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Revealed Prophecy Coming True For The World

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

It doesn't actually. It is just like my example in the post you replied to. You can write anything vague and when it comes true you can claim it is a fulfilled prophesy. People in the right position of power created the UN, which in turn approved of Israel becoming a nation. The ones in power made sure that this came true, isn't because god said it would come true, but because man made it true. This kept the believers believing. "Well this came true, so the bible must be right!" You and anyone else who lives their lives according to the bible can believe what you want, but my personal opinion is that this isn't good enough proof.

As for the end of the world prophecy, just because the bible, the mayan calendar and everything else says the world will end, doesn't mean literally. Of course everything has to end eventually, but since I believe that the age of enlightenment is coming I think that it's more of a change for the better than an extinction. Then again maybe that would be a bible prophesy fulfilled because once people realize they don't need the church and it's fear mongering garbage, that would be the end of the christian world as they know it and the priests will have to find another line of work.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by stereovoyaged

Originally posted by MMPI2

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
reply to post by Tormentations

What has come true?

And why is another faith's book not just as reliable?

Well, I'm pretty sure that the Koran is just worthless trash. That's why muslims aren't much better than walking human garbage.

How the HELL has this not been removed yet?? If this statement doesn't violate T&C then why even have them

I sympathize with you, guys. I can even empathize with you in your struggle with the truth about Islam and its followers. Truth in life sometimes is very painful. Whining about it and trying to silence someone else because you don't agree with them won't change reality.

You'll learn this more and more as you mature and become more of an adult.

Good luck.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

No you read to much into it... I do not have to accept some one else relgion or ideas, But I do have to respect them... I think I hit a nerve with you and your looking to much into it....

I also want to know where did I refuse to belive someone elses relgions had fulfilld prophecy's? Your putting words in my mouth....

I do remeber saying the Koran belongs in the trash.... Which may have been harsh but it is my opinion, but I respect there right to worship in there way.... You are really confused..

[edit on 16-2-2010 by poedxsoldiervet]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

You asked to prove a bible prophecy hd come true I showed you but one, When I say your heart is cold, I say it is cold to ideas the Jesus is the King and the bible has been accurate on prdictions.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
According to Mayan prophecies the wicked one that you describe is the ego of man. I await the times when everyone can see ego at work and will know who's intention is pure and who's is motivated to put themselves first over others.

I do believe like you say that the end is near. But I don't think the world is going to blow up and disappear for why would heaven come to earth and the lord rule for 1000 years if the earth was gone?

Yes I agree here and I also understand that the end of the world will simply be the end of the mind of the ego. Because that is where all the wars of the world have ever started from in history...In the minds of Human perceived paranoid, fearful imaginations of loss and punishment.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Darth Lumina

You think I am reaching God said it would be then it shall be, there is nothing vague about Ezekail God said he would bring the Jewshomw from scattered Nations, he brought them home like he said he would.... How the Hell is that vague? What will you say when the Armies og Gog and Magog attack Israel and god destroys them? In Ezekial he said howhe was goin to do it... Will you say its to vague then??

What about when Jesus rapture his church, like predicted in the bible, will you say its vague then? My point is if you think everything is vague it will pass you by.... For sme rason many of you rject the Lods teaches.... As predicted in the bible... But we shall see only time will tell.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by SpectreDC

No you read to much into it... I do not have to accept some one else relgion or ideas, But I do have to respect them... I think I hit a nerve with you and your looking to much into it....

I also want to know where did I refuse to belive someone elses relgions had fulfilld prophecy's? Your putting words in my mouth....

I do remeber saying the Koran belongs in the trash.... Which may have been harsh but it is my opinion, but I respect there right to worship in there way.... You are really confused..

[edit on 16-2-2010 by poedxsoldiervet]

You've seemingly replaced several points I attempted to get across to you with some bizarre form of what I'm saying. The truth is right in your face, when you're ready to accept it you will but until then this is pointless to get my point across to you because you've shut off any ability to do so.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

I think the same could be said of you.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Ezekiel 29:15 P
redicted that Egypt would be toppled and would no longer be a ruling nation. It would maintain it's sovereignty, but would never rule over another country again. Egypt is one of the few countries to keep its status for so long, and yet even though it was once a powerful nation, it is not nearly what it once was.

Isaiah 14:23
Predicted that the once great Babylon would fall and that it would be turned into a swampland. It did just that in when King Cyrus (who was predicted to conquer Babylon specifically by name about 150 years before it happened) destroyed the great power in 539 BC.

Matthew 24:1-2
Jesus prophesied that the Holy Temple would be completely destroyed. This happened along with the Jews predicted exile to the nations in the year 70 AD.

