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First Live, UK Political Debate.

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:12 PM
There's been a recent anouncement that for the first time in UK history, there will be a live public debate on television between the 3 main political party's of The United Kingdom.

- Labour
- Coservative
- Liberal Democratic

There will be 3 Live debate's, each one will be on a diffrent channel.
The first debate will be on ITV, the next on Sky. And the final one will be on the BBC.
Each party has been given an order in which to answer question's.
The first party to answer question's live on T.V. Will be the leader of the Lib Dem's, Nick Clegg.
Each party get's 1 minute to answer the question.
Then the two remaining party's then get 1 minute each to question the answer given.

The Audience will get picked for their diffrent political belief's. (ofcourse)
The Candidate's will also answer question's E-mailed to them.

So a live debate, which will, with no doubt, turn into the usual comical pantomine case of "my party is better than your's because we can give the people what they want!"
When in fact, they just tell us what we want to hear, so we'll give them the nod whilst they carry on with there obstreperous voice's.
But then, when they get in the 'Hot Seat' at Number 10, we'll be wondering when they'll pull there finger out.
No matter who we vote for, I believe us, the public will never be happy despite my optimism.
We're nothing more than Mushroom's (kept in the dark and fed sh..)
Now it's up to us to make an oppinion on who we will vote for in the next general election. And ive also seen each party member say how excited they are to be able to reach and engage the British public on such a large scale. (arnt they ment to do that anyway? Even if their not on the T.v?)
Im sure we will all be enlightened.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:27 PM
The date's for the actual debate have not been set.
Although they are expected to be around the time when Gordon Brown set's an election date. Which is, as rumour has it, to be around May 6th

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

Wow since "the sun" was supposed to be organizing this i really didn't think we would actually see it.

Should be interesting though but really it's only a 2 horse race In my opinion although i really cannot see Gordon Brown staying on as PM (not that i want him to anyway) .

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Yeah, I wasnt really expecting to actually see this either (although, technically we havnt seen it yet) due to the usual backstabbing and hoodwinking.
Still, it'll make for a good watch. And better, but not as entertaining as watching BBC parliment and all the MP's calling each other [email protected]$.
I wonder which one will be the better speaker, and not stumble with strategic ''um's'' and ''er's.''
There's also apparently going to be theme's to each debate...

''So, what's the greatest 'white elephant' that the goverment has?''


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Sure there will be themes. The so called debates will be fully scripted otherwise they would not have agreed to it.

The emails will be selected to suit the script and I will be very suprised if anything uncomfortable will be asked.

Will it only be the leaders on all three programs or will the chancelors get a go.

If only they would put 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' on the voting forms so that I could show my total non support for all of them.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by colin42

Yes. Chance's are, your probably right. The question's and audience will most likely be ''Cherry Picked'' and answer's will be ready, along with suitable counter arguement's from aposing party member's.
And It's just the leader's of each Political party that'll be question'd, as far as I can gather.
Maybe the format will change when we get closer to a general election..?
But who really know's...

And a ''Non of the above'' option would a good additon to the slip's.

[edit on 2/3/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:11 AM
Also anounced last night, there will be extra debate's for other smaller political party's, which will most likely be televised by the BBC,

Party's involved will be-

- The Green Party

Most artical's ive read focus on the BNP due to obvious reason's. Despite each party given an equal format to discuss their political stradegy.
But for anyone not in the 'know', the BBC had a episode of Question time (which aired at the end of last year - 2009) and the leader of BNP was, what seem's intentionally focused on by the audience concerning issue's of race e.t.c.

Maybe the BBC is trying to make amends or just trying to expose more scandle's on the BNP's current standing/political belife's/policy's.

It'll obviously be a future talking point in the public media aswell as on here.

Hopefully these turn out to be serious discussion's, and all disdain can be left unsaid.

Date's for the debate, have also not been set, but will most likely proceed the 3 main Political Party debate's previously mentiond at the begining of this thread.

[edit on 4/3/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:11 AM
Also subject related, Since the announcement of May 6th elections - ?lpos=Politics_Carousel_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15595801_General_Election_2010%3A_Gordon_Brown_Returns_To_Downing_Street_After_Meeting_The_Queen

"BBC, Sky and ITV announced the first 90-minute debates would be on ITV on Thursday 15 April, the next on Sky on 22 April and the last on the BBC on 29 April."

So we'll actually be able to see the next political leaders in debate. Although there's the aspect of the hung parliment to consider, I wonder if any storys with enougth political clout will emerge to sway votes in a diffrent direction..?

most likely.

