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Canada, you're going to the polls.

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posted on May, 29 2004 @ 11:07 PM
We have an election next month. What are we going to do? We have the choice between the powers that be, Martin's Liberals, that he inherited from Cretien, the Tories, Harper who has said little and Layton's NDP who want to up the health care but doesn't say how. Martin has said that he will not cut taxes to comprimise programs. The others have not said how they will do what they want. My question is, is it better, a devil you know, or one you don't? Canadians, let me know what you think.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:11 AM
Wow, I didn't think that the appathy that Canadians feel about politics had stooped so low. Or was it that I posted late at night. I really would like to know what Canadians think about this election.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:17 AM
My lack of posting is not apathy... I simply don't want to post my political preferences and start a huge flame war. Now that's a fundamental part of the Canadian identity

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:20 AM
I've never been a fan of the Liberals and with Martin there, and McGuinty so wonderfully (sarcasm) governing the province of Ontario, I hate them even more.

Realistically, I don't think the NDP have much of a chance, They're still a very small party; I do think they can grab quite a few more seats this year if discontent with the Liberals holds up, in Ontario, especially.

Harper wants to make Canadas taxes the lowest in the world, huh. That would be a.. uh.. feat. Considering the amoung of taxation we have a present. It's totally opposite ends of the spectrum, one end cutting taxes, with the other side wanting to tax us more. The last few days I haven't really been keeping up with Politics, I'm still mulling over it all. All I know is that the Liberals won't be getting my vote once again.


posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:22 AM
I love our goverment. Tell me another goverment where they argue about whats best for their people, then actually and truely move foward with it. We are the best country by far!

NDP 4 the win!

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:24 AM
Do you think that if all the people that would vote NDP, if they "didn't think they were wasting their vote", that Layton would have a chance? After all, this is what has kept the big 2 parties in power for so long.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:32 AM
For sure, Intrepid. I think they'd do very well. Just because you think a party won't do well isn't a good reason not to vote for them, IMO.
The Liberals have capitalized on this for a long time, too. Historically, especially in Provincial elections, the NDP have been propped up when the Liberals are in fear of being defeated, or at least given a good fight, by the Tories.
It can be said, when most people are thinking this way, that a vote to the NDP is a vote taken from the tories, so essentially a vote for the Liberals.
I don't think a lot of people want the Tories are the Liberals in power, especially in Ontario, which holds a lot of sway with regard to seats, so maybe the NDP will do better this time around.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:36 AM
I like Layton, he has balls. But I REALLY don't trust Harper. I feel like I'm falling for this. I'd rather have Martin than Harper, but why not give the NDP a shot? Could they do worse than the other 2?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:44 AM
No, I don't think so, Intrepid. Either way, I betcha in 2 years or less we'll be B*tching and moaning about the government regardless of who wins the election.

What is it about Harper that bothers you?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:47 AM
He's slippery. He says a lot without saying anything.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Well, I'd vote NDP every time, and the reason I might not has nothing to do with "wasting my vote." It's about not splitting the vote. Although I desperately want an NDP government or a Liberal minority with an NDP "chaser" (
), I MOST DEFINITELY do not want a "Conservative" (read: Reform) gov't. SO, I will probably vote Liberal to ensure that the Conservatives don't get in.

Sorry for being so pragmatic.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:52 AM
Well, let's take a regional poll, so to speak. The NDP were founded in the west, had an upsurge down east, which has since ebbed, as Ontario goes, so does the country, doesn't that suck? I'm in Ontario, I would like to Vote NDP but like others don't want to see the Tories in. What about the rest of the country?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:53 AM
I think they're no better one or another, all politicians are liers and thiefs anyway, so I'mma probably just vote for the Bloc-Pot. (if I actually get out and vote that is)

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 11:56 AM
If I vote at all, I think that I'll vote NDP for the sake that it does indeed feel like throwing myvote into the wind. I haven't seen a leader I would trust with pen and paper, much less the leadership of the country. Layton seens like the lesser of quite a few evils at the moment, but I think the situation is fluid. Who knows, maybe the scandal thing will break, or harper will say more stupid junk. Who knows.


(Whoo apathy.)

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:13 PM
NDP but a party that is open about the fact they'll have to raise taxes is not to be trusted. Give me one who says he'll cut taxes then when elected raise them, thats what people want in a politician. I think the Liberals have screwed up big time, I don't like the Alliance....err...I mean the new Conservative party. I think maybe I should go for the Rhino party candidate....

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:22 PM
I think the best is still the evil we do know, with a leash. I will vote for the NDP so that they hold the balance of power in a Liberal minority government, and hope that government lasts at least two years, long enough to humble the Liberals. Besides, as a francophone, I have to say that whatever the Liberals did, they did a lot for French Canadians all across the country, especially those in minority situations.

As for the Conservatives... All I want to say is "Remember Mike Harris".

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:27 PM
Well in Ontario, as far as the Liberals go, we don't have to remember Mcguinty, he's screwing us weekly.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Intrepid - it all depends on the issues, I guess... as a taxpayer, I thank Mike Harris and Ernie Eves for lowering income tax; however as a francophone I still remember the whole thing with Montfort Hospital. Which is why I'm kinda wary of Conservatives nationally, especially former Reform ones...

Plus, re McGuinty, well there are two considerations - fixing the health care system and maintaining a balanced budget. Trying to deliver on both can't be very easy. I think that people are angry at the Ontario Grits not for raising taxes once more, but basically for turning coat on their promises.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:36 PM
Otts, living in Ottawa you are extremely close to Quebec. What is the political atmospere coming from there? Do you think they will vote for a national party or stay with a regional one?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:46 PM
You think you've got it rough in Quebec if the Conservative Reform Alliance Party gets in? I live in Alberta. The Man Who Would Be C.R.A.P. King said four years ago that if he ever got the power, he would close Alberta's borders to the rest of the country. That would mean both the Provincial and the Federal governments would be in collusion to make my beautiful province tin-hatville central, full of bearded, dirty men who insist that Alberta is its own independant country. I'd move to Saskatchewan, but the scenery's much less interesting and I love skiing!

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