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Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
reply to post by Aggie Man

Would you rather have him or someone else in his seat?

You want term limits, ammend the Constitution.

I could care less about term limits...BUT my point is that he's not practicing what he preaches...he's just another bureaucratic hypocrite.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by AliBruh
Also, so is the Department of Defense now considering the conserative GOP as domestic terrorists along with the other Ron Paul supporters they are afraid of?

Thats the Department of Homeland Security, not the DOD. The DOD, aka the US Armed Forces is quite conservative in ideology.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS

Originally posted by AliBruh
Also, so is the Department of Defense now considering the conserative GOP as domestic terrorists along with the other Ron Paul supporters they are afraid of?

Thats the Department of Homeland Security, not the DOD. The DOD, aka the US Armed Forces is quite conservative in ideology.

What's sad is that the armed forces shouldn't have an ideology, they should be following orders and keep their noses out of politics.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

I agree, we should, but the Pentagon is the Pentagon.

Between Congress and the Pentagon, I would prefer the Pentagon any day of the week.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Here's what he said on the matter.

For Release: Wednesday, February 12, 1997


WASHINGTON, DC - US Representative Ron Paul voted for each of the term limitation measures brought before the House of Representatives on Wednesday. While the measures failed, Paul said the real reforms needed to accomplish the same task must still be pursued.

Serving in Congress from 1976 to 1984, Paul was the first person in modern history to introduce a term limits measure.

"Term limits would have been good start, but the real problems which bring about the popularity of term limits can still be addressed," said Paul. "To restrict and reduce the power of incumbency, we should address the sweeping powers which the federal government possesses. It's the power that congressmen yield that makes them so untouchable in the electoral process. Until we return to a constitutional size of government, limiting the special favors congressmen can give to friends and big-money interests, the system will continue to be unfairly weighted to politicians and bureaucrats. Only when we limit the size of the federal government, when we end the programs which allow for federal handouts, will we see our Congress returned to the citizen-legislature intended by the Founders of this nation."

Paul has refused to participate in the congressional pension plan, and has long favored abolishing it. He said that when politicians realize they do not have taxpayer-funded benefits for life, their time in public office will be quickly reduced.

"By abolishing extravagant perks like the lucrative congressional pension plan, we will remove the incentives for people to make a career out of elected office

He explains the rationale behind why incumbents stay in power AND he doesn't participate in the pension plan?! What? Not very hypocritical to me.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Additional reading on the topic:

Ron Paul Exposed on Meet The Press

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

I don't really see how that exposes him. I didn't see anything damning there.

I see Russert being uninformed and biased. Too bad he got wrapped up in the Plame fiasco. He was at times a good journalist.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by Aggie Man

I don't really see how that exposes him. I didn't see anything damning there.

I see Russert being uninformed and biased. Too bad he got wrapped up in the Plame fiasco. He was at times a good journalist.

I see him asking legitimate, straight forward questions and Paul verbally fumbling around for answers....although, I will admit that Paul always stammers...

Perhaps "exposes" is a bit slanted...but I didn't write the title...however, it proves that Paul's stance on term limits is not due to the pension plan, as suggested by a previous poster.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Aggie Man]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Reply to post by Aggie Man

The DOD is more like some bloated welfare queen or labor union than anything else. Gotta keep their funding year to year and increase it whenever possible.

There's nothing "conservative" about any government office. They all operate like teamster pavers who take 3 months too long to do a half-assed job somebody is going to have to come in and fix. Anything possible to increase money in pocket and decrease effort exerted.

Maybe, once upon a time long ago, the DOD would have been "conservative." Back when money had a real value and wasn't printed from thin air. Back when a nation was at war the entire nation sacrificed something. Can't recall the last time I saw school children savin up foil from their gum to send off for the war effort. But then we don't manufacture anything here anymore so where would they send it, China?

What a gutter the US has become. Worthless empty and hollow land full of worthless empty and hollow people.

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Russert's conclusion about slavery was deeply uninformed.

Then he uses a logical fallacy in regards to term limits.

His knowledge of pre-Bush Reagan is lacking.

