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Solid evidence of COVERUP - 9/11 Whistleblowers!!!

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posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Solid evidence of COVERUP - 9/11 Whistleblowers!!!

You can put your head in the sand if you wish, because it is a scary thing to actually look at truth. However, for those of you who want to see that 9/11 Whistle-blowers DO EXIST, please watch these videos:

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

I have seen TRUSTERS going on and on about a lack of evidence for conspiracy, but the fact is, there is tons of evidence, not the least of which is a raft of early whistle-blowers who all have a very revealing story to tell. What is most enlightening is the fact that some have been murdered, and others were threatened with their life if they did not go along with the program.

Listen folks... there are so many questions and loose-ends in this 9/11 story that there absolutely MUST be a real investigation.

Please watch these videos with an open heart and with courage. Don't be one of the "see no evil, hear no evil" TRUSTERS who are afraid of knowing the truth.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by downisreallyup]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
but the fact is, there is tons of evidence,

No, there is zero evidence for the silly conspiracy theories involving explosives, thermite etc etc.

What is most enlightening is the fact that some have been murdered,

People get murdered all the time, especially in the USA

and others were threatened with their life if they did not go along with the program.

more conspiracy theory nonsense not based in any fact.

there are so many questions and loose-ends in this 9/11 story

only to conspiracy theorists

that there absolutely MUST be a real investigation.

and a "real" investigation is one that pushes your silly conspiracy theories!

who are afraid of knowing the truth.

"truthers" are the only ones here who cannot face the truth

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:27 PM
I really do think it is vital that people not forget what the arguments are against the OS. The Trusters continue to trust their government's story, and yet as time goes along, more and more people are coming forth to share their stories of what they know.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Yeah, just link around 5 hours of video there without any specific examples. Don't let being vague get you down.

I have seen TRUSTERS going on and on about a lack of evidence for conspiracy, but the fact is, there is tons of evidence

If you say trusters, you're an idiot. There is no evidence that hasn't been manipulated to death by truthers that makes the OS false.

What is most enlightening is the fact that some have been murdered, and others were threatened with their life if they did not go along with the program.

Yeah, I bet they were all "murdered". Someone saying they believe they were murdered doesn't automatically make it true unless the people that investigated that murder were in on it too. As for the threats, I doubt there is any solid evidence of that.

All of your questions have been answered, it's you truthers who afraid of the truth. Why? I have no idea, I guess it's just easier to close your eyes and live in your paranoid delusional world than it is to admit you're wrong, and that there really is no NWO. There isn't a need for an investigation if all of your questions can be answered on some web sites forum.

Don't be one of the "see no evil, hear no evil" TRUSTERS who are afraid of knowing the truth.

I hate that word already...

more and more people are coming forth to share their stories of what they know.

It's actually less and less people believing in your insane theories. The ones that do will believe anything they see on youtube.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by Whyhi]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by dereks

Really, do you think that repeatedly calling all this a 'silly conspiracy theory' helps add to the discussion?
Bring something to the table, otherwise... what is the point? You're on a CONSPIRACY THEORY FORUM.
Christ, this place is getting ridiculous.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by bvproductions

I agree. It's beyond ridiculous. Theres not one SINGLE 9/11 thread here that one can actually read and discuss seriously without "Dereks" or "Goodoldave" or "whyhi" saying the same EXACT nonsense over and over. lol, it's amusing but really sad at the same time.. I get internet trolling but what IS it these people have to do other than state over and over and over and over and over again that they dislike "truthers" thanks guys! WE GET IT! If you truly think all the arguments against the OS are nonsense, then get over it! There's literally thousands of other threads for you to read not necessarily exsisting in the "9/11" forums.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Wookiep]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:46 PM


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by downisreallyup
but the fact is, there is tons of evidence,

No, there is zero evidence for the silly conspiracy theories involving explosives, thermite etc etc.

What is most enlightening is the fact that some have been murdered,

People get murdered all the time, especially in the USA

and others were threatened with their life if they did not go along with the program.

more conspiracy theory nonsense not based in any fact.

there are so many questions and loose-ends in this 9/11 story

only to conspiracy theorists

that there absolutely MUST be a real investigation.

and a "real" investigation is one that pushes your silly conspiracy theories!

who are afraid of knowing the truth.

