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God Wants You to Know Him

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:16 PM
It’s plain and simple in black and white from the very first translations and still in print!

Genesis I
Hebrew Transliterated
1:1 BUr'aShYTh BUr'a 'aLHYM 'aTh HShMYM V'aTh H'aUrTSh.

Latin Vulgate
1:1 in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram

King James Version
1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

American Standard Version
1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

……………………………”In The Beginning” the Hebrews said ‘ALHYM (elohim) was God…………….

Genesis 2, chapter 4

Hebrew Transliterated

Latin Vulgate
2:4 istae generationes caeli et terrae quando creatae sunt in die quo fecit Dominus Deus caelum et terram

King James Version
2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

2:4 These are the generations of the heaven and the earth, when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the heaven and the earth
2:4 Istæ sunt generationes cæli et terræ, quando creata sunt, in die quo fecit Dominus Deus cælum et terram,
2:4 αὕτη ἡ βίβλος γενέσεως οὐρανοῦ καὶ γῆς ὅτε ἐγένετο ᾗ ἡμέρᾳ ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν

……………………………Then they say that YHVH ‘ALHYM is LORD GOD…………….

Clearly yhvh is defined as “Lord” from the bibles origins including the Septuagint.

Now they try to claim that yhvh is his name?

Get real! Saying ya-howeh is the same as saying God-dammit !

Because God JA is Ya or Ia and howeh is a blasphemy upon His Name like dammit is upon God !

They knew that God’s name is JA before the bible was written because every millions of people around them worshipped JA!
How could they not? That is why they added howeh to JA,which proves that they knew God’s name and why they disguised it as Lord.

And anyone who writes God as G-d is ridiculous. What, are you going to write L-rd or R-gion or M-lim or Is-m or Ch-tian?
That’s part of the brainwashing to disassociate you from God. After all you are talking about God, whether you believe in him or not! It only shows how weak and ignorant you are and easily manipulated!

Neither yahoweh, jehovah, elohim, or allah is God’s name, they are all references to a god but not a name.

Ja Mn is a proper name,which also means to be, to exist, knowledge, man, I AM!

I have already proven how Min and Amon, the First God of Egypt and not pta-H, is JA MN. (Amon = imn = jmn = Ja Mn)
Jesus also called His Father Amen and that is why you also say Amen after your prayers.

Egypt is older than Phoenicia, Mesopotamia or Sumeria for the matter and all their knowledge came from Egypt. !
The Egyptians were first forming as cultures 700,000 years ago in Sudan!

The Egyptians have a proven kings list of a minimum 341 kings that reaches to 9000.bC and beyond !

You wonder why Plato preserved the Egyptian priests words of Lower Egypt being founded ca8500.bC or Herodotus saying 11,340 years for 341 kings?
Or the evidence that shows the Pyramid and Sphinx being far older than imagined to even 10,500.bC?

Then it is no wonder why JA MN is also their God and the oldest known God in our histories who left His Name on top of the Great Pyramid.

And this photo I took myself with Google Earth around 2005/2006, so you don’t have to worry about photo editing and your best photo experts can verify that!

Two Ancient Letters………..JA." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

Airshaft stone plug inside the Great Pyramid." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

That’s why around 250.bC when 72 hebrew priests answered 72 questions to Ptolomy the Greek pharaoh, that not once did they say yahoweh or God’s name, but simply the word God or elohim and yahoweh had to be used as a name for lord.

Because if they said JA was God’s Name and that He was “their” god, then they would have been found out and great shame fallen upon their lies, for JA is everyone's God.

Just like the great shame upon them today and their 2000 year old lies !

THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST (pentagram ritual)


1. Describes the spiritual aspect of the "Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram" which we append, with its explanation. The abstruse nature of mastering poems is well reflected in this one.

(i) Touching the forehead say Ateh (Unto Thee).
(ii) Touching the breast say Malkuth (The Kingdom).
(iii) Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah (and the Power).
(iv) Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory).
(v) Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olahm, Amen (To the Ages, Amen).
(vi) Turning to the East make a pentagram (that of Earth) with the desired weapon. Say I H V H.
(vii) Turning to the South, the same, but say A D N I.
(viii) Turning to the West, the same, but say A H I H.
(ix) Turning to the North, the same, but say A G L A.
(x) Extending the arms in the form of a Cross say:
(xi) Before me Raphael;
(xii) Behind me Gabriel;
(xiii) On my right hand Michael.
(xiv) On my left hand Auriel;
(xv) For about me flames the Pentagram,
(xvi) And in the Column stands the six-rayed Star.
(xvii-xxi) Repeat (i) to (v), the Qabalistic Cross.

