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Prepare for the End of America

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Since this link is relevant to your thread, I thought I would post it.

The financial situation is far more dire than most would expect, and to me, its important that people understand the reasons why things are occurring.

600 Trillion Dollars were used to intentionally put us in the financial hole that we are currently in.

Check it out. The figures are quite accurate.

And this thread is based off of this link...

This is no joke whatsoever. If you need to take information from my page to post it to yours, by all means...have at it. Read this stuff carefully, and understand what it is implying.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
This song has been on repeat for quite some time could somebody either change the song or turn the radio off? Come on seriously nothing is going to happen. if it was going to happen it would have happened by now. go back to consuming your lives are safe.

Are You Ready for the Next Mortgage Crisis?

The chart below shows that we are beyond the United States sub-prime mortgage crisis 2009. However another mortgage crisis is coming. During the period between September – December, 2009, we are actually at the lowest level of the mortgage reset problem.

But look what lies ahead. A huge number of Alt-A and Option-ARM mortgages are due to reset from the second quarter of 2010 through the fourth quarter of 2011.

These resets will be at much higher rates resulting in more delinquencies and foreclosures. Many of these Alt-A and Option-ARM mortgages were taken out during the peak of the housing real estate bubble. This will result in extremely high loan to value ratios. This will only aggravate the foreclosure problem.

The result will be further write-downs in the banking sector. This is why Bernanke is keeping short term interest rates so low. He knows that the coming mortgage crisis 2010 will create huge financial problems for the banks. But he is keeping this information from an unsuspecting public.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...i've heard basically the same hooey for nearly 60 years and we're still here... things arent perfect, not even close, but thats the way its always been... this paranoia thang isnt helping anyone except the elite...



I always try to keep in mind that doom has always been "jus around the bend" in every culture and society.

It has served a purpose in the development and survival of civilization as people will flock around a "survival" meme as it activated our flight or fight trigger which we all have but which we all exercise different parameteres of control over this mental reflex.

edit for bd spll


Every good Scout knows to "Be Prepared" but not to panic. Lord Baden hl=en&ei=icp6S9aKOo7QtAOL7tjLCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=lord%20baden%20powell&f=false

[edit on 16-2-2010 by whiteraven]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:39 AM
I love how the OP speaks of greed, but leaves off the most greedy of them all: the American people.

Edit: One more thing. Some people say "oh, "the end of the US as we know it" has been around for decades. That may be true, but some of you fail to realize the United States still had room for prosperity in the past. Problem is, in 2010, our range of prosperity is not as high as it used to be.

Corporations did not have such a strong stranglehold on America in the past as it does today. I don't know the true facts, but I'd say 75% of all American business are corporations, with the rest being government employment. We don't make anything anymore (except bombs and guns), and that is a key factor in being prosperous.

Not to even mention we are running out of Natural Resources.

Our future prospects are no where near as high as they were in the 30's or the 70's. There was a lot to look forward to back then, whereas right now, not so much.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Double Eights]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:43 AM
Yes our wonderful hope and change man is destroying this country. He wants to brake us down in everyway possible so he can take over. That is his plan, a dictatorship a communist. How bad are all the morons who voted for him going to feel once this really does happen. There will probably be another civil war.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

Amen! I’m sick of the Wall Street mania that has infected our system and convinced everyone to believe the lie. A real crash may help us regain our place as a decent hard working country deserving of respect.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by hillbilly4rent

"same old doom and gloom" exactly. I do believe things are in motion that will make history in our life time as far as financial collapse goes. But what all of these US bashing people fail to realize is that if the US goes down we're taking all of you with us. An economist would explain it as three ladders. Right now the rich countries are say, a ten foot ladder, right beside it are the poorer countries with a 6 ft ladder and finally the 3rd world countries with a step ladder. Now, if the 10 ft ladder breaks, that category doesnt simply "go away." The people on the six ft ladder would be kicked off. In turn they would have to take over the step ladder and so on. The people at the bottom now have no laddder.

Bascially, I think although americans are fat and lazy for the most part, when times get tough the people will band together, the politicians will be the ones who have cause for worry. French Revolution anyone?

P.S. If the US sucks so bad, why are we kicking your butts in the olympics?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Do get a grip. The sky aint falling.

1. 90% of americans are still employed, perhaps not of a job they like or wages ideal, but that's alot of americans keeping their jobs in this worldwide crisis. It will be these hard working and resiliant, typical responsible americans and true sons of founding fathers who are keeping the economy going.

The other 10% who have brains, arms and legs must share the load. Alone, one is incapable of anything, but as a collective whole, we will all be able to achieve more, capable of excess productivity and earnings which we can share around within our society to help the less priviledge and those suffering and confused now - the poor, the physically disadvantaged, the homeless, etc.

These people are not lazy as the priviledged Ivy leagued hordes will always claim. They just dont have the opportunities to excel that others do. The founding fathers had never left anyone behind, so too must this generation do the same.

