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Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 02:57 AM
Great for ron paul, and i remember when Ron Paul was the only Congers man who was standing against the war in yugoslavia, everyone back then called a peace nut job.

But now look at him, oh sweet irony.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Hey Coffin thanks for the link, Ron Paul is the man!!!

It is infuriating to witness the heavy censorship but that is how threatening Ron Paul is, or seems to be, to the powers that be. Here is a clip which shows how bad it was in the run up to the 08 election.

Americans need to get behind Ron in every way shape and form. Time is running short for him and for us all. I still believe that enough people can be awoken in time to stop whatever it is these inbreds are planning.


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:31 AM
If the Republican party wants salvation, this is its chance. Sarah Palin left unchecked will cause the party to implode. She is the far right version of Barack Obama and if elected her presidency will be like Obama's. In other words, uninformed, inexperienced, and mistaken.

The country needs someone who is informed and experienced. Someone who is not selfish and willing to make personal sacrifices for the nation. We havn't had a president like that in a long long time, but the time has come for a president like that. The United States is facing a near future credit and financial crisis that will test the nerves and resolve of the American people. In times like that we will need good leadership. Palin, Clinton, Obama, and Romney are not good leadership.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Mr Knowledge

Originally posted by TwilightMage
If he does get to run for president, I'm definitely going to vote for him. He knows what the people need, and would fight for that, rather than for his own needs.

I'm with you man, but interesting that you say 'rather than his own needs'. The question is, 'What are his own needs?' Do we know? I'm all for Ron Paul, but how do we know for sure that he doesn't have his own 'double agenda' running in the background. Let's remind ourselves that all he has done is just given us a bunch of good speeches as well. He tells us what we want to hear ironically. The same thing happened before Obama was president and look what happened. The best thing is for us to be skeptical of anyone running for president no matter what they say. A small place inside of me hopes that this time will be different, but that's exactly what Obama said and he was more of the same.

[edit on 2/20/2010 by Mr Knowledge]

I knew Obama was full of # since day one. Hope and change my ass.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by Mr Knowledge

I understand your concern and I empathize with you. However, in the case of Ron Paul "He is Legit!" His voting record is untouchable, his history as a congressman is phenomenal, and as far as knowing what needs to be done he is probably the only person in the House you can trust.

You know that saying a "Politician you can Trust" is considered an Oxymoron however this is one of those time you can say it and mean it.

The funny thing is that this is not only my opinion but it is "Fact". If you go through YouTube and through news articles and even the House of Representatives website and look at his statements, records, and stance on the issues you would see he speaks the truth and doesn't vote for the sake of lobbyist.

His profession before becoming a congressman was a doctor and as a doctor he treated everyone, even people that couldn't afford to pay him, he treated them for free.

He is a nice guy (hard to find those lately), honest, hard working, knowledgeable, and what we the American people need.

However much I might wish for him to be President, I know it's highly unlikely unless we Americans stand up and realize what is happening. I honestly believe that he is the answer, and if he was President I would gladly take the bullet if anyone ever tried to assassinate him. Because he is our and our kids only hope.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:22 AM
is there much more that needs to be said about this than, "Oh, Hell Yes!"

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:28 AM
Don't get this wrong...

I like Ron Paul's methods, his truthfulness, and his intelligence.
His current (and publicly displayed, mind you) philosophy is right on the mark with the American Peoples. If indeed the years that Ron Paul has been trumpeting his voice against all that is destroying America has been done in good faith and intent, I am happy he got the nomination..

I however sense something more sinister at foot here.

Obama came onto the scene with his crafty words, all filled with apparent lies spoken between his teeth while making promises of Change to the American People. So far his record shows that all he is doing is continuing where Bush left off, - refusing to repeal unconstitutional Laws he said he'd repreal, failing to end the illegal war in Afghanistan and Iraq, but instead sending more troops over there and even sabre rattling against Iran, and Yemen, and even going heads up with Russia and China.

I don't trust any politician. period.

So far on this thread I've read post after post of how Ron Paul will be THE ONE....

He'll do this, he'll do that, he's for the people...

LOL... WHAT IF.....

All these years Ron Paul has been nothing more than the up and coming front man for the PTB, having actually been told that he needed to publicly denounce the actions and legislations being enacted by the American Government, in effect distancing himself - supposedly - from the politicians on Capitol hill, and in effect becoming the "salvation" for America the American People whole-heartedly believe in.

