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Genetically engineered pigs

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:02 PM
I think this is positive. It's not like we havn't been intervening in the evolution of pigs for 100's of years now. I don't see how this is any worse.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer

there is a difference between breeding and artificial insertion, because the species have to match in terms of chromosome count, metabolism, etc, which introduces real obstacles to frankenstein creation, obviously.

the process of gene splicing is not straightforward and is frought with transcription errors, so you don't really know what you'll get.

mystery DNA in soybeans

of course they were quick to claim it safe, but that was just a guess, obviously, because they knew literally nothing. how many specimen are really tested by 3rd parties?

i'd suggest you takea look at the following site, if you really believe there is little difference between mating and recombinant techniques:

[edit on 2010.2.22 by Long Lance]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:21 AM

"The university has successfully satisfied the requirements to allow the line of transgenic pigs to be produced and farmed using appropriate containment procedures. So that's the step we're at right now," said Steven Liss, associate vice-president for research at the University of Guelph.

"As part of an overall goal, I think it's fair to say, yes, absolutely, the university researchers involved were very driven and passionate about addressing an important environmental problem at the same time supporting production of food stock and to bring forward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option to do that."

(from the news article link OP)

Monsanto has a research facility in Guelph. Monsanto spends millions of dollars in scholarships for ag and science based students. They build entire wings and labs at colleges and universities. They support and often help fund your local 4-H and FFA.

Take a look at the second paragraph. These students are passionate about their work. They believe they are doing a wonderful thing to solve world hunger. How can we make them see that what they are doing is an abomination? They have been brainwashed to believe they are advancing our culture. Those scientists/students think they are genuises. What will it take to convince them otherwise?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 07:58 AM
first i gotta say i luv your name...freq..of nature..Frequency of Nature...

Anyhow what the hell is going on in the pork and beef industry in Canada?

I hear so many contradictions and it seems as if those in charge of quality simply do not have the manpower nor the time needed for inspections.

Just recently we had a dozen or so people die from unsanitary meat from Ontario with one of the BIG food/meat producers in Canada.

We have the destruction of the Saskatchewan Pork industry last year and now we are boldly pushing forward with genetically engineered Pig?


This kind of stuff runs deep in my blood having one Grandfather being a Butcher and the other a farmer/rancher this needs to be approached with care.

For f#$% example when my Grandfather first began the use of Herbicides back in the early 1960's and late 50's HE WAS TOLD that they were not harmful to humans in small amounts.

He would fix the Sprayer the same way he fixed a tractor. Coveralls, hankee, coffee and a warm beer mixed in with dirt, grease, cow# and herbicide.

The same way most others did.

Now we don't do that anymore for obvious reasons...can't drink and fix machinery anymore. lol

But really when are we going to wake up and see that we are not just guinne pigs for profit.

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