posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 03:57 PM
Disc is a really common shape, people threw disc-shaped rocks at mammoths, they saw flying disc shapes in the sky long before 50', 30', or 1000'...
I am sure you would find a lot of older images like that, but there is no relation. Rocks... kids throw rocks, people throw rocks, you saw rocks
flying in the sky in your childhood, later too, human imagination does the rest.
It is also the reason why people have hard times to make convincing fake footage. They have only images of rocks in their head - a small, dark object
flying few meters above them. It is hard to imagine how a large disc would look, people have no idea about atmospheric perspective.
Creativity works that way. To give similar example, one person connects few animals with human to make a creature - orc. After that you see thousands
of different interpretations of the same fantastic creature in different works of other people. After first or second iteration no one really sees
this creature as a combination of other real life animals, it just just orc, and everyone is copying it. People love to use other people work and make
something a bit different with their own imagination, it is the way art works, paintings, comicbooks, etc. etc. The same it became like a fact, that
orcs are green, the same way we created the image of flying saucer.