9. Ruach Elohim (see Genesis i.) adds up to 300= [Shin] =Fire.

10. [Shin] by shape hath a triple tongue.

18. It flames both above and beneath thew magus, who is thus in a cube of 4 pentagrams and 2 hexagrams, 32 points in all. And 32 is [AHIHVH], the sacred word that expresses the Unity of the Highest and the Human.

Elohim,Adonai,yahoweh used in Crowley's satanic rituals? " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/> " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/> " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/> " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:23 PM
10-4, did you know jesus' name contains the name of the father

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by AeJor_Mn

And anyone who writes God as G-d is ridiculous. What, are you going to write L-rd or R-gion or M-lim or Is-m or Ch-tian?

Of course not, that would be insensitive...

But, you may have brought a good point to light...

I googled GOD and used the Common Sense translator and this is what came up:

θεός χάλια

Translated this means: Epic Fail...try again closed minded one

Weird, huh..?

mmaarrg idte

[edit on 2/23/2010 by happygolucky]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by happygolucky

θεός χάλια

Translated this means: Epic Fail...try again close minded one

Weird, huh..?

Yes it is weird, the dictionary you used is indeed an epic fail. θεός in Greek means 'holy father' or if you want, 'God'.

OP. I think you make some interesting points even though I don't agree with you in some respects. You included images of the top of the Great Pyramid and you claimed that the 'Lord's' name 'JA' is written atop it. I fail to see anything... could you highlight more clearly what you want to show?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:50 PM
I have no idea what you're trying to say. However, it is obvious that you believe so strongly in it, seeing as how you posted it and logged off.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by AeJor_Mn

It has already proven scientifically that it is in our genes to look for GOD, why do you suppose after thousands of years we still believe in this deity in one form or another.

It was in a book I read recently, I will find it, pretty expensive book too lol too many pages. But still worth the wisdom and knowledge.

I will find the title of the book and post it here ..

[edit on 23-2-2010 by oozyism]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by serbsta

Yes it is weird, the dictionary you used is indeed an epic fail. θεός in Greek means 'holy father' or if you want, 'God'.

serbsta - you're awful - stfu...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:40 PM
This just seems like the bible threw up on my monitor. Im not against christians or christ, but this is the crap that makes people look bad.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by happygolucky

Was that the joke? God awful? Just got it now...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by AeJor_Mn

I beg to differ.

If God wanted you to know Him he wouldn't simply inspire a few people to write one book and then force you to believe it. If God wanted you to know he wouldn't expect you to believe on blind faith.

If God wanted you to know he'd be spray painting it in giant letters on the other planets or how about simply appearing before us all and going "Yeah hey, its me God, turns out I do exist."

Instead of doing any of the myriad of other things within his All-Powerful ability to save us he instead leaves us humans to bicker in the dark and stab each other in the back. Wanna know how I know he doesn't care about one particular religion? Look at what Christianity was allowed to become, look at all the horrors committed in the name of religion. A belief system that was meant to be about love was used for tyranny, genocide and intolerance instead and where was God, absolutely silent...

Sorry but writing down a whole bunch of translations and mystic religious goobldy-gook does nothing... Have God give me a call though so I can verify his existence with something other than blind faith and a flawed religious doctrine, I assume he knows my number

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by happygolucky

Was that the joke? God awful? Just got it now...

yes, it was serbsta...

and all bullsh!t aside - i think you da' man and your posts/threads rock...but you seemed to have missed the bus on that one.

Been there myself...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:58 PM
If God is our father. He would want us to love him, and he would want us to love our brothers and sisters. He would also like you to fallow the rules that governs his house and property.

-When you become a father or a mother
What would you want from your kids. Would you want your kids to fight all the time or even kill each other?

-Would you like it if your kids hated you or disrespected you and your property?

-Wouldn't you want your kids to fallow your rules?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:57 PM
Someone asked;

Thanks for all this information.
Any thoughts on the origins of the word "Allah" or Al Lah for the Muslim god?

My understanding is that the only proper name for God according to our Histories and our witnessing of His name written on top of the Great Pyramid is JA and the only proper addition to JA is MN. It is important to remember that IA for Greeks or YA for Hebrews also means JA. Just as our scientists search for our maternal mother through MTDNA research that points to the Old Dupai Gorge in Tansania near my location for our true Garden of Eden in Avila, so it is that our various Gods are pointing to JA MN and that we also find the focus on the first letter of our Alphabet A or the sound of “Ah” as in I AM or AMEN.
I elaborated on this earlier in my comment of how our different Gods have this sound of Ah or Aw like our Countries also do, such as yAHweh, Alohym, buddhA, Ahur mAzdA, AllAh, shivA, Aten, Amon, Amun, etc.

