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Prepare for the End of America

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

the day america finally colpases onto itself, i will go to the american canadian border and i will dance and sing queen "we are the champions"

Wth is the matter with you? You want 300 million people to die because you think we're arrogant? I believe you are the arrogant one here. We are people just like you that work hard so we have a roof over our heads and buy food. What are you , the devil incarnate to want all of us to die? Un-freakin-believable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grow up.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Thing is this is not your grandpas economic crisis, this is a global situation and the questions outweigh the answers by far. Here is a great site where they discuss everything down to the minute detail, but for me a simple woman this article was most interesting as it made me wonder "what if" the world currency was no longer based in precious metals but in the not too distant future leaned towards another form of world currency?

Just how many smaller nations could actually survive the change? And what kind of chaos would ensue worldwide during the onset of a global collapse?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

If TPTB get their way,U.S.,Mexico and CANADA will become the north
american union.We might even be put into fema camps together.
I will bring marshmellows and you can bring the bulloney.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by sickofitall2012

Why would the whole population of North America die because of a depression exactly?
In any case, i don't see the american economy collapsing. Even if the numbers say it should they will just manipulate the system to compensate and go on with business as usual ie a few decades later the next bubble bursts...politicians chant the too big to fail mantra,the public gets scared and asks the government to help them, the bankers make a tidy profit. Rinse and repeat.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Solomons]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:00 PM
What we are experiencing in America was very predictable, an economic cycle, all of these jobs lost in manufacturing are an offshoot from the Industrial Revolution and the world has evolved, into the information age.

The jobs have moved offshore simply due to the fact that any business, is in business to make money, realized that if they can hire labor anywhere in the world for much less then it makes more profit for the business overall.

There are plenty of jobs in the medical field for example but most Americans aren't willing to open a book and re-train to gain the education to acquire these jobs and opportunities.
There actually is a shortage of General Practitioners (MD) and Nurses(RN).

As it is said, " When the going gets tough, The tough get going".

As anyone here worked with any of the boat people of Vietnam ?

They exemplify the opportunities of America , they learn english, they educate themselves, find employment and live the American Dream.
They having experienced the torment of Vietnam, find life in America a proverbial piece of cake in comparison.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:14 PM
America has been said to be collapsing for decades, but our boring pathetic lives still go on. Right now things are tough, but everything moves in cycles. Big businesses have sold us out to overseas investors, but so have the big businesses in other nations. Corporations aren't a representation of a nations people, nor is their military. These are all different entities. These corporations are global, they don't care about where their profits are coming from just so long as it's filling up their bank accounts. The average joe in each country could care less about them. This article is just more fear mongering, and obviously goes hand in hand with the ads about survival just happen to appear right next to it. I'm not saying America is too big to fall, but I don't think any sort of collapse of anything is imminent. One thing I do agree though, is that those in power certainly do not have American citizens well being at heart. That's because those in power go hand in hand with the corporations. It's all a corrupted mess that probably will never be cleaned because it's a pretty big mess but you never know.

Things will eventually change. People will eventually get fed up and quit waiting for the government to fix it. At least I hope they will.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Marketwatch and the wallstreet journal are as important in the financial center as it gets. However, I did miss this article, good find.

Debt is just a bunch of numbers on a page. DONT EVER FORGET THAT. Every country in the world should ignore their debts to the giant banking whores, balance their budget, set laws to never go over that budget, nationalize their Federal Reserves, and protect their citizens from disastrous debt. Don't borrow money from them you can't repay. Every government has the power to erase their bank accounts and foreclose on all of their properties. Problem solved!

The bodyguards of the fatcats organizing these EWMDs (economic weapons of mass destruction) should capture their bosses and turn them in to the authorities. No bail, no trial, just straight up maximium security prison for life. Do the right thing, it is not hard if everyone you know around you is helpless.

It should be obvious to our governments who is in charge, they have been dealing with the greedy for far to long. People and Elected Officials take a stand! Economic collapse can be solved if you just step outside of our world and look at it as a whole. As Earthlings trying to take a step forward, not backward. We all want peace and freedom it is F@#%ing obvious. If we work together to eliminate the problem it will not happen.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

We all want peace and freedom it is F@#%ing obvious. If we work together to eliminate the problem it will not happen.