Russert also is lacking in understanding of the US Constitution, precisely the "Necessary and Proper Clause". If he did he wouldn't be so quick to criticise Paul on limiting or abolishing federal agencies and departments.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:21 PM
This is my first post after getting banned from Prison Planet Forums just yesterday. I was banned by replying to a post similar this, questioning the authenticity of Ron Paul. I support Paul, would vote for him, and really enjoyed his speech from CPAC. He's done nothing to make me doubt him. However, the hype and media regarding him in relation to the 2012 election, I want to know more about him.

I've recently starting learning about royal bloodlines (so important by the Rothschild for the world's leaders to have). Apparently the line dates back to when Babylon was formed. Anyways, does anyone know anything about Dr. Paul's bloodline, ancestry, and family tree. I'm curious as to if he fits the "requirement" for presidency with royal blood.

I'm not sure why that question got me banned from Prison Planet. And I think it's great that he won the straw poll and is gaining popularity.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman

ron paul looks to be the fronturnner for the republican nomination right now... of course its waaaay too early to tell but i can honestly say if the republicans did elect ron paul to be thier candidate for president and it was him against obama i would vote ron paul. ron paul is the only man in touch with the common american in congress period. if he dont work, or doesnt get a chance to work, this country is done for.
(visit the link for the full news article)

First, I really respect the amount of data/knowledge super stream you provide to ATS as a contributor. Awesome.

Second, the instant Ron Paul is selected he will fall under the control of the elite. Overnight you would notice a drastic change in his behaviors and attitudes. Mind control is very real, so what if most of the mindless posters don't believe in anything besides cheap gasoline and a cheap place to live, rumors of MK Ultra, etc. are just too dangerous to simply ignore. If the world Mt. Dew supply is cut, people will riot, if there are rumors of mind control you only get two reactions fear, and denial.

You will never see 'our' Ron Paul get into office. How hard is it to get the CIA to reeducate their own potential president? Put a chip in his head, or cut up the right brain pathways, and just publicly say that Ron had to undergo emergency surgery. You see it all the time. Bush didn't used to believe the war in Iraq was necessary; Dick Cheney said it would be a 'quagmire', then they both mindlessly pursued a goal with no hope of success from many people's perspectives, heck they are all examined with no true revelation of what goes on behind closed doors before they are even elected.

Need a tune up? Just say publicly that his pacemaker needs a tune up, and the older the candidate, the easier it is to observe if any social programming fails. The Nazis perfected social and mental control and people will still call me a moron when it is easy to see that such tactics are still being used. Well, programmed puppets perfectly play their part, and will never understand how the current social consequences are simply caused by immaturity, and lack of understanding required for a political position.

Ron Paul is top contender because the elite need another politician to throw into the meat grinder of public opinion, just long enough to pull the plug on us as a society so they will never have to worry about our opinions ever again.

From their current behaviors, EVERY politician is acting against their normal behaviors BEFORE 9/11. Create enough fear in a person's or group's mind you can implant new behaviors, attitudes, and actions. Fear poisoning is the basic concept, by poisoning us with fear those in control are able to influence social and political course, effectively destroying any common sense in our 'leaders' and they can't go back.

If new blood comes in, you make them behave like everyone else, or bide your time, get the fool who thinks they can change things in office, and play the Cold War Switcharoo, and watch a brain dead moron carry out your orders and plans with the delicate touch of a nail, studded baseball bat in the emergency room.

Oh, they will do the job, just don't expect to revive the now gutted and mutilated corpse on the operating table. Yeah, just shove some more stimulus dollars in the hole in society's open chest that goes right back to the pockets of the people controlling every shred of our lives.

They are reading this, to you doing what you know you shouldn't,

Ahem, boy are those elite idiots in for a surprise when they realize their friends don't even exist. Hee hee.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by GideonHM]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 03:15 PM
I completely agree Gideon, that's it's possible. But, do you have anything to back this has happened in the past? Mind-control of presidents using reports of illness/injury/hospitalization. I guess I'm just wondering if it's simply speculation, or if you have evidence of how something like that might work. There are plenty of people who know Paul, and if he came out of a doctor's visit permanently different...then again, people suffer all sorts of damages through common day occurrences like car accidents. I suppose where there's a will there's a way.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:45 PM
[edit on 22-2-2010 by Apophus]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Ron Paul is THE most influential man in politics today.
Think about it. He is not funded by big Corporations.
Why do we even KNOW his name.
He is not a Senator. He is a lowly representative.
Look him up on Opensecrets.