He is in essence that right now...

WHAT IF.... (yep, here it comes... lol)

America votes Ron Paul in and the current legislation in place now to create the American Dictatorship is then snapped into action - suddenly there's a lock down in America - with Ron Paul establishing the American Charter for U.N. Governance over this country, initiates the North American Union, and dumps the Dollar for a currency more in tune with the program - the Amero - which the Federal Reserve already has manufactured and secretly delivered to Banks across America and are what to expect when you make your next physical cash withdrawal.

all this - being told to us then by our savior Ron Paul - that this was the only way to save America - a 'bloodless' change of hands in Government - and that we should give it a chance to succeed.

What will go through your minds at that point people?


After all - this is RON PAUL who's doing this, right? He's fair, He's for the people....

Mark this post, it very well may indeed be true. =)

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Here we go again! Just like the run up to the 2008 Presidential elections.

Expect Ron Paul to win every unscientific poll, every online poll, and raise ungodly amounts of campaign cash. Then when the adults actually vote he ends up with 1% or 2 % just like in 2008.

Thought John McCain was old? Ron Paul is older than McCain. Ron Paul will be 77 years old in 2012.

The Ron Paul thing is incredible - I am constantly amazed at the limited intellect of my fellow man when I listen to people cheer leading for this Texan - he is an anachronistic buffoon.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Well done RP, nobody can deny he is on the side of the people, the problem he will encounter if he is to successful is all to know. RIP JFK.

I agree. JFK was the last president IMO that spoke for the people and, frankly, there's been none since whose words can be believed . . . until Ron Paul, if we can get him there.


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

If the Republican party wants salvation, this is its chance. Sarah Palin left unchecked will cause the party to implode. She is the far right version of Barack Obama and if elected her presidency will be like Obama's. In other words, uninformed, inexperienced, and mistaken.

The mere fact this country has citizens who can even consider that woman as a presidential candidate does not exactly give me a lot of confidence in my fellow Americans' ability to make sound choices in leadership.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by audas

The Ron Paul thing is incredible - I am constantly amazed at the limited intellect of my fellow man when I listen to people cheer leading for this Texan - he is an anachronistic buffoon.

I'm concerned...

You don't like the idea of limiting the size of government, giving more power back to the states, abolishing the Federal Reserve, keeping America out of war, keeping America from sticking it's nose in other countries' affairs, ceasing the unfair tax practices of the IRS?

Who's the buffoon?

Please explain your logic in labeling Ron Paul as an "anarchist buffoon." It ought to be entertaining.

If you are so highly opposed to this man, one can only conclude that you enjoy the level of corruption and manipulation that we currently live under. There is no in between if we are to truly get this country back. I think you should take another look at what Ron Paul has to say. Either that, or go back to your govt. headquarters and tell them you didn't earn your paycheck today.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

So far on this thread I've read post after post of how Ron Paul will be THE ONE.... He'll do this, he'll do that, he's for the people... LOL... WHAT IF.....

Okay, what if it's a big set up? WHAT IF it's NOT? You sense something is afoot. I certainly can't blame you for that, given the many times we've been conned in this country. Then, my friend, what do you propose we do here in the U.S., just scrap the whole idea of having a president altogether? Should we hope for some unknown to run in 2012 whom we can cast our vote for because Ron Paul is so good a candidate that he must be pulling a hoax on Americans?

We can be skeptical, but we should also consider the fact that Ron Paul's message has been consistent throughout the decades he's been a politician. He's been one of the only people to publicly confront the corruption and secrecy within the government. He's been doing it by himself because the rest of the politicians are too chicken sh*t to put themselves out there like he does. Simply based on his track record, I think he has proven his credibility.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:14 AM
Oklahoma doesn't even allow third party candidates. It's time to get working on that.
The American people still aren't aware that the government policies are exactly the opposite of what is needed for our country's survival. Is it possible to understand that the government doesn't want us to survive? Our government is a traitor?
The CFR was originally a Roundtable group from the London School of Economics Fabians, to promote the British Empire at the expense of the US. They actually caused the stockmarket collapse and depression to assist the English economy, although part of it was from the banksters.After being allerted by Daddy Warbucks, Paul Warburg,to get out of the stockmarket in time, the sharkster banks did a feeding frenzy on the stock market that destroyed any chance of recovery.This you will find in The Creature From Jekyll Island, chapter 20. Anyway the point is that the CFR is and always was a treasonous organization and now is determined to finish off our country.
The American people need to wake up to the government's treason. If we can get around the diebold voting machines, it still isn't too late to turn things around.
First step, read The Creature From Jekyll Island and watch Bev Harris' Hacking Democracy.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:33 AM
I'd love for him to run in the actual Presidential race, but unless he's with them, he'd be smeared and never make it.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by TwilightMage
If he does get to run for president, I'm definitely going to vote for him. He knows what the people need, and would fight for that, rather than for his own needs.

