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Blueprints in the Crop Circles (The Crop Circle Ship)

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Son of Will

Interesting theory. Hydrogen, oxygen, microwaves, magnetic fields, a structure. Not sure how you get a spaceship from that, but the idea of a blueprint has some merit. If someone wanted to give us a blueprint, they would obviously make the diagrams highly redundant, which seems to be the case here. I forwarded this link to a retired nuclear physicist who designed plutonium based nuclear reactors in the 70s for his opinion. Seems more like a design for producing hydrogen cheaply to me, which might be useful. If he thinks it has some merit, will post on here.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Deny Arrogance

i think it could be something like that, good comment. for example you human would give to monkey some blueprints to build space ship just because you not think that this will happen over night, and when its happens you know that monkey have evolved, but the thing with us humans is that we having wars all bad stuff, so how can we have space ships, when we are so dangerous. no one would like to give us such a thing, that's why agree with this comment.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by j_kalin
reply to post by Son of Will

Interesting theory. Hydrogen, oxygen, microwaves, magnetic fields, a structure. Not sure how you get a spaceship from that, but the idea of a blueprint has some merit. If someone wanted to give us a blueprint, they would obviously make the diagrams highly redundant, which seems to be the case here. I forwarded this link to a retired nuclear physicist who designed plutonium based nuclear reactors in the 70s for his opinion. Seems more like a design for producing hydrogen cheaply to me, which might be useful. If he thinks it has some merit, will post on here.

I think the interpretation of what it is is contrived, as well, but I am convinced that some device is being illustrated. I too think it suggests ways of extracting energy.

Looking forward to the physicist's opinion!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:33 AM
I've only been a member of ATS for a short while and this is only my third reply to a thread but after watching the video and reading these post, I felt compelled to respond. In 1990 I watched Richard C. Hoaglands' "The NASA - Cydonia Briefings" which blew me away. If you've never seen them, you should.
Hoagland reported that they had made significant discoveries with regards to tetrahedral geometry and it's relation to energy in the universe.
Since that time I have watched and read everything I could get my hands on regarding the subject. It is my belief that crop circles are intended to teach us about the fundamental geometric structure of the vacuum of the universe. Understanding this structure is key to harnessing the unlimited universal energy source known as "Dark Energy" or "Zero Point Energy."
A while back, while reading an ATS thread, I stumbled upon a link to an 8hr. lecture given by Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library, which by the way, is another "must see video" for anyone seeking an explanation as to why this geometry continues to show up in crop circles and other earth monuments throughout history. I should note that there is a recorded history of crop circles dating back not just a few years, but thousands of years.
Nassim Haramein was awarded the "Best Paper Award" in Belgium during the CASYS '09 conference for his paper on "The Schwarzschild Proton." He has since produced a new video called "Crossing The Event Horizon" which is a shorter 6hr version of the Rogue Valley lecture but it must be purchased to be viewed. The Rogue Valley lecture can be seen for free on google video. He is continually publishing new insights to his work and IMO he may have discovered the true solution for Einstein's unified theory. In his lecture, Nassim explains the fractal nature of the universe and it's energy density. He also explains the correlation between his work and crop circles, the ancient monuments of the earth, and even religion in it's various forms.
I would have to say that the Rogue Valley lecture has probably been the best 8hrs. I've spent on the internet since I purchased my first computer.
My guess is that crop circles may indeed contain blueprints for a space vehicle, in that once we understand the structure of the space vacuum, we can harness it's unlimited potential of zero point energy and achieve anti gravity which are tied together, hand in hand along with the power of creation itself. I may sound crazy, but if you take the time to look up and watch the lectures I've spoken of, it won't sound so off the wall.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by (C2C)

Sounds a bit like the script for the movie CONTACT dont you think instructions to build a ship in a signal.

But please give a good reason a REAL good reason why they think bending grass is the best way to contatc us

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

So give us something to look at....

The only evidence I've seen is the board method. and those break the stems as they are folded over.

Some crop circles have no broken stems rather a notch in the stem

Some are man made i don't deny would be ignorant....but some just don't make sense

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
But please give a good reason a REAL good reason why they think bending grass is the best way to contatc us

I'll give this a go... As Nassim Haramein suggests, maybe the LAST people they want to contact is any government. Maybe they want to contact humanity. Maybe they are "sneaking" messages to us in a way that cannot be subverted, censored, or distorted. This would surely explain all the aerial interest by military and "black" craft...

