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Canada, you're going to the polls.

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posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 03:49 PM
sorry democracy is a sham and anyone who thinks that trusting someone you don't know to make decisions for you that effect every day of your life
has no idea what freedom truly is.

I won't be voting because i won't be a part of the sham of democracy.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Don't think that voting for the NDP is throwing your vote away. We are on the brink of another glorious era as the NDP as the swing vote in Ottawa. If you really insist on throwing your vote away vote for Green, Marxist-Leninist, Christian or Marijuana cuz these parties will never have sway like the NDP does.

BTW Last poll I saw put the Liberals at 37 % Conservative 31 % and the NDP 25 %!!! (Poll was covered on CBC Newsworld) Too bad these numbers weren't more solid though because half of all respondants said they might change their vote before the election. Either way if the Libs or Con-Men get a Minority Gov't the NDP will be the swing vote and that mean Layton has arguably as much power as the Bloc Quebecois.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 05:31 PM
BTW Last poll I saw put the Liberals at 37 % Conservative 31 % and the NDP 25 %!!! (Poll was covered on CBC Newsworld) Too bad these numbers weren't more solid though because half of all respondants said they might change their vote before the election.

Ya, a Poll I was looking at this morning really shows the NDP moving up, and quite well. They have a chance of doing quite well. Like you mentioned, many view voting the NDP as throwing away their vote. I believe Intrepid asked earlier in this thread how the NDP would fair if people actually voted for them, rather than voting strategically. I think they'd do amazingly well.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by parrhesia

BTW Last poll I saw put the Liberals at 37 % Conservative 31 % and the NDP 25 %!!! (Poll was covered on CBC Newsworld) Too bad these numbers weren't more solid though because half of all respondants said they might change their vote before the election.

Ya, a Poll I was looking at this morning really shows the NDP moving up, and quite well. They have a chance of doing quite well. Like you mentioned, many view voting the NDP as throwing away their vote. I believe Intrepid asked earlier in this thread how the NDP would fair if people actually voted for them, rather than voting strategically. I think they'd do amazingly well.

Was that an Ipsos Reid Poll or was that the "trend" poll that they said average out results from the 3 previous days?

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 09:52 PM
I am so very happy that Harper put his foot in his mouth by not disavowing the attack on Paul Martin and Jack Layton as "defenders of child pornography". I was hoping something would hurt him.

It's bad enough that as a Canadian, I would be ashamed of having a replica of Dubya as my Prime Minister... As a Canadian working in the cultural sector and as a French Canadian, I would feel genuinely threatened by a Tory government... worst case scenario a majority one. The Conservative platform contains a plan to curb the Canadian content policies of the CRTC (for the Americans on this board - CRTC is the equivalent of the FCC), therefore allowing more American content to be played on radio and on TV and weakening the Canadian music and TV industry.

As for the Official Languages Act... Harper has already said he would repeal Air Canada's obligation to provide services in both languages... and he questioned funding for minority French-language communities across the country...

So the bottom line is... the Conservatives at their worst would rob Canada of everything that makes it culturally different from the United States.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Otts
So the bottom line is... the Conservatives at their worst would rob Canada of everything that makes it culturally different from the United States.

Just finishing off the job started by the last Con. PM, Mulroney. He irrevocably linked our economy with the States. BTW, ask your parents who Tommy Hunter is. I thought he was lame at the time, now I miss him.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 07:41 AM

"OTTAWA - Canadians have poured into advance polling stations compared to last election, with Elections Canada recording a 60 per cent increase in the number of voters casting their ballots.
Around 1.244 million people voted in the advance polls Friday, Saturday and Monday, Elections Canada reported.
In the 2000 federal election, 775,000 voted in advance. "

And this is just the advance voting...

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 10:32 AM
unfortunatly this year (as other years..) - pickings are slim

Their are four politicians who want to lead:

- one who doesn't even have a clue when elections are going on

Canada's Martin Still Can't Get Election Date Right

"When Martin officially announced last month that the federal election would be on June 28, he got the date wrong twice. And when he addressed a rally of the ruling Liberal Party on Monday night, he made another mistake. "

- a Nazi-like wannabe who's only interested in his own province and language and who's agenda includes breaking up Canada....

- and 2 characterless auto salesmen who are trying to sell u a lemon....

tough choices stoned as they are the green party keeps on looking more and more attractive - it's definatly a step above the rest......

just my 2 cents......