Even Nixon wanted freedom.


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by impressme

Do not lump all stock holders together. The greed of the stock holders you are talking about is "Joe Sixpack" any person with a 401K. These people got clobbered in the stock crash. The greedy stockholders are the CEO"s at the top with their multi-millions worth of stock options not the average Joe with a 401K and a little in mutual funds.

The greed is out of control, these companies are to give us less while raking in as much dough as they can for their greedy stockholders, who are never satisfied.

Folks, it time to start stocking up on dry goods and move out of the big cities and start getting prepared.

A revolution is coming.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 15-2-2010 by impressme]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Solomons

Not North America, he was saying how he'd be glad if we (America) went under, because he hates us so much.
I'm not going anywhere, and this country will survive, I was just commenting on how horrible and harsh his words were.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by nh_ee

What we are experiencing in America was very predictable, an economic cycle, all of these jobs lost in manufacturing are an offshoot from the Industrial Revolution and the world has evolved, into the information age. What we are experiencing in America was very predictable, an economic cycle, all of these jobs lost in manufacturing are an offshoot from the Industrial Revolution and the world has evolved, into the information age.

The jobs have moved offshore simply due to the fact that any business, is in business to make money, realized that if they can hire labor anywhere in the world for much less then it makes more profit for the business overall.

First off you statement clearly demonstrates that the Industrial Revolution did not end. Manufacturing is still a necessary and vital function. The minute ‘information’ becomes edible, powers your car and home, works as clothing, or any kind of tangible durable good please let me know.

Further these ‘information age’ jobs clearly are not there as unemployment officially is around 11% with the criteria the government uses to compile its employment figures, but is closer to 28% based on the actual number of people who either have no jobs or are underemployed working in part time jobs or menial jobs that do not meet and pay for their basic living expenses.

Additionally from a national security standpoint, security not just being the sanctity of the nations borders but its ability to be self sustaining as well as to employ its citizens it does not behoove the nation’s citizens to have manufacturing offshore and abroad. In fact it’s a disaster and in the event of an actual war that disrupted international shipping lanes or worse yet a war with a nation like China that does most of our manufacturing there would be severe shortages of durable goods and real hardships caused from a lack of durable goods.

Further while profit is important in business so is growing and farming your market for customers. Customers have to have money to make purchases or credit to make purchases and they have to have jobs to have money and gain credit. In reality orders and shipments of durable manufactured goods are down between 40% to 60% depending on the manufacturing segment so the reality is that short sighted business practices allegedly aimed at reducing costs by transferring jobs overseas has actually backfired on the businesses who did that, which are all now selling 40% to 60% less because of lack of demand for their goods brought on by a lack of available money to buy the goods, brought on by a lack of available jobs to earn money.

Where as its entirely possible you might actually have failed to take these things into consideration because of your education and understanding of logistics the reality is that the people running these companies are educated to a sufficient level and are worldly enough to know what a self defeating policy the mass exportation of a nation’s vital manufacturing segment would cost their sales volume and goodwill in the marketplace.

So that begs the question why did they really transfer the manufacturing jobs overseas and the real answer is to impoverish the American people so that people could not afford better educations and the leisure time to be politically active which are two important components to having a functional democracy.

The exportation of American jobs actually began in the 1970’s as a calculated response to the hippie counter culture revolution. During the height of the Vietnam War millions of young college students many of them the children of well paid blue collar manufacturing workers congregated on the Washington Mall to protest the War and the Government. The Nixon administration feared there was a real potential for a real revolution and on those days when a million plus long haired, dope smoking, sign waving young adults were on the Mall both the White House and the U.S. Capitol Building genuinely worried for their security as the number of protestors were too large to be turned back if they decided to storm the White House or the Capitol.

