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Looking for people who have been to the grey room

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posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
I have never (to my knowledge) visited the grey room but I have read about it over the years and I have no idea what to make of it other than to hypothesis that it may be a room within an extraterrestrial space craft, a government facility or a drug induced fugue.

I know this is an obvious question but do you know what it is that you are waiting for?

Could you recommend books/web sites?

I, too, am waiting. I am waiting for some kind of event that will occur and then I will do my job. I don't know what my job is, just that it has something to do with a calm pressence.

I have reciently wondered if my job has something to do with being able to hear/feel instructions from whoever/whatever talked to me.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto

I'm curious what you view your life purpose as?

I used to think it was to be kind. After the mystical/altered state/grey room stuff I thought it was to become one with God. I joined a monastery. Now I don't know. I know a lot about spiritual/mystical stuff. Perhaps I am to help others with altered states. Maybe I am to report what "the voice" says. I don't know.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67

The main reason I dropped into this thread was the “waiting” hooked me and as it is not the first time I have read about the waiting aspect to this phenomenon I had to ask.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]

I would like more details on this. What have others said about waiting. Sources?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by galatea
I can't say that I've been to the grey room that you have.

But, I have experienced something like it. It was more of a big white room with a hall that seemed to go on forever until I reached a door. Two women with looooong black hair were standing on either side, and I'd swear that they were twins or two of the same people (idk).

They told me that I wasn't supposed to be there yet that it wasn't my time. I had to leave. They were holding those three ring binder type things. (so it wasn't a suitcase like yours). It was just us.. I was trying to enter a room where everyone else was but they wouldn't let me.

This was in my dreams. I experience a lot in my dreams. Often times I truly believe that I "leave myself" for lack of better explanation and go to these places. I also have psychic abilities, but I've experienced a lot of negative energy from people when I talk about it so I just like to keep it all inside.

I know it's not the same but I hope that it gives you comfort in knowing that you aren't alone in experiencing these kinds of unexplainable things. People are always quick to disbelieve.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by galatea]

You could have been in the same place. I did not see women with long black hair, but just because I didn't see it doesn't mean you didn't either.

I know what you mean about "leaving" yourself.

Yes, I have also experienced negative energy occasionally when talking to people about this. Most times, though, people just don't hear me. I honestly expected no one would hear me when I began this post.

I am glad there are others experiencing things that cannot be explained. I know I'm not crazy, but it's always nice to have validation. You know what I mean?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by Waiting2

Cool. I feel like I am meant to shake things up. I abhor the old ways the status quo if you will. For the past few years a fire burns within for me to be a wedge between the old way and the new. Maybe you will be the ones I look to for recognition and support. Certainly one of us needs to be a pillar of strength. I too have peace as my guiding light. I feel like there can be no peace until the old ways are gone...and the only way to change this planet is to hold the old to their own truth.

Maybe we shall meet in the middle as one poster told me a few months back.

Your energy implies violence. Think of Gandi. No violence, big changes. The key for this age is LOVE and kindness.

Everyone's truth is different. Most people have a very small window of truth. Perhaps ypur wedge will be to open bigger windows for people so that they have a bigger picture!

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
reply to post by cindymars

I believe that's called dreaming.

There are truths even in dreaming to those who pay attention.

Dream well, Whyhi

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Blender
What makes you think that your being calm will have any influence whatsoever on the people in your area? People will be frantic and panicked, not knowing what to do, and you think they will look to you for some sort of support?

"oh, everything is going to be alright because this random person here is calm and rational."

Did your mother tell you that your bottom was special and different than everyone elses?

[edit on 15-2-2010 by Blender]

I really like your questions. You are realistic. I don't know how being calm will help, only that I am to be calm. If you loose your head in a crisis no positive results will occur.

My mother spent most of her time doing laundry.
As a preteen I wanted to be an adopted child because then I would be special. I was just one of a mob.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Zachtroid
Its like by reading everyone's experiences with this subject, its forming together a picture of something I have been confused about for years.

