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A 9/11 Victim's Family Member Asks for Help

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 02:12 AM

A 9/11 Victim's Family Member Asks for Help

Please watch this video in its entirety before posting.

My question is, do you all believe that WTC 7 was demolished by a controlled demolition, is there enough evidences to support it?

Do most of you think the WTC 1 & 2 where blown in to a powder instead of a dust?

I agree with this Engineer to his claims
For those Trusters, here is a prime example of “victim’s of family members” reaching out and asking for help into getting to the truth.
Even they know the government lied, and the OS is a fraud.

Different of opinions are welcome.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:35 AM
A good video impressme he makes great points I will check out his site later on.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:45 AM
After seeing that video I'm starting to believe that there may have been explosives in those buildings before hand...

But how could al-qaeda get access to the buildings without anyone noticing...???......especially building 7......wasn't that where the FBI and CIA had their offices..??.?...

This Al-qaeda group must be really good....they made the 'great' U.S. military machine look like blushing school girls that day....

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:37 PM
The very moment he said the information on the "Search for the Boeing" web page convinced him that something was wrong with the story, he ADMITTED that he's getting all his information from those damned fool conspiracy web sites putting out horse [censored] to get people all paranoid over shadows. He said it right there at 2:49 so you can't deny it. What gets me is that he says he's "independent of any conspiracy web site" and then turns around and recommends that people go to as " a good place to start". This isn't any more independent than someone recommending the Bible "as a good place to start" learning about evolution.

Thank you, Impressme, for providing irrefutable proof for what I've been saying all along- it really isn't the case there's any actual evidence of any actual conspiracy. He proved this the moment he opened up his OWN conspiracy web site, and began begging for help in finding nonexistant mathematical proof there were explosives. It's really the case these damned fool conspiracy web sites are putting out all this horse [censored] to get people all paranoid over shadows and people simply don't know they're being conned.

My sympathy to him for his loss, but he's acknowledged he has no more credibility than those idiot college kids making internet videos in their dorm room or that religious nut pretending to be an explosives expert. I know you conspiracy fetishists are hoping and praying there really IS a conspiracy to justify your bleak antiestablishment outlook on life, but grasping onto THIS is really stretching, even for you.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
those damned fool conspiracy web sites
My sympathy to him for his loss, but he's acknowledged he has no more credibility than those idiot college kids making internet videos in their dorm room or that religious nut pretending to be an explosives expert.

I seen you write those words 1000. times Dave.

So I went to your God Site , NIST, and guess what I found?

WTC7 fell from office fires and Phenomena....


WTF does that mean?

Best and Brightest (you say) and PHENOMENA !!!!!!!

[edit on 21-2-2010 by Sean48]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

I seen you write those words 1000. times Dave.

So I went to your God Site , NIST, and guess what I found?

WTC7 fell from office fires and Phenomena....


WTF does that mean?

Here's a novel idea- what say you READ THE NIST REPORT to actually find out WTF "phenomena" means in the context it's being used in. I keep seeing time after time after time how you conspiracy theorists keep asking the same questions over and over when, if you were only to read the things you're griping about, you'd have had your answer years ago.

I can tell you what the word means but that won't help you in the least when taken out of context, and taking things out of context is the hallmark of these conspiracy web sites, not mine.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Sean48

I seen you write those words 1000. times Dave.

So I went to your God Site , NIST, and guess what I found?

WTC7 fell from office fires and Phenomena....


WTF does that mean?

Here's a novel idea- what say you READ THE NIST REPORT to actually find out WTF "phenomena" means

Gonna take your word this time , and not go "to those crazy NIST sites"

Question : How did WTC7 fall?

NIST Answer : office fires and Phenomena .

Question : You s**** me ?

NIST Answer Honest guys, it was a Phenomena.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
Gonna take your word this time , and not go "to those crazy NIST sites"

Question : How did WTC7 fall?

NIST Answer : office fires and Phenomena .

Question : You s**** me ?

NIST Answer Honest guys, it was a Phenomena.