It’s interesting that in Sumerian, IA also means the number Five to remind us of our Creator and our Five fingers or toes on either limb and that in Sanskrit, where we find the greatest reference to JA written correctly with the letter J, that JA also means “born”. Coincidently, the letter J in Linear A, our Root language, is drawn by a symbol that we can compare to the Djet pillar of the God Ptah for Egypt and the letter M is a pyramid with external outstretched risen lines or arms like the airshaft angles.

Generally, from the Sumerian, Sanskrit, Hebrew and Egyptian languages, we can see an emphasis for God on the letter A meaning a “risen being” and la for “shines” and relates to Water just as Jesus also relates to Pisces. Naturally, the comparisons to Sun worship can also be made to Al or El other than meaning a Lord or God, such as Baal can mean Spirit of The Sun or BA-AL.

A is Risen, Z is Fallen. Atlantis = Risen Fatherland like Tatenen for Egypt’s risen primordial mound.

Islam and Muslim are basically new doctrines that evolved around 600.aD while the Bible evolved around 450.bC and was being translated in Alexandria around the time of Alexander the Great ca 332.bC and throughout to Ptolomy the Greek Pharaoh ca.250.bC which was also altered by the Hebrews after their meeting of 72 rabbis with Ptolomy. The Hebrews or Phoenician counterparts, appear ca 1300.bC.

So Islam and Muslims are basically just branches of the Elohims as the Hebrew name for God since they all relate to Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
Ironically, we can view Is-Lam as “Isaac’s Lamp” and Mus-Lim as “Musk or Music of Elohim.” In a play on words.

iM is generally a term for people or “being” with the emphasis on the letter M, as we’ll notice below that adds more credibility to JA MN.

Allah can also mean “the shining being” like Elohim meaning “the powerful being”, again we can also make reference to “Sun God” or God of The Sun.

In other words, God created the Sun.

Allah – standard Arabic term for God
Allāh al-ʼAb – God The Father
The term Allāh is derived from a contraction of the Arabic definite article al- "the" and ʼilāh "deity, god" to al-lāh meaning "the [sole] deity, God"

Muhammad – inspired by divination around 610.aD formed Islam and wrote the Qoran.


a: water; watercourse, canal; seminal fluid; offspring; father; tears; flood.

é: house, household; temple; plot of land

àh; (cf., lah).

al: verbal prefix: used immediately before stative verbs; indicates: 1) distance; 2) the speaker is not involved; or 3) the lack of a transitive relationship

ul: n., joy, pleasure, satisfaction; star; flower; bud; ornament; v., to glitter, shine. adj., remote, distant (in time); ancient, enduring.

àm[A.AN]: the Sumerian enclitic copula - 'to be',

an: n., sky, heaven; the god An; grain ear/date cluster ('water' + 'high') v., to be high. adj., high. prep., in front.

en: n., dignitary; lord; high priest; ancestor (statue); diviner v., to rule. adj., noble

ia 2,7,9, í: five

la: abundance, luxury, wealth; youthful freshness and beauty; bliss, happiness; wish, desire

lá: to penetrate, pierce, force a way into (in order to see); to know; to look after; to have a beard (cf. also, lal)

li: to glisten, shine.

lu: n., many, much; man, men, people; sheep. v., to be/make numerous, abundant; to multiply; to mix; to graze, pasture (cf., lug).

lú: grown man; male; human being; someone, anyone, no one; gentleman

íla, íli, íl: n., carrier. v., to lift, carry; to deliver; to bring; to endure; to support; to carry forward (in accounting); to be high; to shine (íl-i in marû).