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:10 AM
A lot of what you say is true Quad, unfortunately your 2 cents are only worth a half-penny after taxes.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
A lot of what you say is true Quad, unfortunately your 2 cents are only worth a half-penny after taxes.

so true intrepid...

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Otts
I am so very happy that Harper put his foot in his mouth by not disavowing the attack on Paul Martin and Jack Layton as "defenders of child pornography". I was hoping something would hurt him.

That was just ridiculous, really. You could see what he was aiming for clearly, but in the end, it just makes him look stupid.

As for the Official Languages Act... Harper has already said he would repeal Air Canada's obligation to provide services in both languages... and he questioned funding for minority French-language communities across the country...

Wasn't the deal with that that they weren't eliminating the obligation to provide service in both languages, but that Air Canada is obligated to have a higher percentage of employees with both language skills, or something along those lines, and that they were going to equal it out? I could be wrong.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:37 AM
I really hope Canada doesn't turn into a mini-America or a Bush puppet government. I was planning on moving there some day.

From what I've learned, I'd most likely vote for the NDP if I was a Canadian. I have a couple of Canadian friends who are going to vote for them.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by quadricle

- a Nazi-like wannabe who's only interested in his own province and language and who's agenda includes breaking up Canada....

You talking about Harper or Duceppe?

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by parrhesia
You talking about Harper or Duceppe?

I think it would be Harper, wouldn't Duceppe be personified by Napoleon?

[edit on 23-6-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:19 PM
true enough, Intrepid.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:33 PM
Everyone is so right! Unfortunately we don't have a candidate that just stands out as a great person with Canada at the forefront of their hearts. We unfortunately have to choose between the lesser of 3 evils.

IMO the NDP scares the hell out of me. Just ask most BC residents how well the NDP performed during it's reign out here. $450 million for 3 fastcat ferries that didn't even work right. Nice half-billion dollar debt for us. They had so many other fiscal fiascos.

Harper scare the crap out of me. His hole plan is contingent on the Canadian economy to perform as it is or better. That's a huge gamble with the nation's finances, what happens if there is another terrorist attack in the States, more attacks in Saudi Arabia. The economy will tank for a while.

At least the Liberal plan is modest, affordable and will hopefully get the things accomplished that it was suppose to. The fact that the increases can be paid with planned surpluses gives the Libs some good credibility. A lot will say that the Libs destroyed this country. However our finances have never been in better shape. I feel that they made changes that were very unpopular under Chretien but were necessary to get us out of deficit spending.

Oh ya and Harper wants to give another $4 billion in tax breaks to corporations. Why doesn't he try and actually collect their share of the tax burden instead of yet again making the taxpayers pick up the bill for campaign promises to business chronies.

Vote how you want to, but please make it an informed one. Do your research. May GOD have mercy on our souls

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:40 PM
How much did the Gun Registry and the sponsorship scandal alone cost us? And where did the money really go? Liberals? I don't know.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by parrhesia

You talking about Harper or Duceppe?

heh.... particular Duceppe

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 05:53 PM
My votes going to be Conservative either way. I saw the debates on CTV, and Harper just took over. Martin didn't answer the questions from the bloc-quebec leader. The Bloc Leader repeatedly asked Martin, and was ignored over and over. Layton, on tv, was more of a string puppet than a political figure; who, describes himself as a tough cookie. The reason I'm going with Harper, is that he's not afraid to hide from the issues. He knows what he wants. Harper openly admits to supporting NAFTA; Layton sees it as downsizing. Which is (c) on the part of Layton since the Nafta agreement would bring jobs into Canada. I like the bloc leader to but his accent just doesn't give him what it takes to be a political figure. A lot of people here seem to forget that Martin's Liberals cost the country billions of dollars on the ad scandal alone. Harper has a view to change Canada, Martin doesn't know what that view is and says that the figures don't add up. Harper says that he checked it with a series of chartered accountants, yet Martin still plays the ignorant SOB that he is. GO CONSERVATIVES...
Harper --- perfect speech, flawless in communicating his ideas. Layton and the bloc leader praised him for being so open in his views about how to change Canada.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 06:24 PM
have you forgotten Mulronys Billions of wasted $$$?? When Kim Campbell finally took over after he bailed out she revealed a 40 B $ Budget Deficit. Have you also forgot Mike Harris/Earnie Eves? These were by far the worst polititions any Canadian has elected to office and guess what Haper is gonna be the same 'old BS.

Anyone who decides on who to vote for by watching a televised debate and not voting for what they believe, not vote for the best Talker cuz we have had 20 years of good talker. We need a leader the can Walk and Talk not one or the other...

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