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Paranormal State Captures Image of Jersey Devil

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posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 08:37 AM
If everyone would go back and review this footage instead of relying on cryptic single frame images and people just seeing what they WANT to see, then it would be painfully obvious that it was nothing more than a deer behind branches in the foreground. This is certainly not the first time that the retards at paranormal state have had footage of a deer in the woods and tried to make it look like a "paranormal" encounter.
I want to believe in these enduring mysteries more than anyone, but I will never believe a deer is a paranormal creature just to prove to myself that it exists.
Please exercise a bit more discretion in your beliefs people. With willingness to believe being this rampant, its no wonder that our government so easily lies to us and has manipulated us to the point that our nation is the pathetic ruin that it is today.
Let's work on that eh?

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:09 AM
well to me it looks like a bee flying across the screen
but I'm no expert.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:41 AM
Jersey Devil will be investigated tonight on Destination Truth, on Sci-Fi (or Syfy, as the nincompoops have renamed it), tonight, 10 eastern time.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:48 AM
I have to say I love josh gates' show destination truth. Not for his validity but for the sheer entertainment factor. True, some of his evidence is questionable, and I mean really, ALL paranormal and cryptozoological investigations have to take place at night? Its just a show, but I appreciate that josh gates is a lot faster to call bs even from the start of each show. Let's see what he finds tonight, but I'm not holding out for proof.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
reply to post by xynephadyn

I don't want to bring the OP or anyone on this thread down, so, please don't take my statement here as a personal insult against anyone...but, Paranormal State is far from being "real."

This. Very much so, there are plenty of people who have been on that show, that are mortified at their conduct.

Be very careful accepting any evidence they put forward.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 05:53 PM
Good thread. My first post goes to your star

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by KoraX

Have a source on Paranormal State not being legit a lot of the time?

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by KoraX

I completely agree. IMO, PRS is right up there with Least Haunted!

I just watched the Jersey Devil show lastnight for the first time.

Now, it was a semi-interesting opening but is it just me or is the ENTIRE group catatonic the entire time except for Ryan? This show just pisses me off. All the retarded "audio journal" statements that Ryan makes all just sound completely staged for the show (LAME). Then you have all these young kids who look like they're throwing their lives away by following this "Ryan" guy who honestly is better at dramatizing B.S. than finding paranormal phenomenon. I'm almost wondering why they aren't called "Paranormal Acne Society"! Now that my anti-PRS rant is out of the way..

I was shocked to see Bill from "UFO Hunters" on the investigation for the Jersey Devil. Just strikes me as a little odd.

The footage itself was pretty interesting but difficult to determine as to what it might be. It's true that whatever heat signatures were being picked up by the FLIR appeared to be in the shape of the creature that people have been seeing for hundreds of years but what I didn't think was focused on enough were the creature's movements. If they would have been studied a little closer they might have been able to debunk other possibilties as to what it could've been. Of coarse, they didn't. I only saw the movements of the creature for a split second but something didn't seem right as if it was closer to them than they thought. Of coarse, They lack focus on debunking in general though and this is just how they operate.

Few groups really do such a good job that any evidence they capture is difficult to refute. There are also very few TV shows about the paranormal that are even worth watching. Destination Truth is somewhat dramatized but it's decent (Gotta love Josh Gates!). Ghost Hunters is my personal fav! But at least you can watch either show and feel like you didn't waste your time. Alot of times Ryan's show just seems like 30 minutes of dramatization and zero evidence of anything at all. Which, again, begs the question why they don't debunk more. They could at least avoid alot of those really awkward "homeowner in tears" moments if they can disprove the claims of activity instead of finding NOTHING AT ALL. And it strikes me that the lack of debunking is deliberate to dramatize the show. **GAG**

Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson from Ghost Hunters are extremely good authors. I can vouch for that personally since I've read some of their books. I haven't heard any of Grant's music yet but I hear it's amazing. They had a radio show called "Beyond Reality Radio" that eventually became syndicated. It was an amazing show really. They even challenged the lady from Most Haunted once for like half an hour which was just awesome! She was so MAD at them too!


posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:46 AM
I know Ryan. He's an egomaniacal fraud. Here is some evidence of his lies.

He presented Father Bob Bailey as performing an excorcism. Father Bob has never performed an excorcism. In his words. Ryan intentionally represented deliverance as excorcism.

Ryan said he'd performed excorcisms for the catholic church. Not the case ever.

In I am 6. He had to obtain an excorcist from 1000 miles away because the girl was refused by the catholic church. Why couldn't he get an excorcist with 1000 miles to help the girl. Oh because she was faking.

Have you ever seen them do deadtime then bring in Chip the next day prior to the next dead time? Yet Everyone in the cast is wearing the same clothes?

Here's a link from one of the families they helped stating they faked the entire show.

But the Jersey Devil thermal image was obviously a deer or a pair of deer. Mother and a fawn perhaps?

Then adding Bill from UFO Hunters? THe most gullible and blindly unobjective person in the field.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:49 PM
very odd looking i wonder how it came about

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:17 AM
If this image is a jersey devil then it is also an alien transport. enhanced by and for debris765nju imo

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:33 AM
I am the FIRST to admit that the majority if not ALL ghost shows on TV now adays are complete BS. But, as a ghost hunter and medium I continue to watch them. Mostly for entertainment value.

As far as paranormal state is concerned, yes I have heard that they create alot of their evidence. I thought that the video footage of what they captures of the Jersey Devil was interesting none-the-less which is why I posted it on here.

