posted on Mar, 6 2003 @ 03:13 AM
I've had similar issues with receiving big emails with nothing in them. Normally it was a security setting in Outlook Express. If I were all of you
I would simply switch to Linux. It is by far a superior product compared to anything MS could even dream of putting out. The reason being is that
the coding is freely available to the world which in turn puts millions of coding hours into making it even better. If you think about it MS is
merely confined to the best of their limited programmers. Regardless, it is very very difficult to get a virus in Linux, as most of them require that
you be logged in as root (super user) It comes with built in firewall software, and it also uses what's called IPtables and IPchains which is another
security feature on top of that all for free. Also, few, if no crashes. I've been running Red Hat 8 for about 2 months and have not a single crash
or hang. Updates, no need to check for updates every single day, as the updates that are given are for the better. I would recommend to most
people to gradually switch, as it will take some time to get familiar with it. I would start with Mandrake Linux version 9.0. Almost all hardware is
supported, and it comes built in with a program that will allow you to install most Windows only apps on it. So, my advice GO LINUX!!!