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Genetically engineered pigs

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:21 AM

Genetically engineered pigs

OTTAWA -- Genetically engineered pigs are one step closer to becoming meat on Canadian kitchen tables with the federal government poised to declare that they do not harm the environment.

Canwest News Service has learned Environment Canada has determined that Yorkshire pigs developed at the University of Guelph are not toxic to the environment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The official declaration will be made on Saturday.

This is the first regulatory hurdle to get the pigs.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:21 AM
After reading the article I feel that this is just another cruel act of selfishness on the human part!

Creating life then destroying it for our own gain... I think this is probably worse than harvesting the normal pigs as it just shows how insatiable and greedy we really are!

How toxic are regular pigs...

These people put the "Mental" in Environment!

I am interested in seeing what people have to say about this!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Well.. if they (the GM Pigs) don't end up on our tables, I guess they could always have a good career in banking or politics.


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:12 AM
Are they able to give me more bacony bacon?

If not, I am not interested!

Joking aside, really, how can they declare an animal environmentally toxic?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:14 AM
I for one welcome the Frankenpigs. I shall in fact be outside firing up the smoker presently.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:53 AM
I don't think it is right to cross a mouse with a pig.
That seem to go against nature.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Freq Of Nature

Creating life then destroying it for our own gain... I think this is probably worse than harvesting the normal pigs as it just shows how insatiable and greedy we really are!

What's the difference?

Inseminate voluntary an animal for him to get a baby that you will eat later or make it a "test tube pig", different method but same result, so what is the difference? Does do it the natural way is acceptable enough to "rape", torture and then kill an animal but if you do it the other way it's disgusting?

I'm sorry but I fail to see the difference!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Freq Of Nature
Creating life then destroying it for our own gain...

Yes. I believe it is called farming.

That said I'm against genetic engineering for food. Let the world starve (and eat cake.)

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Disgusting. I don't ant to eat their freaks of nature! God what is this world coming to? I guess the only way truly you will be able to feed yourself in the coming years without eating these abominations (animals and GM crops) will be to own your own lines of non GM foods and grow them yourself. Oh and watch it very carefully because at least in the case of Monsanto, they've been known to introduce their own seeds into farmers crops, then sue those farmers for not paying them for the seed! Disgusting.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Freq Of Nature

We hear a lot of complaining about genetically manipulated food and animals. Anyone who complains about this, how the environment is being polluted and how other species are being driven to extinction by humanity and its actions needs to consider one question... How many children do you have? We will not put a limit on our population, so why should we be apprehensive to genetically modifying other life forms to serve us and feed our burgeoning masses? Seriously, I find it most ironic how we humans feel justified in controlling the population of every other species on this planet as we refuse to control our own.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:58 PM
If genetically modified pork can get me the perfect pork blade steak, then I am all for it. mmmmmm juicy...

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by eldard

That said I'm against genetic engineering for food. Let the world starve (and eat cake.)

i don't belive for one second that this particular GM incarnation will fulfill its promises, if it did it would be the exception, see

On Genetically Modified Foods Propaganda and ''Conclusive Science''

for more. they do it because they can and a part of me hopes they will involuntarily unleash something extremely devastating, similar to the africanised bee, but less predictable so the people can finally snap out of their support for GM just because it's 'new'. oh, well the joys of applied advertising.

more threads:

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by perplexor

reply to post by eldard

Originally posted by eldard

Originally posted by Freq Of Nature
Creating life then destroying it for our own gain...

Yes. I believe it is called farming.

That said I'm against genetic engineering for food. Let the world starve (and eat cake.)

Well, no. True farming is more like a cycle of absorbtion and replenishment. If you have ever been to a Biodynamic farm, you would understand there is an interconnectivity between the health of cows and livestock, the quality of the produce and pastures and forests, the quantitiy of yeilds, the farmers themselves. A farm will have perfect healthy plants and animals every year with the proper organic treatment and preparations(all provided by the land itself)(weather permiting). Its is exploitation of the land, but the exploitation goes both ways on a true farm. Allowing forthe livestock to interact with the pastures and forests and land is the most efficient method. Small operation costs, enomous return.