Ili 5: to rise, get up.

lah, àh[UD]; uh: to dry up; to dry out; to sparkle, shine (cf., luh, làh).

luh, làh: to be clean, fresh; to clean; to wash; to sweep (la, 'youthful freshness', + he, 'to mix').

dalla: n., beam, ray (cf., dálla, 'needle' when made with a bright metal). v., to be or make bright; to shine. adj., conspicuous; excellent.

lam: n., abundance, luxuriance; almond tree; netherworld v., to grow luxuriantly; to make grow luxuriantly (la, 'abundance' + to be).

láma, lám: an awe-inspiring quality (la, 'abundance' + me, 'function, power').

mana, mìna, man, mìn, men5: partner; companion; equal; two (cf., mina, 'two').

men(4): crown, tiara (metaphor of divine en-ship) (me, 'function, office' + en, 'lord')

mén: both; alike (cf., mana).

men2,3: I, myself (cf., me-en).


anala = fire
analaH = fire
amalaM = clean
amalaan.h = pure
ayaM = him (from idaM.h)
alaM = especially
ala.nkaaradiiptaM = shining with adornments, decorations

aa+yaa = to come
aaH = to sit
aakhya = named
aakhyaa = (f) name

aasaM = exist
eko.ahaM = I the one single being
etaaM = this
idaM = this
iyaM = this

ebhyaH = to these demigods

ja = Born
jagat.h = universe
jagataH = of the world
jagataaM = of the Universe
jagatpate = O Lord of the entire universe
jan.h = to to be born or produced
jana = man
janaH = people
janaka = father
janana = birth
jananaM = birth
jananii = mother
jantavaH = the living entities
jantoH = of living beings
jaraa = old age

jala = Water
jaladhi = sea/ ocean

jaanaati = knows
jaaniite = know
jaane = I know
ya = who
yaM = one to whom
ya.ntu = reach us
yaH = anyone who

a-lah = oath
e-lo-heem = powers
e-lo-ah = power

eyl = mighty one

al – upon
a-lah – go up
o-lah – rising
a-lam – hidden
am – people

ah – is drawn by the symbol of a human with risen arms in ancient Hebrew
risen arms = Egyptian Shu and Greek or Atlantean Atlas
Egyptian KA is also drawn with a risen arm Heiroglyph


Ax (ahk) = spirit
Axw (ahku) = sunlight
Awt = offerings
Aw = long

Evermore, the focus I AM trying to make people understand is that "According to Our Histories" and by witnessing His name written on top of the Great Pyramid, that JA MN is the one and only true proper name for our Creator.


Egyptian; “modern” imn was pronounced Amon, Amun or Amen but written as Jmn. Jmn = Ja Mn.

Amen also means “the hidden one” to Egyptians, so it is that after 600.bC when Jainism that was worshipped by millions in Africa, Asia and Europe, was “hidden” in exchange for the bible or “hidden” tale of the Spirit of The Two Suns. (Sons).

Bi-Ba-Al = Two Spirit Sun. Baal = Lord or God.

In other words the exchange of the Risen Son (Jesus) for the Fallen Son (Satan) by a “ritual re-enactment”.
A = Risen or 1 or Sa for Son.
Z = Fallen or 26 = 8 for Za or Zatan (Satan) The branding of the letter H = 8.
Umans became H-Umans.

Satan = 888 or 8 = 33 (6) or the two “entwined” serpents faced together to form an 8. 666 = Servants of Sin.
Revelations also states it was the 8th beast.

Thus the 8 letters of Baphomet that relates to Phanes , Ophir, Serpents or the Letter H. (PtaH, pHharaoH, PHoenicia, Hellenics, Hyksos, etc.)
Which is why it’s name, the Hermaphrodite Baphomet was a name composed of two 8 letter names and an anagram that was…
Za-than-el HatuptaH. HatuptaH = Hat PutaH = Foremost of Whores.

In reality the “ritual satanic re-enactment” of murdering Jesus, which they know as it also was on Dec.10th, 3474.bC for “Philitis The Shepherd” in Egypt was the exchange of the Golden Orus for The Black Horus or Satan to have dominion over us.

After all, the Bible was written in Satan’s dominion, was it not? Bound in Black with a mixture of truth and lies, for when you know the truth then it is easier to believe the lie like the Zeitgeist movies that show you the corruption of 911 that you know is true, and on the other hand downplays God.

If you read the letter of Aristeas, you will see that 72 times ONLY the word God was mentioned, and not once did Ptolomy question because of his vanity…
“Well, who is this God you mention 72 times and what is his name?”

And so the library of Alexandria fell to deception for Pergamon to rise.

2000 years later you still don’t know the truth about God and why it is that the bibles “horrendous bloodthirsty” revelations and defamation of God and Jesus turns you away from God.

That is because that’s not the real God who never was a Hermaphrodite nor did he ever destroy the World, but one who wanted to “become” (havah) a god in disguise.

These are the ones who destroyed our world and still try to today with plans for WWIII. " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

If you would like to read more facts due to ATS forums “policies” you can check out my “Why yahoweh is not God” thread;

or you can see for yourself the Garden of Avila in Tansania that was hidden as h-Avila-h. Avila is an old name for Africa.
And where Zatan perished in the Pit of The Calling in Kenya’s rift valley.

