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Solid evidence of COVERUP - 9/11 Whistleblowers!!!

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:23 AM
Great job on putting together these videos. It has been a long time since I;ve seen footage of Sibel Edmonds and I had NEVER seen the Indira Singh video before, thank you!

To me the greatest damning evidence about 9/11 is contained within just 2 things - Able Danger and building 7. I believe the truth about either of those things has the ability to blow open the whole 9/11 OS. I pray that it does one day. Good work downisreallyup

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:43 AM
Its pretty funny, yesterday a poster posed a very interesting question (and if I find the thread I will extend the necessary credit) and I don't think there was a response. The question was basically about the newly released NIST photos. They were released by virtue of a FOIA request made by ABC news.

With all the chatter about searching for the truth and the need for a new investigation and all these supposedly professional organizations chock full of highly qualified individuals, AE911truth, Scholars for 911 truth, Pilots for 911 truth, Lawyers for 911 truth, We Are Change, etc, etc then why did it take ABC news (part of the MSM and by definition then suspect) to get the photos released? Anyone of the groups and individuals could have filed the same FOIA request.

Seems the "truth movement" spends a lot of time concocting flashy YouTube videos but where is the actual investigation? I am constantly told that the "truth movement"'s adherents number in the millions you would think by now there would be some organized singular effort to collect and compile all the information that is publically available and present a coherent line of arguments.

I can only conclude that either there is no real desire to seek the "truth" only a real desire to seek attention, or the movement is actually small, disjointed and dying. Or, more than likely, all of the above.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by hooper
With all the chatter about searching for the truth and the need for a new investigation and all these supposedly professional organizations chock full of highly qualified individuals, AE911truth, Scholars for 911 truth, Pilots for 911 truth, Lawyers for 911 truth, We Are Change, etc, etc then why did it take ABC news (part of the MSM and by definition then suspect) to get the photos released? Anyone of the groups and individuals could have filed the same FOIA request.

I have filed FIOA request to find the truth. How about you, what have you done to find the truth? Or maybe you are afriad of the truth like most OSers?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by REMISNE

A FOIA request? That's it? Any to the FBI, FAA, NIST, FEMA, NTSB, Pennsylvania State Police or any of dozens of other public organizations involved in 9/11?

An I am aware of your request for which you claim that you got a response that you may get a response. Then what? Lets say you get a response then what are you going to do? Post it on Above Top Secret Forum and then go home? Or sit behind your computer and demand a new investigation on conspiracy websites?

Have you ever attempted to contact any of your elected representatives? Or the Airlines, American and United to get additional information?

And don't ask me what I've done. I am rationally satisfied as to the relevant facts of 9/11.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:08 AM


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by hooper
A FOIA request? That's it? Any to the FBI, FAA, NIST, FEMA, NTSB, Pennsylvania State Police or any of dozens of other public organizations involved in 9/11?

Please go back and read my post, and do not be immature enought to put words in my mouth.

I stated i have filed FOIA request, NOT A request.

I have filed requests with the following agencies.


I have also sent many e-mails, like to the following.

Tully Construction
National Motorists Association

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by REMISNE

"Tully Construction"??

1) Why?

Why not Untied and American Airlines?

Do you have the FOIA request #'s so I can trace them?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by hooper
"Tully Construction"??

1) Why?

You mean you do not know that Tully Construction company was the biggest construction company working at ground zero?

I have also sent e-mails to the last known owners of AA77.

You really do not know much about what was going on that day do you?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by REMISNE

No, please tell me what was going on that day. In your world.

Again, why? What was the object of the email, what was the response, what are you going to do with info, what is your follow up, what are you long term goals with this information?

Or are you just going to sit in front of your keyboard and demand a new investigation.

Look at those parents who believed that Autism was somehow connected to vaccines. Look what they accomplished. Mind you, in the final analysis science determined that there was no connection, but they got someone to notice and ask questions. They started out doing their own investigations, and it was difficlut to get the pharmaceuticals to cooperate, there was and is a lot at stake.

