reply to post by Solasis
Okay, So you want proof, first of all, of course no evidence came from the year 2012 itself, thats impossible. The predictions for 2012 are no
different than a weather forecast. When they tell you its going to be raining tomorrow, you pack an umbrella. Well, the forecast for 2012 is
castastrophe, prepare for the worst. If it doesn't happen, thank god, all the ancient civilizations were wrong and we'll continue to live our
ignorant lives. But if all these warnings are accurate, and there are many warnings, then a major world changing event is coming. Now before I start
explaining everything, I am simply going to list a bunch of things those of you willing to learn something, to look up for yourselves and get your own
information. Because no matter what I say, or how I say it, or how many references I give you, you will still be skeptical. But if you actually do
research, and look up the things I list, you will be able to connect the dots for yourself, and make your own decision based on what you find out. It
is the only way to change a skeptics mind. Things to look up, relating to 2012.
The sunspot cycle. Look up past cycles, and present cycles. You can see whats going on right now at
The earths magnetic field. Look up what it does, how it affects life on this planet, and what consequences it would have should it disappear. Also
look up, if it is weakening or not.
Global warming. It is tied in with the magnetic field weakening, and sunspot cycle. It is also happening on the other planets in the solar system.
Saturn's atmosphere has changed by 30%. Mars is warming up, and pluto is changing color, those are few examples. Do the rest of the research
The Mayan Calendar. Starts Aug 11th 3114 BC. Finding any record of civilization before that date is scarce and only theory.
The fifth age. We are nearing the end of the fifth age (world) a cycle of 5125 years.
The precession of the Equinoxes. It is the wobble of the earths axis, which completes a full wobble every 26,000 years. It is how we view space
differently in different years. It is also responsible for our seasons. The 26,000 year cycle, ends on the same date as the 5125 year cycle.
The Galactic Alignment. The sun and earth move into precise alignment with the equator of the milky way. It is changing the pull of the earth (its
wobble) from going in one direction, to another. Because when you cross that equator, the pull is reversed.
Polar shift, Magnetic, and geographic. Tied in directly with the galactic alignment. Look up its consequences, and how it has happened in the past,
as if it were on a schedule. Alaska used be tropical, as if it were once at the equator.
The egyptians and pyramids. The pyramids were built in alignment with orions belt, marking the halfway point of the 26,000 year cycle, cross
reference them, with the mayans, and you'll find they have similar pyramids, IN THE SAME ORDER, aligned with orions belt.
The I-Ching. It predicted the same as the mayans and egyptians.
The Incas, and aztecs. Tied in closely with mayans.
The bible. States world wide chaos, and describes the apocalypse, as if it were a polar shift, also, Noah's ark. Major floods come with a geograpic
pole shift.
Modern Science. Still proving the mayans right, and don't understand how they had such advanced knowledge of the heavens or time.
Time. It is a cycle, that ends, and begins again. Evidence is found in ice core samples, and volcanic rock.
Do your own research. Asteroids or comets hitting earth is false. Nibiru, is false. There is no evidence to support these. There is evidence to
support everything else I have said here, and more. I have just run out of characters in this post. Can so many people be wrong about 2012?
[edit on 24-2-2010 by xxshadowfaxx]