So let me get this conspiracy people ask me to look at this video and I did, as evidenced by the details I posted taken from the video. When I ask you to read the NIST report...the report I might add that started this whole argument to begin avoid it like you were a vampire being exposed to sunlight. You say I'm the deluded one and yet I'm not afraid to look at your material.

My explanation for this is that truth never has to run away from lies. It's lies that always has to run away from the truth. What's your explanation for this?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:12 PM
While browsing this guys site and following his links I came to a page with this amazing 'coincidence' (last line)
The Bush Administration submitted the 342-page USA PATRIOT Act to Congress on September 24th, 2001, just 13 days after the attack.

Two Senators who attempted to slow the passage of the PATRIOT Act received letters containing Anthax.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:22 PM
There was a charleston S.C. lawfirm called -- damn..trying to recall... phonetically it is Charles Moxlee... He started a lawsuit against the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, on behalf of the victims of 911 because there was evidence that the cash and a couple of the guys supposedly flying the planes came from Saudi Arabia.

The principals involved were described as blue-dog southern democrats. They started a organisation called Rosetta, that built up a supposed terrorist database. They solicited donations to fight terrorism from various rich democrats, (and ended up embarrassing them by the debacle that ensued) and used that money to purchase blowjobs and the occasional Land Rover, for Pakistani government officials..while doing what they called intelligence gathering. Violations of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act, FCPA...

And the case against the Saudis went on for some time and finally there were some hearings, and on the stand, the star witness was discredited, admitting that the book this frenchman had written about 911 was based entirely on stuff from the internet....of course he never told Charles Moxlee this until he was on the stand and in a position to scuttle the case. He was suggested by one of the operatives in Rosetta as an expert witness.

It turned out that two of the guys in Rosetta were DIA, and I believe the case against the Saudis was scuttled with make sure it never went anywhere... The case was thrown out of court when their evidence was discredited on the stand.

Rosetta was also involved in the abduction under false pretenses of the head of the largest clan in afghanistan, named Noorzai. After promising him that George Bush wanted to give him an award, he came to the US with them and was winded and dined for a couple of weeks at a rtzy hotel in NYC and then they snapped handcuffs on him and placed him in prison. He was put in a room without windows so he could not face east to pray to Mecca.

Noorzai is the big claim to fame of the Drug Enforcement Agency in the supposed global war on drugs...which IMO is actually to protect the exclusive distribution lines of the CIA... When the judge was introduced the evidence of what had been done to lure Noorzai to the USA, (the blowjobs, and landrovers) he grew suspicious, and 3 times had the US Attorneys in the case in his chambers for questioning and each time, the Government, would substitute a younger and less experienced US Attorney to make sure the Attorney being asked questions under penalty of perjury in chambers would not have to lie when he said "I don't know" to evade where the questioning was going.
(The FCPA and the matter of illegal entrapment) Immediately after the conviction of Noorzai, there was the "SURGE" in violence in Afghanistan, you remember "The Surge?" after the largest tribe, of green eyed mountain men, were infuriated by the deceit of the americans..and went to war on behalf of the leader of their tribe.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by seataka]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

WTC7 fell from office fires and Phenomena....


WTF does that mean?

God did it?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:34 PM
If the "damn fool OS" wasn't chalked full of manure than perhaps that family member would not be asking for help at all.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave, why don’t you tell us the names of the websites that you believe are giving out only truthful information about 911?

Maybe then, we can stop going to “those damned fool conspiracy web sites” you seem to think spew only lies.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by impressme

Dave, why don’t you tell us the names of the websites that you believe are giving out only truthful information about 911?

Maybe then, we can stop going to “those damned fool conspiracy web sites” you seem to think spew only lies.

You don't have to go to a website at all. I would recommend that you read the NIST report on the collapses. What you don't understand, you find someone that does. Structural Engineers can be found at any University. There are blogs and forums that cater to Engineering professionals. You can go there and ask questions. I doubt you will though.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by ImAPepper
You don't have to go to a website at all. I would recommend that you read the NIST report on the collapses.

You mean NIST (who is not an official investigating agency for 9/11)?

