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Blueprints in the Crop Circles (The Crop Circle Ship)

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by (C2C)

I agree (c2c) the curiousity and childlikeness is what i love about u

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Perhaps cropcircles are messages from a "rogue" element
within another group. Think of trying to hide your IP
address. Don't want yo get caught giving these humans
information .....

Now you want to convey a message and this is the best
way at your disposal to to send an untraceable message.

Tag the train as it goes by!

There may be very short windows of opportunity and I am
sure there are many other methods of communication being
used. This being one of the most visual.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by AlternateEnding


This is also why we are encouraged to visit ancient stone sites like stonhedge because of the highly concentrated natural occuring energy and magnetic feilds that emitt from these places

[edit on 22-2-2010 by nonconformist]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:41 PM
link I think this is the link to part of what im talking about, im still looking for the rest guys so please be patient with me thanks

[edit on 23-2-2010 by nonconformist]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by nonconformist

I like you, and I can tell that you are also prowling around, anxious and waiting for answers to questions desperately asked.

Terence McKenna spoke also about the flying saucer as a sort of image created by popular culture to refer to something that is too "far out," too extraordinary to be described with plain language. The flying saucer and the alien abduction, he says, are examples of human beings meeting spiritual (not extraterrestrial) aliens; beings that are totally mysterious and unknown to us. These, he says, are not something new; they are our own souls, which we have forgotten about and lost contact with due to our modern self-denying lifestyles.

There is something undeniably alien about the creatures that researchers encounter under the influence of certain narcotic agents. Flying, probing mantid-creatures with a life-denying essence; proboscoid instruments and paraphernalia. There is something deeply un-human about them, that can be best understood by referring to the world of insects.

The machine elves are stranger creatures still. In his lectures, McKenna identifies them as creatures made of living language, constantly creating things out of language, constantly trying to sell these things to you; even give them away, though there is some unknown cost. Language cannot fail to describe the machine elves, because the machine elves are the source of language, and are language itself, inseparable from it.

Consider this in your future research: consciousness, mind itself, is nothing more than language. The machine elves are alien spirits, conscious beings that live in and are language; when we speak with other people, we are exchanging the 'logos' of one language for another: trading the essence of one spirit for another. When a person's body is possessed by a demon, it is like their house being possessed by the bank; this person has taken more from the spirit than they could return, and so have become abject and terrible to serve their master's appetites. One must take care always to feed one's spirits, to consume fresh logos constantly, to 'feed your head' with new ideas and novel experiences, and to conceive of even more vast arenas for one's soul to wander. This is the task set before every person by their demon, their machine elf, their permanent companion made of living language; their own soul. The only way for the body and soul to share in harmonious excellence is to constantly pursue the alien, until it is consumed in rapturous ecstasy, that lasts for ever.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

Thank you for the great post! i will definatley take a look at this stuff deeper and i will continue to research this becuase i think its absolutley fascinating and i belive we can acheive this !

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Heres another good one guys really search through it and

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by (C2C)

Interesting, though i really dunno why i would want to make advanced ships. If I were asked it would really cost a lot of money and time.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by DjSharperimage

Originally posted by SassyCat

Originally posted by DjSharperimage
"Beware of the bearers of false gifts and broken promises

Much pain but there is still time

Believe there is still good out there

We oppose the decievers

Conduit is closing"

Yeah, I always thought that one is obviously man made, but who knows. Besides, I never saw a point in such a message. "We oppose the deceivers" - right, that said I now feel a lot better

Theyre saying they oppose the people who hide UFO's and the truth from us
(for example the Illuminatti or the NWO);
Theyre like truth seekers or truth activists like almost everyone on ATS

I know what "they" are saying, my point was that some fancy worded and illustrated wheat crop saying it opposes deceivers doesn't have to mean some alien galactic federation is coming to save us from ourselves. Don't take me wrong, it's just that I see truth very underestimated by most.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 05:32 AM
Yes, Aliens are sending us plans to make a ship.

We even know when the next set of plans are arriving.

That is why they are already planning tours, conventions and conferences all around 2010 crop circle "alien ship" design specs even before they appear.

Just some of the Business for next year as if the Crop Circles are guaranteed!
Now, do you think they really, really, really need circles to appear. Because I do. Do you think that people will be motivated to make these circles?
Because I do.

But hey, they are plans for a ship. Gotta keep an open min after all.
In wheat.

