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Tiger Woods public humiliation

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:48 PM
I just watched Tiger Woods on Television making a public apology to a select audience of friends and family and of course, the media.
I don't know who looked more uncomfortable, Tiger or the audience.
My Wife believes that Tigers confession is a part of the Therapy that he is undergoing, I think that such a humiliation is only helpful to the sharks in the media.
Personally, I believe that Tigers public wearing of Sack cloth and ashes is in order to restart those all important lucrative endorsements, which is not very nice.
In todays society, in order for a sports star to perform and get paid for it, he must publicly confess and apologize to the public for private matters, to which the public have no right to be privy.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Well, I gotta be honest. I couldn't care less about Tiger and his personal problems. Not my business and I don't want to know. It's a little annoying to me that in today's society celebraties have their every move watched by so many people. Why? I don't know.

The dude is really good at golf. Good for him. All the other BS... not interested.

Not a go at you OP, not in the slightest.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Part of me believes he should never have done this, for what occured was part of his PRIVATE LIFE. He doesn't owe us such apologies...

Only his family.

He is paid to drive a ball, which he does better than anyone else, and that's all he should be required to do....

BUT... On the other hand, he is/was a spokesperson, endorsers, model and the entire face of many many many many products/services. So, when he went into Hiatus and this "scandal" broke out.......... Companies lost MILLIONS.. and for that, a public speech is in order.

What do you guys think/

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Chonx

No mate, I know your not having a go

and I agree that with you 100%.

Tigers apology just came on the ITN news at 6 here in the UK and with all the other stuff in teh world, I was just disgusted that ITN decided to make Tiger its main news story.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:02 PM
man didn't cheat on me or with my wife...what do I care?

What upsets me is that this news get's top billing. From day one it was story 1 while the 4 cops who were murdered were bumped down a notch.

one of the reasons I don't watch...ANY news for that matter

I come here and learn the things I want since ATS membership does so well in presenting the raw data. Then I sift through and determine my opinions


posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by dalek

Man, that's what annoyed me in the first place about this. The fact that it is all over the MSM like it's the most important thing going on in the world. it's pathetic.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

BUT... On the other hand, he is/was a spokesperson, endorsers, model and the entire face of many many many many products/services. So, when he went into Hiatus and this "scandal" broke out.......... Companies lost MILLIONS.. and for that, a public speech is in order.

What do you guys think/

Thats the thing though, why did he loose those endorsements? and why did he have to make a public apology?

Personally, when I buy a brand of Razor, I buy it because I have used it before and it has consistently worked to a high quality.
When I buy shorts or trainer shoes I do so because of the same reasons!
I would never think, hang on, this product is endorsed by fantastic golfer that cant keep it in his pants lol

Its moral window dressing because he was caught.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:11 PM
Our local broadcast broke in for a "Special Report"..We were thinking it was going to be an announcement from Obama, or some new information about the plane crash in Austin. I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be a forced, prescript-ed apology from Tiger Woods. Disgusting really.
♫♫♪ This just in....Watch as this family enjoys their morning bowl of Fruit Loops ♪♫♫


posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:12 PM
I couldn't give a rat's ass what he did in his private life, the only people he should be apologizing to are his wife and kids foremost, and possibly any close work staff this has affected.

Other than that, it's no-one's business, and certainly not worthy of the kind of airtime the president gets.

If we had this drama every time a celeb was mesing around behind his/her's back, we'd have 24/7 apologies.


posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:17 PM
I could give a rat's arse about what Mr. Tiger Woods does on his own time. Why on Earth does the world need a public apology?

I couldn't even bare to watch the 3 ring circus that include done of his girlfriends.

What a waste of air time

ETA. CX and I said almost the same thing

[edit on February 19th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:19 PM
"everybody gets knocked down, how quickly are you gonna get up?" *

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by dalek

I agree with Chonx....It really doesn't concern me. It's his life, his mistakes, and his issues to deal with. HOWEVER, the public as a whole feels like they own him, because they have created his life. If it weren't for the fans, the games, the media, the money, and "his people", he wouldn't be on TV at all. He was suppose to be a role model, and as such, there are a lot of people upset that he didn't live up to the task he knew he had.

I watched his statement today, and if were to give my two cents, it would be this....

The words were all there, to some extent, but the emotion was not. Words without intent means nothing. I can't imagine being in his shoes, having had my life completely stripped naked in front of the world, and not feel some sense of deep emotion when I finally humbled myself enough to admit my wrongs.

