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What Brought WTC7 Down Answered, NIST's Dr Sunder

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:52 PM
This short video presents Dr Shyam Sunder , Lead investigator for NIST, presenting
on C-SPAN , the REASONS why WTC7 collapsed.

How many discussions have we had with OS people that claimed , it was Diesel Fuel
or it was a Special Design of the building because of the Electrical Sub Station.

At 1:55 to 2:30 in the Vid. He says it was not Diesel, Design, or Controlled Demolition.




Dr Sunder " It's only in this particular case , where because of the combination of factors associated with the design of this particular building , where the fact of Thermal expansion played a dominant role in causing it's collapse. So, um, this does not necessary imply,um, that the current methods are inapproiate,um, it simply says we have identified a new phenomena that previously has not being seen to have caused building collapse". 4:16 , 4:54

I Urge You to watch the entire Video. Make your own assumptions on what he proclaims is the reason for the collapse of WTC7.

My take on this is as follows: He makes a point of saying that the building methods
of this building , and all others like it are sound. They have been constructing buildings this way for 80 to 100 years, and there is NO NEED to change things. This building, while being brought down by office fires also, encountered a new Phenomena , and that brought it down.

Another first for that magic day , Buildings falling by Phenomena.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Expansion because of heat is NOT a new or unknown phenomenon as far as I know. Every structure built has expansion due to heat taken into account. So for that reason I think the speaker is insane.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:03 PM
the speaker isn't insane, it's obvious to me based on his inflections and body language that he knows what he's reporting is false.

i wonder if he was blackmailed, or simply paid off to lie so blatantly.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Make your own assumptions on what he proclaims is the reason for the collapse of WTC7.

Truther assumptions =/= truther facts.

If truthers get all angry at me for no reason because they think I'm "assuming" something, you people sure as hell cannot "assume" anything unless it's backed by something.

You can't just "assume" everything he says away just by saying some stupid statement that's probably wrong to begin with. Like really, I'm getting called faither, believer, coincidence theorist, truster etc. for no reason, but you can just make your own assumptions for why it fell because you're a truther, and nobody says anything?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi

Make your own assumptions on what he proclaims is the reason for the collapse of WTC7.

Truther assumptions =/= truther facts.

If truthers get all angry at me for no reason because they think I'm "assuming" something, you people sure as hell cannot "assume" anything unless it's backed by some ......., but you can just make your own assumptions for why it fell because you're a truther, and nobody says anything?

Excuse me friend .

But this is NIST head Investigator, he is your God.

If you have a problem with what he says ,,, you are a Truther.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Did I say I had a problem with what he said...?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:02 PM
i didn't watch the video, but if he says it fell from office fires....he a lyaa. a man was murdered for why that #7 fell, he tol us! say no more

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:45 PM
Can I ask a question...

Why has every single thread I read on this subject have this at the bottom of it ? Even when they are only a couple of posts into it. I saw no inappropriate posts or "deleted due to" etc....

" Due to to member demand, this forum is now under close staff scrutiny "

What am I missing ?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
i didn't watch the video, but if he says it fell from office fires....he a lyaa. a man was murdered for why that #7 fell, he tol us! say no more

Well sir , I reccomend the video, it is what we wanted .

The cause of the WTC7 fall, from NIST reports.

It introduces a new building term. Phenomena.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

So, taking into account everything that you know about building fires, building collapses, controlled demolition and the design and construction of WTC 7 you believe that:

"WTC 7 came down because of a previously unknown and unexplained phenomena."

Are you telling us that you would, now, readily accept this explanation, without question over other possible explanations.

How does Occams Razor work again?

edit - had to change post because I thought that this video was new evidence.

[edit on 16/2/10 by Horza]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
Can I ask a question...

Why has every single thread I read on this subject have this at the bottom of it ? Even when they are only a couple of posts into it. I saw no inappropriate posts or "deleted due to" etc....

" Due to to member demand, this forum is now under close staff scrutiny "

What am I missing ?

The Mods implemented this by Member Demand. 911 is a very volitile subject,

and the Implications of a Government planning and killing its own citizens

will lend members "on both sides" of the arguement to take personal attacks.

Harsher and Higher Standards of T@C are enforced.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Actually it re-introduces a very old term.

That term would be the very familiar B.S!

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:21 PM
He lied 20 seconds into that video.....The twin towers were built to withstand SEVERAL impacts from planes.....