Vote anyway. I did in 2008 - for RP for Pres. skipping the other "two" parties. Always vote for who you want - not the lesser of two evils.

An RP/Romney ticket or RP/Pawlenty would be great in 2012 - but could GOP run them or would they have to go third-party libertarian, lets wait and see.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:08 AM
The change that a guy like RP may bring would not be liked by Americans in the short term but would ensure long term security and peace for everyone. He would take on the banking cartel, fed reserve and fed government itself, as a result many US corporations which relied on global scale corruption would collapse and decrease living standard of fat cats in larger cities. He would also have a problem with oil industry and have both ruling political parties as his enemies, pharmaceutical and food industry is his third two headed dragon to slay. He would also have an army of backstabber's and saboteurs in CIA. Sadly I don't think a single man can do that even as potus, since the American problem IS the world problem regardless of how you feel about that. Unfortunately, only when the whole world suffers as one will the whole world learn as one.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:09 AM
You guys sound JUST like Obama supporters. No kidding.
Exactly like Obama supporters.

I would love to give Ron Paul a chance. I kind of hope he runs. It will be real interesting if the GOP puts him up. He might be the one candidate who could beat Obama. I might very well vote for him, depending on what's happening at the time.

The sad part will come after he gets elected and finds out that he has very little to no power in the current set up. Then everyone will be disappointed because he will be unable to make the changes that he campaigned on. People will call him a traitor and liar and demand to see his birth certificate.
Everyone who supported him will become the brunt of jokes and attacks.

Someone said that he always wins Internet Polls. Sadly, that's true. Many people have never heard his name. I also don't believe that the GOP would let him run. He threatens to shake their world up too much.

But I'm going to keep an open mind. You go, Ron!

[edit on 2/21/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by bonaire

Vote anyway. I did in 2008 - for RP for Pres. skipping the other "two" parties. Always vote for who you want - not the lesser of two evils.

That is so true. You can't vote for the lesser of two evils because the two parties are equally evil.
I didn't vote for Ron Paul, he wasn't on the ballot, but also I dismissed him because he was for ending the income tax. I thought, no way, the income tax is essential to running the government. It turns out you don't need it because the income tax we pay only goes to the Fed, or the banksters behind it, to pay the interest on the national debt. It turns out our country's currency is backed, not by gold or silver, but by the national debt which they originally made up out of thin air and loaned to the govt at interest. The debt is considered an asset on their books. Then the banks using fractional reserve system, loan out 900% of that asset. This causes inflation which is another tax that has reduced the value of the dollar to about 4 cents. This was really a win-win move, for the banksters.
Also the Constitutional Amendment that allowed the collection of income tax was never even ratified by the states. The broke the law, they cheated, to establish the income tax, and they have been cheating the American taxpayers big time ever since.
I also didn't support Ron Paul because he was against foreign aid. Foreign aid was so great. It was so wonderful that a rich country like us could help poor third world countries. Turns out that was also a sham. The Fed, or sometimes the IMF, same villains, invent the money out of thin air, adding it to the national debt and give loans to other countries at interest They eventually default on paying interest to the banks and have to be bailed out by the American taxpayers again, maybe several times, but no problem, just add it on the the national debt so the third world countries can keep paying that interest to the banks.
High finance is too lofty for us commoners to understand. Why? because it is based on lies or ignorance. What the public doesn't know is really good for the banks.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:32 AM
Well that is better than some of the idiots that they could have chosen.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:35 AM
I'm so confused on the topic of Ron Paul for president. I know he's the best thing we Americans have going for us, but I also know that if RP wins he's a dead man. Just look at the Kennedy's, and I think Ron Paul represents a lot more change than they ever did. The PTB will kill him "sure as moon shines on a mongoose" and if that happen AHWBL. I hope i'm just looking at the glass half-empty, but I fear my thoughts to be true.

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