The Modern Giant Industrial Agribuisness which prevails over all the world today, supplying most of the food the world consumes, is entirely 1 sided in that:
_The livestock are crowded together in cages on pavement,
_Fed grain that has been genetically modified-grown-harvested-processed-shipped (all of which is paid for by tax payer money in the US in the form of subsidies for unessecary $1/2million monster harvesters and silos. why not let the livestock graze where the grain is growing?),
_The LOADS of pharmacuticles-hormones, antibioticsconsumed becasue of the harsh unatural living conditions
_The lakes of toxic manure are festering with bacteria and disease running off into the rivers poisoning the creatures and our drinking water
_The toxic manure is sprayed onto the very fields growing the feed for the livestock
_The fruit and vegetables are sprayed with herbicides and insecticides and fungicides and inorganic mineral fertilizers running off into the rivers and oceans wrecking enviromental havok.

Some believe the Earth is overpopulated and technology is helping to feed the world more effeceintly. This is false. For the last 50 years, farms have been bowing to the state for billions in subsidies becuase they think they need giant machines, fertilizers, labs and the like just to feed some cattle or what not. This money from taxpayers then turns over to the run of the mill evil empire like Monsanto and Cargill, Cattepillar etc. because thats what the operation cost of a farm supplies. Then more money goes to the evil empire of the retail front,-big grocers-big meat packers(Walmart, Tyson, frozen foods etc.) who have no qualms with the toxicity of what they in turn add into their final product. They are able to kill their local competition and grow globally, due to the lowish price of tax payer subsidized Agribuisness.

The Earth is not overpopulated. We are just to stupid and brainwashed to take back our food and state.

Edit to add dramatic scale effect:

The human Population of the World is but a fraction of the poplation of Livestock animals in the US recieveing free healthcare(6billion chicken for starters.)

[edit on 21-2-2010 by 16grit]

[edit on 21-2-2010 by 16grit]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by perplexor

Your point is well taken. However, I agree with the OP. If we are at risk of having to control our existence then we shouldn't modify nature just to serve our cultural need for bacon and hot dogs. Instead we should be looking at ways to colonize the moon, or create local communities that sustain a balance between human needs and nature. No need to genetically modify food.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:40 PM
I will never eat those pigs. Never. Notice they talk about the pigs being safe for the environment but nothing about being safe for consumption. As usual they focus on a non issue to divert attention from real things. GM foods are all poison and will mess with your body...unless you enjoy getting cancer and other things, in that case go ahead and eat that garbage.

One example:

Genetically modified trees= toxic to just about all life and contaminate water.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by Unplugged]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:59 PM
Good first step. I wonder if they can make them without their heads and simply have machine growing pork meat without it actually being alive at any could have massive farms all inside a warehouse stacked up to the ceiling with pigmeat...cut down on the farms, more meat per pig, and could even experiment with adding vitamins, fiber, and other such stuff in the pigs to try and offset the unhealthy aspects.

once they sort that out, cows are up for grabs next...

I am fully on board with heavy GMing livestock so long as the target is for bulk, health, humane treatment, and environmentally friendly.

if labmeat tastes and looks the same as our standard meat, but has less moral consequences, why not?

They should totally try to make meatfruit on cool would that be.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:14 PM
Looks like people dont mind the meat I mean what conspiracy could be behind food?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by googolplex
I don't think it is right to cross a mouse with a pig.
That seem to go against nature.

That's not exactly what they did....
I know there's a joke in there somewhere about Pouses and Migs but I'm going to let it go.

From the OP's link....

The so-called "Enviropigs," the world's first transgenic animal created to solve an environmental problem, were created in 1999 with a snippet of mouse DNA introduced into their chromosomes.

The pigs produce low-phosphorus feces.

The Guelph scientists were able to reduce phosphorus pollution by creating a special composite gene that enables digestion of a normally unavailable form of phosphorus. This allows the pigs to produce manure that is 30 to 65% lower in phosphorus than found in the manure of regular pigs -- blamed for polluting surface and groundwater when raised in intensive livestock operations.

I just hope it doesn't change the taste....or make glow in the dark bacon.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:12 PM
If you see some of the images of what they do in the labs I think it would be enough to put you off eating any meat full stop!

Most of it is just injecting the animals with the formulas they have prepared but sometimes the side effects are fatal to the animals, sometimes leaving them crippled, paralyzed or even worse...

I think people, especially kids as they are the ones who will take over eventually to see images of what happens to the animals that are in captivity, and how they are treated!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Pauligirl
You say that's not exactly what they did, but it is what they did.
They crossed a pig with a mouse, It's more pig than mouse, but is still a cross.
Now they did this because someone complained about the pig poop, only problem would be is if now the pigs become carriers of the Mouse's HUNTERS VIRUS.
Then that would be a fine fix to put us in, HINI pig virus, Hunter virus mix.

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