I personally knew a psychic in my town who was on Paranormal State. She is a complete and utter scam artist. She has no idea what she is talking about- and the amount of money she charges people is downright robbery!

Chip Coffee - omg you could get me started down a long long angry path. I think he is a camera whore who can't get enough publicity. His show that he has - Psychic Kids-- in season 1- he would actually bring them into a haunted house and have them spend the night in it. This terrified the children. I completely disagree with his methods. I actually wrote the show and complained about it but never heard anything back. In season two he did less- terrorizing of children- but still is callous with his methods of exposing children to the supernatural.

A good friend of mine had a private reading done by him several years ago, and he did not get anything right. Any of the reading. She was trying to contact he deceased husband- apparantly he couldnt get in contact with him so he just started making up stuff. As a medium this pisses me off. Why not just say- he is unavailable. Would you like me to try someone else?

Oh well- its always best to be skeptical when dealing with the paranormal, especially paranormal reality television. But- I still truly believe that the Jersey Devil exists- and it would be really fascinating if any proof did surface!

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn

Oh well- its always best to be skeptical when dealing with the paranormal, especially paranormal reality television.

And with keeping the above in mind i have a question. How does one become a paranormal expert? Are there paranormal expert classes you can take and a degree you obtain or is it a self made title?
Just curious because i see alot of people making claims and not one person with any PROOF they can really channel a spirit or prove spirits exists. I know people who after reading 2 books and joiing a wicca group all of a sudden posses supposed psychic powers ( or shall i say claim they had it alwasy but didnt realize it) and can now read tarot cards and tell me vague nondescript things about my future lol.

You people slay me.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 10:39 AM
This is a definite fake.

The Jersey Devil is supposed to fly, right? Well look at the size of those wings on that animal! Because the animal itself is so large, the wings would have to be absolutely enormous compared to known flying animals just so it could get off the ground, never mind stay in mid-flight.

I think Paranormal State hoaxed this. It would be pretty easy, actually. Maybe there was really a deer on the video and they edited to make it look like it had wings. Maybe there was no animal there at all and the crew faked their reactions. Matter of fact, I think a lot of their paranormal encounters are faked because they have them ALL the time. If they were more like the Ghost Hunters, they wouldn't have SO many encounters, making them more believable.

Why would PS want to fake this? For the sake of entertainment. I think PA is actually a really bad paranormal investigating crew, and they were afraid they would lose viewers, and money, because they would keep coming up with nothing. So they started faking stuff so people would become more interested in the show. The result: the misleading idea that they caught a cryptid--that has never before been caught on video--on tape.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by fizzy1

Actually, the truth is stranger than you might imagine. If you really wanted to look for the truth you'd find it. It just might not be what you expect.

People don't look hard enough. Real "Paranormal" activity is hard to come by. But if you let go of your preconcieved notions and ideas about reality TV shows, you'd discover that phenomenon is very real and very bizarre.

The definition of "evidence" varies. But seeing is believing.

I might also point to the consistent aspects of the activity.. (EVP's, high EMF's, hot and cold spots, apparitions, battery drains, etc..).

All of these have been documented to varying degrees. But to really see the truth and witness it first hand you have to get out there and see for yourself. IMO, it's just extremely difficult to form a conclusion without experiencing the paranormal for yourself. Everyone should be extremely skeptical because its the best way to piece together everything the paranormal represents but also because of the charlatans.

Granted, PRS does a horrible job at investigating the paranormal. From what I've seen they're more the exception than the rule. Same with "Most Haunted". It's difficult for people to take any evidence you capture seriously when you do nothing to debunk the claims of activity. Then you do nothing but advocate your group and act dramatic on your TV show. It's so much easier to hype/dramatize the phenomenon in general than do any REAL investigating.

If you really want to see what the paranormal is, you have to join a group for yourself and get out into the field. Experiencing it first-hand is the only way people can starting understanding it. And you probably won't be on TV either


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by fizzy1

Originally posted by xynephadyn

Oh well- its always best to be skeptical when dealing with the paranormal, especially paranormal reality television.

And with keeping the above in mind i have a question. How does one become a paranormal expert? Are there paranormal expert classes you can take and a degree you obtain or is it a self made title?
Just curious because i see alot of people making claims and not one person with any PROOF they can really channel a spirit or prove spirits exists. I know people who after reading 2 books and joiing a wicca group all of a sudden posses supposed psychic powers ( or shall i say claim they had it alwasy but didnt realize it) and can now read tarot cards and tell me vague nondescript things about my future lol.

You people slay me.

I call myself a Paranormal expert, because I am. I help many of our members here on ATS with my knowledge and in many cases, they have become clients of mine. All of which I do completely free of charge. It is not my job, nor anyone elses to prove to you that the paranormal/metaphysical exists. Your lack of maturity is evident.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

It has a tentative smile - trying to make friends.

Could be a new species.

Or could be a hoax.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 10:21 AM
The object in the video WAS a deer and there are NO wings. That was the deer's back. There was brush and a limb partially obscuring the cameras visibility. I honestly don't understand how this kind of false and incredibly easily identified film is still being debated.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by quantumspiral1919

This type of post makes me think we have agents from politcal boards coming on here to mess with us--conservative or liberal, it doesn't matter, it's wrong.

Hey, dip, this isn't a forum for politics, this is a forum for cryptozoology--go over to the political forum if you want that!

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:48 AM
that thing looks like a chicken man

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