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Racism : Self-Empowerment or Being an Ignorant Bully, and Suppressing Freedom

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 07:51 PM
Thinking of racism one thinks often of those rather ignorant ideas where a white man hates all black people, and black people hate the ignorant "honkey", and then next comes the ever endearing love of race war with name calling.

I am of course referring to that lovely, and please note my sarcasm, N-Word.

Now, while I have heard it, said it, and thought many things about it, I guarantee it probably is not how you might think I may have said it, thought it, or meant it.

I'm going to clarify now prior to my getting all sorts of abusive and ignorant name calling.

I refuse to post a link, to utilize the Webster's or whatever your choice of dictionary, to define the word.

My definition of it however, will tell you my thoughts immediately, and you might agree.

You might not.

Tread carefully, ATS'ers, because people who begin using name calling may be banned.

SKL's Definition (Webster Dictionary) :

N-Word : An ignorant person

It is a common ethnic slur.

You will notice that I never mentioned the slang terminology of how it is used.

That is because I have seen that particular usage of the word, as ignorant.

It is one of those words that are powerful, and I see the exact definition I grew up with, an ignorant person, as fully explaining my thoughts on it.

If we here on ATS are supposed to Deny Ignorance, then to me, I'm denying ignorance, via ignoring ignorant people, those people who resort to name calling, hateful racial, and ethical slurs and the ever nasty N-Word.

I see self-empowerment as a means of destroying ignorance through intelligence.

You may or may not agree with me, if you do, great, if you do not, great.

That is your choice, and I fully support you in making a free-will decision, even if I disagree.

See, I am one of those people, who gets power, by knocking down bullies.

I do not mean physically knocking them down, however that does occasionally happen.

I am referring to being a bully-buster, because I am one, I actually bully those who bully others.

And I do not do it from some Messiah Complex, nor any other complex.

I do it quite simply because I have been on the receiving end of bullies, and it's not fun.

I see anyone, and I do mean anyone, who bullies an innocent person, as a terrorist.

No, there is no such thing as an "innocent bully" either.

While I assure you that life experiences can make a man or woman, they can overcome those experiences, and become a better person, through spiritual enlightenment.

When I tell you I am a bully-buster I quite clearly and concisely mean just that.

I have told a story about my life experiences many times here on ATS about an incident that happened on the last day of 8th grade, where I took on fifteen teenagers.

I am not going to go into it right now, more than likely, at a later time when more appropriate.

I will however link you to a thread where I spoke about it at length and you can go read it.

Or not, it's up to you, I'm going to tell you to empower yourself, or not, your choice.

Are You "Right-Wing Fringe", or "Left-Wing Fringe" and How Will They Push You

Before I go any further I will tell you I am a white male, heterosexual, and non-denominational Christian.

I am what most now call Agnostic, because I have lost faith in mankind, and religion.

As well, I am one of those people who intentionally causes controversy, when necessary.

This is so that the dynamic of a situation is equalized to where it is the fairest for everyone concerned.

When at work, and someone is a racist, I go out of my way to tell them my thoughts on racism.

I intentionally antagonize them, because this to me is exactly what a bully-buster is supposed to do.

A work place, is no safe place for racism, or even reverse-racism, which is still racism.

When a black person, male or female, comes to my place of work as a new employee, I tell them as well my thoughts on racism, going out of my way, to broach a difficult topic.

To both of them, I tell in my opinion, the N-Word means an ignorant person.

This is where my life becomes fun as Hell because the look of shock and relief is interesting.

To say the least.

You might call me an Agent Provocatuer, when it comes to racism.

I will not allow it when people are in my presence and I become a dictator about it too.

I enforce the corporation's policy, procedure, and protocol about it.

This is something I have always done, since I first learned Webster's definition.

My reason?

Well, contrary to popular belief, it is not because I am insane, nor am I suicidal.

When a racist hears my thoughts, they generally, though not always, know where I stand.

When a black person comes to my work place, they are refreshed to hear it.

When I mention my definition of the N-Word, I follow it up according to that person.

If they think racist, and they are racist, they realize quickly, I'm a strong-willed individual.

Usually, a racist backs down, quickly, but sometimes they follow the traits of ignorance.