In recent years, especially within the past 1 to 1.5
years, I constantly have the feeling that a huge event of some sort is coming soon. Almost daily now, this feeling increases in intensity. Its at the point where the feeling is so overbearing that I feel like somehow my mind is merging with this, its become a part of me. All I can do now is wait. I don't know what I'm waiting for but I know it will be life altering.

When I venture off to this place, I see many people that I have never seen in my life there but I feel like I have known them my whole life. I'm not getting the whole picture though, like my mind is trying to gain full access to this place but about 10% of me is left behind in my body, holding me back from piecing everything together. It is almost like someone is holding me back, like someone behind me that can not be seen. This is where it all ties in. Could this mean that the overbearing feeling of something dramatic coming is leading up to when this person holding me back lets go?
These things that I see are like millions of pictures flickering before my eyes for hours. ... I've always had this feeling that somewhere out in the world, someone has to be going through this too. Now I know people are, and I'm starting to not worry at all and except whatever is going to happen. Its a massive calm feeling.

I hope someone here can make any connections to what I have just posted. ... now I know there are others and I'm not crazy, I'll make it through tonight to wherever I've been stopping short of all this time.

Like NotThat and you, I also have a feeling I am watched over constantly. For a long time, I felt a presence on my right. NotThat called hers "Companion." I called mine "Friend." I am so used to it now that I kind of tune it out at times and rarely pay attention to it. Yet, if I concentrate, he's still there. Mine's a he.

When I was very little, I had an invisible friend. I remember him. I think he was even visible, but only to me. Once someone told me he didn't exist, I no longer saw him. I think he never left. But, I'm not sure. With all of this, I'm not sure. I think you can relate to that.

I completely related to your post. I have many of the same feelings. I also feel the huge event is coming soon, but I do not know what it is. This has nothing to do with what the media is saying. I have known about this even for at least 16 years. I think there will be chaos, but we will be okay. I do not know what happens to the others who are not "awake."

I recently (within the last few months) had a dream like the one you describe. I did not even tell NotThat. It was like millions of pictures were flashing through my head, like I was watching a slide show but in super speed. Each one was so fast I couldn't tell you what I saw, but somehow knew I was processing them. I know I saw faces and places. The best way to describe it was I was being downloaded with information. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking "What the hell was that?" I'd never experienced anything like it before or since. I work up from that "dream" exhaused. I'm sure you feet the same way.

I also feel like something is holding me back from finding out all the information. I thought the grey room was the connection, the key to everything. Now I realize that it is ONE key. Like you, I'm hoping others will come forward so we can piece all of these things together. I didn't tell NotThat about that pictures "dream" because I thought it was just a weird dream. Now I know it wasn't.

I have always known there are others because of that room. But, it was still lonely when the only other one I knew was my mother. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Waiting2

It doesn't really matter now if they find me, whoever "they" are. It feels like it is already too late. It feels like it doesn't matter if I hide any more. It feels like it is time.

I have been searching for the others quietly since 1994. It just feels like whatever it is is soon. I feel I need to speak so the others know it is okay. I want/need them to know that I am here. That we are here. That they are not alone and are not crazy.

Blessings upon you for finding the courage. Indeed, there are many now who are doing likewise, including myself. My first "awakening" happened in 1994 as well, and again in 1997, and again in 2001, and again in 2009. I tried to ignore it and yet, it would appear, the Universe simply won't let me.

I have not been to the "grey room," but I have "travelled" to and "seen" other places that lead me to believe the dimension you speak of is as "real" as any other.

Peace be with you, it is good to know that none of us are alone.


posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by MMPI2
Pics, please.

Without pics...fake.

Interesting response. You only believe what you see. Seeing is nothing. The only important thing is feeling.

I feel sorry for you.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Dephyle

I just wish I could better convey the fear I felt. It was far beyond self-preservation, I had absolutely no control. Can you think of any reason I would have a fear like that?

My answer would be - - you are not in the same program. Think science/research. There are many different areas of interest.

One of my biggest pet peeves is singular thought. Like ALL ET's are the same or have the same agenda.