It was already mentioned that Israel was predicted to become a nation again. Men may have fulfilled the prophesy because they new about it, but that doesn't change the fact that it did happen. Check out the fact that Russia and Iran seem to be allying themselves up against Israel right now. These countries are going to lead in the battle against Israel in the near future. This is known as the war of Gog and Magog (Gog being Russia, Magog being its leader). Persia is the other major player in that war and it is modern day Iran. Israel will survive and the nations against her will fail, but nobody will come to Israel's aid this time around.

Joel Rosenberg's book "The Last Days" has a section that is very helpful in explaining the Russia situation in a compact and easy to read way. Great book too! He has actually predicted (sort of) events that would happen based on what he read out of the Bible.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Epsillion70

I disagree. Wars and violence are not always the result of somebody's fear. The truth is that some people are just evil and have evil intentions. Some people might do it out of fear and in some way it shows itself as violence, but some people just want to watch the world burn. Great secular example would be Joker from Batman: The Dark Knight.

I don't see how in any way there is any evidence that the "end of the world" is going to be the end of this "ego." Will everyone become lifeless droids like in the movie Equilibrium? So long as man has sin in his heart and the ability to choose to act on it, the world will continue to burn. The only thing that holds God back from coming sooner is that He wants as many as possible to be saved. Considering how fast the world is rejecting Him, the full number may soon be reached, and then the end will come.

Revelation 22:20
20He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Jesus -was- a prophet. Just because he was coined with the term "son of God" doesn't mean that he didn't do his fair share of prophet like things. Because he did. He was also a miracle worker, a healer, and yes, even a heretic. Your views are one sided and closed minded, something that Jesus would NOT have tolerated. He didn't hang out and teach the whores, murderers, thieves and tax collectors instead of the rich and the church clergy for no reason. Also, please tell me where in the bible God or Jesus say it's okay to literally talk trash on someone else's beliefs, because it's quite the opposite. You talk about turning the other cheek but your comments are just a slap back in your opponents face. Please stop the ignorance, you're just giving Christians and Christianity a bad name!

On topic, there's no factual proof of the bible predicting anything because of the vagueness it's written in. You can honestly take anything and mold it to your beliefs (one of the core problems I have with Christianity). They are "words of wisdom" for a reason. Not to mention that that Catholic church and early Christian church completely re-wrote large segments of the bible to fit their needs and laws. Something that fragmented is bound to have errors.

But you're right, we should totally follow orders without asking our own questions /s.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:57 AM
Of all Prophecy recorded in the Scriptures of all the worlds religions, only that of "Jesus" in the Gospels of the Bible is accurate with History -to the degree that each successive statements date shows an amazing line of Truth current!
Go to Matthew 24:29-31, there in answer to His Talmudim in private (24:3) are seven distinct events foretold from "then" (only the 7th yet future) and six have occured for their date in the margin!
The Dates; Events are:

2,July 1776; New World Independence from the Old World declared

19, March 1780; Dark Day and Red full Moon 4hrs to setting

10-12, November 1833; Greatest Meteor shower in History

6,9, August 1945; Uranium and Plutonium atomic detonations

1, July 1946; Shroud of Turin in property of last reigning King

8-13, October 1978; USAF and LosAlamos scientists analyze shroud. findings miraculous or controversial continuing thus despite the carbon-date correction of it's Bioplastic being removed, flora and fauna, the weave and textile itself, and the fact that it has on the surface of its fibrils the only physical hologram ever made.

The last date is an appointment (Holyday) rehearsed yearly and is really the 8th date if you know the Revelation "Trumpets" as Teruah!

(6:12) has a First date that occurred just previous to these:
November 1755; Greatest area effected Disaster in History.
P.S.; Notice at the end of it, the mountain range specified!

[edit on 2010/2/17 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by stereovoyaged

The Koran In his Opinion is worthless trash, I to believe the Koran is worthless trash, I think Muslims are miss-guided, ....

The Prophet was nothing more than a Glorified Thug, who spread his moon god to over 1.1 Billion people today...

Now back on topic.... Anyone going to rebut my evidence of the bibles accuracy?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by poedxsoldiervet]

Want a REAL prophecy from that "Thug", not some can-be-interpreted-differently thing?

Then check this out:

Asked about the signs of the Hour, the Prophet said: “When the destitute (al-buhm) camelherds compete in building tall structures.” (Prophet Muhammed in Sahih Al Bukhari, 1400 years ago)

The “Al-Buhm” or camel shepherds / beduins he was speaking about are precisely the ancestors of todays Sheikhs in the United Arab Emirates, who up until 50 years ago were STILL beduins and had merely tents to live in.
Now they (Emaar and Nakheel Corporations) are literally COMPETING who will build the tollest structure.