When I tell any black people I work with my thoughts on racism and the N-Word, I make an instant friend, for life, at work and elsewhere as well.

I tell them my thoughts, about the N-Word meaning an ignorant person.

Then I follow it up with the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. was one of my favorite people.

As well, I tell them, if they ever have a problem with a racist, fellow employee, or customer, to let me know.

When I do this I have been told I get an evil looking twinkle in my eyes.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Ignorance

Ignorance is the state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information.

This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same.

The word "Ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware.

The term may be used specifically (e.g. "One can be an expert in math, and totally ignorant of history.") or generally (e.g. "an ignorant person.") -- although the second use is used less as a descriptive and more as an imprecise personal insult.

The concept of ignorance has social and legal implications.

The legal principle that ignorantia juris non excusat, literally "ignorance of the law is no excuse", stands for the proposition that the law applies also to those who are unaware of it.

Yes, you may think I an insane, I assure you I am not, do not be ignorant.

My perspective is unique because I intentionally diffuse potential stupidity by causing controversy.

When it is of course, necessary, and it often is necessary.

I was a child who was a runt at four foot and got picked on because I was small.

Then at age twelve, over the course of one Summer, I sprouted two feet, to six feet tall.

Then I got picked on for being a tallest boy in my class in 6th grade.

This was as well that time when I began puberty and did not understand my own strength, something which is important, for someone one to two feet taller than everyone else in your class, and almost the tallest boy in school.

The first time I was playing some game with other children my own age, I shoved another boy, in the course of the game, and he flew across the grass.

I had not learned my own strength, my new strength, because of my size difference.

I was scolded because I had hurt this other boy and I was confused because it was to me, what I felt was a normal shove, according to the game, and I got upset.

It was later explained to me that my body had grown and I had not adjusted to the size difference.

That because of this I had to learn to temper my new found strength for those who might be weaker than I was because of the height difference, race, and abilities.

This is because my parents, are just like I am, they believe the N-Word the same as me.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Ignorance

Ignorance is the state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information.

This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same.

The word "Ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware.

The term may be used specifically (e.g. "One can be an expert in math, and totally ignorant of history.") or generally (e.g. "an ignorant person.") -- although the second use is used less as a descriptive and more as an imprecise personal insult.

The concept of ignorance has social and legal implications.

The legal principle that ignorantia juris non excusat, literally "ignorance of the law is no excuse", stands for the proposition that the law applies also to those who are unaware of it.

As well, I also teach those who have been bullied, how to stop a bully.

By being more intelligent, and not buying into their game, and it works.

Because it often is nothing more than an ignorant game of spreading ignorance.

By the way, I eventually stopped growing, at 6'4" and I still do what I do best.

Keep my friends close, and my enemies closer, through the Art of War.

Which I have turned into the Art of Peace.

Stop the negative pattern of stupidity, by being the person who negates it, and walk away knowing you took their ammunition.

Martin Luther King "I Have A Dream"

So, fellow ATS'er, do you Deny Ignorance, or are you wallowing in it?

[edit on 26-2-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:11 PM
Let me explain before you get attacked:

If you want to know just let yourself be called a white 'n-word'.

There are two significant meanings.

If your aren't native, I suggest you don't.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas
Let me explain before you get attacked:

If you want to know just let yourself be called a white 'n-word'.

There are two significant meanings.

If your aren't native, I suggest you don't.

Oh, do not worry, I've been called that by a black man, and his mother cussed him out.

He was older than I am, I'm now thirty-six, and I was delivering his family's pizzas.

He screamed out at me, because I knock just like a Cop, and he got scared.

In a predominantly black neighborhood, someone knocking like a Cop, usually is one.

I have heard guns rachet back with a bullet being chambered before.

I apologize for the confusion and explain to them that all doors have different thicknesses.

Which they do have and knowing exactly how hard to knock is often difficult.

I have been cussed out many times by people who were afraid I was a Cop.

Usually, these are drug users, because they often offer pot as a tip.

I tell them no thank you, and go on my way, and think how ignorant.

This is because I have people as well offer my alcohol as a tip.