I'd say there are many off planet and/or multi-dimentional beings with their own interest - agenda and programs.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Annee]

I can't discount that Dephyle wasn't there. His/her desription was similar. I'm not going to discount anyone. Just because I didn't see it doesn't mean he/she didn't see it. I think there is a broader connection.

Dephyle saw a similar structure. It doesn't matter if he/she felt fear. The structure is the key. Just like some other things people are saying are similar.

We are not all experiencing the same things. However, we are experiencing bits and pieces of the same things. I am seeing a common thread here.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by 1kftabove

Originally posted by Waiting2
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

...or maybe waiting on a lack of Time.

I experienced a lack of time in the River of Power. It was more all time at once rather than no time. No, I am waiting for an event.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Faiol

if you say that you are sure that other people that you know experience it, well, thats kind of hard to believe if you stop to think

how the odds of a person that u know to be at the same "place" at the same time ... weird

Do you live with people?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
@ Waiting2
However, I have heard of, and experienced occasionally, similar stories and events involving other rooms / loading bays / planes and the like. Just I've compiled case studies on white rooms, black rooms, loading bays, pastures, burning fields, white rocks, and other strange anomalous locales.

I am curious to learn as much as I can about your "Grey Room" in the hopes of adding it to my own growing library of "rooms" and "places" visited. So, in the hopes of gathering data on your sacred place, may I prompt you to answer your own set of questions concerning the room?

1. Were you ever told why you were called?
2. What did the voice say?
3. Who did you talk to when you were in the room?
4. How much notice were you given before you arrived in the room?
5. How did you get there?
6. If you did talk to anyone in the room, what did you talk about?
7. What did you notice about the room from where you were standing?
8. What were you told to bring with you?
9. Were you told to get rid of certain items before they came for you?
10. Did you see anyone/anything else in the room besides people?
11. How did you leave the Grey Room?
12. When you came back home, how were you different?
13. What types of people noticed you were different?

~ Wandering Scribe

I would like to read your collection.
1 I think we passed a series of tests.
2 Clean your house. Nothing Hidden. You are in Jesus, Jesus is in God, and Jesus is in you. My will be done. (I was not a Christian)
3 no one
4 weeks but no specific time. I knew I had things to do and had to hurry to get them done. I knew I was going somewhere.
5 walked into a gray space and the gray space took me.
6 none
7 I think I already said that. Huge space with no corners. Very bright
8 We weren't told -just brought a backpack with one change of clothes, but everyone I saw had a bag of some kind
9 Yes. Crystal. My addictions. Things that didn't belong to me or in the house (trash, recyleables,work items, borrowed stuff, things I always meant to give to someone, stuff I made for a fund raiser and didn't sell)
10 The platform I was on and the curved ramp with the short wall. People with bags/backpacks/suitcases
11 Don't know. Just found myself back in my living room
12 I was in shock. I was upset that I didn't stay. I was confused and wondered if I was crazy
13 A Quaker said we looked like we had been raptured an hour before we went to the grey room. Afterward kids I didn't know would sit on my lap or lean against me. Really really strange people talked to me everywhere I went. Most of the time, to most people, I was invisable. Most people didn't hear me or see me. The groups I prayed/meditated with were in awe of me. (Not a comfortable feeling.)

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Waiting2

Well....i wonder if you can determine WHO had you in the room.

That really is the question, isn't it.
I quess it wasn't God, huh.

We were definately controlled somehow because I wouldn't normally be so compliant.

We don't know who and I think that bothers me more than what the purpose of the grey room was. It is creepy to know that I was controled, regaedness if I agreed to it or if it is in my best interest. Adults have free will. I am not a child nor a pet!!

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Dorian Soran

1. Do you remember smelling something, occasionally, that would remind you of a dentists office?

2. You say you saw no children, but what you were carrying - could a child have used it?

3. The people you say "saw you see them" ( the ones that brought you there ) were they ALL wearing glasses or goggles of some type?

4. When you returned to your room - did you have a headache?

5. Does your friend have random sinus pain for no reason, after being told about multiple surgeries?

6. Did you "know" any of the other people there, besides your friend. Or at least recognize them without being able to "place" them?