Now, THAT is a prophecy.

And I will bring some more for you, extremely PRECISE prophecies, not some writ by some ANONYMOUS author on ganja ( ... "John", revelation ...)

[edit on 2/17/2010 by skajkingdom]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 06:03 AM
Anyone can pick out a stand alone piece of scripture and find fulfillment (roulette?), it's the successive and progressive 'timeline' prophecy that is the real deal!

Look at the Psalms being the 19th book;
it is the only 'book' of all the Bible that came as separate songs' Lyrics whereas all the rest had to be divided into Chapters and Verses, and as 'rhyme' to rhythm it requires a time keeping beat...
it's at the heart of both the TeNaCh to Judaism -and Bible of Christianity where is counts clearly(!):
the Years of the 1900's AND continues ('cause there are 150)!

Now, THAT is a Prophecy!

[edit on 2010/2/17 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 06:32 AM
This is actually quite an amusing argument.. He said she said crap right...?! Tell you what you can look into about half a dozen book and recite them as predictions if you twist and turn things... Read the cat in the hat and you will find a way to turn it into prophecy. Its not hard actually but ignorant.. Everyone always says the Bible is the good book.. while slow and boring at times i agree it has several lessons within it that should be taken to heart.. The koran as well.. the power of one is a good book.
I honestly don't care if the world ends tomorrow.. Look at what your living for..To continue arguing about what? exactly? Are they prophecy? read them find times in history that might have applied and aye they are prophetic... I honestly beleive what cayce, nostradomas and the mayan were speaking of a end of times event... Perhaps not total death of the planet. or even its people.. Maybe death of a unreasoned wisdom..
I guess my rambling may be a bit off topic.. but sometimes prophecy is only real cus you those who interpret it think you understand it. and war with each other. Instead of being stubborn try being constructive.. the well your wrong and going to burn in hell statement is a cop out and you are all better then that.. Self fulfilled prophecy.. Maybe the mayans were Right maybe we will change into something better, maybe we can forget old wounds... I think if we can't stop fighting it defeats the purpose of their warning.
One lives in the hell he creates around him. If god or the almighty all what ever your beleif has.. it is the contraints that you put on yourself. Heaven hell it's all in the mind. Heaven is just another prison, suffer here and go there.. I am sorry but anyone who beleives I should suffer to get a soft pillow is wrong. You make the world you live in, others help influence it, some seems to go against your wants. though it is difficult as I try to teach my children it all starts with the first step.. If you want someone to share with you.. sometime you have to take the first step..
Well sorry for the ramblings.. I am and always will be Marlichslar ( the simple one) Therian Shadeslight

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by pyrts

Death in itself is not horrible. To say that times are better now than in past times is missing the point entirely. The world is stuck in it's own arrogance of the lie it has created. Like I stated before, I cannot wait to see the lie exposed.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 05:26 AM
i wonder if any prophecies at all will ever be believed again if december 22nd 2012 roles round

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Tormentations
Plus, all dreams shall pass away as in it shall be no more dreams once the astral plane dies.

I have to believe this is one of the most ridiculous predictions I have read on ATS especially when you throw in that it will occur this week or month. I'd be willing to bet someone my entire life savings if it weren't illegal that I'll still be having dreams in another week or month or year as long as I'm still alive. I think the odds are better for a large meteor to hit the planet since that occurs more frequently than mankind losing the ability to dream. Of course you could always argue about the astral plane. I don't believe the existence of it has been proven so you would be hard pressed to prove that it was there in the first place.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by duff_lyricist
i wonder if any prophecies at all will ever be believed again if december 22nd 2012 roles round

I would say yes to answer your question. I'm not aware of any prophecies for December 2012. I am aware that the Mayan calendar stopped there but that is not a prophecy, it merely marked the end of an age and the beginning of a new time period. I believe those time periods last 26,000 years each so it would be kind of silly for the Mayans to have their calendars go out another 26,000 years. They merely stopped their calendar at the end of their time period they were living in. It will not be the end of the world unless people do something stupid to make it so.

Another point to make is that if there really is a wicked one to be revealed, a mere 2 years of existence for the wicked one before everyone dies sounds kind of silly. If the wicked one was so brilliant, that would not be enough time to set everything up under his control in my opinion. Of course we could always have a severe solar storm knocking out power for months in another year or two or Iran or some other country could launch an electromagnetic bomb doing the same thing. It might seem like the end of the world without electricity for months. That's just my two cents.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by leggelegged
The bible has been and always will be 100% accurate.

Interesting, since the bible was re-written, mistranslated, and misinterpreted over and over again to serve the "Politician" (King James) in power.

Would you say the same to a book written by or for Obama?

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