While the American people tragically by and large fail to learn from experience and history the Government and Powers that Be do not suffer equally in that regard. To ensure that in the future that there could never be a popular style revolution they began the long tedious process of exporting high paying blue collar manufacturing jobs over seas, stagnating and freezing the living wage, and a steady increase in the price of basic commodities and durable goods to transform 1970’s cash and carry America with readily disposable income, into 2000 America where people would be totally reliant on and enslaved to credit for most major purchases and have no disposable income or leisure time to create the kind of legitimate and potential threat to the Government that existed in 1970.

Not only are you attempts at simplistic rational explanations not rational but they are entirely self defeating and crippling from a true quality of life and true national security as well as sound business practice standpoints.

Further your idea that all 30 million Americans out of work could get a job in healthcare is also based on completely outdated information and no logistical comprehension of how 30 million additional healthcare jobs could not only be created but where the money would come from to pay for an additional 30 million healthcare workers considering that a fair number of Americans a. have no medical insurance, b. have no money, and c. aren’t sick or in need of health care.

You might as well have posted you don’t care about the state of the economy or the nation and how it got this way and why, and that you think De Nile isn’t just how our Latino friends refer to a river in Egypt but the state you feel Americans should live their lives in!

[edit on 16/2/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Anthony1138
i am canadian, and everyone i've ever met, hates america, they are en empire, and like any empire, needs to end, nothing lasts forever.

so the day america finally colpases onto itself, i will go to the american canadian border and i will dance and sing queen "we are the champions"

and scream into arrogant america faces "NO TIME FOR LOSERS BECAUSE WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS....OF THE WORLD!!!

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Anthony1138]

If your dream came true, if America ceased to exist, you would still be a citizen of an inconsequential country and would have no reason to celebrate or consider yourself to be a champion of any sort. Your post is a prototypical rant from a person suffering from a severe inferiority complex.

And rightfully so, I might add.

I'm sure you already know this but most Americans don't concern themselves with citizens of podunk countries who hate us out of jealousy. If not for hockey, your country would have contributed nothing to the world....well except alcoholism.

Thanks for reinforcing the already negative stereotype of your fellow countrymen.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Avamarguy]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:19 PM
Call me crazy, but I am starting to notice more and more truth come out, truth from non-likely sources, and more powerful people doing the right things.

What's funny is that I started meditating recently and I read how good thoughts, wishes, intents and prayers can be very powerful and effective, so lately I have been praying for more truth to come out and for more good to prevail over people. Now, I am a very open minded person but I am also extremely skeptical (have to be in the world of physics) so I realize that this could just be a coincidence, or nothing has changed at all and I am only subconsciously drawn to something I didn't notice before. But I can't necessarily discredit the other possibility - that actually sending out this energy could be taking an effect!

I hope this is true, but even if it is not I don't really see a problem with wasting a few minutes of time sending out "good thoughts" or "positive energy" for the potential improvement of the world. So... maybe you all should try it!

May the truth be revealed and the good prevail!!

Bella Mente

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

True Wisdom... Although I try to Explore this situation From a Spiritual Mind, trying to Grasp at some twisted concept of Moral discipline.... I cant find any clarity, but that appearance, however it may arise from the ashes from what is about to befall the American People will require the utmost dissolving of any constructs currently known... Stay true to your hearts and True to LIBERTY, Liberate yourselves from slavery and prepare.... Guns... bury them, hide, them do not loose them because we will need them for the second coming of Independence.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by jonnyc55
I have to say that title got me thinking for a second... Earth without the American goverment...

Yeah, think about it. How nice...Vladimir Putin is SO MUCH nicer than any of our last few presidents.

I bet he would give the world a fair shake(down).

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Analogy for what lies ahead...
Think Tsunami.
The earthquake happened at some distance from each of us. Some closer than others. Now...
The water is leaving the island. The water is gurgling. The dogs are heading for higher ground. Some humans are following the dogs. Some humans are exploring the uncovered sand. Some are grabbing their surfboards for the coming wave. The chickens are flying around in circles, not going anywhere because the roosters only cared about one thing. The roosters are still chasing the chickens...
Meanwhile, far off the coast, the tide is slowly shifting.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
Analogy for what lies ahead...
Think Tsunami.
The earthquake happened at some distance from each of us. Some closer than others. Now...
The water is leaving the island. The water is gurgling. The dogs are heading for higher ground. Some humans are following the dogs. Some humans are exploring the uncovered sand. Some are grabbing their surfboards for the coming wave. The chickens are flying around in circles, not going anywhere because the roosters only cared about one thing. The roosters are still chasing the chickens...
Meanwhile, far off the coast, the tide is slowly shifting.

