posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by jokei
What would you like a source on? That the labels are a popularized fad? It only takes a certain google search to find out that this topic is HOT and
not everyone is agreeable on the 'traits'. Perhaps that is because spirituality doesn't make someone's personality. One would not need a source
for this only a little bit of education in biology and psychology-or perhaps nature/nurture to understand how traits develope in children. Lee Caroll
May have started the Indigo fad, though it wasn't a new concept-Merely a new label. There were also Rainbow Children, prophecized by the indiginous
people of America-Thought to be child 'warriors'. Same concept as Indigoes who are also said to be warriors. The newer books just seem to add more
personality traits, which you can feel free to buy into or not-I do not concidering everyone is different. I am not well educated on the rainbow
prophecy, but I believe in was by a woman in a triber, perhaps google will have more information. As for why are certain traits bogus? Well, do you
really honestly feel that every spiritual being on this Earth can fit neatly into one or two different boxes set out for them? Should we really be
saying that a list of traits is the sole characteristics that the new children will have? Wil everyone with those list of traits be spiritually
advanced? I don't think so, it is only through common sense for me to come to this conclusion that everyone is different-with different traits.
Who is little L Ron Hubbard ? and Why would spiritual progress cost you anything? Everyone goes through life lessons, dealing with obstacles and
overcoming problems-We are all on our own journey and each time we accomplish something good- Perhaps for your own understanding or for that of
another-you progress.I suppose that only costs you whatever it takes for you to live and survive in this world right? Some people take an entire
lifetime to understand their own self and purpose while many now are being born 'knowing'. I see no reason to label them as special just because
they chose to remember. Keep in mind I am of the belief system that says we choose our path and life before birth-reincarnation theories. So if one
person chooses to go through certain experiences not knowing about spirits or astral travel or mapthic abilities, while another souls says that they
need to come to Earth with all their memories intact for a certain life-It really doesn't make one more special than the other. It is just different.
I do not personally feel psychic children are more special than the artist or the dancer-They are just different paths. It doesn't dictate who is
higher in energy vibration. We can all progress on this Earth and change our energy vibrations as we go.
"There's a lot of people who don't concentrate on money or materials that don't claim to be "special"." This has been my very point in all this
discussion. That there is no reason to believe the traits in these books- that say that all these spiritually aware people feel 'special'-That is
untrue. We know using our common sense that there are many spiritually aware people out there tha have their own set of traits and personalities.There
are many psychics out there who are afraid of what they can do and actually think lower of themselves. That is what I am saying-That everyone is
different and to label people and throw them into a certain box is not going to work.
"Why not? I'm willing to go out on a limb and judge purpose. " You can certainly attempt to walk by random people and think you understand their
life , soul, and energy, or that you know their purpose-but I feel that would be merely an opinion and not very fruitful unless you are speaking of he
law and acts of horror-Bt I am speaking of the average joe. Each incarnation here we will play a different part..Sometimes we will be sick and suffer
in this way, maybe other times we will be psychic and be insulted for our beliefs, other times we will be mentally ill and have no place to go so are
homeless, but all the lifetimes placed together to help our progress and our own purpose would be hard to judge at a glance. A glance can even be one
lifetime..heh. It is your right and freedom to have opinions on people. I will not say that it isn't your right. I just do not feel it necessary. I
have seen many threads where I have witnesses one poster say to another that they must be of a lower energy or no soul at all if they do not follow a
certain belief system. To me, that is judging purpose....and it is really sad to think that of people for their differences.
To SUM up my beliefs: I do not buy into labels or fads. I believe EVERY person can obtain spiritual awareness and that certain traits do NOT mean
someone is spiritual/ psychically aware or not. Many people want to help humanity who do not fit neatly into the boxes
[edit on 19-2-2010 by Zerra]
[edit on 19-2-2010 by Zerra]