2. Economics had always been about resources. US is not without resources, plenty more still lay above the ground in the form of habitations and tourism revenues, as well as underground in the form of arable fertile lands and minerals. These are assets that back the dollar. It aint dried up yet, not for another thousand years or more, espacially with our technology advancement and improved resource management practices.

3. Americans still have the right and power of vote. It is not whom we vote for, but rather, the SOLUTIONS the incumbent political representative can assist and elevate our woes, not just for the short term but the long term as well.

We may make mistakes for 4 years, but humans do have the capacity to correct errors, through debate and discussion with our families, relatives and friends - people whom matter, to select carefully our representatives, watch them like a hawk and make sure they truly represent the PEOPLE and not puppets of the rich and strong to do their bidding.

BUT most critical of, is to never lose the confidence in ourselves, for americans are a special breed of people, touched and descended by the wisdom and sacrifice in efforts and by blood of generations of americans since its founding - establishing the precious constitution, evolving it to include freedom to other races, ended discrimination for women, gave equality to all men and even fought in foreign lands to free other humans.

With such confidence comes that responsibility for humility. Humility is not a sign of weakness, but one of greatness. for others will see and knows arrogance, and no one loves arrogance.

America is not just a name, but a cherished human ideal, and human ideals never die or end. Only irresponsible govts and Corporations do.

The only preparations one need to make today is the toppling of the power elites through the peaceful excercise of our votes and the heavy taxation of them for their continued incompetence and greed that lead to crisis to common man.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Only an American would consider their life to be finished when their money becomes worthless.


Yeah, 'cause I was just thinking, "if this happens, I'm going to kill myself."

Only a Canadian could jump to such a conclusion and put words in the mouths of other people.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by tyranny22]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Only an American would consider their life to be finished when their money becomes worthless.

Maybe if the US actually had values and cared for the world and its people... but it doesn't.

Gotta love when someone starts their post with "Only and American....." That coming from a Canadian which is right next door. Your not any safer than we are if things get worse over here. I bet the U.S. spends more money on foreign aid helping other countries than Canada does. What's that got to say about us caring for the world? I think you just made yourself look bad.

I agree that the Government can do much better taking care of it's own people than it's doing right now, but you can certainly keep those distorted comments to yourself. I won't even go into values.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:35 AM
"We have an enormous responsibility to explain to the American people what led to this financial crisis, how did we get here, who is responsible, and what we can do to make sure that this never happens again,” Bernie Sanders, an independent who usually votes with Democrats, wrote in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

“We need to examine what responsibility should be borne by individuals, corporations, and institutions for the poor decisions and foolish investments that have in large measure created this monumental crisis," Sanders wrote. "....The panel should have subpoena power necessary to assure that it receives sound information and direct answers to the questions it is charged with answering.”

Breaking news: US Senator actually wants to know how the financial collapse happened:

Choice A: Government plays big brother with business regulations, unable to control its own growth like Oprah
Choice B: Chase away all industry like Obama shooing away ACORN
Choice C: Allow financial speculation to continue the healthy, even-keel growth we've come to know and love in America
Choice D: Bail out every prisoner in our justice system along with the banks - they can all be categorized as crooks, so why not?
Choice E: All of the above

Pick your favorite choice to self-terminate a declining empire

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:41 AM
Not sure why anyone's surpised. What happens to a crappy rusty car with a broken engine if you repaint it? You might be bale to sell it to some idiot, but it will only drag out the inevitable...the car will break down for good. The same is happening to the US economy.

The bailouts temporarily fixed the issue, but in the end, the total collapse has only been delayed.

Now some people will blame it on Bush, because after all, his monetary policies were instrumental in getting us into this mess (or at least further support the great work his predecessors have done in that respect)...and he was the one who started bailouts. Others will blame it on Obama, because he continued the bailouts.

In the end, it doesn't matter which party's in power, they would have all done the same...looking for a short-term fix so their ratings wouldn't drop. The real measures needed to fix the problem will in the short to medium term hurt the whoever decides to implement those NECESSARY measures will probably ruin his political career and face strong opposition from big business.

The fact remains, throwing money at an issue without fixing the cause is only delaying the collapse. The US car industry isn't sustainable (they lose $2k/car produced in Detroit damnit), the reliance on oil is desasterous, the separation of the REAL ECONOMY and Wall Street with its over-the-top boni isn't SUSTAINABLE in the long term.

The sad part is, the whole world will suffer because the US politicians refuse to implement the necessary (unpopular) measures to fix things for good. It doesn't even matter which party's in power in the US, none of them has the guts to do what's necessary. The problem is that they're politicians as a profession...they will not risk their MAIN JOBS. They lost all connection with the real world, and the real economy.

In the real world, if a business plan doesn't work out, you declare bankruptcy and come up with a better plan. Not in the US though apparently.

Part of the blame is also on us people though. A lot of us would lose their jobs if the necessary measures would be implemented. But not accepting the fact that we NEED to fix things for good instead of letting our kids pay for the mess WE created would be the responsible thing to do.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Victoria 1
Yes our wonderful hope and change man is destroying this country. He wants to brake us down in everyway possible so he can take over. That is his plan, a dictatorship a communist. How bad are all the morons who voted for him going to feel once this really does happen. There will probably be another civil war.