Where are you going with this stuff?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by hooper
No, please tell me what was going on that day. In your world.

Well in my world (reallty) we had a lot going on that day that is not discussed in the MSM.

Again, why? What was the object of the email, what was the response, what are you going to do with info, what is your follow up, what are you long term goals with this information?

Well you should know that Tully Construction is responsable for having the contract for things like pulling down building 6.

I asked some questions about building 7 but they could not answer due to the 9/11 lawsuits.

Again i have to ask, why are you afraid to do research and post evidence to suport what you BELIVEVE happened?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by REMISNE]

[edit on 16-2-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by hooper


"truster" DERAIL ALERT "Truster" DERAIL ALERT!

I'm going to take a look at these vids, and respond as necessary, but I think its terrible that we are constantly having to put up with derailing posts.

I am one that believes part of the OS could be true, but certain things just don't add up. I can buy that buidlings one and two fell because of the airplanes. It tastes nasty, and probably means that the buildings were not built correctly, and an investigation into that should be made, because I bet the company that built them built more than those two across the country.

But building 7, the pentagon and PA do not add up to me. If that makes me some crazy conspiracy theorist, a "Twoofer" or any other term that gets thrown around to make me feel retarded or question my ideas.

It's quite silly. The fact that I think differently then some people, and it gets this much of a response.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:12 AM
I do not need an internet video to tell me that something is fishy in the official story. All I need to do is research who made money on our invasion of Iraq. Surprisingly enough Bush's friends and supporters made MANY HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. That alone tells me everything I need to know because without 9-11 they would not be making that money.

Isn't it convenient that we were attacked by SAUDI ARABIANS, but we retaliated by attacking a country that was an enemy of Al Qeida and who did not contribute even one hijacker among all the hijackers on the 4 planes?

I cannot believe there are enough uneducated rednecks in America to let something like that happen.

That is like putting a fence on the Canadian border to stop illegal Mexican immigration.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder

That is like putting a fence on the Canadian border to stop illegal Mexican immigration.


You hit the nail on the head

The Trusters say it was Saudi Arabia and Pakistan who funded and pulled
off 911.

Yet we leveled Iraq and are destroying Afgan .

Things that make you go Hmm.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:22 AM
Most people are unaware that the 9/11 attacks are still going on. It is happening right infront of you on this site and similar sites. The terrorist attack includes the coverup and misinformation the followed the event. Evidence has shown that the 911 truther movement and its conspiracy theories were well though out in advanced before the attack.

there has been may conspiracies that were and are far fetched that were generated by debunkers and the cover up operatives. This is lead the opposition and destroy within technique.

Many of the far fetched missile pods and holograms rubbish has been linked to people connected to agencies being accused of carrying out or covering up the attack that the f.b.i has admitted that Bin laden had nothing to do with the attack nor did Iraq but these goons are content and will praise how many years have passed as proof they are telling the truth.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:45 AM
I'd like to see you De-bunkers, debunk Core of Corruptions.... 95% of the Information in that Film is from the Main Stream Media....

If you want to watch that video and still claim that we were "Sucker Punched, in the Back"

Then you have no point in being here anymore.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Hmmm101
I'd like to see you De-bunkers, debunk Core of Corruptions.... 95% of the Information in that Film is from the Main Stream Media....

If you want to watch that video and still claim that we were "Sucker Punched, in the Back"

Then you have no point in being here anymore.

If you want to watch it on youtube , look up


By putting the 1 after the title , you get the full movie with no 10 min

Best thing also, the 1 means (I checked) they plan on making 4 more
with different information.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:50 PM
IT is time to move on.

The government is perpetrating plenty more crimes right under our noses while you worry about 9/11.

9/11 is -nothing- compared to what will eventually happen.

Here is wisdom : let the past go. Fight for a cause that is present. This is how police catch many big time criminals. Sometimes you can't always catch the criminal in the act, sometimes you think that a crime fits the crooks M.O., but you can't prove it..