Maybe they have coded the info so that we become intrigued and expend effort to understand, so we don't just chuckle and laugh it off. So we will remember. Maybe the effort to grasp what is being communicated, in itself, creates a higher "attunement."

If they had all this in mind, I can't think of any better choice. What would you suggest?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

The real good reason would be that it dosent interfear with people's free will! People can either choose to belive it or dismiss it, and continue to live in their own little worlds

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:47 PM
You know what i knew i was studying anti gravity propulsion a few years ago for a reason, i have done some exstentivse reseaerch on viktor schauberger's work and i think you are on to something here (c2c) it is absolutley plausble and 100% possible to build a working device of this nature, i founds a ton of good links and ill send u another one if you dont have it already i even found one with the list of materiasl we would need!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:58 PM
signs are everiwhere , knowledge is everiwhere , its up to us if we can see it grasp it use it or not. develope the state of consciopusness - and all problems qestions solved

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:58 PM
I erm, have a mixed opinion on crop circles, I don't think they're all man made, but I also don't know what else could be behind them

But, the idea that crop circles are parts of a schematic to building an "advanced Space ship" just sound a little TOOO Far out there for my tastes.

Sounds to much like the film Contact, where bits of the message, when put together in 3D, made up a 3D technical drawing of that machine.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by (C2C)
I found this to be a pretty awsome video. It shows how some crop circles are actually pieces of a blueprint that shows how to build an advanced ship! I am tempted to try and build one of these. A water spear seems to be the source of power for the ship! I know water is very special and I don't doubt that water would play a big role in powering it. I'm curious to know what you think about this :p

Yeah why not give it a shot. I like being creative, il watch the video buy some materials tomorrow as i'm in that creative mood and give it a blast of life.

A word that a advanced ship would consists of elemet 114 and other unknown materials that can withstand stupid temperature's and then you gotta think there advanced ships would not nesessarily be of 3 dimensional form as i believe their advanced ships would be of spiritual formation otherwise how else would they leave our 3rd dimensional solar system.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Has anybody ever considered crop circles to be of an ancient language with the symbols representing words to us?

Il have to ask about that one! That'll explain all those dream i had of symbols that i drew down and yeah il have to look into that one

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Great thinking. I been looking on and off for the source language. I heard a story awhile back where someone discovered ruins that had what could be the original language on the ruins, and the government came in and bulldozed it all. It may even be a spoken language where the words create things out of the aether. Crop circles could be a form of language!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:02 PM
Crop circles are the language of the angels. The symbols are of sixth density nature.

They are placed here by thought-wave projection into a holographic insert (this existence is holographic).

They contain the codes to the planet, to you, to everything.

Now someone will say I'm crazy, delusional, and I need meds. No matter what they say, this is the truth.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
Crop circles are the language of the angels. The symbols are of sixth density nature.

They are placed here by thought-wave projection into a holographic insert (this existence is holographic).

They contain the codes to the planet, to you, to everything.

Now someone will say I'm crazy, delusional, and I need meds. No matter what they say, this is the truth.

Might we inquire as to how this information came to you? Seriously, I am intrigued and curious.

It seems quite plausible.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
Crop circles are the language of the angels. The symbols are of sixth density nature.

They are placed here by thought-wave projection into a holographic insert (this existence is holographic).

They contain the codes to the planet, to you, to everything.

Now someone will say I'm crazy, delusional, and I need meds. No matter what they say, this is the truth.

Yay, thankyou now I can sleep on it and astral travel.
Sixth dimension that will be a good one to travel too!

You have just made my task easier, thankyou.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

Your not crazy at all :p Your very bright. What you say makes alot of sense. I would also like to know how this information came to you.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by (C2C)]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Universal Light
Crop circles are the language of the angels. The symbols are of sixth density nature.

They are placed here by thought-wave projection into a holographic insert (this existence is holographic).

They contain the codes to the planet, to you, to everything.

Now someone will say I'm crazy, delusional, and I need meds. No matter what they say, this is the truth.

Might we inquire as to how this information came to you? Seriously, I am intrigued and curious.

It seems quite plausible.

I do not know if its for everybody but you do occasionally tune in with higher density beings whether its through meditation, astral travelling such as myself or many other ways as for saying they could be one of them in human form but of higher density in the spiritual form - lets just say their here for a visit to help us to become more aware of the unknown.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:48 PM
man i'd hate to end up in some kind of advanced trap just because we built a space ship and had to joyfully hop about space.. right into the hands of a race that had devoted its entire evolution towards providing us with clues as to how to make ourselves space traveling foods sources.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by thaknobodi]

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