Well i suppose it´s people on your level, who has voting your country to for what it is today..

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:45 AM
i was just let go of my job yesterday, and really im glad, i am so happy to be free of the man, of being a slave to corporate structures and lies, ive seen so much greed and corruption in corporate America, i have worked in health care and other industries, and America needs a slap in the face, we need to wake the hell up, get off our lazy butts and do something, make the change ourselves, we are struck down but we are not defeated, we all need to stop letting this ignorance and love of money ruin everything,
being laid off was the best for me, im planning on getting out of America, far away, the greed and corruption is too much

seriously who wants to live in a country where your vote doesn't matter, the president isnt elected by the people, he is elected by corporate giants who move America with bribes and money, the electoral college is a demon and the government is Satan, all working together to ensure complete and total control
we get to choose what we want? yeah right

[edit on 2/16/2010 by l neXus l]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by l neXus l
Where do you plan to go to? Just curious, I noted your situation from your postings in other threads.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by impressme

Folks, it time to start stocking up on dry goods and move out of the big cities and start getting prepared.

What's going on USA is much more than a "greedy financial conspiracy". It's a huge plot, an attempt to step in the next level to set up the NWO, after America falls. Two steps, actually:

1 - An economic massive crash.
2 - A social-political massive crash.

People can say what they want, but indeed we're watching the dark corporations of world power putting in practice the agenda of "The Protocols of Wise Men of Zion". The global Freemasonry elite pulled the strings of puppet Bush to set up this large economic disaster in USA and they funded the political campaign of Barack Obama, that became a scheduled scapegoat of the upcoming social disaster that will allow the install of Martial Law and bust down american democracy. The current Obama hatred propaganda is part of this agenda. The Freemasons behind him, knew that his government would be bashed by a strong racist opposition and a and a hypocritical society not healed of old ethnic wounds, and any errors or delays in the US economic recovery agenda, would increase the opposition movements with racial bias. It was so obvious!! WTF people think is behind the election of a negro president in a Freemason Anglo-Saxon nation??? Are f*cking people that blind???

In the reverse speed of US economic recovery, goes the Obama-hate propaganda that sooner or later will explode in a massive ethnic conflict, which will likely end in a civil war. BINGO. Martial Law, suppression of civil rights, end of American democracy, the fall of America. Most probably then, the Illuminati Freemasonry will provoke a nuke war between a weakened USA and North Korea or China, or even between Israel and Iran. After a global nuclear conflict and the destruction of democratic models of government and free society, the UN will propose the installation of a global dictatorship just as scheduled in the Protocols...

The "revolution" that many north-americans are talking about, is exactly what the Illuminati Freemasonry wants: A civil war with ethnic bias, caused 'cos the scapegoat Obama can't revert the scheduled american economic crash.

I hope my vision isn't sharp like that...

[edit on 16-2-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

not sure yet, i have family in Australia and, in Johannesburg South Africa

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by l neXus l
I wish you the best of luck either way. Both places are probably more economically sound than the US is right now.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:07 PM
Also, LOL at the people who blame Obama for this. Nothing he could possibly have done would have prevented this. At least his fix probably saved a couple of jobs in the short to medium term.

If he had the guts to implement the measures necessary to fix the issue, a lot more of you would be whining...because the short to medium consequences of fixing the economy will cost the jobs of a lot of people. The US economy isn't sustainable, and fixing it won't be pretty.

ALL politicians are in bed with big business nowaday (reps/dems/independents), and all they care about is keeping their job. The sad thing is, 90% of people in this country are so stupid, they still listen to "lower taxes" slogans like a bunch of sheep. If you really want to help your country, accept the fact that it'll cost jobs, that taxes can't be lowered, and that the short to medium term won't be pretty. Sadly, most follow an "every man for himself" mentality governed by greed. And no, a revolution or civil war isn't the solution and won't help to fix the economy, on the contrary. So all those brainless idiots talking about a "revolution" by force should get an education in economics, because "their way" is for the lack of a better word...RETARDED!

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by ucalien

I considered the very scenario. As I did upon President Obama's election I did the following. (note I am not a supporter although I deeply respect the office)

I bought the best shot of Scotch on the menu. Had a private toast for President Obama and hoped like hell that this was not a setup.

On the other hand I am very positive that those who protect the President see the very same thing and I hope they are able to mount a counter strategy.

imo this is what I see...

The Alaskan tea pot is so friken dense I cannot fathom how anybody besides some big money shuckster could place any hope in her.

McCain may lose is Arizona seat so the rumor goes.

Murtha is dead.

Kennedy is dead...his seat went to a newbie.

Patrick Kennedy took stage left.

Many many others took the exit or are considering an exit.

Up here in Canada we have a right wing nationalistic government with the newest star being the Wild Rose Party.

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