I look at them and sometimes ask if they realize I deliver for a living.

They often do not get the gist of what I mean.

I do not support drunk driving, it is ignorant, and there's no excuse for it.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

For the most part, I do agree with you
However, I am one of the lucky ones in society (and I am really thankful that I am), because I grew up around all ethnic groups and I was never bullied or anything. I am the type of person that is friends with everyone and can easily make a hostile situation not so hostile. Nearly everyone knows me where I live and they know the type of person that I am. That said, I have witnessed much bullying in my high school days which was last year (I'm in my second semester of college) And let me tell you that New Orleans kids can be mean. I was one of the shortest kids in the school. I am only 5'8 and I have an athletic build, but I never participated in any school activities like football or SGA or anything. With that said and seeing the bullies pick on other kids; I often found myself stopping them. Of course, the bullies did not instignate me when I helped the kid being picked on, they just turned and walked away. However, we need to remember that it is often the kids who get bullied or had gotten bullied that turn into the bullies. Everything is connected, the thing that we do not want to become is often what we do become. Usually without ourselves seeing the transition. Now do not get me wrong, some bullies are just bullies for the hell of it and are born that way, but there are some (if not many) that are former victims. In this case, they just need to realize or come to the realization that they are something that they do not want to be. That they have become what they were against. In essence they are ignorant of themselves. They have swayed off the road of Non-maleficence (not inflict unjustified harm to ourselves or other people). In essence, we not only need to help the innocent victims, but we need to help the bullies as well, because many were also victims...

Racism, is a very touchy topic that I choose not to talk about, because of the cheer ignorance of the people that follow it and for the potential for people to loose there rational debate/discussion skills rather quickly. There is no room for racism and no grounds what so ever for it. But people will do what people want to do. I would gladly talk about the topic, but for many it is too touchy of a subject and sometimes emotion can cloud rational thinking and I do not want someone to get banned for a moment of emotional lapse.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

TheMythLives, glad to hear your thoughts on this topic, my friend.

I have lived around people of different races and have my own thoughts.

I was raised to have an opinion, and share it, whether people agree or not.

It is called conversation, and holding back, only limits you as a human.

I do realize that discretion is necessary sometimes.

I had to learn that the hard way and it only gave me an elocution level which makes me someone who understands politics, office politics, etc.

I have studied warfare, history, Law Enforcement, Government, all of my life.

I mentioned in my original post that I turned it into the Art of Peace.

It was not as easy as just switching the way I did things.

I had to unlearn things and learn new things as well.

From preconceived notions, to new learning techniques, to learning how to stop talking.

Yes, I had to learn, to stop talking.

Imagine that.

By learning, un-learning, and constantly learning, I learned conflict de-escalation.

A topic I absolutely love talking about, or not talking about, as necessary.

Irony, sarcasm, and bully-busting, just three services I offer as a fellow human.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:55 PM
well written and well explained.

I make it a point to get along with everybody. IMO, no race is any better than any other race. No gender is greater than the other. In the end, we all need each other. We are all here for a short time and we might as well make the best of it. Arguing with an ignorant person is just taking time away from enjoying life.

I have met my fair share of racists and being a blunt person, I am quick to make them aware that I have no intention of listening or putting up with their stupidity. I believe that the best way to educate them is to show them that good people come in all colors.

At work, I have this lady who hates minorities or so she says. I make her work with the minorities. IMO, she is still racist, but over the years I have been working their she has made some of them minorities her favorites. That, my friend, at least shows progress.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by jam321


When I come upon the correct set of circumstances, an education can happen.

Educating the ignorant is not always easy, but it can be fun, and entertaining.

As human beings, all have red-blood, a soul, and the pink brain matter between our ears.

That is common ground, unless someone has less brains, and or uses less of them.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Oh how many times I have been called the N-Word at my job! Usually it's N-Word B-Word, which apparently is a call to fight in prison.

It usually happens when I go and kick out a room with 8 - 15 people in it when the person checking in said there would be 2. I always get the excuse too, (oh they ain't stayin')

3:30 in the morning, they ain't stayin my ass!