Also, to give more insight -

hung parliment-

[edit on 6/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

Well now we have another ghastly American import. ANd did you know that no one will be able to laugh. The simple fact is that most people are bored of UK politics in its current form and are also disgusted by the recent pratfalls in the expenses fiasco. We should all vote for the "Beast of Bolsover because his expense scams seemed innocent.

Still there will be new faces in parliament or should that reed new Feces??

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Tiger5

Couldn't have said it better myself, what with the feces. And, as the say, all sh!£ runs downhill.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:46 AM
For those of you who may not be aware, the first of three live political debate's takes place tonight.
Taking place in Manchesters Granada studios, the partys have been in preperation and have been doing practise debates with 'stand in' members taking the place of each political party reader.
Yet tonight is the real deal!!!

Scripted questions.

Scripted answers.

A screen'd audience!


If I watch it, ill jot-down some key phrase's question's etc here.

If i can be botherd...

(Edit for another day of not being able to spell)

[edit on 15/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 07:00 AM
The way i see it is

Conservatives win = My life is screed
Labour wins = My life is screwed.

I wonder which i will pick, i will never ever vote in my life for any party as its just a joke, both want to run your life, and once these people are in your life, they question everything, which is absurd, and you have no freedom what so ever to just do what you want and your right to make your own mistakes. As long as you do not break any laws your life should be your own.

Both are just the same, so i will not bother watching, or voting.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Yeah, I understand compleatly. No matter who we vote for, it'll have the same conciquences, they'll just be imposed under a diffrent banner.
Although, in previous posts on other topics ive said ill vote Labour, just because I dont like the Conservatives, and the Liberal Democrats? Who are they..?

Anyway, despite me sounding like a pompus $h!£, Ive been taking a looking at The Green Partys manifesto that was released today.
Unfortunately I cant provide a link (due to me being on my phone) but some of their ''suggested'' policys are attractive.
And here in Wales where I am, the Welsh Labour party and Welsh Liberal Democrats released their Manifestos today as well.
Although I dont know a lot about them, ill hazard a guess that it'll be the usual stuff i.e. - more rights for civil partnerships, more powers for Wales to enable them to have greater powers and a bigger piece of the financial cake.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

Sounds pretty lame as usual. I would only watch a debate if the UKIP were presence.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Ha ha.. Maybe there is no need to watch it, as it'll be all over the TV Tonight, on the radio and then in the newspapers tomorrow.

As I said in one of my earlier posts on this thread, there was talk of a debate concerning the minor partys, since they have just as much of a right to be involved in running for parliment as the Main Three that are on TV tonight at 8.30pm UK time.
But, I havnt heard a lot about these minor party debates.
Maybe they've all decided to save face by not taking part and also think the negatives out way the free press that they could have by appearing on a live debate show.

And even tonight, there is ment to be a quick vote, I think from the studio audience as to who they 'think' won the debate.

I think Brown will do better, because he's a better public speaker.
Although theres the risk of Cameron and Clegg ganging up on him, yet then again they'll both be compeating for the limelight and if Brown stands back and lets Clegg and Cameron argue then it may look better on Labour.

Anyway its a tougth call, and since the audience apparently cant voice their viwes or heckle the 3 party leaders, this may get tedious.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

Well I hope for the best, for our British friends.. I'd suggest, at the very least, some new blood in office. But like here in the States.. it's a damned shame it's always going to be the main parties dictating the political arena.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:52 PM
Question.- law and order.
Cam- we need better police powers and stop crime.
Clegg- more police on the streets were wasting money on ID Cards and should spend it on the police. Tackle problems at a early age.
Brown-crime is falling but we want it to fall more. Police spend 80% of their time on the street. Parents must take the blame. And public rights must be up held.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:56 PM
Sorry, lost my reply for immigration, which was first. Blooming phone. There not getting much time to get their point across.

From memory, each party was trying to state a point for immigration.
Cameron wanted to lower it.
Brown introduced ID Cards so that the immegrants that came to the UK were skilled and actually had work ready.
Clegg was pretty much of the same oppinion of brown, but minus the I.D. Cards.

[edit on 15/4/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire
Question.- law and order.
Cam- we need better police powers and stop crime.
Clegg- more police on the streets were wasting money on ID Cards and should spend it on the police. Tackle problems at a early age.
Brown-crime is falling but we want it to fall more. Police spend 80% of their time on the street. Parents must take the blame. And public rights must be up held.

You have got to be kidding me, about a pm talking about human rights, lol.

I am just glad i will not watch, otherwise i would be so pissed that so many lies can be spoken by such people.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Brown really IS a bully - he's tried to get Clegg to gang up on Cameron, but Clegg isn't biting

Frankly, Brown sickens me - what planet is he living on?

And why does he keep trying to speak over others, including the presenter?

Because he's a bully.

[edit on 15/4/2010 by budski]

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