The further you are away from your true origins, the closer you are to a great lie.

So it is that the beast’s 2000 years is ended as written.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:02 AM
May I ask why, if God wanted us to know Him, He seems to have a lot of different names and a lot of different religions following Him?

He is the original poltician.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:41 AM

"The further you are away from your true origins, the closer you are to a great lie. "

Same reason why languages and racetypes changed. Free Will.

Why do think "they" work behind the scenes, behind every nation and behind every religion disguised as their own to lead you into corruption?

When you understand the influence "they" have over you, then you will understand why people or your ancestors did the unmentionables.

Everything is a part of their plan, including the everyday words you use or education you learn.

Micro-SOFT? SOFT-ware? HELLo?
Holly Wood.

It's all Voodoo Black magic look at 9-11.

11 is an evil number to them that also identifies the 5 becoming a 6.
In other words the pentagram becomes a hexagon, or when they are doing their ritual inside a pentagram, a dual hexagon is supposed to appear above and below - 5-6.

9 = 1(God) vs 8 (Satan), therefore you know what 9-11 is about that implicates the wearers of the Maltese Cross (4 nails that "bound" Jesus) or the likes of the Freemasons and the O.T.O of Aleister Crowley.

Why do you think that Unicorns are bound by chains for England and Canada while the Rothschild Unicorn is not?

And that Prince Charles coat of arms has the unicorn bound to the Red Dragon with a motto of "I Serve"?

Red Shield = Satan.

It's all a battle for your lifeforce and that thing was 7 light years in size as you can see from my Carina Nebula Star System Hubble photo, trying to get Jesus' rising spirit to guarantee his power.

After all, The Sons of God are the only true binding between us and God.

Imagine if that beast would have succeeded?

It's up to you. God loves All and grants all Free Will and chooses not any one nation as "such may fantasize".

The opposites say "love UNDER will", meaning their First Law.......

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

11 words.


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by AeJor_Mn

I beg to differ.

If God wanted you to know Him he wouldn't simply inspire a few people to write one book and then force you to believe it. If God wanted you to know he wouldn't expect you to believe on blind faith.

If God wanted you to know he'd be spray painting it in giant letters on the other planets or how about simply appearing before us all and going "Yeah hey, its me God, turns out I do exist."

God has already made all those things so you would know he exists, but you havn't really looked..
God has put all kinds of interesting signs everywhere you can think of, but you really have to be seeking them to see them. If you don't see them it isn't because they don't exist, but hardcore athiests wouldn't believe that of course.
Once a person knows for absolute certainty that God really does exist and even cares about them, that person will then see so much proof of his existence that it boggles the mind. And there are many many people that this has happened to before, and I'm one of them. It takes patience and a humble spirit to learn some things.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:19 AM
Google-ing GOD won't get it...
(Genera Opera Demoli)

ShaDaI is the same to Hebrew, it is a loan-word...
Shang-Ti is from ancient oracle-bone China

YaHWeH and JeHoVaH are the epic fail~
Yeshuaa Ha'netzeri U'melech Ha'yehudim
JESUS is YeSHUaA (He-stowing) not YeHU-ShUaA as Joshua (YeHU-"saves")...

All the empty ideas now come to be corrected by the finding of their ancient inscriptions,
then first get insight to the iconic ligature phase and archaic Hebrew two-letter etymons!

Ain't no preacher (nor monastic -nor even Jew) said it right! But we are all getting it
who are seeking!

[edit on 2010/2/24 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by AeJor_Mn

You seem to have missed one of my questions.

Originally posted by serbsta
You included images of the top of the Great Pyramid and you claimed that the 'Lord's' name 'JA' is written atop it. I fail to see anything... could you highlight more clearly what you want to show?


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by AeJor_Mn

I just don't trust the King James Version, was it not modified to suit the pope's intentions... There was a really old bible being pieced together and translaed on the internet somewhere (I long ago lost the link) which I would be alittle more willing to trust.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:28 AM
The Dead Sea corpus' Bible is great,
it replaces the 'lost' verses (previously only LXX Greek and reconstruct-able in Hebrew),

The King JAMES 'authorized' version is just the best way to point out the errors with eloquence!
It was translated in English for Protestants (though it relied heavily on the Vulgar Latin),
the Kings' English (like Shakespeare) was the standard for the developing language...
which became American to the world a second language (of commerce) with progress of technology!

[edit on 2010/2/24 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

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