How do we know the designs are alien?
What alien technology have you compared the Crop Circle designs too in order to verify that it is alien. It could be a human design? That is possible.

There is no evidence of aliens, ever, in the history of crop circles actually making just one crop circle.
So why are we assuming that the designs are alien in nature?
If you have that evidence- now would be the time to show it.
Then we can say that it is possible that aliens have made some circles and that these alien designed circles may have plans in them.

Currently people are assuming aliens are making crop circles, and so, they assume that the designs are alien in nature.

As for the many posters that point out we have to be open minded to the possibilities-
It is possible that all circles are man made. That is possible.
It is possible that we are making complex patterns in wheat.
After all, we we able to create complex vehicles that orbit our planet and we build and plan all sorts of intricate and complex things.

If you look at the progression of complexity, it follows a rather human trend- start out small and simple with a progression in size and complexity.

Are some of you here arguing it is impossible that humans made all the crop circles?
Are you closing your minds to a possibility?
Anyway, as far as possibilities are concerned, please show aliens making them. Is that unreasonable?
I mean, we can argue aliens are making CC's as a possibility, but it is also possible that Jesus' is making them- that is possible!
It could be ghosts- that is possible.
It might be bigfoot- keep an open mind now folks!
It could be satan trying to trick people into believing in aliens! Don't rule it out people! It is possible, and in that I mean it is possible that one can just inject any cause and say that it is possible.

It is also possible that you have all taken flawed studies and the myths spread regarding Crop circles- myths that include node characteristics, electromagnetic fields, complexity of design etc.
It is possible that a dedicated group of "crop circle researchers" have fueled these myths and added to them in order to create a phenomena that now is a rather popular and profitable venture.

Have you entertained these possibilities?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by atlasastro
Yes, Aliens are sending us plans to make a ship.

We even know when the next set of plans are arriving.

Huh?? Gimme a break! ........Ok, never mind. Wake me up when we're done making that ship!
When are the next set of blue prints arriving?

Why the heck can't those aliens just send us a fully assembled space ship instead? Even a SDK (semi knock- down kit) would be dandy! Why do they take all the trouble making blueprints in fields and screwing up all those crops? Those aliens seem to be real dumb!
And we are dumber still to believe all this hokus pokus!

I think you guys have been reading too much sci fi of late!

[edit on 23-2-2010 by OrionHunterX]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 07:47 AM
I was just doing a little research into this;

and applying microwaves to magnets just heats them up;
and also makes them lose their polarity;

maybe the rays are supposed to be electricity instead of microwaves;
to make the magnets inside the "water sphere" spin;
which would probably create more electricity;

then i could see each ball around the electrically charged center water sphere in a triangle shape having magnets inside them;
and the magnets inside each of the outer spheres could be activated or deactivated to travel in the direction you want to go;

kind of like this

the design of this engine also looks similar to the design of the TR3B UFO;
with the center "Water Sphere" surrounded by 3 outer spheres
animated demo

additional info

[edit on 23-2-2010 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

If it were powered by electricity, then magnets wouldn't even be necessary for the watersphere.

Electricity could jump-start electrolytic activity in the sphere, separating hydrogen from oxygen and thus stimulating motion inside the sphere as these gases move apart.

Bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen could be directed by the shape of the sphere in such a way that they move in a regular cyclical pattern around the 'magnetic rings'. During each rotation, there would be a greater number of free hydrogen and oxygen atoms, such that the bubbles grow larger and the pneumatic force in the rings grows.

This pneuma could shift around water which is rich is tiny iron (and silicate?) spherules, like the ones which have been found at crop circle and other UFO-related sites. As the bubbles in the rings grow, the amount of water will decrease and iron spherules in the remaining water will be more and more densely packed. Moreover, they could be electrically charged by the surrounding water and gradually become magnetized due to their rotation.

If magnetized rings of 'spherulated water' could be pumped in opposing directions and nested inside one another, then MAYBE the difference of forces could nullify local gravity?

EDIT: Just finished that second video, and was surprised to see that this Astra thing is supposed to do bascally what I just said here!

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SmedleyBurlap]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by (C2C)
reply to post by dereks

Do you really think they are all man made? What has proven to that to you? Some of them are man made forsure, but that does not mean all of them are! There is so much we do not understand, they could be caused by some sort of frequency hitting the earth, it could even be a frequency of our minds that gets reflected back onto the earth, in which case you would be right in saying that they're man made! lol. I'm just saying that there is so many posibilities, and that you should keep an open mind.

