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Racism : Self-Empowerment or Being an Ignorant Bully, and Suppressing Freedom

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
Racism" is a modern term imbued heavily with "spin" so that it makes a certain belief seem as if it singles out race, among all other factors, and uses that as its most important value, by which it determines who lives or dies (since Adolf Hitler is history's most famous "racist," it is assumed that totalitarianism is behind it). However, this itself is bigotry, as it attempts to create a straw man out of Nationalism by construing it as the primitive "racism," and from that hopes to create popular bias against it because, after all, "it's not fair" to judge people by things over which they had no "choice."

I disagree with pretty much everything you've said here.

The underlying tones of racism have always been there in society.

Nationalism, was the excuse that Hitler used, using xenophobia and economy as his leverage.

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
It is impossible to disregard the race issue as a result, as it has become highly politicized with both guilt and commerce, the latter benefitting from people of a uniform mixed racial consistency. People take two approaches to race: either they advocate the destruction of race, a decision which in all forms equates to assimilation and interbreeding to a degree that racial differences are initially annihilated, or they advocate preservation of race, at which point they are called "racists" and "haters" and drummed out of their jobs, homes, families and normal lives for public crucifixion.

That you say there were only two choices makes me wonder, if that is your thoughts, or if it is some statistic you're falling upon to post your ideas.

I do not believe that anyone has only two choices for anything, racism, or anything.

It is when we are given only two choices, that a false dichotomy is formed.

If we see or are offered only two choices, it is false, there is always at least one other option, a third one, sometimes more if we are intelligent.

I think inside the box, outside the box, and sometimes the box needs to be smashed, and start over.

When flipping a coin, there are three sides of the coin, heads or tails, and the third, often serrated edge, which cuts like a knife, when we forget it is there.

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
(From experience: nothing that requires such a taboo can stand on its own.)

Taboos are something society forces upon us because of a lack of understanding.

More often than not it is then used and manipulated by those in power.

Voodoo priests and their sway over those in their power is the perfect example.

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
However, those of us who see globalism as the greatest threat present an alternate view of humanity: all serving American-style economic systems, we have been bred into uniformity and thus have no heritage except shopping at the same type of malls, watching the same TV, and purchasing the same type of lifestyle items. Money culture is all that holds us together. The traditions and heritages of the past have been obliterated, leaving us to fight wars over religion, money and power itself. Since we are all equal, we all must serve the machine equally and none may have a more important voice than others, especially those pretentious upstarts who periodically try to tell us that our society is not the best possible method of keeping humanity as a whole healthy.

Globalism is just a word, with an agenda, and nothing more.

It is what we see within it, depending on our nationality, and how our nations program information for us to swallow as a means to either fight it, or scream for it.

I serve no machine, I am a monkey-wrench, and I will break that machine.

Before it controls the whole world.

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
First, there is the issue of history, in which race has constantly been a hot topic and a cause for conflict. But more importantly, the foundations of our society since the introduction of Judeo-Christian beliefs call for a celebration of the "individual." Christianity spoke of a personal relationship between "God" and the individual, who was then judged on the basis of his or her degree of moral rightness. After the Renaissance in Europe, this view became secularized into humanism, which inspired many of the fundamental tenets of the new American republic, including "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Race though is often taught from a school, Government funded, and history is written by the victors, usually after having eradicated their vanquished.

Divide and Conquer : Political Ideology of the Power Elite, Selling The Peace, War Is The Motive

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
At the basis of all of these beliefs is the assumption that humans are not physical beings, but souls connected to physical beings, and that while the exterior may have a wide range of appearances, the interior is essentially the same. This assumption was useful in handling the problem of evil in a world created by an omnipotent god; how could people be "evil" unless they were literally of another source or essence? In the secular liberal/humanist view, this justification is extended to the idea that all people and all decisions are "good," except for those which are specifically "bad."

So, what you're saying is, it was indoctrinated belief, in lies?

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
In the modern time, democracy has made the upholding of these views more important. Because the number of people gathering behind any political idea gives it a chance of succeeding, demagoguery has become an accepted norm because of the convenience with which money can sway democratic societies. As a result, only the broadest base of appeals can support any idea, which means - as in movies and most books - that entreaties must apply to the grand ideas of emotion, visual aspect, or self-importance, or even better, all three. Thus racism has become another powerful method of manipulation, either by slandering an opponent or claiming to alleviate an "evil."

So, you're trying to say that racism is nothing more than propaganda?

I do not agree with that because it is hatred, and propaganda is formed around it.

This is something Hitler and his cronies learned well, but so did the Fascist's.

America was on the brink of having Fascist Concentration Camps during WWII.

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
Many contend that race is only physical appearance, and that the soul or personality lies outside of genetics entirely. The other side comes back equally strong by advocating that humans are purely physical beings ("animals" in biological terms) and that there is no dualistic nature of consciousness: all thoughts originate in the physical mind. For proof of this they offer the differences in intelligence between children of highly intelligent parents and the norm. Accordingly, they claim race is important because unique genetic characteristics of body and consequently, mind, are passed along in each ethnicity.

Are you playing Devil's Advocate here, or do you believe this, because it sflow more as dogmatic propaganda, than actual belief, like a script you're speaking from?

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
In this they are correct: the risk of eliminating "racism" is that ethnicities and cultures may be lost. If those who created civilizations such as ancient Rome and Greece were correct, ethnicity and heritage are inseparable, and within those hierarchy is unavoidable. The human future which awaits may involve the merging of all races into a single normed population, at which point the distinct traits created over thousands of years of social differentiation are lost. However, society's pretense of "equality" is enforced and the newly enfranchised voters are pleased, and with their loss of pride in unique cultures, now make better consumers for products of multinational corporations.

The Ancient Romans society fell because of the continual bringing in of other soldiers, when defeating the military forces of other countries who tried to stand up to them, this made them accept outsiders, because their own were killed off defending the land for their fellow countrymen.

This was because of the practice of Decimation as well.

So, they were forced into accepting outsiders, to bring new blood.

When this happened the defenses of Rome were taught to outsiders and secreted out to their fellow countryment, via spies, or to their allies.

By this happening the Rome we now know as ancient was betrayed from within.

This is why so many Congressmen and Senators blame illegal immigration for our woes, without explaining it further, and it has little to do with that illegal aliens race, but with just as much about those other people learning our system, and how to manipulate it, from within, and outside as well.

Several city-states of Greece practiced decimation as well, but the Greek's were always, and always have been easily divided, hence why Leonidas chose the hot gates of Thermopylae to unite his people against those slaciously evil bastards in politics who cared nothing about their country, and everything for Persian gold.

All of this is of course on topic, speaking of race, throughout history.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 12:07 AM
i just dont understand

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by lukkystrike
i just dont understand

What exactly are you not understanding?

Anything in particular?

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