So, why do we know about him?
Is it because the Media, owned by Big Corp. loves him? Give me a break, please.
Is it because he pals around with the Clintons or the Bushes?
Both of them pass wind in his general direction, and laugh.

That surname, Paul, that goes WAY back in American politics, kind of like Kennedy?


So, what is it, Aggie man, or whomever else.

I will tell you.

He has real grassroots support, because he is a real person with real fears and real ideas. He CHOSE to be educated as a DOCTOR, Med. school. But his country was in danger.
Yeah, a real NEOCON, this one.

The fact that it took this many years for Ron Paul to be noticed, should tell us all something about politics in America. People in America want STARS to represent them.
Stars hire agents. Agents represent the STARS. The people get screwed again.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I have a question for everyone:

Ron Paul gets elected.

And then either he either gets assassinated or does everything against the platform he was running.

What would you do?

Remember, Bush had a similar platform as Ron Paul when he was running.

There's something we the people are missing here, as every president ends up performing completely different than their platform.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:52 PM
The media only does a major disservice to RP most of the time.

You could make a whole documentary on media bias covering the last presidential election. From camera angles to talk time.

I guess I would have to vote for him though, some of his economic policies assuming they get implemented might hurt us for a while. Your gold may get much less expensive though if the dollar does indeed go up with him in office. I am guessing it would.

You have to think about everything but he is the best we got IMO.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 12:41 AM
It's way to early to hoist Ron Paul up on our shoulders and dump Gatorade over his head for the victory just yet. But let me say this: if by some miracle The Ron Paul Revolution can take the Republican nomination I think he dies suddenly before the election and I'm not looking in the liberal's direction even.
I think Ron Paul carea more about America than he does the welfare of the GOP and that's gotta be dangerous. You want a conspiracy that I, a true skeptic, can buy into...well that's it!

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Threadfall

As much as I love Dr. Paul, I think he is 100% unelectable. If you listen to him, he doesn't have the drive to run again. The media hounds ripped his campaign to pieces in '08. Every poll he won was somehow the result of hackers and couldn't be relied upon.

The media discounted the millions of independents fed up with the status quo. These are the Ron Paul Revolution. Tea Parties? Guess who should get the credit for starting those and it ain't Glenn Beck.

Paul has the idea, the same idea that America was founded upon. Yes, we've grown and adapted and modified the Constitution to be clear on certain aspects of our beliefs, but the core values have not been changed.

And even though he is unelectable, I will vote for him or whomever he supports. I am voting for the idea of America, I an voting for the Constitution. If this splits the precious 2 parties with my vote, then so be it.

Personally, I hope that if it does, that the people who support the status quo (both sides are guilty and you think Romney is not?) get slapped with something worse than Obama. I don't think enough of us have really learned from the '08 election. There is still this false thinking that somehow Obama will save the day. And if a Repub takes it in '12, you can be assured that they will be no different, especially Romney.

The two party supporters really need to wake up and see what's going on. You are not free, they make you chose the candidate that THEY want and then make you love them. It's all a lie.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by GideonHM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman

You will never see 'our' Ron Paul get into office. How hard is it to get the CIA to reeducate their own potential president? Put a chip in his head, or cut up the right brain pathways, and just publicly say that Ron had to undergo emergency surgery. You see it all the time. Bush didn't used to believe the war in Iraq was necessary; Dick Cheney said it would be a 'quagmire', then they both mindlessly pursued a goal with no hope of success from many people's perspectives, heck they are all examined with no true revelation of what goes on behind closed doors before they are even elected.

Need a tune up? Just say publicly that his pacemaker needs a tune up, and the older the candidate, the easier it is to observe if any social programming fails. The Nazis perfected social and mental control and people will still call me a moron when it is easy to see that such tactics are still being used. Well, programmed puppets perfectly play their part, and will never understand how the current social consequences are simply caused by immaturity, and lack of understanding required for a political position.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by GideonHM]

Still waiting on a response Gideon, see where you're getting some facts. I did find this interesting though, just the day after you posted that. Just on Drudge Report last night- Cheney Hospitalized

I'd still like to know if Ron Paul has any royal blood in his genes. If he does, I'll most likely be a little more skeptical. If he doesn't, and he does continue gaining momentum through the MSM, it makes me nervous for him.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by DaveakaRNG]

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