So police either learn their target and learn to intercept the crime, or they plant evidence at the scene and shoot the poor jerk.

I realllly hope you choose the former, because you might shoot an innocent.

I would like it to be known that my references to shooting are completely metaphorical and not intended as actual advice.

Besides... what good is it going to do you if you convince the "trusters" - and the other way around for that matter..?

You will either successfully prove another facet of the government's corruption and the government will be forced into a utter anarchy... or the other side gets their way and everyone feels like they can trust the government again and the government gets away with MURDER (could be taken either literally or metaphorically).

So... which is it y'all? That's my first and final word regarding 9/11.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by TwoPhish
Are there any new videos out on 9-11? I know there's not much more to uncover but it would be nice to see other videos with other witnesses etc.

I can't get far away from this and it's NOT good. Damn!

The definitive collection of 9/11 documentaries and videos.

Some of the newest activist and news videos

WeAreChange questions Mayor Bloomberg about 9/11, followed by (somewhat lengthy) discussion of the Ground Zero construction and memorial progress.

Our govt. does not want a 9/11 public trial
We Are Change’s Manny Badillo who lost his uncle on 911, on Russia Today

and now they close the case on anthrax, that was a false flag for sure

and some random research I have recently read:

The twin towers accelerated without interruption in free fall... as if the lower 90 floors of the buildings did not exist.

what force could pulverize 200,000 tons of steel in 11.4 seconds, quoting US engineer Neel Ginson: "In order to bring down this kind of mass in such a short period of time, the material must have been artificially exploded outwards." Ginson added that, looking closely, one can see small explosions in the Twin Towers always occurring before the floors are reached by the collapse line.

looking closely one can see small explosions in the Twin Towers always occurring before the floors are reached by the collapse line. These are easily explained as explosive ejections

to refute the claim that nano-thermite could have brought down the buildings, National Geographic used ordinary thermite (narrator explaining that they had no access to nano-thermite). Moreover, instead of using the thermite to make shaped charges, which can cut through steel, NatGeo simply placed a bag of thermite next to a steel column and lit it. When the burning thermite did not melt the column, the narrator concluded, triumphantly, that science had disproved the conspiracy theorists.

Rice said that the president received 40 warnings face to face from the director of central intelligence that a major al-Qaeda attack was going to take place and she admitted that the president did not have a meeting on the subject

She admitted that she didnt convene the Cabinet.

some of the 9/11 Commissioners pointed out, this was in marked contrast to the way the government operated in December of 1999 when it had similar information and it successfully thwarted attacks

April 11, 2004: President Bush Claims Bin Laden Determined to Attack in US Memo Said Nothing about an Attack on America

President Bush talks about the Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) he was given on August 6, 2001, entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US. He claims, ?here was nothing in this report to me that said, Oh, by the way, weve got intelligence that says something is about to happen in America. There was nothing in there that said, you know, There is an imminent attack. That wasnt what the report said. The report was kind of a history of Osamas intentions.

The complete text of the PDB was released the day before Bushs comments and in fact the PDB does very clearly discuss an imminent attack on the US. For instance, it says that FBI information indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York. And it discusses a call to a US embassy in the UAE in May [2001] saying that a group of bin Laden supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives

[edit on 20-2-2010 by conar]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Once again I see nothing here that constitutes proof of anything. I don't think the government was involved, but I don't know for sure, no one does. The problems is that any crack pot can come up with a "I heard it was going to happen" and post it on the internet.

I worked construction for years and did three building implosions in that time. I have seen nothing in any video of the WTC or building 7 that suggests demo explosives being used. The worst thing I think the government has done here is try to cover up that it had more information on these attacks than they wanted to admit and are trying to do damage control, but no one has been able to provide me with evidence that some conspiracy was in place other than the initial attacks by terrorists.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Please, give us specific evidence yourself instead of linking us to these videos. We have no reason to believe that these videos are any more credible than the official story, and those of us who are "TRUSTERS" (oh god I hate that) are not concerned enough to watch five hours of video with shaky evidence.

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