Yes, they are all man made. There has never been any proof other than some drunk hillbillies with too much time on their hands. And the part about a frequency of our minds.....are you kidding me????

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

Awesome post keep the good research coming, im reading into this stiuff as well ,p.s. i also like your signature its from Gahndi right?

[edit on 23-2-2010 by nonconformist]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

Perhaps they are not "alien" made some of us had this theory that maybe "aliens" are us from the future after our transmution in 2012.? just a thought

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:23 AM
[edit on 24-2-2010 by Universal Light]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:23 AM
[edit on 24-2-2010 by Universal Light]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
reply to post by Universal Light

What you describe (re: burning images onto quantum fields) sounds to me like chaos magic. In chaos magic, there is a deep-seated belief that consciousness can influence the world around itself without any physical interaction. This is achieved by creating 'sigils' and focusing one's willpower upon it. Details here:

This type of psychic phenomenon is said by Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary to occur at the 'seventh circuit' in their eight-circuit model of consciousness. This is the 'neuroelectric' or 'neurogenetic' level of consciousness (depending on whose system you use). The neuroelectric circuit involves self-reflective consciousness and telepathic activities. Details here:

Now, I am not sure what 'third density' means, but Leary says that spoken language occurs at the Third Circuit of consciousness and that the higher circuits are uncommon and advanced types of intellectual activity.

It seems obvious to me that most interesting crop circles are not made with boards (honestly, how can ANY skeptic believe that modern men would use boards on rope instead of automated machinery?). It is also obvious that they are intelligently created, and that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial interference.

Some people in this thread have claimed that UFOs were spotted creating some crop circles, but this does not indicate ETs at work. A water-driven flying machine could easily have been developed by the military, even without ET assistance. What do you think nuclear physicists have been working on for fifty years? Slightly more efficient power plants and bombs? They have been working on highly advanced projects of their own interests, which the military establishment (this IS a police state after all, it is safe to assume that the military gets first dibs on everything) uses to their own advantage. These projects and inventions don't ever need to be released to the public, especially since free energy would ruin a consumer-based economy.

Let's assume that UFOs did create these circles, and DID embed blueprints in them. There was no room in the blueprint on this website for a cockpit! How could anyone sit in such a thing? Any such device would have to be a drone, a self-piloted machine.

Let's go a step further; the Large Tetrahedron Structure on crop circle ship wiki may be only one part. Like the Octahedron at its core, the LTS may be mirrored by another LTS on its underside. Because both of these LTS would generate energy moving in a clockwise (for example) direction, having one LTS inverted and positioned beneath the other would create a vortex of opposing forces where the bases of the pyramids meet (the 'electrical structures' are likely these very same oppositional forces). By containing this Large Octahedral Structure in a larger sphere (like the bulge in a flying saucer, for example), an inhabitable vehicle can be built around the whole anti-gravity device. I suggest that the 'dolphinograms' on ccswiki are representations of flying saucers which follow this design.

Now, I think that it is plausible that these crop circles do contain a blueprint for a flying machine (I may do a diagram of dolphinograms later on to further illustrate my point). I think that such a machine is not ET in origin, but was designed and built by human beings. I think that UFO sightings at crop circle formations are evidence that these man-made vehicles create the circles. I think that the process by which the circles are created, the reason that they are circular, is the electrical excitation of the crop caused by the vehicle's anti-gravity/vortex field. But why are the circles apparent works of intelligence?

The UFO core is telepathically influenced by seventh-circuit intelligences as a form of directional control. Pilots on '___'!

Yes I can see how you believe that. I have done work with sigils but IMO there is a very different way they are achieved. Sigils to me are different than a "crop circle" symbol. I am well versed in Grant's work.....this is different however.

The third density is where you currently exist. Most refer to it as the third dimension.

I understand your interpretation of the military technology however this goes way beyond third density/dimensional understanding. There is higher density technology at play on this planet and there has been for tens of thousands of years. Free energy itself has been supressed by the higher STS forces. Most cannot fathom the true capabilities of existence.

Why are the circles apparant signs of intelligence? Only one's heart can answer that. Good luck in your quest my friend.


[edit on 24-2-2010 by Universal Light]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

I understand what your saying and to be honest, it is a well thought out postulate. What I am saying is from a sixth density perspective, so much more is possible than from a technological standpoint, anything is achieveable. This is not done linearly, it's performed all-encompassingly.


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