Yes it is a word used by ignorant bullies, it's also used way too often in the vernacular of a culture that embraces violence, drugs, and a lifestyle that does not empower anyone but destroys.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Oh how many times I have been called the N-Word at my job! Usually it's N-Word B-Word, which apparently is a call to fight in prison.

It usually happens when I go and kick out a room with 8 - 15 people in it when the person checking in said there would be 2. I always get the excuse too, (oh they ain't stayin')

3:30 in the morning, they ain't stayin my ass!

Yes it is a word used by ignorant bullies, it's also used way too often in the vernacular of a culture that embraces violence, drugs, and a lifestyle that does not empower anyone but destroys.

I can concur with your thoughts on that because I've seen enough ignorance.

Instead of the "Life is like a box of chocolate...", Forest Gump's momma should have taught him, that life, is something where stupid people do stupid things.

Forest Gump : Revised Script Line :

Forest Gump : My momma always said "Life is like a bag of hammers, you just never know which end of the tool will get shoved up your butt"

Sorry Wuk, I'm in a weird mood, ignorance is as ignorance does.

Glad to see you're helping in Deny'ing Ignorance.

Keep on denying those people their rooms with more people than they should have.

Obviously, you pay for a certain amount, only those people belong.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Good stuff here Spartan. I, for the life of me, never understood the whole thing myself. When I was way younger a black man moved in to a house down the street from us. One day I was chasing some kid for doing something, you know how kids are.

Anyway I chased him onto this guys property and cornered him. The guy came out and saw what was going on and taught me a very valuable lesson with words alone. The kid I was chasing was taught something too.

We ended up becoming friends and would often visit him. His son would come to his house regularly, his son didn't live with him permanently, and me and my friends would hang out with him all the time.

Now I'll be honest, a lot of people didn't like that fact. Especially some of my closest family members. I didn't pay them any mind on the matter and did what I wanted to. Even back then I knew those who were thinking along those lines were missing something.

I served five years in the military and saw a lot of racism there from all angles. I never engaged in it and I usually got along with everyone regardless. During that period of my life as well, I felt those that let themselves think along those lines were missing something.

I worked with a lot of people who called me the n-word. In a good way if you could believe it. I know it is frowned upon but I am telling you that those guys I worked with didn't mean anything but friendliness with what they were saying. Strange, right?

I could care less because I guess the word can mean something totally different to different people. The lesson that the black man down the street taught us was something I always remembered. He told us that coming onto his property and fighting could get us into big trouble.

He went on to say that getting into trouble is no fun at all, because when you are in trouble, you are alone. No one wants to be around you when your in trouble so when you get in trouble you'll be all by yourself and no one will think its cool. He then went on to say how he was just about grill some burgers and wanted to know if we wanted one!

That was my very first encounter with a black person. My town was totally white until that dude moved in. I'm glad I didn't have a racist attitude because those words he shared with us kept me out of a lot of potential trouble throughout my life.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I've been called a "moffie" (South African slang, probably equal to "faggot") so many times.
Even by waiters and people behind my back.
There's also a lot of racial mistrust happening, but today I had a black Xhosa lady serving us, and she was so great! She estimated that I was gay and called me "sweetie" and "my dear", and that kind of insight just made the whole coffee shop seem so upmarket and happening.
At a time, a decade or more ago I learnt rudimentary isiXhosa at school, and back then one could make people smile with the language.
It must be so wierd in the States, because everyone speaks English, and here learning one of the 9 black languages (regionally) is considered such a move towards reconciliation.
However, we were both beyond that - she didn't "Afrikaans me", so I didn't "Xhosa" her.
I did however say "Salani Kakuhle" (goodbye, literally "stay well all") outside, to a rousing "hamba kakuhle" (go well).
Oh well, I guess for some things, you just have to be home.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Inspiring story jackflap.

We often as human beings forget that our species is one of the largest.

We outnumber all other species in the world, and so we should understand that needless violence, ignorant racism, and idiocy only hurts us.

Humans are the only species as well that hurts each other for fun.

In other words, humans go out of their way to hurt each other, for no other reason than blind ignorance, and when it is not directly self-defense, it is usually sheer stupidity that breeds it, and creates only more negativity.

