posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 08:59 AM
Greece is not the first country ever to go by by...
It is not like it is a country alone, so they can't just print money. The question there is more who gets paid what, and maybe who has such old
intrests paid up and they have to loose some intrest on the deal.
As the currency is quarantied by others they still have means to manouver.
The big problem we al are seeing. That money and value disagree. Our economy ist stabilising itself into oblivion.
For a sound economy you have to have some inflation. Not a lot, but more than intressts.
We live in a situation the bread made and sold two years ago is worth the same than one sold today. And that is not true. the one sold two years ago
is history. The one sold today means work today, and someone gets fed.
If you can put a hundret bucks in a bank and allways get the same or more back...
If you buy a house and although the hous gets older its becomming worth more and more...
It is like a perpetum mobile in physiks...
No they don't work here nore there, somtimes it looks like it, but somtimes there is a bill to be paid.
The Problem we have now, we wan't to honor history the same as the present. It won't work.
The big problem as I see it: The banks tried to make money out of nothing. They took a baloon filled it with air and said, we are serious you can
trust us this is worth so much.
As long as handeled carefully everything went well. until the first baloon blows.
Now we know how that went.
We the ordinary people had to bail the idiots out, because we need banks to work.
Now they are doing the same tricks over again.
I mean more or less the United States took a lot of privat insolvencieces and sold that to the rest of the world. Those still can't come up with all
the mony that is gone.
Any economic system can survive a crash, but there must be a reconsillation in the trust lost.
That is where it realy gets treacherous. If you can't trust a bank any more... you loose the possibility to interchange goods for money.
Once upon the times there was a gold reserve to stand against the paper currency. Nowadays a Bank takes out a loan to the reserve, the security for
that loan is all there is. If the bank does not have enough security no loan... less money. deflation.
Belive me we need inflaton, inflation gives importance to the now, and history to yesterday.
Just the superrich won't like that one. They have the most to loose on this one.
As to prepare for bad times. As a plumber have pipes. There will allways be a demand, maybe no money to pay you, but maybe bread to be had. And the
like If you can satisfy a local market you won't go out of bussines.
Some regions have local currencies, to help keep the money local, that might be a way to keep your town running if the rest crahses