7. Were you born in 1975?

8. Are you from, or ever lived in, the midwest region of the United States?

1 No but the grey room smelled crisp/clean/good with no particular scent.
2 I don't think kids could pass the tests. There were no kids, no one in the early teens.
3 I only saw ordinary people.
4.Not that I remember. I didn't know what to do with myself. The house was spotless and I had given everything away to "God" so I felt like I was in someone else's house and shouldn't be there. I was in shock.
5 I have a disease that causes cronic pain. I have random pain all over.
6 All were strangers.
7 No
8 My father was in the service. I lived all over. Kansas

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by CheifMasterTrollTheHTIC
First times always a little foggy, after a few visits you will gain an understanding and knowledge as to what,where,when,why the "room" is. Once that happens then you will be allowed have more control over when you go, what happens inside, and when to leave. You can always tell whoose a newbie inside, by asking how they got there. Vets are free to come and go, and newbs are always brought. As for what was in hand that should be discussed inside only.

Tell me more.
Do you have information for me?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by 517.101
Qu you estion, what are you going to do when you find person or person who have been there?

Question, How high up was the second teir, or what you called a balcony?
Did your friend tell you if it was too high up for someone to jump off of and land on the main floor.

If there were alot of people there in pairs, would there be enough room for more people?
How big is it?
Were they spread out?
Do you think you were on that big ufo that flew over arizona, usa?
HOw much does time come in to play with your story other than the pregnacy?
When did you remember this happened?
Did you experience a time shift, with your age?
Did something trigger you to remember this experience?
Did anyone die?
Did you remeber it right before it happened?
Did you remember it after it happened?
Of course you remember it turing it happened?
What year did it happen in, and were you that age then?
Is your friend ok?
Was it easier for you to identify personal features of people that were farther away, rather than closer, but not their identity?
Other than your experience, Im perplexed to read that you thought something other than the experience had happened to you.
It seemed like you were implying something malicious or harmful had been done to your body.
What ever it was, it doesn't seem like it has given you any medical problems or conditions.

Were you or your friend questioned by anyone or anything?

1 Talk to them and share questions
2 I don't know. There was a low wall. You'd have to climb over the wall. IMaybe one or one and a half stories high. It would be easier to take the ramp
3 endless rooom, plenty of room for hundreds more
4 endless
5 spread out.
6 No I think I was in a dome room
7 6 weeks, 2 years, a lifetime. Depends on where you draw the line
8 1994
9 No
10 No
11 No
12 Yes
13 1994 an adult
14 yes
15 I don't know. I didn't try to identify people
16 Just answering questions to another post
17 Maybe. I would like to know. Creapy that I am not sure.
18 Not true. Experience triggered a physical illness
19 Later went to see counselors to talk about the experience. They saw it as a religious/spiritual awakining

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 02:43 PM
An interesting thread
Sadly I've never experienced what the OP has described.

@NotThat: I'm curious as to why you had to get rid of Crystals?


posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by NotThat
I don't know how to edit that last post. The last paragraph is mine the the one before it is a quote from Annee

Don't worry - I got it - - other people do that too. You just didn't fix the ending quote on my post.

Yes - this person could be a part of your group. Its the intense fear that makes me question. You sound like a worker - - fear sounds like experiment or patient to me.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Annee]

Okay, I understand what you mean. However, the non-humans were surprised that I saw them. That means most people didn't. I still felt so elated, but also shocked...more shocked that I wasn't shocked. Shocked that I should be more shocked. I don't know if this makes any sense to you. I think most people not "elated" would definitely feel fear.

It is not my intention to only talk to those who are a part of my "group." From the discussions in this thread, I'm realizing that there are many in my group. My "group" as you call it is much bigger than that room. I had no idea that there were others who hadn't been to the room yet still were hearing the same things.

I still want to find people who've been to the grey room. That's a much smaller group of people.

But, I'm super excited to find others who speak my same language. I'm not alone. NotThat and I are not alone. That's so liberating.

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