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
Can I ask a question...

Why has every single thread I read on this subject have this at the bottom of it ? Even when they are only a couple of posts into it. I saw no inappropriate posts or "deleted due to" etc....

" Due to to member demand, this forum is now under close staff scrutiny "

What am I missing ?

I believe it is because every time this subject comes up, which is almost every day, both sides go at it like there is no tomorrow, both determined to prove their point, in the past, some of these threads have become very heated and for want of a better word NASTY.

Because of the way this happens, you can see no solution is going to be found to solve the problem.

I am not American, but was in America that day when it happened, and I saw the shock, the tears, the hatred it built into many people, when it was reported who was supposed to be responsible, many where happy at the response taken, the war in Afghanistan, but then when the war in Iraq began, more and more people began to ask questions, not that those uestions where not there before, but it got bigger, because people could see there was something not right at all with the OS.

People began to dig deeper, connecting all the dots, then those who where looking for just the truth, which includes many relatives and Families of those killed or made severely ill by the 9/11 attacks, so much so those Family member demanded a new investigation, which was refused, that decision alone made a lot of people wake up and ask why the hell not, it seemed like a reasonable request, it happens other times when disaster strikes, why not this time?

Then you had people joining the push for truth and a new investigation, a real official investigation, but some of them where not it seemed working for the truth, more to make those who seek truth to look like a bunch of cooks, differing theories made it worse just because of the theories themselves where a little over the top, like beams from space or a airplane flying at great altitude, and a few other claims, which did nothing but stear the push for truth into the insanity department, some people where outed, and the push mostly got back on track, with more and more people asking the right questions joining the push each day.

These threads are now monitored closely to prevent this happening again IMO.

The struggle still goes on, but without a voice on the side of the push for truth in the MSM, who seem to treat the whole idea of a different chain of events as a huge joke, what makes the push for truth even bigger IMO, is the point blank refusal not to investigate the incidents of that day, stories don't match, evidence is withheld by Government agencies, film which would show without any doubt from the pentagon what happened has been hidden and all requests for it are ignored or denied, this just makes the push even stronger.

My question is, why wont they carry out a proper and detailed investigation? surely the Families and the American people deserve that much, especially in the light of perhaps millions of innocent people have died, did they die for a reason, or just for greed?

What would it hurt to carry out an investigation? to sift through all the information and video footage, to be able to speak to Government officials who where supposed to be in charge that day without interference from other parties which makes it look like they are hiding something, this gets coverage in many countries around the World, Family members have to go abroad just to tell their side of what they want, yet in the USA, it's ignored, and any attempt to bring about an investigation, is brushed under the carpet.

All they want is the truth, and IMO anyone fighting against an investigation is as guilty as those who hide the information needed, why fight against an investigation? why not let it happen, then if the OS is true, they would have the biggest ego lifting excuse to say I told you so, what are they so afraid of? a lying Government? is that so scary?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Just curious, but what is the going rate of
"being a paid disinfo agent"?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by azzllin

Originally posted by thedeadtruth

What would it hurt to carry out an investigation? to sift through all the information and video footage, to be able to speak to Government officials who where supposed to be in charge that day without interference from other parties which makes it look like they are hiding something, this gets coverage in many countries around the World, Family members have to go abroad just to tell their side of what they want, yet in the USA, it's ignored, and any attempt to bring about an investigation, is brushed under the carpet.

That was very nice and well thought out post!

My question is...who would we have do an investigation,

Believers or Truthers?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:51 PM
I wonder how many federal employees investigating 9/11 received taxpayer dollars for doing little more than lying through their teeth?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
I wonder how many federal employees investigating 9/11 received taxpayer dollars for doing little more than lying through their teeth?

After 8 years , the best and the brightest came up with..

Fires and Phenomena . Basically , we can't find a excuse.

A 5th grade science class could have done that.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by bigyin
Expansion because of heat is NOT a new or unknown phenomenon as far as I know. Every structure built has expansion due to heat taken into account. So for that reason I think the speaker is insane.

couple that with the body langauge ' and the new Phenonema
and that expains a collapse

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by JPhish

When I describe him as insane I mean he is delusional. If he didn't have the title he did most people would respectfully request he be detained in an institution. His explanations are so far out there, and he actually looks as though he believes them himself, you gotta feel sorry for the gimp.

He musta been brainwashed or maybe he is being blackmailed who knows.

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