posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Originally posted by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU
Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
reply to post by Tormentations
Quick question...
why is the bible a reliable source to site for a prediction?
Because it all literally fits known History only one way, and the dates are now available to place in the margins! Besides it has proved true with
Archaeology to be a factual History!
So since you can see the line of truth leading up to NOW it is easy to see where we are AND projecting it forward is easily accomplished by adding up
all the next events!
[edit on 2010/2/26 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]
I just totally disagree here, I dont think God has any intention of anyone knowing when our cycle of life will end here. I think those that feel they
were led in prophecy are not led in prophecy from God.
When we consider all histories, not just history of the Hebrews, all cultures were making similar predictions, even before the Bible was written.
Predictions of a 'god in the flesh' was nothing new to mankind. Predictions of a 'change of the ages' was nothing new to mankind. Predictions of
storms, earthquakes, things falling from the sky, disease ect....was nothing new to mankind. We can take mans greatest hopes and fears and see them
within predictions. We can see that man was aware that history is likely to repeat itself, which is the only part of predictions one can take
seriously. If the world once flooded, it can do it again. If the world once burnt under the sun, it can happen again. If the summer's once stopped
coming and winter only stayed, it can happen again. I think to assume that we are seeing the prophecies of 'GOD' is jumping the gun and can cause
mankind to get caught up in the whole end of the world idea, and brings man to fear things, fear in itself is not a great motivator of healthy
thinking. Fear causes flight or fight reactions....there is no acceptance or adaptation in 'fear' which can be dangerous because man must accept and
There is true history in the Bible about a people that kept getting dispersed from their spiritual land. This history or fact does not make it a fact
that the Most High Perfect God of all led them in their battles or sacrifices. Just because we find archeological evidence that people existed and
their stories are not just stories DOES NOT make it a fact that God led them in their ways. People are quick to not think about what kind of nature a
'blood sacrifice' is or what kind of nature a 'killing' is.....they quickly assume that this must of been the Perfect Unseen One....and this is
You will know a seed by its fruit....and mankind is still making excuses for the senselessness of the Old Testament tied to the teachings of Jesus.
The natures dont match.
The idea of a 'star' telling the 'birth' of a king or god or son of god was NOT NEW to the people back then. Many cultures tie into the finding of
a 'king' by a 'star' and the history of Magi would not normally be accepted by people because this is astrology at its best. The idea of a e-pod
with the 12 stones to be read to receive divine answers is divination at its best. But then these things are rebuked and denied to be of God.
The Bible is a history of a people, a many people, and its not hard to make prophecies on a nation that believed God mabve them a special land and
called them his chosen people. It would take an idiot to NOT see what the future would hold with such a belief. War, rumors of war....OF COURSE< what
else would such a telling lead to.
Just adding different views....