. I recognise immigration is a problem. How will you make it fair?

Clegg- We need to tighten the borders. We need to police it better.
Brown- Nick didnt tell us about an Ammnesty last week. This will atract more immigration. We'll provide more skills in Britain to help lower immigration.
Cam- We've benifited. People who've come here legally they've helped. But illeagally there has been to many. We need a cap for economic reasons.
Clegg- We want a system that works. We cant deniy a problem created by previous partys.
Brown- In the last 2 years we've seen the introduction of I.D. Cards for immigrants. Biometric visas stopping people entering and if they dont meet the point system they wont be aloud entry.
Cam- Labour has had 13 years to tackle the problem. It sounds like its unthought though.
Clegg- People feel strongly on this issue. Lets not live in denial about what is going on. Yes its contriversal, but we need to address the issue.
Brown- Im not intrested in scoring points. I want to do whats right.
Clegg- What are you going to do? You cant deport 900000 people because you dont know where they live.
Cam- Its sensitive. We need to keep it at a lower level.
Clegg- Whats the cap Dave?
Cam- Let me answer, we need to set a cap to achive whats required.
Clegg- Your proposing a cap, but you dont know what it'll be, you have no substance. No figures.
Brown- Immigration is falling, you cant enter if your unskilled.
Cam- I dont want to bore people with figures.
Brown- Theres a million people in Europe from the UK and a million from Europe in the Uk.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:04 PM
Closing statements.. (Finally!)

Brown- The buck stops here, we must take responsibility. Security, we must not give up weapons unless others do.
Dont put recovery at risk. We've thought hard and done a lot of work.
Conservatives want to jepodise this.
David jepodises the econamy while Nick jepodises security.

Cam- That sounded desperate... We need to have new leadership. We're best placed to do this.
You've heard some big diffrences today.
We face difficult times.
We can achive anything together.

Clegg- If we do things diffrently we can lead the world.
We've talked about lots of issues, we can act diffrently.
I hope you agree with me.
There are fearmongers and people who block change.
We must stand up and be proud.
We dont need to repeat old mistakes, dont say it wont be diffrent, it can!

End of the second debate.
There are mixed reports on who ''WON'' the oppinion pole. Its closer this time, but the results mean nothing in my oppinion.
But they'll be scrutinised over and over and over.... And I left out the Nutter comment.

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