I think he's right when he says he's got a lot of atoning to do, and perhaps this is step 1 in his treatment. I have a feeling, if he REALLY is serious about his behavioral changes, we'll see more emotion from him later on.....a little more humility, but I don't think he's quite there yet. The man is broken and has all but lost everything in his can't tell me it hasn't brought him to tears on more than one occasion, if no other reason than simply due to deep remorse. I was looking for that today and didn't see it. So, who knows. He didn't create this behavior overnight, and it won't change the core of who he is overnight either. As his wife said, his actions will speak louder than words.

It is sad to me, however, that he didn't offer apologies to the other women. Granted, they all knew what they were doing, and should also take the opportunity to make amends and ask forgiveness. But I still thought Tiger should have offered apologies to these other women for HIS actions with them. The other women need to get the heck out of the spotlight. In private, however, I think he needs to approach each of them individually and ask forgiveness, and that's not for any of us to witness.

But again....those are just my two cents, and it really doesn't concern me. My life goes on whether or not Tiger is "up to par" or not!
I do hope, for the sake of his family, that the media butts out and he is able to make things right. Good comebacks are always better than the fall!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:23 PM
Thanks for this thread!
I like to watch my directv news mix, its a screen with 8 news chanels, and you highlight wich one you want to listen to while you can see what is happening on the other seven at the same time. There is so much real news out there, but I can't see any of it, because for the last two hours it has all been tigers appology.
Arent' there nuclear issues in Iran, trade confrontations with China, and crazy's flying planes into federal buildings...
What about news. If I want sports info, I'll tune to ESPN not CNN!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:24 PM
Having watched many "apologies" by others such as Bill Clinton, and Kobe bryant (to name a few), I actually thought that he was sincere. I am not a fan of his, I think golf is a boring sport, and couldn't care less if he can hit a good tee shot or not. I thought the man was sincere. I do agree that the apology was probably part of his therapy, and I also agree that his real apology needs to be to his wife, kids, and family. But he played it straight and took all the blame. He did not deflect any of the responsibility to anyone else. I loved the fact that he hit on the "I am an ultra rich superstar and felt entitled" bit.
Way to man up Tiger. Now make amends to your wife, try to work it out, and get on with your life.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:27 PM
They report on such useless "news" because it's what the majority of the population wants.

Instead of "Oh wow I can't believe we killed 20 civilians in Afghanistan yesterday, we should really end the war."


"Oh my god like Tiger Woods should be so ashamed. Wow what a bad person. I wonder if he's wife is angry...yada yada yada I'm a really stupid person.."

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Lets face it - he's an over paid sportsman.

End of Story in my book.

Nick Faldo (another masters winner) committed adultery as well - but it was a here today gone tomorrow story in the UK press.

I think its America's obsession with the cult of celebrity on trial here - not some silly golfer with more money than sense (or a failing marriage and enough willing partners who want to cash in)

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:34 PM
It's damage control advised by his handlers to keep the money train rolling. Wait for it, the next thing will be an interview with Oprah or Barbara Walters.

"Tigah, if you wewe a twee, what kind of twee would you be?"

Now if he'd answer, "Thank you fow asking, Babwa. I would be a wedwood, because thewe stwong and wesilient." That would be worth watching.

He loses his endorsements because sponsors, especially Tiger's, are paying for a particular image. That image has been damaged, ergo, is no longer as valuable to the sponsors.

It only matters if you pay attention to it.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:39 PM
What he did was wrong. No doubt about it. But I feel that I or anyone else shouldn't be made aware of what he does in his private life. It's his and his wife's business only. This public apology stuff is BS. Do you really feel he was suddenly compelled to give us an apology and explanation for what happened?? Somebody wrote that apology for him and he was pushed into it from any of his endorsements or possibly it was a therapy thing as well.

Either way, I could care less what hole he's sticking his club in...just get back on the course and do what you do best.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I thought his apology was sincere, but only time will tell.

Why did he apologise? Did he have to? Was it all part of the plot to rebuild his lucrative career?

My opinion - no. He is a guy who has plenty of money and whether he apologised or not will gain lucrative sponsorship because golf genuinely needs him (at the moment). I think one of the main reasons he apologised was one of the reasons he mentioned - apologising to the kids who admire him. Thats a noble thing to do.

When I take my son to golf lessons it was always Tiger who the teachers and the other kids talked about. He knows that - and knows that doing what he done (although its his private life) affects many kids (and parents). I think its a good thing for him to take responsibility, do something that would have been very uncomfortable (I would not like to do it) and say sorry, I really cocked up. Unless you move in golf circles / play golf with some following of the players then it will all seem a bit stupid, boring, 'so what' etc. He's addressing the people who really did look up to him.

As I said though, time will tell. for now, I'll take his word and give him a break.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by yeahright

It only matters if you pay attention to it.

True .. yet someone wants it to matter:


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