At least animals only hurt other animals for food and survival.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

South Africa and the racial disharmony has always astounded me.

When one tribe, or one race feuds, fights, or wars on another, they are only killing each other off, and for what is the real gain and outcome?

More often than not just to spread their seed to another square plot of land.

Is it really worth killing someone to gain more land?

Apparently so.

Sodom and Gomorrah : You Probably Have No Clue What "God" Really Meant...

You will probably like the above thread, I can tell by your story.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:23 PM
I really respect your aditude on topic.
I also live in a multi-cultural society. I don't discriminate. When I look someone in the eye, I see know race, I see no minority. I see another person.

Although I respect you for it. The way you explained it, it is still mentioning a difference. IMO.

I do catch my self being prejudice.

I live in the Netherlands and black is normal. The issue here is Moroccan And before that. Molukkers.

It doesn't matter to me !
In school I was assigned ( after I volunteerd ) to an Iraqi boy my age. This guy was talay crazy and a laugh was always just steps away.

He was a refugee and he was send back after about 2 years.

Crap ! I hope he got out before the war started. I've never heard from him again.

S & F

[edit on 26/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

At least animals only hurt other animals for food and survival.

I think you may be wrong on that one my friend. I know dolphins are known to torment their own kind for fun and I believe primates as well. I could find links if you really want, but take my word for it if you can.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

At least animals only hurt other animals for food and survival.

I think you may be wrong on that one my friend. I know dolphins are known to torment their own kind for fun and I believe primates as well. I could find links if you really want, but take my word for it if you can.

Recent studies have resulted in scientists to say a dolphin is a conscience individual a person.

[edit on 26/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

On SA in general however, we also do get along and enjoy ourselves together. There's a lot of beauty and good things too.
So yeah there are problems (and the politicians love stirring, as they do everywhere), but it's not just war and hate - as a matter of fact, there may be criminal violence, but there's no war at all.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
I really respect your aditude on topic.
I also live in a multi-cultural society. I don't discriminate. When I look someone in the eye, I see know race, I see no minority. I see another person.

Although I respect you for it. The way you explained it, it is still mentioning a difference. IMO.

I do catch my self being prejudice.

I live in the Netherlands and black is normal. The issue here is Moroccan And before that. Molukkers.

It doesn't matter to me !
In school I was assigned ( after I volunteerd ) to an Iraqi boy my age. This guy was talay crazy and a laugh was always just steps away.

He was a refugee and he was send back after about 2 years.

Crap ! I hope he got out before the war started. I've never heard from him again.

S & F

[edit on 26/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

Well, the difference I see, is when people of my own color torment people of another color.

This is when it makes me sick that I am a white man, because I have to claim that ignorant person as a part of my race, and that to me sucks.

No, I am not ashamed of being white, but white people who are racist's make me wonder about my own race, meaning I wish they were not white.

We are all human beings, no matter our skin color, we are all unique.

When I see a person, no matter their skin, I see a fellow human being first.

The color of their skin does make them different, yes, but only so far as it does not match mine, and that's something I can live with, even if others cannot.

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

At least animals only hurt other animals for food and survival.

I think you may be wrong on that one my friend. I know dolphins are known to torment their own kind for fun and I believe primates as well. I could find links if you really want, but take my word for it if you can.

I believe I will take your word for it jackflap.

I was speaking more about the cruelty of mankind as a whole.

And that we as humans often act more like animals at times.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

On SA in general however, we also do get along and enjoy ourselves together. There's a lot of beauty and good things too.
So yeah there are problems (and the politicians love stirring, as they do everywhere), but it's not just war and hate - as a matter of fact, there may be criminal violence, but there's no war at all.


Politicians want us to hate our fellow humans just because of their skin color.

Through the use of duplicitous mentality and double-speak.

Divide and Conquer : Political Ideology of the Power Elite, Selling The Peace, War Is The Motive

Another thread you're going to love.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Politicians want us to hate our fellow humans just because of their skin color.

It's a control mechanism of some sort. Imagine if we all suddenly realized that we all need and want the same things. We would realize that war is self defeating and nothing good can come from it. Imagine if we had no borders and everyone was welcome everywhere without fear of being persecuted for who they are.

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