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New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside.' Video: Russia Today

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by argentus

You can find the scientific report published at the following link.

Except that they will publish anything, and there was no peer review

They are just a vanity publisher

from your source...

An executive at the New England Journal of Medicine and a Cornell graduate student who submitted a nonsensical paper to an open-access journal to test its peer review policy say it was accepted without comment.

so in the peer review process no one rejected it... that says something!

someone should of rejected it, or refuted it, but that didn't happen until it was posted.

[edit on 2/14/2010 by ugie1028]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

I just scanned over the report you linked. It's exactly the manner of information that I wanted to see. I'm very familiar with SEM, XRD, TEM and related analysis. I hadn't seen this before, and while it appears that the report plants seeds of their conclusion throughout, it also appears to have measurable and verifiable data.

I'm a tad troubled by the lack of chain-of-custody of the samples gathered, but will cross that later after delving deeper into the report. I'm no expert in spite of past education, and I'm not predetermined toward a conclusion.

Just wanted to thank you again.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

BTW? Have a good laugh? since when was investigating a tragedy funny?

It's funny when truthers just look at all of the previous investigations and basically go "No, this does not agree with my theory of how things happened." and then starting pulling things out of your glutteous maximus

so in the peer review process no one rejected it... that says something!

someone should of rejected it, or refuted it, but that didn't happen until it was posted.

As in they just put it're understanding this, right?

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
reply to post by Whyhi

then you support a new investigation. that's good to hear!

BTW? Have a good laugh? since when was investigating a tragedy funny?

wonder what kind of head is on your shoulders.

Amazing how cold-blooded these politically motivated 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY internet defense attorneys are.

I think that it is blatantly obvious that the towers are exploding in these photos, hurling massive multi-ton chunks of steel in all directions, and pulverizing the contents of the towers in mid-air.


This 9-11 WTC victim's family member would agree.

C.S.I. 9/11



[edit on 2/14/10 by SPreston]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by SPreston

when i saw this in person, i noticed the same thing, and still support that there were explosions, and not implosions. if there were implosions, the building should of folded in and onto itself, not hurl beams outwards.

It looked like everything disintegrated into nothing. there wasn't enough force downwards to cause that kind of damage without assistance of some kind of explosive device.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

S&F I think the photos are great.

It does not matter if they were posted before, heck; I did not see these so I am glade you posted them.

I have been saying it for years that the WTC destroyed it own self when the top floors lean over and fell, we clearly see it vaporized into it own self. When the top fell over we can see there is no pan caking of the floors, yet every square inch of concrete is pulverized, into a fine dust before it even hits the ground. We do not even need science to tell us this, it is clear as day just watching all the videos.

I don’t need the government to tell me my eyes are lying to me, I know the government is lying to me, not my eyes.
Some people trust our government so much so; that when the government told them the WTC just fell down, just pancake on their own selves they actually told them their eyes are not seeing what they are really looking at, and they bought it. See how easy it was subliminal messages, that was all it took.
Perhaps, one day when all is gone they will wake up and say, WHAT HAPPENED?

I love TV it is the best brainwashing tool in the 21 century used by our government, military and corporate media.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by impressme]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Amazing how cold-blooded these politically motivated 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY internet defense attorneys are.


Really, what did I even say that makes me cold blooded? Saying I laugh at truthers? Or are you using your truther skillz to exaggerate and take things out of context?

I think that it is blatantly obvious that the towers are exploding in these photos, hurling massive multi-ton chunks of steel in all directions, and pulverizing the contents of the towers in mid-air.

Well, I was always told by truthers that it all fell into its footprint and disintegrated mid-air. Anyways, yes it did hurl debris outwards, as an incredible downward force would do, force it outwards and eject it.

pulverizing the contents of the towers in mid-air.

They are falling into and beneath the cloud of dust / debris, it's still falling, it didn't just explode. Nothing is exploding mid air, unless you're basically saying they were exploded after being ejected from other explosives, in which case the entire building was basically a 110-story bomb. All those explosives would make it pretty easy to spot the use being used, don't you think? Where did all of that go?

there wasn't enough force downwards to cause that kind of damage without assistance of some kind of explosive device.

For the structural system such as WTC, the energy required to arrest the collapse after a drop of only one or several stories would have to be an order of magnitude higher than the energy dissipation capacity of the structural system used in WTC - Link

In this way it is hoped to decide if the observed collapse events could have occurred without the help of explosives or, indeed, without any input from other external sources of energy. - Link

This 9-11 WTC victim's family member would agree.

Way to play the sympathy card again, unfortunately their emotional ties in the matter does not effect the truth of the matter. Regardless, I haven't looked into the actual numbers of family members that actually think it was an inside job. Knowing truthers though, somethings probably been twisted every which way.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by argentus

You are welcome. There is a problem with the chain of custody. however, what do you do when the agencies responsible for investigating do not preserve the evidence? I guess one has to rely on witness provided evidence that they collected the dust samples by affidavit.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by impressme

we clearly see it vaporized into it own self

You can clearly see? The only reason you think it got "vaporized" is because you can't see it, it's falling into the debris / dust cloud.

When the top fell over we can see there is no pan caking of the floors, yet every square inch of concrete is pulverized, into a fine dust before it even hits the ground. We do not even need science to tell us this, it is clear as day just watching all the videos.

I didn't know you can compute the physics data and just about any field relevant to 9/11 with your eyes. The floors are being crushed under the large portion building that's falling, they're pancaking.