I like this quote.

Very good analogy sir, well done.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Only an American would consider their life to be finished when their money becomes worthless.

Maybe if the US actually had values and cared for the world and its people... but it doesn't. The US is run by corporations who only care about cost-effectiveness so only the rich can get richer and the working class people lose even more power.

I read and re-read that article and OP's comments. Where in the world did you get that anyone considered their life to be finished from?

Sorry... sounds like American bashing again.

Also, I'd like to point out the extreme naivety of your comment. If you're thinking that business in America is any different from business anywhere else in the world today, then I suggest you read a little more. You do realize that these corporations you talk about are global, don't you? Do you honestly, in your heart of hearts, believe that all other governments in the world, besides the U.S., are filled with honest, hard-working citizens above greed?

Damn right I am bashing the US.

You are absolutely right, corporations are global. These same corporations exploit all corners of the earth for their resources, which ultimately destroys independent cultures. That's the truth about globalization and the "free market"; free market is designed to infiltrate independent societies/countries, destroy their self-sustainability, and then force the people to depend on foreign products to survive.

On top of this, these exploited people are given "sustenence wages" which means they have to work for their new global corporate masters so they can just barely make a living at home. Not only is this cost-effective for the corporation, but it also means that the workers would never have the power to do anything about it when they can barely even take care of themselves.

So what does the US have to do with this? The fact that corporations control the US government in a mutual partnership. What does the US have to offer? A global military force that is at corporation's disposal. Ever since WWII, the US has been conducting direct or indirect terrorism (or outright invasions) of real democratic governments all over the world.

For example, consider American involvement within central/south america for the last 50 or so years. Everytime a marxist (or any government that attends to the needs of its people) government came to power, this was a threat to the US. What was the threat? The threat of being a good example of how a small craphole country can actually become prosperous and culturally responsible. With CIA interaction, these new governments quickly fell to rebels, who were actually people who had no problem taking money from the Americans and to quell further revolution through extreme violence including genocide.

Also look at Vietnam. Before the US intervened, Vietnam was pretty much united under a nationalist leader , had a large industry (mostly forest), and they implemented social programs. During the war, the US focused on splitting apart both Vietnams, destroyed at least 80% of the forests via napalm and agent orange, and targeted infrastructure. This was the real American objective of the Vietnam war, and they won.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Only an American would consider their life to be finished when their money becomes worthless.

Maybe if the US actually had values and cared for the world and its people... but it doesn't. The US is run by corporations who only care about cost-effectiveness so only the rich can get richer and the working class people lose even more power.

I can appreciate your antics, however I am an American and I am looking forward to the "collapse". I believe we are spoiled and self centered and to do away with the current system and start to grow foods in and depend on your own community is a fine idea to me. I do dread the reality of our future in that this "collapse " will bring much misery to those who have not a clue. The people in metropolotan areas will suffer increadibly because all the natural resources have been turned into pavement by the big coorporations, so no I do not look forward to the suffering of others and the civil unrest it will bring. But when the dust settles I believe we and the world will be better off for it.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Only an American would consider their life to be finished when their money becomes worthless.

Maybe if the US actually had values and cared for the world and its people... but it doesn't. The US is run by corporations who only care about cost-effectiveness so only the rich can get richer and the working class people lose even more power.

Although our country may be run by heartless greedy corporations, that is NOT America. Those wealthy elite who are ruining our country are NOT Americans, they are the worst kind of terrorists. The true Americans are the hard working single parents that barely make ends meat, or the assembly line workers who got put out of house and job yet doesn't give up hope. The true Americans are those who realize the very act of questioning the government is in fact the essence of Patriotism

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