"truthers" are the only ones here who cannot face the truth

Thank you Dereks for sharing... you are excused...

Now, if anyone has something constructive to share regarding these excellent testimonies by actual people who were very much involved with some aspect of 9/11, it would be much appreciated.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Wow! There are some real thread derailers recently in the 9/11 forums. It is becoming quite hilarious to see "truther" bashing in a website devoted specifically to conspiracy theorists who want to explore where truth is found.

Regarding the videos, I haven't seen one shred of evidence saying that these possible 'witnesses' have had a chance to share their stories or that their stories are not true. They are eye witnesses. In any court that is pretty heavy evidence. People have been executed for crimes simply by stating they saw a specific person do a crime. Eye witness testimony is good evidence. Still waiting to hear from the people that "dislike truthers" where there evidence to the contrary is.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
reply to post by downisreallyup

I hate that word already...

That's why I coined the term... I was getting quite tired of being called a "truther" when it suddenly occurred to me that seeking truth is the very foundation of freedom and intelligence. So, I asked myself, what is the REAL difference between those who believe in the OS and those that see evidence against it? TRUST... you guys just trust what you are told, and when I saw the beauty of how similar the words TRUTHER and TRUSTER were, it just became so evident that these two terms very much encapsulate the difference between these two groups.

It's especially nice the way others have taken to the term also.

The fact that you hate it is quite satisfying also, because for years now you all have been scorning those seeking the full truth by calling them TRUTHERS in a derogatory fashion. Nice to see the other shoe drop!

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:15 PM
Hi everyone,

To the OP, this is gonna sound worse than I mean it to but the way the information is presented is a real turn-off. I much prefer to read to read the quotes rather than watch videos, and eye-witness are not whistle-blowers. However the 'trusters' arguments on this thread are pathetic. Add to that the seismic data evidence and we have enough to prove beyond reasonable doubt that planes and fire alone did not bring down the towers.


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:01 PM
From a purely logical standpoint......

1 building in 3 falling into its own footprint instead of toppling sideways I could believe.

2 buildings out of 3 falling into their own footprint would make me ask serious questions.

But 3 out of 3.

No person who claims to have a single logical thought process would believe that was possible. Unless you also claim to be so uneducated as to not understand what you are asking us to believe. The only logical conclusion was they were brought down in a controlled fall, and that proves prior knowledge. I am open to any explanation that does not ask me to disregard that point.

The who, why and how is the only "conspiracy theory".

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:03 PM
For gods sake..

I can't believe some people still believe that 9/11 was NOT an inside job.

No plane hit the pentagon.... That is an absolute certainty...

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:36 PM
Are there any new videos out on 9-11? I know there's not much more to uncover but it would be nice to see other videos with other witnesses etc.

I can't get far away from this and it's NOT good. Damn!

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by TwoPhish

Have you seen Core of corruption, I can link it if yu want .

After watching it , U2 me, Tell me if you think Bush knew before hand or not.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Sean48

I don't believe I caught that one. Thanks. I'll search it out and if I can't find it, I'll ask ya to link it if ya don't mind.


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by TwoPhish

One of the better investigative 9/11 videos in my opinion.


Google Video Link

Edit to add...

Harley Guy!

Cant forget this 'eyewitness' tool.

We Surround them...Think about that!

[edit on 15-2-2010 by TaZCoN]

[edit on 15-2-2010 by TaZCoN]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by TwoPhish

It was my 2nd thread awhile ago ,

movie inside [yvid]

[edit on 15-2-2010 by Sean48]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:28 AM
Thanks for the excellent link to all these great truth videos! It is still amazing to me that there are people who can honestly look at all the suspicious things surrounding the entire 9/11 events and still not see that there are many things that still need answering.... simply amazing actually!

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
Thanks for the excellent link to all these great truth videos! It is still amazing to me that there are people who can honestly look at all the suspicious things surrounding the entire 9/11 events and still not see that there are many things that still need answering.... simply amazing actually!

I believe they're afraid of the truth, they prefer to live in a false reality where their government would never hurt them, rather than the real world where they're considered expendable by the elite.

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