Seriously, you make it sound like everyone who doesn't believe your theories is just insanely in love with the government that they couldn't fathom the possibility of the government not caring about them. I've never ever even met someone like that, regardless of their beliefs about anything. Yes, I'm completely aware of how stupid politicians can be, but I also realize that they pretty useless when it comes to doing things, like massive conspiracy's or their jobs, correctly. Lying to cover up mistakes in defense or lying because you've caught them in some over complicated conspiracy?

No I don't love politicians, nor am I brainwashed by the media or military. Debunkers are a lot more 'awake' to any situation than truthers are...Not every single thing is out to get you.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:40 AM
Russians are slowly re-digging the trench separating its citizens from the US. Slowly, peacefully, they format people's minds through biased TV reports, false flag operations against their own people and stuff, false pretenses to claim parts of the Arctic Ocean to secure resources...

It's easier for Russia, compared to the US.
1. Most of Rusians have a low education level. I mean, very low.
2. Any open critic of the government ends up in jail or in a graveyard.
Look what happened to Anna Politovskaia among others...

way to go dimitri

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by ugie1028

New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside.' Video: Russia Today






I know these images were posted a few days ago, but I thought id add Russia todays coverage because they seem to take this issue more seriously than the MSM.

I have included recent threads from last week below. if i missed any, just add them to the thread. Thanks!

Recent related threads:

9/11 Occam's Razor

Bob Kerrey (911 comm) admits 911 was Pre-Planned

PROOF that Building 7 was demolished with explosives!!!

Absolute proof: A Pentagon picture montage from start to finish

EDIT: broken linky & changed title a little... Added another Thread link.

[edit on 2/14/2010 by ugie1028]

Russia Today = not trustworthy.

And several of the linked threads have been debunked/shown not to be PROOF.

More bull# from the faith based community.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:32 AM
Looks like the 9/11 conspiracy is breaking into the MSM.
Something is going on

'Smoking gun'

However, a group of architects, engineers and scientists say the official explanation that fires caused the collapse is impossible. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth argue there must have been a controlled demolition.

The founder of the group, Richard Gage, says the collapse of the third tower is an obvious example of a controlled demolition using explosives.

"Building Seven is the smoking gun of 9/11. A sixth grader can look at this building falling at virtually freefall speed, symmetrically and smoothly, and see that it is not a natural process.

"Buildings that fall in natural processes fall to the path of least resistance", says Gage, "they don't go straight down through themselves."

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:51 AM
It really is pretty obvious when looking at these photos and watching videos of the collapse that it was not caused by structural failure at the top of the building. Basic common sense is all that is needed to figure this out.

If the collapse was caused by the plane hitting the building, the top section would still have to bash through all of the undamaged floors below the failure as well as the massive central core. You can see from one of the photos how high the plane hit. There is no way that the weight of that top section could pulverise the entire building to the ground in seconds and with what seems like no resitence at all.

Considering the speed that the buildings fell I think most rationally minded people would agree that the OS is absurd at best.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:59 AM
The evidence pointing to inside job is overwhelming. Yet some of these people on ATS still buy the official story
. That is quite a phenomena.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Mr_Awesome
It really is pretty obvious when looking at these photos and watching videos of the collapse that it was not caused by structural failure at the top of the building. Basic common sense is all that is needed to figure this out.

If the collapse was caused by the plane hitting the building, the top section would still have to bash through all of the undamaged floors below the failure as well as the massive central core. You can see from one of the photos how high the plane hit. There is no way that the weight of that top section could pulverise the entire building to the ground in seconds and with what seems like no resitence at all.

Considering the speed that the buildings fell I think most rationally minded people would agree that the OS is absurd at best.

The 'Bunkers are losing.

Threads like this are the only reason I come to ATS and I can see it gaining steam. 'Bunkers thought it was over after the Loose Change guys left the limelight, but it looks like common sense it taking center stage, and there is nothing these 'Bunkers hate more than logic.

Hopefully they'll all share a cell.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by TylerKing

yea they are losing... the poll we had a few weeks ago i think its like 415-15?

overwhelmingly indisputably being beaten.

Thread actually made the front page! good job guys!

the truth, and common sense will always prevail over lies, and delusions.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:17 AM
Yeah it seems more info being released lately. Maybe I should post my own never before seen pictures ;-) (I lived near the pentagon and took pics and video minutes after the crash. I also knew someone who worked at the pentagon at the time and was lucky they were not killed).

I look forward to the day when ALL of the info is released, but sadly this will probably be decades before being declassified.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Blazer

you should upload them and share them with ATS. especially in the pentagon threads!

I was in HS when this happened. i remember recording video (school camera) from the second floor. I still have to go back there and see if i can grab a copy... if they let me. that would be a great thread to make if i can get my hands on it!

the video just showed how the building just collapsed like a banana peel. then in the center of the smoke... poof w/e was in the middle of the building disappeared.

[edit on 2/15/2010 by ugie1028]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Blazer
Yeah it seems more info being released lately. Maybe I should post my own never before seen pictures ;-) (I lived near the pentagon and took pics and video minutes after the crash.

Do it. There is no time like the present, and even if you might not see anything important someone else might, you never know.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by GoodFella

That article, which doesn't specifically endorse the conspiracy and clearly lays out a non-demo explanation is almost 2 years old... seems like it's a bit of a stretch to use that as a justifications for "9/11 truther movement hitting MSM".

More like, "Truther conspiracy mentioned once on BBC website 2 years ago".

More distortions.

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