You mean NIST who did not recover any steel for testing from building 7?

You mean NIST who kept changing thier minds over and over on what caused the collapse?

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE

You mean NIST (who is not an official investigating agency for 9/11)?

The NIST were hired by the United States government in accordance with the National Construction Safety Team (NCST) Act to investigate the collapses at the WTC.


You mean NIST who did not recover any steel for testing from building 7?

The NIST investigation did not official start until Aug. 21, 2002. The were not part of the clean up. (clean up was completed in May of 2002)


You mean NIST who kept changing thier minds over and over on what caused the collapse?

You mean updating their hypothesis as more evidence became available? Can you please point out where they "changed their minds"?

Pending Strike Three Roger!!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by ImAPepper
The NIST were hired by the United States government in accordance with the National Construction Safety Team (NCST) Act to investigate the collapses at the WTC.

In a criminal investigation of aircraft crashes the FBI is the lead investigation agency with technical help from the NTSB.

NIST is not included.

The NIST investigation did not official start until Aug. 21, 2002. The were not part of the clean up. (clean up was completed in May of 2002)

Thanks for agreeing with me that NIST did not recover any steel for testing.

You mean updating their hypothesis as more evidence became available? Can you please point out where they "changed their minds"?

I guess you do not know about NIST's original computer model that concluded that neither the fires or plane impacts caused the collapse?

They also changed thier minds about the towers collapsing in Pancake fashion.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave, why don’t you tell us the names of the websites that you believe are giving out only truthful information about 911?

Maybe then, we can stop going to “those damned fool conspiracy web sites” you seem to think spew only lies.

Here's a good one to start with- it's an assessment by fire chief Vincent Dunn on how the fires could have brought down the towers. He's not hallucinating super duper invisible explosives, lasers from outer space, or hordes of secret agents, either. He's using his own professional experience and solid architectural analysis-

A Fire Chief's assessment on the WTC collapse

His assessment is an eye-opener in that the current fire protection measures are possibly faulty and that there could be more WTC collapses waiting to happen. This is EXACTLY what NIST fire expert Dr. Quintiere is seeing in his own research. If you conspiracy people are so dedicated to the truth then why isn't a re-analysis of possibly faulty building codes the number one priority on your list, rather than the foolishness (manufactured evidence, secret links to Nazis, whatever) your ridiculous conspiracy web sites are churning out? Unlike your super duper invisible explosives, the fireproofing specificied by current building codes CAN be mathematically evaluated.

That "everyone who disagrees with you is a secret gov't agent" crutch you use to prop your conspiracy stories up with only goes so far, you know.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE

In a criminal investigation of aircraft crashes the FBI is the lead investigation agency with technical help from the NTSB.

NIST is not included.

You are chock full of Stundies today Roger. NIST was not included because they were NOT HIRED TO INVESTIGATE THE PLANE CRASHES!! Go read the outline of their goals and objectives. I refuse to give you anymore links, you do your own homework.

Thanks for agreeing with me that NIST did not recover any steel for testing.

Hey Roger, for the sake of argument, you are hired to find out what happened to a automobile during a car crash. You show up on the scene on Friday afternoon and find out the car was sent off to the junk yard a week prior.

Would NIST have liked some steel from the WTC7 collapse? I would assume so. Just like you would have liked the car not to have been destroyed at the junk yard. You make do with what you have.

I guess you do not know about NIST's original computer model that concluded that neither the fires or plane impacts caused the collapse?

Can you please point this out for me. I would love to see their computer that shows the WTC complex spontaneously collapsed without fire or plane impacts.

They also changed thier minds about the towers collapsing in Pancake fashion.

No, they refuted the preliminary hypothesis that FEMA had regarding the pancake collapse.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Here's a good one to start with- it's an assessment by fire chief Vincent Dunn on how the fires could have brought down the towers.......

A Fire Chief's assessment on the WTC collapse

Nice link Dave! I try to encourage others to read books written by those that were there.

Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon on 9/11

This is quite a read. MANY interviews with first responders.

Also, The Looming Tower : Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, is another good read.

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